Sorry Warriors fans, but no team wants Pietrus.

The Artest to Spurs trade intrigues me, but I can't see who they would give up in order to make us happy/it work. Expirings/picks/youth. I can see theexpirings part, but the Spurs are going to have to be willing to throw in at least a draft pick. Which, from last I heard, they weren't willing to partwith.

Oh, and I'm going to go out on a limb and say the next player traded is Tyronn Lue. For a draft pick. Hopefully in the first round.
Originally Posted by pkballr

Sorry Warriors fans, but no team wants Pietrus.

The Artest to Spurs trade intrigues me, but I can't see who they would give up in order to make us happy/it work. Expirings/picks/youth. I can see the expirings part, but the Spurs are going to have to be willing to throw in at least a draft pick. Which, from last I heard, they weren't willing to part with.

Hold up, the Spurs want Artest?!?!
HELL NO, that's bad news for the rest of the West.
But I don't see the Spurs doing it, they're already getting old as it is.

On a sidenote, Pietrus is expiring + they have a big trade exception. The Warriors should make a move
Originally Posted by pkballr

Sorry Warriors fans, but no team wants Pietrus.

don't remind us
. ask anyone that knows me, i was so ecstaticthat pietrus was finally gonna be gone and then they go and bring him back
.then i hope he can increase his trade value out there and all he does is mess it. he can't even handle the game when he plays with the 2nd and 3rdstringers because he thinks he's better than everyone else and tries taking over, only to fail.

and i think kings fans rate artest too high. they say either give up prospects/picks or take on KT. and to tell you the truth i don't think any teamshould considering they'd be renting him for 30 games and then he's probably gone. no use to give up anything of real value because chances are thathe's with another team next season.
Saw this on a Raptors forum, and pray to god this isnt true. Parker + Andrea for Okafor I dont like this trade.

I LOVE it.

Will it happen? No.

Pietrus is GOAT Pietrus for..Leon POWE!!!

I love how Leon Powe has broke out this year, good for him.
Another source said there had been preliminary discussions on a three-way trade that would include, among other things, Carter going to the New York Knicks, Eddy Curry to Miami and the expiring contracts of Jason Williams and Ricky Davis to New Jersey.
Was reading up on that...

I don't like that deal for the Nets. I understand the expiring contracts, but Jason Williams? A 4th backup PG for us now? & Ricky Davis at the startingSG?

Hopefully Rod & Kiki stay away from that one.
please with the eddy curry stuff to miami,

riley isn't stupid, stupid would be bringing eddy curry to miami
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Saw this on a Raptors forum, and pray to god this isnt true. Parker + Andrea for Okafor I dont like this trade.

I LOVE it.

Will it happen? No.

I dont. Reason being is that Okafor has yet to play a full season without injury (this year might be it I think...), but the fact of the matter is,Parker is rarely injured, as well as Andrea. Another thing is, Andrea is finally getting out of his "slump" he had. It has taken longer than manyhave hoped, but he is finally showing glimpses of last year's Andrea out there. Its only his second year, give him time. As well, with Parker, you willrarely find a player like him, who will do those things that are lost in this league; play hard D, hustle for loose balls, do all of the little things. As muchas we need a big man in the paint, we cant give up those guys.

I dont know why Colangelo isnt trying to put together Joey + Dixon + Kapono. I mean, he can get a guy that is a proven rebounder. Thats all we need.
Originally Posted by AIRJORDAN JB23

Another source said there had been preliminary discussions on a three-way trade that would include, among other things, Carter going to the New York Knicks, Eddy Curry to Miami and the expiring contracts of Jason Williams and Ricky Davis to New Jersey.
Was reading up on that...

I don't like that deal for the Nets. I understand the expiring contracts, but Jason Williams? A 4th backup PG for us now? & Ricky Davis at the starting SG?

Hopefully Rod & Kiki stay away from that one.

I know you like Carter, but c'mon, thats a great trade for the future of the team. The longer the we keep Carter the harder it will be to get rid ofhim. Think about it, Rod was able to dump Collins, got a nice return for Kidd, all he needs to do is get expiring contracts for Carter and this team will be ingreat condition.
That Nets/Knicks/Heat deal is awesome for the Nets. If you can get out of the Vince Carter contract that fast it's a huge win for the Nets.
Riley likes to build teams around big centers. His preference is to coach with strong centers filling up the paint.

A short list

It won't be long until Riley gets his next center.
The Knicks have discussed several Carter trade possibilities with the Nets, including, in December, one scenario that the Knicks turned down because it would have cost them Jamal Crawford. (The teams have not made a trade with each other since 1981, when Mike Woodson went to the Nets from the Knicks.)

If Isiah Thomas does add money, that could bring the likes of Vince Carter (for whom he's lusted since Toronto turned down what he insists was a better offer than the Nets used to get him) and other big-ticket players into play by Thursday's 3 p.m. deadline. There was unconfirmed talk Tuesday that Thomas, who reportedly offered Zach Randolph for Carter earlier this season, is pursuing the Nets' guard one last time. Bergen Record

That chatter included a potential three-way deal to bring Carter to New York, send Eddy Curry to Miami and bring expiring Heat contracts to the Nets -- although that would wipe out the cap room Miami got by trading Shaquille O'Neal and intended to use to pursue free agents this summer. Bergen Record

But there's almost no chance Ben Gordon will be dealt by the NBA deadline Thursday. Bulls officials found out weeks ago there is little market for Gordon because of his salary expectations when he becomes a restricted free agent this summer. ''It is a huge obstacle,'' one source said. Chicago Sun-Times

Days after demurring when questioned on the same subject, Ben Gordon finally admitted he has considered signing the Bulls' one-year tender offer next summer and becoming an unrestricted free agent in the summer of 2009. "I definitely didn't go out of my way and say something to the organization trying to threaten them, but it is an option," Gordon said Tuesday. "Luol [Deng] has that option. Most guys in my position have that option." Chicago Tribune

With tomorrow's 3 p.m. trade deadline looming, the 76ers continue to get calls about Andre Miller. According to a league source, the Sixers have been telling teams that they are not interested in shopping the point guard. The source also said that with such an unpredictable trading frenzy, things could change from hour to hour. It would be a major surprise if Miller is traded, and for good reason. Philadelphia Inquirer

Heat coach Pat Riley said Tuesday the team has "discussed" using injured center Alonzo Mourning in a trade. But in the same breath, Riley said he doubts it will happen. "I don't know if I'd ever want to lose his rights; I don't know," he said. "We've discussed that, but I doubt very much if we'd put Zo in a trade." Palm Beach Post

That revelation, which came about rather casually after Tuesday's practice, is interesting on a couple of fronts. It indicates Mourning, who sustained a season-ending knee injury Dec. 19, might be contemplating a comeback, and it shows Riley has explored a variety of options leading up to Thursday's 3 p.m. trade deadline. Palm Beach Post

The Heat is rumored to have expressed some interest in acquiring additional point guard help. Several point guards reportedly are available, including Philadelphia's Andre Miller, Memphis' Kyle Lowry, Indiana's Jamaal Tinsley and Portland's Jarrett Jack. Memphis swingman Mike Miller also is considered available, though Riley downplayed that possibility last week. Miami Herald

Should the Kings trade Artest to Denver? A: Only if the Nuggets include Linas Kleiza and a first-round pick in the deal. Artest, 28, is an impact player, unique and immensely gifted defensively, and a versatile offensive contributor when not allowed to monopolize the ball. And in spite of his occasional outbursts, he has made a concerted effort to moderate his behavior. Sacramento Bee

One source said the Denver Nuggets were making "a harder push" in their efforts to acquire Ron Artest from the Kings, although it was unclear if that meant they were now willing to include Linas Kleiza or were re-exploring the possibility of trading Nene to Sacramento.
New York Knicks
Isiah Thomas continues to say it's unlikely the Knicks will do anything significant before the trade deadline, but chatter around the league suggests otherwise. Multiple sources say that Miami has interest in Eddy Curry. The Heat can offer Jason Williams' expiring contract in a straight-up deal. Or, if the Knicks want players back, they could try to work in a third team like New Jersey, which is trying to find a new home for Vince Carter.
If this is true, kill me now. I know that Riley loves (a) legit centers and (b) reclamation projects, but please Riles...this is Eddy $%&*!@#Curry we're talking about here.
I feel like a GM this week. I get up in the morning and instantly check the rumors/offers. The problem is if the Cavs don't get anyone I'm really goingto feel like Danny Ferry...
There is Rumors about Jermain O'neal to the Warriors for Pietrus, O'bryant and trade exception

[table][tr][td]Pacers Fielding Offers For J.O.[/td] [/tr][tr][td]February 20, 2008 - 7:50 am[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
The Indianapolis Star -
The Pacers are fielding offers for Jermaine O'Neal once again and have reportedly spoken to Golden State, New Jersey and Sacramento about the All-Star forward, according to The Indianapolis Star.

O'Neal can opt out of his contract at the end of the season, negating the final two years of his deal with Indiana.[/td] [/tr][/table]
Originally Posted by JDB1523

I feel like a GM this week. I get up in the morning and instantly check the rumors/offers. The problem is if the Cavs don't get anyone I'm really going to feel like Danny Ferry...
You know that the Cavs NEVER make a move at the deadline. The only way they can better their team is through free agency, because of the lack of capspace they have this year.
Between Jermaine O'neal and Chris Webber the Warriors should also be trading for wheelchairs to accommodate these players.

If you want busted old expensive junk, would you like Ben Wallace?
You cant add at Trade Exeption along with players... the Warriors can only use that exception for a player of equal or lesser value than it. So no way thatdeal rumored with GS and Ind. goes through....
Originally Posted by BallinBoykz

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Saw this on a Raptors forum, and pray to god this isnt true. Parker + Andrea for Okafor I dont like this trade.

I LOVE it.

Will it happen? No.
I dont. Reason being is that Okafor has yet to play a full season without injury (this year might be it I think...), but the fact of the matter is, Parker is rarely injured, as well as Andrea. Another thing is, Andrea is finally getting out of his "slump" he had. It has taken longer than many have hoped, but he is finally showing glimpses of last year's Andrea out there. Its only his second year, give him time. As well, with Parker, you will rarely find a player like him, who will do those things that are lost in this league; play hard D, hustle for loose balls, do all of the little things. As much as we need a big man in the paint, we cant give up those guys.

I dont know why Colangelo isnt trying to put together Joey + Dixon + Kapono. I mean, he can get a guy that is a proven rebounder. Thats all we need.

throw in kap and keep parker and im down for that okafor trade.

who you got in mind for that graham/dixon/kap combo ballin?
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

I get up in the morning and instantly check the rumors/offers.

the Curry/Wince/JW-RD trade is terrible...

Yeah, I really don't understand what good that does Miami or New York. Curry is, was, and will be terrible. There's gotta be FAR better valuefor big expiring contracts like Davis and Williams, and if there's not, why wouldn't you just let them expire? And New York just doesn't needanother long, athletic perimeter player with zero leadership qualities and a long term expensive contract... Jersey loves that deal, for obvious reasons,though.
Just listened to the radio and Rizzo says the Cavs are close to pulling off the Mike Miller, Kyle Lowry, Brian Cardinal deal....




But knowing our luck, Miller would crumble and become insignificant in our system.

Lowry on the other hand might blossom since Boobie is unable to play the point.

Ima be on the edge of my seat for the next 24 hrs.
Seriously, can Denver just pull the trigger on the trade??? I mean, if Sacramento is willing to take Nene, instead of Kleiza, go for it. I haven't seenNene have a strong season since watching the team (when A.I. was traded). And although that was only a short while ago, is he really a comparable player toArtest? Not in my opinion. Even if Kleiza were to be traded, I'd go for it, but you're getting so much more with Artest. Kleiza has essentially becomethe Nuggets 3rd scoring option. Having Artest here would put him in that spot, and he's also the number 1 option on perimeter D. C'mon man, this tradeis easy in my eyes.
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