Official 2009 ALCS Thread LAA Angels ( 2 ) vs NY Yankees ( 4 ) YANKEES WIN !!!

Ive been a Yankee fan for along time, But I havent always watched baseball on a regular basis...but to see Arod breakout like this in the post season is one ofthe better things ive witnessed watching. Dude had so much on his shoulders coming into this post season, and hes finally responded. 3 strait games with a HRis incredible, keep it up Arod.
Seems like he wants that Championship more than anyone! Well maybe besides Jeter.

PS can anyone send me a Yankee sig? Would be much appreciated.
I dont mind Angel fans actually I havent ever ran across to many, I really have a deep hate for the team of the Angels because of their numerous whoopings theyhanded us in past years in October. Its my main reasoning for being so pumped for this win on top of everything else. I have never once not believed theywerent the most dangerous team we would have to face this year. If we were losing the hate would be strong, some enjoy it different thn others.
How I haven't had a post in this thread for like week, is beyond me.

I feel like a bum. Giving lip to these new Yankee fans when I'm nowhere to be found.

No time to post FTMFL.
Originally Posted by Yoda

How I haven't had a post in this thread for like week, is beyond me.

I feel like a bum. Giving lip to these new Yankee fans when I'm nowhere to be found.

No time to post FTMFL.
Who is this dude?? Must be a frontrunner
good W for the yanks... im not going to get carried away though... they still need 1 more win to get to the series... we all remember how this same situationturned out before and they were even up 3-0... just saying im not going to celebrate until they get that next W against the angels
Originally Posted by jrp44

Originally Posted by Yoda

How I haven't had a post in this thread for like week, is beyond me.

I feel like a bum. Giving lip to these new Yankee fans when I'm nowhere to be found.

No time to post FTMFL.
Who is this dude?? Must be a frontrunner

We got y'all right where we want you

KingFoam is the reason people hate the Yankees...

Originally Posted by I LOVE my Jordans

good W for the yanks... im not going to get carried away though... they still need 1 more win to get to the series... we all remember how this same situation turned out before and they were even up 3-0... just saying im not going to celebrate until they get that next W against the angels

i'm pretty sure the yankees got this wrapped up though.

lackeys pitching on thursday so they might show life for 1 more game but i doubt this series goes anymore then 6 if that.
Thanks for the spoiler SHUGES.

KingFoam needs to need to call out Angels fans when they weren't even talkin' reckless to begin with. You're one of those fans whothinks they are OWED something. Enjoy the Ws and keep it moving like the rest of em'.
Yo I am who I am and if ya N's don't like it y'all can kiss my grits

Like I said 100 times before y'all take the internet a little too serious
@ kiss my grits.

Woke up this AM with the biggest strain in my neck going all the way down my shoulder blade so I skipped work and still could not get any WS tickets, I thinkthey're all sold out on Ticketmaster.
This is a thread about baseball trash talking is inevitable its great when u win and u could pound your chest a little after a win and after a lost u can looklike a total fool that's the beauty of it a lot y'all actin like pansies with this humble pie bs actin like y'all the guys that's actually onthe field playing. Leave that s*** to jeter and arod. How about u guys loosen up and do a little bit of what a lot of men do boast and brag when your on topand take the beating when your not that's the beauty of competition
Like dude who said he was gonna punch assassin's brains out had me almost fall out of my seat like dude really got extremely upset, if someone on acomputer can make u that angry to say your gonna punch their brains out and stuff their head with jeter jerseys after u should really be considering is thishow I want to live my life
i feel you but when this team has kicked our @!$ in the playoffs and regular as much as they have it's just seems kinda stupid to talk so much *!%!. iconsider myself an arrogant yankee fan but my teasing is always in fun. i have fun with sox fans and met fans. to me it's all jokes. i can take em and dishw/ no problem..........
Originally Posted by onewearz

i feel you but when this team has kicked our @!$ in the playoffs and regular as much as they have it's just seems kinda stupid to talk so much *!%!. i consider myself an arrogant yankee fan but my teasing is always in fun. i have fun with sox fans and met fans. to me it's all jokes. i can take em and dish w/ no problem..........

See that's you I agree with u 100% I may be abravise but every time I post I shouldn't have to be reminded of the NT Code Of Conduct because Idon't suck off the opposition. Believe it or not in this is a country were people speak their minds about a few things including sports especially on amessage board
Rant over
Originally Posted by KingFoamNYC

Like dude who said he was gonna punch assassin's brains out had me almost fall out of my seat like dude really got extremely upset, if someone on a computer can make u that angry to say your gonna punch their brains out and stuff their head with jeter jerseys after u should really be considering is this how I want to live my life
I woke up this morning laughing about that *@%%. These kids are so sensitive.
Originally Posted by Yoda

How I haven't had a post in this thread for like week, is beyond me.

I feel like a bum. Giving lip to these new Yankee fans when I'm nowhere to be found.

No time to post FTMFL.

If you were born in The Bronx, you were born a Yankees fan.....
do a little bit of what a lot of men do boast and brag when your on top and take the beating when your not that's the beauty of competition
Like you said, though, 'a lot of men', meaning... not ALL men. Not all sports fans (men or women) do the whole 'boast and brag whenyou're on top.' And even those that do, they do it differently.

Like I said about the Red Sox game we came back to win, with Papelbon having the lead and 2 outs and a 2-strike count on THREE consecutive Angels, I was HYPEDat work, running around screaming "TWO OUT BASEBALL, BABY!! LET'S GOO! TWO OUT BASEBALL, SON!!!"

Sure, that's 'boast and brag when you're on top,' so yeah, I do it. But I do it differently. I never said a word about how terrible the Red Soxare, how annoying/bandwagon/stupid/whatever their fans are. None of that.

And someone else, they wouldn't even go around hooting and hollering like I was.

So there's all kinds of differences in the world of sports fans, but just like every facet of life where there are differences in individuals (which isEVERY facet of life), respect is necessary.

Calling out Angels fans for disappearing without remembering that there aren't even that many of us in the first place... I mean, why even bother?Celebrate your team; don't worry about mine. Drink it up with fans of your team; leave the other team's fans alone. What do they have to do with thecelebration going on with you and your team's fans? Nothing.

Know what I mean?
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