:: Official 2010 NBA Free Agency Thread ::

Originally Posted by DipsetGeneral

LeBreezy ain't leaving Cleveland.

Why would he go to a team that isn't a playoff bound team at the moment?


are people out of their %%#%##* minds or something? i mean i can't tell which comments are sarcastic or real anymore
Why would he go to a team that isn't a playoff bound team at the moment?
If you paired him with another All Star of his choice (Amare, Bosh, Joe Johnson, Wade)...those 2 on their own put whatever team they're on into the 2nd round of the playoffs automatically, at a minimum. Don't they? That's where the Cavs are right now.

I'll keep asking this, where is the room for growth for that roster in Cleveland? 
Here's the thing though about New York and the Lebron speculation that I've personally wondered: Who exactly, is following Lebron to New York?

It certainly isn't going to be Dwyane Wade...You can nip that in the bud, right off that bat.

Amare is absolutely NOT playing for Mike D'Antoni again, and has taken quite a few potshots at his coaching and his system.

Bosh? Could happen. Certainly not a lock. And both Miami and Chicago will both be actively pursuing him. Does Lebron by himself have more pull than Dwyane Wade & Pat Riley?

And Chicago has Rose and Noah. It's possible Bosh may view himself as an alpha dog, and might find that situation attactive. He may not want regarded as sidekick.

After that you then you Boozer, and Joe Johnson, or even re-signing David Lee to round out the 'best of the rest'. And one of those guys alone isn't put him a situatoin all that much better than Cleveland..

The Knicks ONLY have raw capsapce to work with. They have ZERO draft picks for the next two drafts, and have mimumal assets on deck. Danillio Gallinai and Wilson Chander are the most "impressive" prospects on the roster, and they both play the same posistion as Lebron. There is no viable options at point guard or center.

Who exactly is Lebron going to play with in New York? One would assume Lebron would like to contend for a title next year.
I feel bad for the y'all Knicks fans, seriously. This whole Lebron thing is just toying with your emotions. Over these past two years, at times y'all feel like you are going to get Lebron and feel like your FO is deadset on getting him (for example now and about halfway through the 08-09 season), and at times you all just gave up on the whole idea and said "F Lebron, dude needs to stop being a #++$% and make his intents at least semi-clear" due to some of the reports that came out that linked him to re-upping with Cleveland (DubA for one).

When July comes, I firmly believe he will re-sign with the Cavaliers. I've been under the impression for a couple of years now that that has always been his plan, and he's been just doing all this stuff and playing with the media for the fun of it; just to build anticipation and speculation which he obviously enjoys thoroughly.

Admittedly, this is the biggest I've ever seen the "Lebron to NY" thing get, but I honestly don't think his mind has changed at all from this, nor will it change if they lose this series.
Damn, I really have to deal with all this for another two months?


I'm just going to stay quiet and let people talk.

Nice avy Allen

Baskin Robbins or Haagen Daaz please
Originally Posted by JPZx

I feel bad for the y'all Knicks fans, seriously. This whole Lebron thing is just toying with your emotions. Over these past two years, at times y'all feel like you are going to get Lebron and feel like your FO is deadset on getting him (for example now and about halfway through the 08-09 season), and at times you all just gave up on the whole idea and said "F Lebron, dude needs to stop being a #++$% and make his intents at least semi-clear" due to some of the reports that came out that linked him to re-upping with Cleveland (DubA for one).

When July comes, I firmly believe he will re-sign with the Cavaliers. I've been under the impression for a couple of years now that that has always been his plan, and he's been just doing all this stuff and playing with the media for the fun of it; just to build anticipation and speculation which he obviously enjoys thoroughly.

Admittedly, this is the biggest I've ever seen the "Lebron to NY" thing get, but I honestly don't think his mind has changed at all from this, nor will it change if they lose this series.
How do you come to this conclusion? You think after ANOTHER early exit, he's going to want to stay around for another season when the Cavs can't do anything to improve their roster b/c they'll be over the cap even with Shaq coming off the books, they won't be in any better position (actually worse) to win a title next year. If anything, them losing to the Celtics would all but pack Bron's bags. I don't think he's going to NY though, their are more attractive destinations for him and the way it looks now he wouldn't survive with the media out there.
at times you all just gave up on the whole idea and said "F Lebron,dude needs to stop being a #++$% and make his intents at leastsemi-clear" due to some of the reports that came out that linked him tore-upping with Cleveland (DubA for one).
people without patience did that. Everyone from the fans to Donnie Walsh knew the Knicks would be awful and the Cavs would be one of the top teams.


And Chicago has Rose and Noah.

LeBron is more valuable than those 2 combined. And yeah, I think Bosh is more likely for NY than Miami.

One would assume Lebron would exactly like to contend for a title next year.

give LeBron; Bosh, Gallinari, Chandler and whoever else and that team is contending to get out of the East in year 1.
Gallinari and Chandler decent players, nothing more. You got 3 SFs, Bosh and what else? That team will make the playoffs, title contender? It looks similar to CLE except Bosh is an upgrade over Jamison.

Rose, Hinrich, Deng, Bron, Noah > NYK lineup

PG, Wade, Bron, Beasley, Boozer > NYK lineup
The Cavs can improve at every position at their roster besides SF. was that a joke?

Gallo can play the 4, while chandler can play the 2. granted they're playing out of their positions, but who isnt in this league?

And i honestly believe the Bulls are in the best position, as well as the heat to an lesser extent.

The bulls already have their point, combo guard off their bench, center, etc. they're just the most well rounded. and if they can trade deng for straight cap space, they'll almost have enough for two max FAs.
That cavs homer on espn said if bron left the bulls would be the front runners. Hahhahha ya ok.

If bron wants to build up his own name why go do it for the team mj played for?

Now I hope we do get him but come on now
Originally Posted by JPZx

When July comes, I firmly believe he will re-sign with the Cavaliers.
After watching him 8 rows from the floor behind the Cavaliers' bench last night from an hour before tip off to the moment he walked into the tunnel after the game, he already has his bags packed...

And he will be Public Enemy #1 in CLE for a long, long time...

Always said I'd still root for him if he left to join a better situation/chance at a dynasty (because I'd understand & he's been my fav basketball player since he was a Junior in HS), but after the shenanigans he pulled last night and the GIANT middle finger he gave to our entire organization and fan base, I'll never root for him again after he bounces.
Originally Posted by BangDak

granted they're playing out of their positions, but who isnt in this league?
Players playing out of their positions is a trend in poor teams.
Lebron could play the 2, 3, and 4 in D'Antoni's offense.

Or Chandler at the 2, Lebron at 3, Gallo off the bench. Or Lebron at the 2, Gallo at 3, Will off the bench. Yes, they're all listed as small forwards but it's set in stone, that part isn't that confusing.

I usually stay out of speculation and hypothetical scenarios, but I wanted to clarify that. Plus as Allen mentioned, the Knicks are at least younger than the Cavs right now, there's room for growth. Douglas, Chandler, Lebron, Gallo, Bosh/Amare, fillers would be in the thick of the playoff hunt and could definitely advance in the playoffs, at least depending on how FA shakes up the East.

Give the team another year and Cheeseburger Eddy's contract comes off the books in 2011, and they nab a point guard/defensive center, and there's a title contender.

I'm not saying that's happening, or it's a sure thing, or Lebron is going to win 20 titles in NY, so don't bother quoting and laughing. Just that IF he were to come and they got another FA, things could fall into place very easily in the East. Debating whether or not he opts out and THEN whether or not he comes to NY over Chicago, Miami, (God forbid New Jersey) is a different discussion, but hypothetically if he comes then things could fall into place very quickly.
I don't think Ray for the MLE is going to happen. I'll have more of an opinion on the Ray situation after the playoffs, but sign and trade or re-signing with Boston are most likely.
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

That cavs homer on espn said if bron left the bulls would be the front runners. Hahhahha ya ok.

If bron wants to build up his own name why go do it for the team mj played for?

Now I hope we do get him but come on now

I think they do have the best shot at landing Bron if he does decide to leave. They already have an up and coming superstar in Rose, Noah is getting better every season and Hinrich is decent off the bench. Playing in MJ's 'shadow' won't be as much pressure b/c the Bulls have had success a lot more recently than the Knicks have and aren't fiending as much. If they find a way to move Deng's contract they'll be sitting pretty. But even if not, sign Bron outright and throw Ray Allen 7-8 million and you may have your Eastern Conference champs.




F-whoever (they can get a servicable vet for cheap)

C- Noah

Bench- Hinrich, Deng (if they keep him), Taj. That's a good @@$ team right there.
My whole thought on this free agency thing:

I don't really care where Lebron goes. Honestly. If he goes to the Knicks, NYC hit the lottery. That's his best option besides staying. He can enjoy all the money, media, stars, lights, strippers & steaks over there. Although that wont generally affect his career from a sportsmanship standpoint, it will boost his fanbase and ultimately his status in the ranks of entreprenuership.

Its been one helluva run if he leaves.

I used to be so stubburn to believe that he would retire a Cav. I've been a fan since 1996 when I was 11. Im used to this. I'm a Cavaliers fan. As long as they stay in Cleveland - I'm happy.

So whether it the Bulls, Knicks, Heat or Nets - I wish duke the best.
Originally Posted by JPZx

I feel bad for the y'all Knicks fans, seriously. This whole Lebron thing is just toying with your emotions. Over these past two years, at times y'all feel like you are going to get Lebron and feel like your FO is deadset on getting him (for example now and about halfway through the 08-09 season), and at times you all just gave up on the whole idea and said "F Lebron, dude needs to stop being a #++$% and make his intents at least semi-clear" due to some of the reports that came out that linked him to re-upping with Cleveland (DubA for one).

When July comes, I firmly believe he will re-sign with the Cavaliers. I've been under the impression for a couple of years now that that has always been his plan, and he's been just doing all this stuff and playing with the media for the fun of it; just to build anticipation and speculation which he obviously enjoys thoroughly.

Admittedly, this is the biggest I've ever seen the "Lebron to NY" thing get, but I honestly don't think his mind has changed at all from this, nor will it change if they lose this series.
you really bring my name up too much. you still mad that i called your GM an idiot for wanting 14 point guards or something? I never believed those articles about him re-upping a contract with the cavs. the one and only one that had me like "we're screwed" on niketalk was the Nike contract.

someone reported that there  "no new york clause". At that point i said wow we're screwed because I was expecting the numbers to come out the next day but guess what? They never appeared. The numbers never leaked. The no new york clause means NOTHING if we don't know how much money he got. that was the one and only thing that ever had me thinking that we're screwed

your impression of the last 2 years means nothing. No athlete is dumb enough to risk injury all for the hype/speculation of the media. it was painfully obvious that he isn't in love with clevlend at his MVP ceremony. just admit that it's blind hatred and you don't wanna see the knicks right there with the yankees competing for a chip every single year. lebron is nothing like joe mauer at all. he doesn't give a %@#% about that city. he only cares about Akron.
... you chose to/perceived that post as me calling you out or some !!++. I mentioned you once in there get over yourself.
Lebron going to Miami or Chicago I just can't see it.

I can't see Lebron/Wade, Lebron/Rose being able to work out.
Originally Posted by JPZx

... you chose to/perceived that post as me calling you out or some !!++. I mentioned you once in there get over yourself.

if you're gonna bring me up by name at least know what i wrote.

the nike contract was the one thing that had me worried. and the numbers never ever came out. it's hilarious looking back. theres "no NYC clause" but we aren't going to report how money much he signed for. we knew his OG contract was worth 90 million before he even played a game  
And yeah, I think Bosh is more likely for NY than Miami.
Curious as to why you think that? Gut feeling? Blind faith?

Because Miami is certainly a more attactive situation, from a cap flexibility standpoint. That's a fact.

 Miami can theoretically re-sign Dwyane Wade, sign Bosh to a max deal, and STILL have 9-10 million left to fill out the roster. And this all while having Beasley, Mario Chalmers, and Daequan Cook still on the books. Hell, Miami could essentially package Beasley in trade to a team under the salary cap(maybe the Thunder taking a flyer? Pairing him with his childhood friend in Durant), and essentially open up a slot for a THIRD MAX PLAYER. New York under no circumstance can make such a scenario plausible. 

And what exactly kind of credentials do Donnie Walsh and Mike D'Antoni have? They've won a grand total of zero championships between the two. So it's not like they have these hall of fame credentials, and have all this type of pull in the league.

It's certainly going to be a crazy summer. Really, nobody knows what's going to happen. Like I said it's going to be a battle of pitchman and recruiters. Going to be fun to see who comes out on top.

As a Heat fan though, I gotta say I like having a Hall of Famer, with 5 championship rings as a pitchman.
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