***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Saudi (biggest oil produced in the world) sells oil in USD. That keeps the demand for USD high. The Fed can print all the money want and the USD inflation rate will still be low.

That's why the US didn't hesitate to help topple Gadafi and outright invade Iraq and kill Saddam.

Libya and Iraq has tons of oil. Both Saddam and Gadafi were planning to sell their nation's oil not with USD anymore. Gadafi planned to sell oil with a planned United States of Africa type of currency backed by Gold. Sadam changed or planned to change accepting euros instead kf USD for iraqi oil.

Keep in mind, first thing the US did is have Iraq sell oil in USD again after desert storm 2.
Probably Delk too. Ashy as his skin is you know he likes white dust
Delk probably at the capitol ready to celebrate Biden in a Dunder Mifflin hat.

Real Tears!!!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I just think that a lot of things don’t add up, and that it makes sense from the military industrial complex point of view. Escalate a fear of terrorists, giving us reasons to spend so much more on military, weapons, etc all while getting heroin out of the Middle East to bring back to the US and profit while destroying its citizens.

Definitely. I'm more talking about the outrageous theories that defy science or are extremely farfetched. Enabling and then looking the other way makes the most sense to me.
Don't know if posted.....
Proud Boys are ditching Trump hours after he left the White House for good, calling him a 'shill' and 'extraordinarily weak'

  • The Proud Boys, once staunch allies of Trump, are calling him a "shill" and "extraordinarily weak," The New York Times reported.
  • The group is upset he didn't put up a bigger fight to stay in office.
  • And it is frustrated he hasn't helped any of the members who were arrested in connection with the siege of the Capitol.

Saudi (biggest oil produced in the world) sells oil in USD. That keeps the demand for USD high. The Fed can print all the money want and the USD inflation rate will still be low.

That's why the US didn't hesitate to help topple Gadafi and outright invade Iraq and kill Saddam.

Libya and Iraq has tons of oil. Both Saddam and Gadafi were planning to sell their nation's oil not with USD anymore. Gadafi planned to sell oil with a planned United States of Africa type of currency backed by Gold. Sadam changed or planned to change accepting euros instead kf USD for iraqi oil.

Keep in mind, first thing the US did is have Iraq sell oil in USD again after desert storm 2.

Are you sure the US purchases that much oil from the Middle East because the facts will tell you otherwise. The US never purchased that much from the Middle East, almost all our purchases are local. Meaning Mexico and Canada and some South American countries. We maybe get like 15% of our oil imports outside of those countries. The statistics are easy to find.

Now should the US as a whole maybe rethink who we align with in the Middle East? Most definitely, I think the saudis are horrendous and are causing genocide there, just look at Yemen. And even though Iran gets all this hate, why are we hating on a country where the general population is pretty progressive for a Muslim nation that is ruled by religion. The reason some hate us there is because of how we planted a pawn there for decades until they revolted. The history of US Iranian relations are much deeper than the last 12 years.
Don't know if posted.....
Proud Boys are ditching Trump hours after he left the White House for good, calling him a 'shill' and 'extraordinarily weak'

  • The Proud Boys, once staunch allies of Trump, are calling him a "shill" and "extraordinarily weak," The New York Times reported.
  • The group is upset he didn't put up a bigger fight to stay in office.
  • And it is frustrated he hasn't helped any of the members who were arrested in connection with the siege of the Capitol.

someone come get delk
Are you sure the US purchases that much oil from the Middle East because the facts will tell you otherwise. The US never purchased that much from the Middle East, almost all our purchases are local. Meaning Mexico and Canada and some South American countries. We maybe get like 15% of our oil imports outside of those countries. The statistics are easy to find.

Now should the US as a whole maybe rethink who we align with in the Middle East? Most definitely, I think the saudis are horrendous and are causing genocide there, just look at Yemen. And even though Iran gets all this hate, why are we hating on a country where the general population is pretty progressive for a Muslim nation that is ruled by religion. The reason some hate us there is because of how we planted a pawn there for decades until they revolted. The history of US Iranian relations are much deeper than the last 12 years.

It's not that the US has to purchase Saudi oil. Its that whoever has to buy Saudi Oil has to use USD. This is tens of millions of dollars of trade using USD everyday. That much much involved means sigficant demand that maintains value to the USD. The Saudi has been doing this for 50 years. So it's imbedded in everyone's system to use USD. The Euro was a scare to the USD in the early 2000's. But that fizzled.
Saudi (biggest oil produced in the world) sells oil in USD. That keeps the demand for USD high. The Fed can print all the money want and the USD inflation rate will still be low.

That's why the US didn't hesitate to help topple Gadafi and outright invade Iraq and kill Saddam.

Libya and Iraq has tons of oil. Both Saddam and Gadafi were planning to sell their nation's oil not with USD anymore. Gadafi planned to sell oil with a planned United States of Africa type of currency backed by Gold. Sadam changed or planned to change accepting euros instead kf USD for iraqi oil.

Keep in mind, first thing the US did is have Iraq sell oil in USD again after desert storm 2.
Ehhh, I don't really buy this argument

I generally believe inflation stays low because America's macroeconomy is structured in a way that keeps it low. Globalization, cheap energy, market consolidation, and workers have less strength in the labor market.

Plus some sectors have been hyperinflating during that period. Like education and healthcare, could reach and throw housing in there too (in big metros). Which shows how market conditions can work in the opposite way.

Also, the US is the largest oil producer in the world, we buy mostly from Cancada, we had a fracking boom recently that has resulted in natural gas being substituted for crude oil in some uses, and renewables have been dropping in cost. The correlation between oil prices and inflation has been getting weaker and weaker since the 70s also.

I think the constant middle east cluster**** the US is constantly in has more to do with other factors than oil.

Hell the US might be in for a little spike inflation this summer if vaccine campaigns are successful and we a surge in demand for leisure activities.

The Fed should make the money printing go burr though. I mean they have already been doing that, which is good.
PROBABLY not? Cmon Rex...

not gonna defend the specific wording, definitely did not stick the landing on that one, but for me the common thread there is a societal rejection of well-timed ideas.

America did not weep for MLK at all but similarly in 30 years will pretend it embraced DemSoc ideas in this era because of Bernie.

the eviction moratorium expires 31 January.
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