Official NBA Finals Game 4: 06/11 Los Angeles Lakers @ Orlando Magic 6:00PM PST ABC

That pass from Kobe was extremely impressive. I thought he was out of control and about to throw up a wild shot.
All I was saying was, because Kobe dominates the ball and is the main cog/facciliator in the offesnse, sure, good numbers, but it's nothing to really 'wow' at.

For a guy who is relied on to take over when needed, and normally doesn't rack up 8 assists a game, it should be praised at least.

A guy like Lebron dominates the ball from tip off the the last buzzer, he SHOULD be racking up those assist numbers. He is an excellent passer though.

Not sure what we are arguing about though, Kobe one game away from getting that ring, all I care about.
Originally Posted by franchise3

Also I'm not complaining about anything.

I was just pointing out stuff.

Complaining is crying for a Kobe offensive foul, or overlooking how many FT's the Magic shot in the 4th.

I didn't do that.

Naw man, I didn't mean to come off like that, you're good money in my book, was just tryna see where you were comin from.

We close to endin that streak of chip winners not gettin by Houston for the chip.
No doubt up 3-1 is all that matters, and Kobe, no matter what he says is gonna get that 'never won one without Shaq' monkey off his back.

Kobe's numbers should be praised, at the very core, basically, all I'm saying is a win clouds over a lot of stuff we could be talking about had theylost. Just like nobody cares about the numbers Dwight put up. Missed FT's are gonna be the talk. Of course a win should do that though.

The real question is, do the Lakers coast and come back to LA, or put the hammer down and win in Orlando? It's the only thing to really talk about now.
Originally Posted by franchise3

I was responding to the guy who posted above me saying that Kobe's passing was getting overlooked.

All I was saying was, because Kobe dominates the ball and is the main cog/facciliator in the offesnse, sure, good numbers, but it's nothing to really 'wow' at.

Considering the type of games he had, and IMO was playing too much one on five bball last night that almost cost them the game.

Today we're talking about his 'overlooked' passing abilities, when we really could be talking about all the missed FG's, where his 8 assists wouldn't matter, had they lost.

A win is a win for sure, and Kobe is putting up numbers.
Well franchise his passing IS being overlooked. I mean he's had 25 and 8 the last what 5 or 6 games? And we are here talking about the shotshe missed and that he doesn't trust his teammates. Yet when Bron has the EXACT same's somehow an indicator of him being a better team player.Basically Kobe can't do anything right to get the proper respect. Obviously he dominated the ball he's Kobe friggin Bryant, what team in their rightmind doesn't want the best player having the ball in his hands. It was ok when Jordan did's ok when Bron does it...but Kobe...naw nothing towow at. Well I can say the same of Bron...but then I'm a hater and/or a Kobe "stan". Ridiculous. We focus on him missing 3 shots inovertime...yet completely overlook the fact that he made 2, the last of which gave them the lead, and had an assist. Essentially accounting for half of theirOT points...yet he almost lost them the game? Sure he took some dumb shots but he also made pivotal plays, as he had in EVERY single game this series. The wayI see it is he's doing the exact thing that most haters say he can't on the biggest stage of the season, yet if Bron was doing the exact same thing inthe exact same position it would be ok. So if you are gonna call it like that call it both ways. Plus it's not like anyone is consistently showing up likehim in the first place. Especially not Gasol. So now my question is why is it so hard to admit...hey Kobe is a team player

After reading your last two reply's I feel you.
Originally Posted by franchise3

No doubt up 3-1 is all that matters, and Kobe, no matter what he says is gonna get that 'never won one without Shaq' monkey off his back.

Kobe's numbers should be praised, at the very core, basically, all I'm saying is a win clouds over a lot of stuff we could be talking about had they lost. Just like nobody cares about the numbers Dwight put up. Missed FT's are gonna be the talk. Of course a win should do that though.

The real question is, do the Lakers coast and come back to LA, or put the hammer down and win in Orlando? It's the only thing to really talk about now.

If they had lost it would have been just like game 3. Everybody is all over Kobe. I think he tired too hard in some spots but we did come out on top and thatis all that matters....

The one number I noticed was 8-8 from the line after the 5-10. Not surprised one bit.

As far as sunday goes. I would be happy as hell is we took it!

But I would love to use these....
Originally Posted by Guerrilla Warfare

Kobe elbowed nelson rite in front of the ref's & they didn't call an offensive foul...

The nba is %$#@! rigged...
This guy... i have never seen you in any ANY other basketball thread until the finals **** you thought pau name was paul and didnt know the finalsformat.

Laker fans might as well start celebrating their championship
. The waythe Magic HANDED these dudes these past 2 games is unbelivable
Originally Posted by CP1708

Lebron has the ball in his hands every single possesion 1st thru 4th quarters. He gets 8 assists and it's the be all end all, Kobe gets 8 and they're overblown?

Can I get a ruling on that?

Can I get a ruling on how when someone calls LeBron a better passer because he consistently averaged more assists than Kobe throughout his career (even as a 19year-old rookie and even when they played on Team USA on the same team) he gets a lecture on how stats don't tell everything, but now when Kobe averages 8assists, stats suddenly matter?

And the reason why LeBron gets extra credit for his assists is because he's what, 6'8-6'9. Noone in the NBA who is LeBron's height is evenremotely close to his assists numbers. Hedo Turkoglu who is 6'10 and averages 4.9 assists comes closest and he's still 2.4 assists behind LeBron.

And Kobe doesn't hold the ball all the time? I'll just say that if Kobe is able to average 28 shots per game like he is these finals withoutholding the ball all the time, it would look worse than if he averaged 28 shots while he was holding the ball all the time.
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Originally Posted by CP1708

Lebron has the ball in his hands every single possesion 1st thru 4th quarters. He gets 8 assists and it's the be all end all, Kobe gets 8 and they're overblown?

Can I get a ruling on that?

Can I get a ruling on how when someone calls LeBron a better passer because he consistently averaged more assists than Kobe throughout his career (even as a 19 year-old rookie and even when they played on Team USA on the same team) he gets a lecture on how stats don't tell everything, but now when Kobe averages 8 assists, stats suddenly matter?

And the reason why LeBron gets extra credit for his assists is because he's what, 6'8-6'9. Noone in the NBA who is LeBron's heighs is even remotely close to his assists numbers. Hedo Turkoglu who is 6'10 and averages 4.9 assists comes closest and he's still 2.4 assists behind LeBron.

And Kobe doesn't hold the ball all the time? I'll just say that if Kobe is able to average 28 shots per game like he is these finals without holding the ball all the time, it would look worse than if he averaged 28 shots while he was holding the ball all the time.
Sweet, just what I needed, a Bron groupie to play with.

For the record, after a bunch of guys came in after me and mentioned Bron, I felt bad and was going to apologize in the thread for bringing his name up. Iguess I shouldn't have.

But then, if I hadn't, you wouldn't be in this trhead still tryna defend ol boy huh?

Look, relax, I never said his 8 assists matter or don't matter. I simply asked Franchise why he said they were "overblown" and something abouthow Kobe always had the ball. I made a mistake and compared the two in that Bron always has the ball and that was that. My bad for sayin his name in a Lakerthread, no good ever comes of it. (minus of course you getting the bat signal and climbing out from under a rock to defend him, again)

I don't care if Kobe has 8 assits, 1 assist, 80 assists, whatever.

There is only one number I care about in this ENTIRE series.


Word. And even as "bad" as Bean has played he's turning in an all time performance in these Finals: Only two players have ever avg. 30+ pts and 8assists in the Finals, the Logo and the as long as we get win No. 16 and championship No. 15 Kobe can shoot 50 times and have 10 assists for all Icare, just get that last W.
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

the same idiot always hating on kobe and bringing up Bron and throwing out dumb +!@%

You leave OC outta this, he hasn't said anything today.

Originally Posted by CP1708

Xtapolapacetl wrote:

CP1708 wrote:

Lebron has the ball in his hands every single possesion 1st thru 4th quarters. He gets 8 assists and it's the be all end all, Kobe gets 8 and they're overblown?

Can I get a ruling on that?

Can I get a ruling on how when someone calls LeBron a better passer because he consistently averaged more assists than Kobe throughout his career (even as a 19 year-old rookie and even when they played on Team USA on the same team) he gets a lecture on how stats don't tell everything, but now when Kobe averages 8 assists, stats suddenly matter?

And the reason why LeBron gets extra credit for his assists is because he's what, 6'8-6'9. Noone in the NBA who is LeBron's heighs is even remotely close to his assists numbers. Hedo Turkoglu who is 6'10 and averages 4.9 assists comes closest and he's still 2.4 assists behind LeBron.

And Kobe doesn't hold the ball all the time? I'll just say that if Kobe is able to average 28 shots per game like he is these finals without holding the ball all the time, it would look worse than if he averaged 28 shots while he was holding the ball all the time.
Sweet, just what I needed, a Bron groupie to play with.

For the record, after a bunch of guys came in after me and mentioned Bron, I felt bad and was going to apologize in the thread for bringing his name up. I guess I shouldn't have.

But then, if I hadn't, you wouldn't be in this trhead still tryna defend ol boy huh?

Look, relax, I never said his 8 assists matter or don't matter. I simply asked Franchise why he said they were "overblown" and something about how Kobe always had the ball. I made a mistake and compared the two in that Bron always has the ball and that was that. My bad for sayin his name in a Laker thread, no good ever comes of it. (minus of course you getting the bat signal and climbing out from under a rock to defend him, again)

I don't care if Kobe has 8 assits, 1 assist, 80 assists, whatever.

There is only one number I care about in this ENTIRE series.



You accuse me of being a groupie and coming to defend LeBron, but you were already doing the same for Kobe while you accused me. What a hypocrite.Call me a groupie all youwant and use all sorts of metaphors like the "bat signal" to make my backing of LeBron seem funny, but you're doingexactly the same with Kobe. It just amazes me how you found it weird that a 6'9 guy who gets 8 assists gets a different treatment than a 6'6 guy.
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

the same idiot always hating on kobe and bringing up Bron and throwing out dumb $+%%

Check the facts my non-idiotic friend. Go and see who "brought up" LeBron.
@ the hate for LeBron on this forum. Apparently, to not be regardedas an idiot, you're not allowed to post a response on the subject of LeBron even if someone else brought him up.
Pietrus won't be suspended for the next game, just heard it on Sportscenter.

It continues to amaze me with LeBron fishing on Lake Erie, he still gets brought up in the Finals.
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

CP1708 wrote:
Xtapolapacetl wrote:

CP1708 wrote:

Lebron has the ball in his hands every single possesion 1st thru 4th quarters. He gets 8 assists and it's the be all end all, Kobe gets 8 and they're overblown?

Can I get a ruling on that?

Can I get a ruling on how when someone calls LeBron a better passer because he consistently averaged more assists than Kobe throughout his career (even as a 19 year-old rookie and even when they played on Team USA on the same team) he gets a lecture on how stats don't tell everything, but now when Kobe averages 8 assists, stats suddenly matter?

And the reason why LeBron gets extra credit for his assists is because he's what, 6'8-6'9. Noone in the NBA who is LeBron's heighs is even remotely close to his assists numbers. Hedo Turkoglu who is 6'10 and averages 4.9 assists comes closest and he's still 2.4 assists behind LeBron.

And Kobe doesn't hold the ball all the time? I'll just say that if Kobe is able to average 28 shots per game like he is these finals without holding the ball all the time, it would look worse than if he averaged 28 shots while he was holding the ball all the time.
Sweet, just what I needed, a Bron groupie to play with.

For the record, after a bunch of guys came in after me and mentioned Bron, I felt bad and was going to apologize in the thread for bringing his name up. I guess I shouldn't have.

But then, if I hadn't, you wouldn't be in this trhead still tryna defend ol boy huh?

Look, relax, I never said his 8 assists matter or don't matter. I simply asked Franchise why he said they were "overblown" and something about how Kobe always had the ball. I made a mistake and compared the two in that Bron always has the ball and that was that. My bad for sayin his name in a Laker thread, no good ever comes of it. (minus of course you getting the bat signal and climbing out from under a rock to defend him, again)

I don't care if Kobe has 8 assits, 1 assist, 80 assists, whatever.

There is only one number I care about in this ENTIRE series.



You accuse me of being a groupie and coming to defend LeBron, but you were already doing the same for Kobe while you accused me. What a hypocrite. Call me a groupie all youwant and use all sorts of metaphors like the "bat signal" to make my backing of LeBron seem funny, but you're doing exactly the same with Kobe. It just amazes me how you found it weird that a 6'9 guy who gets 8 assists gets a different treatment than a 6'6 guy.
Let's see, I'm a Laker fan in a Laker thread, talking to a guy about a Laker player.

Yeah, why would I be in here talkin about Kobe? The nerve of me.

Also, you and I done enough battlin that you should know all I do is tell jokes, calm down. I was clearly havin fun with you and messin, no need to be upset. Of course groupie and bat signal was jokes, no biggie.

You'll see right above your post is a crack about OC, again, a joke.

But I'm not sure why you are so upset about this whole 3 inches thing in terms of assists. You really feel the need to bring that up every time huh? CuzMagic was 6'9". He got some assists. What are we doin here?

I praise Bron plenty for his game, I got no problem with him, ain't mad at him at all. But I'm thinkin that maybe you think I forgot or somethin aboutall the nonsense tossed our way by the various Cavs fans this year. And when someone such as myself comes in with a few poor attempts at humor, ya'll geta little riled up. Weird.

Be happy bro, it'll allllll be over soon.
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Originally Posted by Bigmike23

the same idiot always hating on kobe and bringing up Bron and throwing out dumb $+%%

Check the facts my non-idiotic friend. Go and see who "brought up" LeBron.
@ the hate for LeBron on this forum. Apparently, to not be regarded as an idiot, you're not allowed to post a response on the subject of LeBron even if someone else brought him up.
He's right Mike, it was my bad.

My bad ya'll.

I brought King James name up.

My bad.

Please forgive.

Nothin to see here folks, move along.......

Originally Posted by JsindaA does three inches play into this???? I'm genuinely confused

WTH do you mean? LeBron is 6'9. If 3 inches wasn't a big deal that would mean that someone who was 7'0 (three inches taller than LeBron) whoaveraged the same amount assists as LeBron shouldn't be getting any extra recognition for his assists numbers over LeBron??
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