:: Official 2010 NBA Free Agency Thread ::

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Bucks are compiling up talent, and I applaud them for that. I've always liked Skiles, and I hope they can do something next year. Whether they will or not, we'll see, I hope so.

BJ - ?
Salmons - Redd - CDR
Maggette - Ilyasova - Delfino
Mbah a Moute - Gooden
Bogut - ?

Is that a championship caliber team? No, but it's a good team that'll make the Playoffs again.

Milwaukee could get to the conference semi's with that squad. + Bogut may have a healthy season...
As i'm reading on the Bucks forums from RealGM.com everyone is saying Hammond isnt done yet.
People think Ersan or Mbah moute will be traded simply cause there's a jam at the 4 spot, or Drew Goodens deal could be for something else down the road.

Also i'm reading that Redd has one of the most attractive expiring contracts there is. People are talking about deals that would make sense, and alot of people think Al jefferson could come in or Iggy. All speculation though, i do know that Redd will be used for something better. Most likely Redd will be kept until the deadline next year for a big trade is what im thinking. Its clear Kohl/Hammond aren't done yet though.

Now if Lebron would leave the Central division, or at least stay in Cleveland. Just do not go to the Bulls.
Originally Posted by 35KD

Dirk to sign 4 year, $80 million deal. Time to focus on other free agents now
Crazy because he could have taken 4 years, close to $96 million. But he wants the Mavs to go out and get another star. 
Wouldn't mind getting Al Jefferson...
^ i think so too i'm not thrilled they got Gooden. But i think Hammond possibly signed him to package Ersan/Ilyasova and Redd for a bigger star to win right now. Someone like Big Al, Iggy, or Granger.
If Gooden shows up like he did for Dallas, I'd be all for moving Mbah a Moute. Milwaukee is signing guys who are in their prime, guys who can get it done, and Ersan is more valuable to the Bucks than Mbah a Moute is IMO. I hear Moute is a great defender and all, but I remember Dirk lighting him up. Give me Ersan, I like that dude.

I don't know all that about Redd's contract, but if it's any similar to how Dampier's is, maybe they can bring in a good player.

Gooden played phenomenally in Dallas. He hustled better than any player I can remember in recent memory on the offensive boards, he got TONS of put backs that we had desperately been missing for a long time, he at least TRIED on defense, sure he'd have the semi-regular questionable call, but I'll be DAMNED if there is one single fan who didn't appreciate what Gooden did for DALLAS.

A bunch of those other teams? I can question that all day, but his stint with the Mavericks was a good one.
Originally Posted by Jehlers02

^ Yea and i remember everyone criticized him at the time when he called Stern out. Then Donaghy came out and said Philly and Milwaukee was rigged along with LA and SAC, and Miami/Dallas.

Stern was going to do everything possible to have Kobe/AI in the finals.  I suppose nobody here remembers the suspension of Scott Williams for game 7 for some made up flagrant 2 that never happened?
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