^ They showed why last year, with all the flashbacks of him caring for Izza, then him dieing in his arms, then the vice president denying it even happened or any children died while Brody was there surrounded by all the corpses of schoolkids. Abu Nazir didn't even try to convert him originally it just happened as a direct result of that attack + coverup.
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^ They showed why last year, with all the flashbacks of him caring for Izza, then him dieing in his arms, then the vice president denying it even happened or any children died while Brody was there surrounded by all the corpses of schoolkids. Abu Nazir didn't even try to convert him originally it just happened as a direct result of that attack + coverup.

yeah, i remember that, i was talking about carrie's pov, i hope she doesn't JUST go for brody and go try to get the vp as well
Saul found out about the incident and brought it up the line to Estes, but Estes won't get his hands dirty going against the VP and was one that sealed everything I think? VP isn't a terrorist, he made huge mistake and lied about it, doubt the CIA will investigate him since they already know about it and they covered it all up after the fact.

If anything I think Brody will end up later on being on the run, and make a public announcement either with a video, or through his daughter about why he did what he did and explain that the VP launched missiles at a school by mistake and he denied it, but that he was first person witness on the ground to the missile attack.
Another great episode.

I thought the tailor was gonna get capped after the flat by some "cleaner"... but that whole scene just went outta control!  

As for Carrie's suicide attempt, I was expecting Saul to call her right after she had taken the pills. He would tell her about a "revelation" regarding Brody, to which she'd hang-up and immediately run to the toilet to throw-up... 

Felt kinda bad for her being left-out after doing all the work... 
I didn't read anything in this thread yet. Just wanted to comment that I just started watching this show last night. I got Showtime free for 6 months. Started watching the ondemand last night. Season 1. Ep 1. I'm hooked after 1 show...

Recent posts got me thinking, do yall think the covering up a missile strike and the deaths of school children like it was just any other day of war on terrorism is reasonable and/or justifiable grounds for any citizen and also specifically a soldier in the armed forces to commit treason on your ...wait for it.. homeland?
Recent posts got me thinking, do yall think the covering up a missile strike and the deaths of school children like it was just any other day of war on terrorism is reasonable and/or justifiable grounds for any citizen and also specifically a soldier in the armed forces to commit treason on your ...wait for it.. homeland?
You can justify anything. Someone always loses out.

It just depends where you land on the matter. 

A citizen? That argument has a vast range of answers and I think it'd be impossible to say what they should or should not do as they're merely citizens. A citizen might feel that a little civil disobedience is required to get what they want out of the world. Some obviously go farther than that. 

A soldier? ...An active solider, like Bradley Manning? Not justified. See what people don't get about Manning is that, while you may agree with him, hes not a citizen. He's a soldier and is held to an entirely different set of laws and legal entitlements that citizens aren't. He swore an oath to protect the US. Much like Brody, he has sworn two different oaths. One when he was a solider. Another as a sworn representative. Both are acts of treason in his case. 

There is no doubt that killing those school children would raise tensions against this monolithic entity that acts without impunity. 
^^^ doubt they are just gonna go for him really fast... i think they are gonna keep a close eye on him, see who his contacts are, what are the plans, etc.
he's been a pow for 8 years, they've seen the scars on his back so to them [cia] they prolly think he can handle their types of torture so it would be no point to just get him for the sake of capturing him.
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Carrie done ****** up. I thought Brody was about to smash one last time. She really jumped the gun with exposing the whole op. Doubt they get much now, especially since he knows nothing about the attack. He's probably gonna leverage immunity somehow cuz of this.

Great ep.
I've caught about two episodes of this series and I've enjoyed it. I'm considering picking up the series but not now because I don't have time and I'm watching a bunch of shows at once. I get the "24" feel but with more intense convo / situations rather than action
I've caught about two episodes of this series and I've enjoyed it. I'm considering picking up the series but not now because I don't have time and I'm watching a bunch of shows at once. I get the "24" feel but with more intense convo / situations rather than action

That is exactly how I describe it to my friends that haven't seen it.
So, interesting comment during their bar scene. "So it all ends with a bullet in my brain..."

I see you, writers :wink:
watched all of season 1 in 2 days i'm hooked on this show.

Carrie exposed the truth on Brody :wow: she was right all along.
cot damnit carrie!!!
jesus! i feel like i could be a better agent than her! :lol:
great episode once again
it did feel a bit odd with the daughter scenes... don't know why they are adding this type of story arc about her especially in this ep

:wow: i didn't know that ppl could go in the Washington Monument!
yooo, how are more people not talking about tonight's episode.

SUCH a great show, can't wait for next week.
stuff other shows would throw in their season finales or drag out over at least half a season, this show throws in to one episode. i feel like they have to run out of reveals soon or just take this show in a whole new direction. i'm enjoying it, though. and as i understand it, this is an all-star writing team they assembled, so maybe the show will stay as good as it is
carrie just blew it yo , where do they even go from here? 
That's the question, where does this show go. I'm sure sitting back at the end of last season we thought that Brody would end up getting caught during the final seasons (like Breaking Bad i.e. Walter White, whose last season is going to show that).

These writers are either dimwits or extraordinary geniuses.

Here are some questions tho I still have,

In season 1, are we sure that Brody slipped the interrogated terrorist dude the razor? We still dont know that. Right around that time, Saul failed the lie detector test as well.

Also, how did Walker know to blow the Saudi Diplomat up at the square? No one but Carrie, Saul, and David Estes knew that the Saudi Diplomat was detained for questioning.

I'm just saying, someone in the CIA is working for Abu-Nazeer. Maybe Saul is dipping on both sides? Maybe not. Just something to think about.
Either this show is about to be over or these are the best writers ever. 
I'm banking on the fact that the writers know what they're doing.

Those questions are lingering tho, someone in the CIA is in the terrorist group.
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