OFFICIAL March Madness Thread

my bracket is in worst shape than Patrick Ewing's knees
Shut Up Craftsy... I acknowledged my huge spelling error, now lets focus on these charmin calls that has all 3 Memphis bigs with 4
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

how can anyone say memphis horrible FT shooting wont coast them a chance at winning it all?

Co-sign they will not go deep in the tourney shooting FT like that!!
Originally Posted by AirAnt23

I don't even think you're in the same league as Kansas right now. I mean that completely... the same feelings i had about Gtown being very iffy, i have towards UNC. You saw one of those two go down to a lesser team - i will not be the least bit surprised when UNC loses either. I WILL be surprised if they somehow win the title.
Two weeks ago, I was with you 100%. I've admitted before that this year's team doesn't have the same "it" that the '05 squad. But given the ACC tournament and our 2 showings in the big dance, I'm almost offended by this lack of respect. Just last Sunday this thread went 5 pages with dudes lauding the Hoyas. Now it's still "well... the Tarheels still can't defend." I'm not making crazy predictions... I'll be no more shocked by us winning it all than I would if we lose next weekend. Today and next week are WORLDS apart. A couple of teams learned that same lesson the past 3 days wouldn't you say? DF!!!

I don't even really knock the tarheel defense that much.. that's not my schtick, it's good enough to win a title when combined with theiroffensive efficiency..

I just don't believe most of the guys on that team have the heart of a champion.. they do a lot of questionable things in crunch time.

But there's the old saying that champions are made, not born.. so this is their opportunity to prove me wrong.

Shut Up Craftsy... I acknowledged my huge spelling error, now lets focus on these charmin calls that has all 3 Memphis bigs with 4

just messing bud.

And i'm with you on this officiating - this is one of the most inconsistent, just plain badly officiated tournaments i can ever remember.. there hasn'tbeen a game i've watched yet where i felt the refs were doing a good job. then you look at all the things they've done to help determine the end ofgames already, and it's just sad.
Next year i'm not even going to fill out a bracket... I have Memphis in the championship and I'm rooting hard against them
why is everyone crying about the sites? it doesnt matter where they play. georgetown was "supposed" to be a final four contender. if they werethat good then they shouldnt have had a problem with beating davidson. obviously it didnt bother them when they were up 18 points but once they lost peoplestart crying about the crowd and everything.
All of these higher seeds are struggling. None of them can shake these lower seeds.

To Shuges,

Yeah, I was realisitc, I thought an Elite 8 was certainly possible and with a great game we had a chance to be back in the Final 4.

It's not that I'm shocked or crushed over this one game, but the culmination of 4 years for the seniors to go out like this is, honestly, devastating.

JT3 summed it up perfectly post game
It's hard to digest the season 20 minutes after it ended. I hope that people don't judge this group, and I'm thinking about my seniors, based on this loss today. Looking at all that they have accomplished in their 4 years here…and looking at…this is an "upset" and is disappointing because of what they have done for the last 4 years. So I hope they are not looked upon primarily because of this game, because those kids are the program. Those kids are Georgetown.
why is everyone crying about the sites? it doesnt matter where they play. georgetown was "supposed" to be a final four contender. if they were that good then they shouldnt have had a problem with beating davidson. obviously it didnt bother them when they were up 18 points but once they lost people start crying about the crowd and everything.
You're missing the point. (and who is crying)

Give me one good reason Davidson, a 10 seed should get to stay in state?

Just give me one.

UCLA not leaving their state in 3 years is a joke, UNC not having to do so this year, also a joke.

There is a problem with locating these teams and sites, it's not just about today.

Had little to do with blowing the lead, but it just makes absolutely no sense to reward them with that advantage.


I do think UNC is completely capable of winning it all.

However I agree with Craftsy on Kansas is the team to beat and a notch above the rest right now.
just came in to
at all the suckas who had Georgetown winning it all or some other crazy stuff
Originally Posted by SCuse7

All of these higher seeds are struggling. None of them can shake these lower seeds.


I wouldn't really include UCLA in that list. Texas A&M was ranked #9 twice throughout the season, and showed flashes of being a serious threat to godeep a couple of times during the season. Last night UCLA saw that Texas A&M team for 30 minutes.
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

if im miss state im fouling memphis the rest of the game

looks like they about to

I'm sayin... If Joey Dorsey is on the floor, I foul him every single time he touches the ball.
Stepheson is tearin' it up.... And Deon is starting to step up too which is good for his confidence and bad for other teams in this tourney.

Hey ANT- If haters want to hate then its their loss.

We have been the best team in this tournament I have seen so far. We have been playing efficiently on offense and our D has been pretty good especiallyconsidering our pace of play.

I don't buy into the theory that we have made questionable calls in crunch time. If you look at our close games this year we have made the necessary playsto get the W minus the Maryland game. Wayne has proven he can hit big shots for us when we need them and this team has much more poise and toughness than lastyears squad.
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