Official NBA Finals Game 4: 06/11 Los Angeles Lakers @ Orlando Magic 6:00PM PST ABC

I hate it when Lakers fans complain about the refs, but last night it was an uphill climb for them for sure in the 4th quarter and in OT. The FT discrepencywas atrocious. It just magnifies how big a choke job it was for Orlando, really.

Also, you don't call that foul on Kobe.

Finally, Pietrus should not get suspended. Yeah it was unnecessary, but up 6 or whatever it was, Pau called for the ball and went for the dunk in the windingseconds. What did he think was gonna happen? Of course dude was gonna get fouled hard there. Especially with all the emotions going on, and the Magic knowingthey just lost the series probably. He coulda dribbled the ball out and still got the win. As Kobe would say, that's just playoff basketball. I'm withthe NT'er who said it was pretty sad Pau got all amped and hyped over that, after being ghost and soft down the stretch.

Looking back on it, SVG did play Jameer too many mins, and Magic was right. Up 3, why put on a full court press and double Kobe once he got it on the inbound?You're expecting your team to put on the press and then get on their heels and get back. Either way, Jameer's bad for giving DFish a step in, asopposed to a straight up 3. Horrible D. A 2 doesn't beat you there. He was more worried by DFish getting by him than the 3 pt shot. Smh
Im Not You:
Now, for those f you wanting to type some predictable foolishness like 'Oh look, ska hating on Kobe again! What's new?!', back away from your keyboards. When Kobe plays well, I give him props; you just never show up to quote those replies. If he were playing well for all 48 every game, I would definitely say that he is definitely the Most Valuable Player on the team right now, definitely.

You clearly have an agenda against the man. Any team...any star player...whenever they play bad...most fans acknowledge his faults but still recognize that he's "the guy" and still are to recognize the things that were done well...especially in a win. You on the other hand...
I on the other hand... what? I, on the other hand, still say things like this: "he did still drop 40 the first game with like 7 or 8 assists(I think) and he has still played nice, getting buckets as usual."

Maybe you missed where I said that. Here's the entire exchange:
--But Ska, wouldnt KB getting Finals MVP mean he was our MVP for the postseason...from Orlando. I think thats what Finals MVP kinda signifies also. KB has been more instrumental than any other Laker since April 19.
Enh, good point, but I don't think it's for the entire postseason; I think it's just for the Finals. Either way, he did still drop 40 the first game with like 7 or 8 assists (I think) and he has still played nice, getting buckets as usual. I think I'm just pissed as his 4th quarter play the last 2 games.

Im Not You:
I just don't see too many other fans do that with players.
Because I don't like the way he plays. Don't read anything more into it than what it is, which is what it always has been.
Im Not You:
You're basically saying Kobe has to play damn near perfect in order to receive any credit from you.
Perfect? That's an unreasonably high standard. However, I do have the same standard for Kobe that I have for anyone else; play for the teamand you win my favor. Detract from team basketball and you lose my respect.
Im Not You:
For anyone to say Kobe had NO role in the victory when the man had 32, 7, and 8 is hilarious.
What's hilarious is this: I said that Kobe did NOT have the most instrumental play of the game in fouling Dwight Howard, and that getsinterpreted back to me as saying that I said Kobe had nothing to do with the victory. That's comical.

Of course I realize Kobe had a role in the victory, you knucklehead.

Im Not You:
Hate to keep comparing them but if Lebron or Wade has 32, 7, and 8 but don't shoot so well or have alot of turnover...and it's Mo Williams/Delonte West...or Cook/Beasley/ coming up big in the clutch...I have a hard time believing that their own fans...or even opposing fans would exclude them from the keys to victory. Why? Because people simply like them more than do they do Kobe.
If people like Kobe less, it's based entirely on what he has done and how he has presented himself. But must that be discussed in here? Idon't think so, and I'd rather not.
Yes, Kobe had a subpar offensive game shooting wise and made some boneheaded plays down the stretch, but look at the bigger picture. The Lakers are up 3-1 inthe series, despite two bad fourth quarters by Kobe, ON THE ROAD.

Also, for the most part, Kobe's passing has been overlooked this series. He's averaging 8 assists per game. Another thing, his defense has been prettystellar as well. Taking good hard fouls on Dwight, and bodying Rashard Lewis in the post on defensive rotations.

Bottom line, the Lakers need one more win. I don't care how they get it done, I just want them to get it done.
I think Kobe's assists are overblown. Dude straights dominates the ball down the stretch, so it's not really surprising how many assists he has.

Kobe in all honesty, nearly cost the Lakers the game. He was playing a lot of one on five basketball, and yeah, he made the first two shots of overtime, but heproceeded to miss like the next 3.

Kobe was like 2-7 in the 4th. This after Ariza torched in the 3rd quarter. How many shots did Ariza get off in the 4th? 2?

Watching First Take and the LA Espn radio guy is giving Kobe credit for not taking the last shot in regulation. The 'old' Kobe doesn't pass out ofa double team he says there. Uhhh, Kobe is in the backcourt, double teamed. Of course he has to give up the rock.
Lebron has the ball in his hands every single possesion 1st thru 4th quarters. He gets 8 assists and it's the be all end all, Kobe gets 8 andthey're overblown?

Can I get a ruling on that?
Originally Posted by bright nikes


i saw this too
Originally Posted by franchise3

I think Kobe's assists are overblown. Dude straights dominates the ball down the stretch, so it's not really surprising how many assists he has.

What GREAT swingman doesn't dominate the ball down the stretch. Ishe supposed to get 8 assists from being another cog in the offense?

Hate to keep bringing this guy up...but once again. Lebron runs the show for the Cavs for alot long than down the stretch...are his assists overblown too?
Kobe in all honesty, nearly cost the Lakers the game.

This is what happens when you take the game in your hands. It rides on you.

Im so happy for the Lakers. They saw Kobe struggling slightly and took it upon themselves to put HIM on their shoulders.

Overblown in the sense, hey, Kobe has had like 2 very un Kobe the closer type games, but, hey, look at his passing. 8 dimes!

When if you go back in the post, to whenever the 4th quarter started, everybody is saying Kobe, you have teammates. Stop forcing it. Etc.

In OT alone Kobe took like the first 5 shots. One on five for real.
Pietrus should be suspended for the simple fact Fisher was suspended for using unnecessary force. it is what it is though, ONE MORE WIN
Overblown in the sense that Kobe has Ariza who just dominated the 3rd, but he still takes 9 shots himself. They don't try to get LO going down low.It's all Kobe.

Kobe taking almost all the shots in OT.

If the Lakers lost, it woulda been, how does Kobe miss 20 fg's or whatever it was, not being the usual Kobe closer self, again, after what he did in game3, as opposed to hey, look at him averaging 8 dimes.
Dwight howard at the begining of the game was shown on TV practising mid court side line underhand shots, when he should have beem working on his free throw.hahahaha THat why Magic lost tonite!!!
DFish's foul was away from the basket though.

Look at it another way. Say Gasol was driving the lane for a dunk and got fouled hard. Who would say a foul there isn't warranted? Instead he was under thebasket and got hulk smashed in the back, a harder foul than usual sure, but still a foul on a play at the basket.
Originally Posted by dreClark

Has anyone made a .gif of Kobe's spin and dish?

That was such a sick play. I was surprised Pau was even ready for that pass. Everyone else in the world thought Kobe was shooting that thing.
I'm not following Franchise, the guy has had 8+ assists the last 6 games, but nobody cares one way or another how many or why he has them, just as long ashe wins. Who is over hyping them? Us? Media?

Hey man, all stats are relative and not one of us doesn't acknowledge that. D12 was 16, 21, and 9. GREAT numbers, but um, did he not cost his team thegame?

So yeah, Kobe has had a bad game the last two, and is still putting up numbers regardless. So I'm not sure what we're critiquing here.
Feeling real good today as well. Couldn't imagine losing that game last night.

Although it looked bleak when they were down 87-82. Way to pull it through Lakers!
I think it's funny people are complaining about Kobe's game when 99% of the league wish they could play like him. shoot 99% of people wish they couldplay like him. He is going to handle the ball in the game as a point guard would to force Orlando to decide, double team or single cover Kobe. Once they makethat decision it's up to Kobe to make the right move. Does he always? No, but who ever does?

Bottom line is Lakers are up 3-1 and about to close this out and STILL people (obviously not Laker fans, usually fans of teams the Lakers beat already) willcomplain about Kobe this and Kobe that.

Give it up already, go back to your "(Your team here) Off-season" posts!
I was responding to the guy who posted above me saying that Kobe's passing was getting overlooked.

All I was saying was, because Kobe dominates the ball and is the main cog/facciliator in the offesnse, sure, good numbers, but it's nothing to really'wow' at.

Considering the type of games he had, and IMO was playing too much one on five bball last night that almost cost them the game.

Today we're talking about his 'overlooked' passing abilities, when we really could be talking about all the missed FG's, where his 8 assistswouldn't matter, had they lost.

A win is a win for sure, and Kobe is putting up numbers.
Also I'm not complaining about anything.

I was just pointing out stuff.

Complaining is crying for a Kobe offensive foul, or overlooking how many FT's the Magic shot in the 4th.

I didn't do that.
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