Official NBA Finals Game 4: 06/11 Los Angeles Lakers @ Orlando Magic 6:00PM PST ABC

Originally Posted by DatZNasty

Originally Posted by Slow Motion G35

should be suspended, no play on the ball whatsoever
how different is that from how they're fouling Dwight every time?
Oh a Laker hulk smashed Dwight last night? Must have missed those
--Nelson is only like 6'0. He went for the double team and just ran into KB's elbow which happened to be as high as his chin at the time.
refs blew so many calls on both sides again. Terrible job by refs. And yes Pietrus should be suspended that was just a dirty play.

D-Fish/Trevor saved us.
THE most instrumental play in the game was Kobe's foul on Howard when they were up 3 87-84, he took em on purpose because he knew if Howard made that it was over. Howard chokes on both shots, and fisher hits the 3. Lakers 3-1.
No. Kobe did not win the game. Kobe did not have the game-saving play. Kobe did not have the most instrumental play. KTHXBYE
Kobe stunk it up again. I dunno what his deal is when it comes to the Finals, but it's like he's determined to make things difficult for himself. I'm just looking at his poster on my wall and
right now. Who cares though as long as we WIN.

The thing that I'm going to hate is that if.. IF... we do win the title this year, Kobe will NO DOUBT be the Finals MVP. What, they'regoing to give it to Ariza? Fat chance. It's Kobe's (if we win it all).

And he has played downright terrible in the 4th the last 2 games.
Idon't feel apprehensive saying that, 'cause even Kobe fans are saying it.

But if we win it all, he'll be the Finals MVP, no doubt.

Now, for those f you wanting to type some predictable foolishness like 'Oh look, ska hating on Kobe again! What's new?!', back away from yourkeyboards. When Kobe plays well, I give him props; you just never show up to quote those replies. If he were playingwell for all 48 every game, I would definitely say that he is definitely the Most Valuable Player on the team right now, definitely.

And what I said above, after quoting Cz7, that's wasn't hating on Kobe, so chill with that before youbring it up as 'evidence'.
Originally Posted by Long Beach Vincey

Originally Posted by DatZNasty

Originally Posted by Slow Motion G35

should be suspended, no play on the ball whatsoever
how different is that from how they're fouling Dwight every time?
Oh a Laker hulk smashed Dwight last night? Must have missed those

Yea i must have missed those too
When ever the lakers foul Dwight theyatleast go for the ball or just hold him not bash him with closed fist.
Originally Posted by eye see soles

SVG definitely dropped the ball last night leaving Nelson in the game.

This is the finals, coach. You don't appeal to emotions in the finals.

No Way Kobe won the game. Kobe for the most part almost lost the game. Holding the ball too much and just trying to do too much. He needs to trust his teammore cause they are as hungry as he is.
Burns1923 wrote:
Every team received favorable officiating throughout the playoffs. The refs were horribly inconsistent.

Kobe was protecting the ball with his elbows, it's fundamental. It's supposed to keep defenders from reaching. Do you think Nelson's going to be eager to reach again?

Eh, not really. There's calls going your way and then there's Laker playoff basketball.

That must've been what Kobe was doing. Protecting the basketball. Must've swung the elbow at Jameer's head for fun. I mean, we all know Kobe never means any harm. Oh well.

Hey, caped crusader, please draw me a picture and tell me how TWENTY FREE THROWS TO ZERO IN THE 4TH AND OT is favorable for the Lakers? And remember, we hadthe zero, not the 20.

Oh I know, the refs made it up to us by giving us a call with 3 seconds left in OT. So we're even huh?

For those that call out Laker fans callin out haters, ya'll should be in here tellin Burns to shut the hell up. He is clearly defining "hater"for all those that are rooting against us blind as hell.

If the game was even steven all the way thru and Kobe got away with the elbow, I'd listen to you, but since it was FAAAAAAAAARRRRR from even, any argumentabout one call is pure hate, and nothing more.


Phil Jax.

Genius taking the ball full court.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

THE most instrumental play in the game was Kobe's foul on Howard when they were up 3 87-84, he took em on purpose because he knew if Howard made that it was over. Howard chokes on both shots, and fisher hits the 3. Lakers 3-1.
No. Kobe did not win the game. Kobe did not have the game-saving play. Kobe did not have the most instrumental play. KTHXBYE
Kobe stunk it up again. I dunno what his deal is when it comes to the Finals, but it's like he's determined to make things difficult for himself. I'm just looking at his poster on my wall and
right now. Who cares though as long as we WIN.

The thing that I'm going to hate is that if.. IF... we do win the title this year, Kobe will NO DOUBT be the Finals MVP. What, they're going to give it to Ariza? Fat chance. It's Kobe's (if we win it all).

And he has played downright terrible in the 4th the last 2 games.
I don't feel apprehensive saying that, 'cause even Kobe fans are saying it.

But if we win it all, he'll be the Finals MVP, no doubt.

who the hell else would you give it to...

but Kobe did play terrible in the 4th quarter last game... he did not play as poorly this game, he didnt play up to his usual 4th quarter standard, but hedefinitely wasnt as bad as last game... maybe in terms of his own production he did, but the rebound he got over dwight was HUGE for the team... the assist tofisher in OT, him not trying to do it all on the last play... and lets not forget hat he drove a couple of times and obvious fouls were ignored for somereason...

and think about some of those fouls on dwight... they were good hard fouls that didnt give up an easy bucket...

so you're right his offensive production wasnt there tonight, but he still found ways to help the team...
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

THE most instrumental play in the game was Kobe's foul on Howard when they were up 3 87-84, he took em on purpose because he knew if Howard made that it was over. Howard chokes on both shots, and fisher hits the 3. Lakers 3-1.
No. Kobe did not win the game. Kobe did not have the game-saving play. Kobe did not have the most instrumental play. KTHXBYE
Kobe stunk it up again. I dunno what his deal is when it comes to the Finals, but it's like he's determined to make things difficult for himself. I'm just looking at his poster on my wall and
right now. Who cares though as long as we WIN.

But if we win it all, he'll be the Finals MVP, no doubt.

--But Ska, wouldnt KB getting Finals MVP mean he was our MVP for the postseason...from Orlando. I think thats whatFinals MVP kinda signifies also. KB has been more instrumental than any other Laker since April 19.
Originally Posted by LazyJ23

No Way Kobe won the game. Kobe for the most part almost lost the game. Holding the ball too much and just trying to do too much. He needs to trust his team more cause they are as hungry as he is.

no kobe didnt win or almost lose the game. i agree some decisions he made in the 4th were the wrong ones but he did hit those two back to back jumpers to putLA up by 1 in OT .
and in the 3rd he made good decisions gettin the ball to Ariza who brought LA back into the game. dude had 8ast. just gotta take the good with the bad
Originally Posted by Slow Motion G35

should be suspended, no play on the ball whatsoever

I doubt Stern will do it, but if this was the frist round, he would be suspended.

Only dude in the league that wouldn't get suspended for this is Rondo.
A deliberate elbow to the face is not part of the play.

Kobe threw it KNOWING they would have the balls to call it and, whaddya know, they didn't.

Laker fans, enjoy your *championship.

*received favorable officiating throughout 2009 NBA playoffs.
Because I know your history on here, I'm going to go ahead and assume that you have NOOOOOO PROOOOBLEM with all of the consistently missedcalls on the Magic, like Dwight's endless pushing in the lane, Hedo constantly leading with his off-arm and never getting called for it, or Rafer'straveling.

Now, do I have a problem with those things? Not at all. I'm not bringing them up because I have a problem with them. I'm bringing them up to make thepoint (for the millionth time) that NBA refs are consistently worthless, so there's no need to use the refs as a reason to discredit teams who win, unlessthings are REALLY Bad out of hand, like the 2006 Finals.

And if you think this is anything like the 2006, you're delusional. They shot 37 free throws to our 20... ALMOST twice as much as we did.

Gm. 1: 21-29 vs. 15-18
Gm. 2: 20-27 vs. 24-28
Gm. 3: 23-30 vs. 16-26
Gm. 4: 22-37 vs. 15-20
TOTAL: 86-123 vs. 70-92

If the Magic make ONE of the FIFTEEN FREE THROWS THEY MISSED last night, there is no overtime and we're all tied up 2-2.

Sent to the line for THIRTY-SEVEN freebies and the other team shoots TWENTY... almost half... and you're saying the refs favored the team that shot nearlyhalf as many free throws?

And that's not even mentioning the fact that, in the 4th quarter, the Magic shot 20 free throws; the Lakers shot none.

But the Lakers received favorable officiating. Because Kobe wasn't called for an offensive foul.
Nevermind the 20-0 free throws in the 4th. Nevermind the 37-20 free throws forthe whole game. Nevermind Hedo's off-arm never getting called, Dwight getting away with pushing, or Rafer's walks.

Kobe didn't get called for an offensive, so the Lakers are receiving favorable officiating.

You know, all you Laker haters constantly talking about Laker fans complaining about the refs when we lose, where are you guys at when we win and someone saysit's because of the officiating?

Oh wait, you're the ones saying it; that's where you are. Funny how that works out.

And again, just for the record, I have ZERO PROBLEM with the Magic getting away with things. We get shafted on calls, and we get away with calls. It happens.
Kobe is indeed that MVP, but with that said he doesn't need to constantly try to be the "hero scorer". In the past couple of games, we haveall witnessed Kobe underestimating his defender like they will constantly just let him walk through. The thing that drives me nuts with him is that he isalways trying to look for the contact and 1, clearly he can shoot over these guys with ease or penetrate and then dish out but a couple of times he
decides to throw up an unbalanced shot hoping that he gets a call or something. I don't know, I guess it's just me, don't get me wrong he is greatand unstoppable but at times I don't understand why he needs to always try to go for the kill when someone else he can do it and he still gets the shinebecause he made the right pass !

Also, I think Orlando needs to adjust their offense, if they want to win, they need to get Howard the ball underneath the basket quicker when he rolls, theyare falling in love with that jumpshot. Everytime Bynum comes over to double team Howard is rolling to the basket with all the time in the world that heforgets about the 3 second rule
Kobe stunk it up again. I dunno what his deal is when it comes to the Finals, but it's like he's determined to make things difficult for himself. I'm just looking at his poster on my wall and
right now. Who cares though as long as we WIN.

But if we win it all, he'll be the Finals MVP, no doubt.

--But Ska, wouldnt KB getting Finals MVP mean he was our MVP for the postseason...from Orlando. I think thats what Finals MVP kinda signifies also. KB has been more instrumental than any other Laker since April 19.
Enh, good point, but I don't think it's for the entire postseason; I think it's just for the Finals. Either way, he did still drop 40the first game with like 7 or 8 assists (I think) and he has still played nice, getting buckets as usual. I think I'm just pissed as his 4th quarter playthe last 2 games.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

A deliberate elbow to the face is not part of the play.

Kobe threw it KNOWING they would have the balls to call it and, whaddya know, they didn't.

Laker fans, enjoy your *championship.

*received favorable officiating throughout 2009 NBA playoffs.
Because I know your history on here, I'm going to go ahead and assume that you have NOOOOOO PROOOOBLEM with all of the consistently missed calls on the Magic, like Dwight's endless pushing in the lane, Hedo constantly leading with his off-arm and never getting called for it, or Rafer's traveling.

Now, do I have a problem with those things? Not at all. I'm not bringing them up because I have a problem with them. I'm bringing them up to make the point (for the millionth time) that NA refs are consistently worthless, so there's no need to use the refs as a reason to discredit teams who win, unless things are REALLY Bad out of hand, like the 2006 Finals.

And if you think this is anything like the 2006, you're delusional. They shot 37 free throws to our 20... ALMOST twice as much as we did.

21-29 vs. 15-18
20-27 vs. 24-28
23-30 vs. 16-26
22-37 vs. 15-20
86-123 vs. 70-92

If the Magic make ONE of the FIFTEEN FREE THROWS THEY MISSED last night, there is no overtime and we're all tied up 2-2.

Sent to the line for THIRTY-SEVEN freebeeies and the other team shoots TWENTY... almost half... and you're saying the refs favored the team that shot nearly half as many free throws?

And that's not even mentioning the fact that, in the 4th quarter and overtime, the Magic shot 20 free throws; the Lakers shot none.

But the Lakers received favorable officiating. Because Kobe wasn't called for an offensive foul.
Nevermind the 20-0 free throws in the 4th + OT. Nevermind the 37-20 free throws for the whole game. Nevermind Hedo's off-arm never getting called, Dwight getting away with pushing, or Rafer's walks.

Kobe didn't get called for an offensive, so the Lakers are receiving favorable officiating.

You know, all you Laker haters constantly talking about Laker fans complaining about the refs when we lose, where are you guys at when we win and someone says it's because of the officiating?

Oh wait, you're the ones saying it; that's where you are. Funny how that works out.

i was gonna reply to this but ska you said it all for me...all and more
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Now, for those f you wanting to type some predictable foolishness like 'Oh look, ska hating on Kobe again! What's new?!', back away from your keyboards. When Kobe plays well, I give him props; you just never show up to quote those replies. If he were playing well for all 48 every game, I would definitely say that he is definitely the Most Valuable Player on the team right now, definitely.

You clearly have an agenda against the man. Any team...any star player...whenever they play bad...most fans acknowledge his faults but still recognize thathe's "the guy" and still are to recognize the things that were done well...especially in a win. You on the other hand...consistently point outKobe's every fault to a t and if another player(s) happens to deliver down the completely ostracize Kobe from the reasons for victory. I justdon't see too many other fans do that with players. When Lebron plays bad...I've never seen a Cavs fan break dudes faults down with such analyzation.I've never seen a Heat fan beat D-Wade up if he misses shots in the 4th and it's Daequan Cook and Haslem hitting clutch shots instead. You'rebasically saying Kobe has to play damn near perfect in order to receive any credit from you.

I don't care if you like/dislike Kobe. But the fact you constantly try to play an excuse for it and respond with the same "oh but I'm a hater if Isay something about Kobe" routine when it's so obvious you just don't like the guy is ridiculous.

For anyone to say Kobe had NO role in the victory when the man had 32, 7, and 8 is hilarious.

Hate to keep comparing them but if Lebron or Wade has 32, 7, and 8 but don't shoot so well or have alot of turnover...and it's Mo Williams/DelonteWest...or Cook/Beasley/ coming up big in the clutch...I have a hard time believing that their own fans...or even opposing fans would exclude them from the keysto victory. Why? Because people simply like them more than do they do Kobe.
Originally Posted by Guerrilla Warfare

Kobe elbowed nelson rite in front of the ref's & they didn't call an offensive foul...

The nba is %$#@! rigged...

What is your opinion of the Magic shooting 20 FT in the 4th quarter while we shot 0?
Originally Posted by Guerrilla Warfare

Kobe elbowed nelson rite in front of the ref's & they didn't call an offensive foul...

The nba is %$#@! rigged...
Please no Lakers fan take this seriously, clearly he never knows what he's talking about.

The refs are constantly horrible, but it's embarrassing at the discrepancy in the 4th and OT. As a Magic fan, even with a win I would have been upset atthe NBA. We could point to countless times where the refs blew a call for both sides, but it's horrible that the Magic got so many fouls compared to theLakers in the end.
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