:: Official 2010 NBA Free Agency Thread ::

Can we agree that the best players in the NBA were on the Olympic team?

When Lebron was asked who on that team would he most like to play with.. Do you know who he said?

He said Bosh, and we are i think the only team that can sign them two right off the bat.

Many people think he'll come to the NYK... and we could get him who he wants.....so??

Not saying it's gonna happen tho
Originally Posted by Dade B0Y

And yeah, I think Bosh is more likely for NY than Miami.
Curious as to why you think that? Gut feeling? Blind faith?

Because Miami is certainly a more attactive situation, from a cap flexibility standpoint. That's a fact.

 Miami can theoretically re-sign Dwyane Wade, sign Bosh to a max deal, and STILL have 9-10 million left to fill out the roster. And this all while having Beasley, Mario Chalmers, and Daequan Cook still on the books. Hell, Miami could essentially package Beasley in trade to a team under the salary cap(maybe the Thunder taking a flyer? Pairing him with his childhood friend in Durant), and essentially open up a slot for a THIRD MAX PLAYER. New York under no circumstance can make such a scenario plausible. 

And what exactly kind of credentials do Donnie Walsh and Mike D'Antoni have? They've won a grand total of zero championships between the two. So it's not like they have these hall of fame credentials, and have all this type of pull in the league.

It's certainly going to be a crazy summer. Really, nobody knows what's going to happen. Like I said it's going to be a battle of pitchman and recruiters. Going to be fun to see who comes out on top.

As a Heat fan though, I gotta say I like having a Hall of Famer, with 5 championship rings as a pitchman.

What happens if we pull out a trade and get a rotational player, or a couple players to strengthen our bench with Eddy Curry's $11.2M contract....

We'll be able to get a third max too..
But i would rather get a better bench or save the money for a shot at Melo
I been saying for the past few months that LBJ could be CHI-bound. I saw through that jersey number change. LBJ basically willing to change his brand logo made him able to play in two cities where #23 is retired: MIA and CHI.

I think folks make too much noise about MJ's shadow. Any athletic guard/forward steps into Mj's shadow the minute he shakes Sterns hand (see Harold Miner, Jerry STackhouse, Vince carter and others)

Although we have no coach and our organization treated the GOAT like *%%$, we have the most ready team with capspace. LeBron is naturally unselfish and so is Rose. I believe they will make a killer duo.

Chris Broussard was saying on WMVP this afternoon that there was speculation that Lebron wants Calipari and he was already linked to the Bulls b/c of his relationship with Rose. I really don't see him leaving Kentucky after 1 yr though especially with the recruiting class...but the Bulls with Lebron would attract anyone.

I'm not going to get all excited at the prospect just yet, but I will be selling the house in an attempt to get season tickets if this happens.
Not even a couple of days since this thread was made and we're already having heated discussions and almost 10 pages. This offseason is gonna be great
Originally Posted by AntBanks81

I been saying for the past few months that LBJ could be CHI-bound. I saw through that jersey number change. LBJ basically willing to change his brand logo made him able to play in two cities where #23 is retired: MIA and CHI.

Yea there was heavy speculation about that when he announced that he was going to 6 I just refuse to allow myself to get gassed. I would cry tears of joy but I just would rather focus on players that we have a shot at actually landing because he's just... well he's HIM.

I have been saying since the beginning of the season that we're the most attractive team for any free agent this off season because of the youthful pieces we have in place already.  You'd have to be a fool to not have Chicago on the high end of your list. I like where we're sitting I just hope the organization is extremely intelligent and aggressive 
So yall really think Lebron "Chosen One" James is gonna play in the city that will forever be MJ's... He will neva win that city over, every move he makes will be compared to MJ and he doesnt want that. The man JUST changed his number to make sure he wasnt under that shadow of 23... so why would anyone think that hes gonna go to Chi and be fine with it

It's NY or Cle with a darkhorse being dallas (Technically this is the best option available) imagine a 5 of kid, butler, bron, dirk, haywood
If Lebron leaves, the 4 starters he will have around will automatically be better than that crap he got in Cleveland right now.
Does anyone else not think it's too far-fetched of an idea for either Bosh or Stoudemire (whoever doesn't get signed by Miami to pair with Wade) to end up with the Nets, especially if they draft Wall? Think about it. Pair either of those two with Lopez gives a dominant tandem down low. They could package Harris, Yi, and maybe one of their young wing players (Williams, Douglas-Roberts, Lee) for a better 2 or 3 that is a proven starter.

I know that wouldn't make an immediate title contender, but I think they could turn out to be better situations than in Chicago or New York. EDIT: Only assuming Lebron stays in Cleveland.

If that doesn't work out, I could see the Nets going after David Lee.
People have this perception that playing for the Bulls means a lifetime comparison/link to MJ. The media is gonna do what the media does. Most Bulls fans I know, the ones that sell out the United Center every night, those fans want a ring regardless of who it is. Just because I personally witnessed Mike win 6 rings for my city, doesn't mean that I'm not as passionate about winning as I was back in '91. I'm one of the biggest MJ fans in the world, and all I care about is this current Bulls team winning. So if LeBron, or Wade, or Bosh help us do that, then come on over.

And personally, Miami is a nice city, but playing in front of 8,000 on a Tuesday night would piss me the hell off if I played there.

Come to Chicago guys.
You Bulls fans can stop dreaming.  He will not be a Chicago Bull.  PERIOD.  He wants NO PART in that.  Bron's ego is WAY TOO BIG to play 2nd fiddle in a city the rest of his career/life (dead serious).  Trust me...even BigMike knows what's up (j/k my dude).

If he is gonna bounce, NYC is the only TRULY logical destination from a location wise/$ wise/brand wise/celebrity wise/history wise/player wise (assuming CB4 goes with him)...

I think he's headed to NYC and I said it on NT before the season even started (back when AnimalThug was trying to bet dudes $1,000 cash he was staying).
LeBron will NOT be in a Cleveland uniform next season, I will bet whatever money you "OHIOIANS" put up.  LeBron however needs to come to NY, all NY needs to do to lock up LeBron is sign a semi-big name (Boozer, Johnson, Amare) as soon as possible after July 1st and LeBron will come RUNNING to 32nd street! Believe me, LeBron will be the LAST to sign among the free agents so he can scope out rosters and competition. I'm sorry Cleveland, although you have the money to follow the Knicks plan, no player will sign to Cleveland without a LeBron stay guarantee. Knicks front office knows what their doing, they have known this for 3 years now (THIS IS CHESS, NOT CHECKERS SON!). LeBron will be a Knick, LeBron will be the face of New York City Basketball for the rest of his career. LA has Kobe/Magic, BOS has Bird, CHI has Jordan, NY will be LeBron!! I'm so positive about this that I would put up anything, For all those saying he's staying in Cleveland....
, for all those saying he's not staying I applaud your common sense of logic, just know, 2 months from now I will be certain 
Originally Posted by Im Not You

I wonder what LA has up their sleeves. Obviously they can't swing for the fences this summer, but the past two summers in a row they've done something to remain competitive for the next year. Assuming they win it all this year, it'd be interesting to see how they address concerns going into 2011. Like the PG position for instance.
all we need is someone who can defend and hit the 3 for cheap. raja bell come on down and be our ron harper

. Were getting someone. I'm one of those that speak my own opinion based on how i feel. Contrary to what EnEye says, I think Chicago has just enough of a chance as anyone else. They have a good squad to lure someone in. But doesn't matter tho NYC > Chi town.
Should be an exciting and interesting summer. I think Amare and Wade will remain with their respect teams, but Bosh and Lebron could very will end up in NY together.
Originally Posted by Al3xis

at times you all just gave up on the whole idea and said "F Lebron, dude needs to stop being a #++$% and make his intents at least semi-clear" due to some of the reports that came out that linked him to re-upping with Cleveland (DubA for one).
people without patience did that. Everyone from the fans to Donnie Walsh knew the Knicks would be awful and the Cavs would be one of the top teams.


And Chicago has Rose and Noah.

LeBron is more valuable than those 2 combined. And yeah, I think Bosh is more likely for NY than Miami.

One would assume Lebron would exactly like to contend for a title next year.

give LeBron; Bosh, Gallinari, Chandler and whoever else and that team is contending to get out of the East in year 1.

i agree. why the $$%% would lebron want to go to chicago anyways??? so he can play with another ball dominate player???

rose and lebron would not work
Originally Posted by EnEyeKayEe

You Bulls fans can stop dreaming.  He will not be a Chicago Bull.  PERIOD.  He wants NO PART in that.  Bron's ego is WAY TOO BIG to play 2nd fiddle in a city the rest of his career/life (dead serious).  Trust me...even BigMike knows what's up (j/k my dude).

If he is gonna bounce, NYC is the only TRULY logical destination from a location wise/$ wise/brand wise/celebrity wise/history wise/player wise (assuming CB4 goes with him)...

I think he's headed to NYC and I said it on NT before the season even started (back when AnimalThug was trying to bet dudes $1,000 cash he was staying).


Also, the fans came out to the arena when we had a competitive team out on the floor. If everything works as plan, they wont have to worry about "playing in front of 8,000 on a Tuesday night"
Based on several recent conversations I've had today, I have to say I've never been more confident lebron is coming to NY.

about 2 hours ago via UberTwitter

For what its worth i believe the guy hes not ur typical writer and is def not doing it for the page hits.

Inregards to my last tweet. I have solid contacts, obviously it's infoand gut feeling combined. Always been a no-brainer. We'll see.

And for those wondering...manhattan.
Too many emotions going on right now, and still basketball to be played.

I seriously doubt even Lebron knows what he's gonna do yet.
[h1]Walsh Willing To Wait For 2011[/h1]
Mar 23, 2010 4:28 PM EST

Knicks president Donnie Walsh told The New York Post that he won't waste the team's cap space on a free agent that he isn't crazy about.

"I won't," Walsh promised. "Without in any way encouraging you to write about the names of the 2011 free-agent, class, yes. Of course. We're looking at it over a five-year period."

If the Knicks sign one maximum guy such as LeBron James or Joe Johnson and re-sign David Lee this summer, they'll probably be in position to have room for another maximum player in 2011, with Eddy Curry's $12 million coming off the books after next season.

For those who think he's Isiah paying Jerome James & Jeffries $6M
The knicks will be in a good spot regardless with Donniw walsh he's in a great spot and really knows what he's doing
Funny how people think they know what's gonna happen. It's nice to have fun and make bold presumptions, but some of you are arrogant , like you actually know something that others don't.
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