***Official Political Discussion Thread***

shake shack is expensive af for fast food.

hand out a couple buzzing food notifiers and throw some wood on the walls and 💸💸💸

I mean to me their burgers from a fast food are second to none. Only 5 guys to me matches. Their fries can burn in hell tho. I don’t feel bad paying for better quality food because it’s mostly made from better quality products.

Though at the same time, I’ve been slowly trying to cut more and more meat from my diet and have been generally very successful mostly because I subconsciously have started to feel guilty for all the slaughtered animals. Maybe if the people who raised these animals treated them better like my grand parents did back in Poland when they raised them for personal use I wouldn’t feel as bad. But I know they are treated like trash, especially as they are getting slaughtered. It’s not hard to replace that meat with some extra greens and protein substitutes and feel full as hell.

don’t get it twisted, I still love me a steak here and there. But we don’t need to eat meat 3x per day as humans. It’s why we are obese now and why the rest of the world is catching up our obesity levels.
PROBABLY not? Cmon Rex...

Understatement as rhetorical device, my man.

I’d hope that, people who know my politics would see it but for those who don’t, of course MLK, Huey, Malcolm and Freddy getting killed by the American state is worse.

Hell, Bernie losing in 2016 and 2020 and a Jesse Jackson losing in 1988, are at least partially a result of those four men being killed and unable to realize their vision. An American where Fred Hampton is alive today, is one where Bernie and Jesse win a presidential primary but one where they might not have even run because their politics would be mai stream and unremarkable.
Yeah it’s good for fast food.

our diet in America is 100% trash for the most part but I’d also like to blame people being stagnant as hell for being fat af. Then to top it off they are crushing Taco Bell breakfast everyday before they head into the office to stare into a screen working on their tps reports.

I get what you’re saying though, I feel the worst for dairy cows and pigs. I rarely eat pork for that reason. I can’t tell you the last time I had it.

beef doesn’t bother me, they have a chill life for the most part. I wish there was a way to know who processed it though.
someone come get delk
not gonna defend the specific wording, definitely did not stick the landing on that one, but for me the common thread there is a societal rejection of well-timed ideas.

America did not weep for MLK at all but similarly in 30 years will pretend it embraced DemSoc ideas in this era because of Bernie.

the eviction moratorium expires 31 January.
-Biden extended it to March 31st I believe

-I think the person that made that Tweet is way ******* off. I don't think the comparison can be made. I think the problem goes beyond one being worse than the other.

Furthermore, I believe that in 30 years America will not embrace Democratic Socialism, especially not what Bernie was pushing.

And if that happens, then that says something ****** about America because Jesse Jackson ran on similar principles that he is largely forgotten.
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I wonder how far you could get on the counter-argument "your 'discount' on fast food comes out of fair employee wages and increases the demand on taxpayer funded public assistance?"

The reason I believe fast food restaurants don't increase prices is because they need to keep a strangle hold on the people who are addicted or the impoverished communities. You can raise fast food $2 a meal and I wouldn't care bc I rarely eat fast food. If I have fast food 5 times a year that's $10. But for the people they have addicted to their food, that can be $20+ a week.

So if their choice is have their employees paid a living wage or underpay them so they can keep people hooked, they don't even have to think twice.
I feel that leftists and Bernie supporters generally being in such a rush to organize a resistance to Biden, instead of doing some self-reflection on their failures, will line them up for more failures in the future.

Bernie losing doesn't make you a victim of any kind. Especially not of the Democratic Party or their voters.
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higher wages = people can afford real food = fast food has to get even cheaper to get people to buy it

econ 101, maybe


prices go up, people stop buying fast food, american health and life expectancy increases, less GDP spent on health care, productivity booms, everybody affords da hemi
The common thread is that capital and the American state and the hegemonic media and popular culture and education systems will do whatever it takes to prevent working people from linking up and claim what is theirs.

America operates on the sociological terrain that exists so of course its more likely to escalate to assassination if the threat is a black personality who doesn’t rely on electoral politics to challenge capital and the state. If you can be neutralized through electoral means and you have weaknesses in your coalition building, America doesn’t have to kill you. If Jesse Jackson or Bernie get nominated and elected president, it’s very likely someone within the American state would have killed them or at least tried to.

That’s at the leadership level. The American state also uses varying levels of violence against groups that threaten capital’s hegemony. Again, white supremacy plays a role in how severe that violence is. The American state is more likely to kill and incarcerate black people to break any spirit of resistance. Meanwhile, America has to be more gentle in its approach to another threat, educated and downwardly mobile young people. Since that group is more likely to be white, America breaks resistance by burying that group in student and medical debt and labor precarity.
I feel that leftists and Bernie supporters generally being in such a rush to organize a resistance to Biden, instead of doing some self-reflection on their failures, will line them up for more failures in the future.

Bernie losing doesn't make you a victim of any kind. Especially not of the Democratic Party or their voters.

Bernie isn’t running again. But America is style a terrible place for most people. We’re not so much organizing again at Biden. We’re trying to organize fellow workers so we have more say in our system.

Sure, there will be some online media types whose whole schtick will be being reflexively anti Biden but that’s not what the left is generally concerned about. It’s mostly going to be about mutual aid and direct action and building power outside of electoralism.
The common thread is that capital and the American state and the hegemonic media and popular culture and education systems will do whatever it takes to prevent working people from linking up and claim what is theirs.

America operates on the sociological terrain that exists so of course its more likely to escalate to assassination if the threat is a black personality who doesn’t rely on electoral politics to challenge capital and the state. If you can be neutralized through electoral means and you have weaknesses in your coalition building, America doesn’t have to kill you. If Jesse Jackson or Bernie get nominated and elected president, it’s very likely someone within the American state would have killed them or at least tried to.

That’s at the leadership level. The American state also uses varying levels of violence against groups that threaten capital’s hegemony. Again, white supremacy plays a role in how severe that violence is. The American state is more likely to kill and incarcerate black people to break any spirit of resistance. Meanwhile, America has to be more gentle in its approach to another threat, educated and downwardly mobile young people. Since that group is more likely to be white, America breaks resistance by burying that group in student and medical debt and labor precarity.
Dude, no one stole anything from Bernie and his supporters

You dudes have to come to terms with that.
higher wages = people can afford real food = fast food has to get even cheaper to get people to buy it

econ 101, maybe


prices go up, people stop buying fast food, american health and life expectancy increases, less GDP spent on health care, productivity booms, everybody affords da hemi
Fun fact, the largest farms in America is dependent on fast food buying their stock. The government has bailed out these same farmers just the other year. Fast food prices/what they push depends on what items they have too much of and can’t get rid of fast enough. Example: too much chicken = 20 nuggets for a dollar.

Y’all really earring cheap trash though? Like putting low grade gas into a Ferrari. No sir
I just wanted to say got dammit it was great to see Fauci today and the smile he had! I wanted to hug him and have some beers with him after seeing the complete change in body language.

The man Benjamin Buttoned and looked 10 years younger today with this new administration.
Fun fact, the largest farms in America is dependent on fast food buying their stock. The government has bailed out these same farmers just the other year. Fast food prices/what they push depends on what items they have too much of and can’t get rid of fast enough. Example: too much chicken = 20 nuggets for a dollar.
thanks. I learned something new today.

it's funny that Republicans talk about this ideal of the mythical conservative small town farmer, when in reality most food is coming from mega-farms run by corporations staying afloat through federal subsidies (welfare).

meanwhile the last remaining small family farms, the ones MAGAs love to romanticize, are only around because kale-eating liberals in big cities are willing to pay a premium for locally-sourced organic food.

I don't know if any of this is factual but I think Dems should make this narrative more mainstream.
thanks. I learned something new today.

it's funny that Republicans talk about this ideal of the mythical conservative small town farmer, when in reality most food is coming from mega-farms run by corporations staying afloat through give federal subsidies (welfare).

meanwhile the last remaining small family farms, the ones MAGAs love to romanticize, are only around because kale-eating liberals in big cities are willing to pay a premium for locally-sourced organic food.

I don't know if any of this is factual but I think Dems should make this narrative more mainstream.
To add to that, majority of medication is given to........ animals. The ones these farmers breed. That money funnels into who? Big pharma corporations who in turn medicate the people they help turn unhealthy. It’s a complete money cycle. One of the largest that keeps America going.
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