Obama's community service plan

Ok so let me think not comply and die...or not comply or graduate...hmmmmm what's a choice here? And I'm not jus talkin bout the choice aspect...in allaspects the two aren't similar....c'mon we both kno the two are far from the same thing...no matter how u spin that bs u peddlin
Originally Posted by iBlink

reigndrop wrote:
Whether it's required or not, the money for the this tax "credit", where is it coming from? We have at least 1.5 million in college if not more, say 1 million kids take up this program. Where is the 4 billion coming from?

The same place that provided for the $700 billion bailout.

Tax payers pockets.

False, not tax payers pockets, they'll just print more money to pay for this further devaluing our currency, leading to $4000 not being worth as much. WOOP!
Originally Posted by reigndrop

Whether it's required or not, the money for the this tax "credit", where is it coming from? We have at least 1.5 million in college if not more, say 1 million kids take up this program. Where is the 4 billion coming from?

Oh come on now, don't you know that Obama is the saviour, he will make the money materialize out of thin air. Seriously though, you can't throw logicat these dudes, they don't want to know, nor do they care where the money comes from. They think a tax credit is the same as a pay check...
Originally Posted by Skitz O

Originally Posted by reigndrop

Whether it's required or not, the money for the this tax "credit", where is it coming from? We have at least 1.5 million in college if not more, say 1 million kids take up this program. Where is the 4 billion coming from?

Oh come on now, don't you know that Obama is the saviour, he will make the money materialize out of thin air. Seriously though, you can't throw logic at these dudes, they don't want to know, nor do they care where the money comes from. They think a tax credit is the same as a pay check...
Exactly, this is he flaw with Obama's tax "cuts" for the middle class. They aren't cuts, rather they come in the form ofrebates etc. Just keep printing the money.
reigndrop wrote:
Originally Posted by iBlink

reigndrop wrote:
Whether it's required or not, the money for the this tax "credit", where is it coming from? We have at least 1.5 million in college if not more, say 1 million kids take up this program. Where is the 4 billion coming from?

The same place that provided for the $700 billion bailout.

Tax payers pockets.

False, not tax payers pockets, they'll just print more money to pay for this further devaluing our currency, leading to $4000 not being worth as much. WOOP!

Read up on floating exchange rates... this has been done for decades. None the less, the tax payers dollars will indeed be used to fund more of thepresident's plans.
yo, most people i know drop out anyway and they never do the comm. sevices either.

my cousin had ONE FULL YEAR to do 24 hrs of community services, or go to jail.

he did 7hrs and went to jail


Originally Posted by iBlink

reigndrop wrote:
Originally Posted by iBlink

reigndrop wrote:
Whether it's required or not, the money for the this tax "credit", where is it coming from? We have at least 1.5 million in college if not more, say 1 million kids take up this program. Where is the 4 billion coming from?

The same place that provided for the $700 billion bailout.

Tax payers pockets.

False, not tax payers pockets, they'll just print more money to pay for this further devaluing our currency, leading to $4000 not being worth as much. WOOP!

Read up on floating exchange rates... this has been done for decades. None the less, the tax payers dollars will indeed be used to fund more of the president's plans.

Ok, so our money will be worth less when we exchange. But it will also be worth less if we print more of it. Could clarify though on how taxpayers dollars are going to fund the president's plans? Taxing the upper class is going to only bring about $35 billion of revenue. We're alsoraising the corporate tax and capital gains for more revenue, but without a doubt, with this financial disaster, there will be more regulation leading tosmaller taxable profits. How does the president expect to pay for his government program's and all these tax rebates?
Look, you guys can pretty it up as much as you want, but forcing community service (on children, no less) is a form of slavery. Just like forcing children of3rd world countries to make soccer balls for three cents a day is a form of slavery. Oh wait, by your definitions, the children are getting paid for makingthose soccer balls, so its not slavery. My entire point is you can NOT force law abiding people, children, to work and punish them (by not allowing them tograduate) if they don't comply. Where does it say the middle school and high school students get a tax credit? It doesn't...
I find it hilarious how everytime someone shuts the op down he just ignores them and argues with the next person. Dudes a clown, how are you going to comparecommunity service (that you choose to do in order to recieve a $4k tax credit, which would mean at the end of the year you would receive a check for $4,000) toslavery (someone actually owning you as their property and having the rights to your life.)
Originally Posted by K8be wan Kenobi

Originally Posted by reigndrop

Whether it's required or not, the money for the this tax "credit", where is it coming from? We have at least 1.5 million in college if not more, say 1 million kids take up this program. Where is the 4 billion coming from?
$4 billion over 4 years?


We spend $10 billion a MONTH in Iraq.


You can't possibly be crying about spending $4 billion on our kids and communities.

So many people on NT want to be political analysts, but have no idea what they're talking about...
Okay... I was asking where it was coming from. But since you wanted bring up Iraq, that's cool too. Iraq's $10 billion is being fundedby LOANS. Once we stop the war, we won't have that $10 billion a month, that is unless we take up more loans.
Originally Posted by jonny1200

I find it hilarious how everytime someone shuts the op down he just ignores them and argues with the next person. Dudes a clown, how are you going to compare community service (that you choose to do in order to recieve a $4k tax credit, which would mean at the end of the year you would receive a check for $4,000) to slavery (someone actually owning you as their property and having the rights to your life.)

Again, for about the 100th time in this post, IT IS NOT A CHOICE, YOU DO NOT CHOOSE TO DO IT, IT IS MANDATORY, REQUIRED, NOT VOLUNTARY....any of those wordsmean anything to you. Need a dictionary? Who's the clown who has no idea what the hell they are talking about? You don't get a check at the end ofthe year for $4,000 smart guy. You do 100 hours EVERY YEAR FOR 4 YEARS, and you get a tax credit for your first 4k in tuition free. Clown.

And apparantly the only form of slavery that exists is the kind that happened to Africans in America...there can't possibly be other scenarios that fitinto the definition of slavery, no way....you sir, are the clown.
reigndrop wrote:
Ok, so our money will be worth less when we exchange. But it will also be worth less if we print more of it. Could clarify though on how tax payers dollars are going to fund the president's plans? Taxing the upper class is going to only bring about $35 billion of revenue. We're also raising the corporate tax and capital gains for more revenue, but without a doubt, with this financial disaster, there will be more regulation leading to smaller taxable profits. How does the president expect to pay for his government program's and all these tax rebates?

I'm not advocating the government printing more dummy money, I was simply pointing out that if they do take this route, it won't besomething new, so your argument against the president wouldn't stand up.

Tax dollars fund different government projects, so all I'm saying is that more money will be funneled into a program such as this one.
And also since he can't read I will also volunteer to help him.

(PAY CLOSE ATTENTION TO THE BOLD WORDS, the parentheses will explain them)

"Obama will CALL ON (that just another way of saying ask) citizens of all ages to serve America, by setting a goalthat all middle school and high school students do 50 hours of community service a year and by developing a plan so that allcollege students WHO conduct 100 hours of community service (that would mean the students who choose to do 100 hours, so if you don't choose to do100 hours you won't get a tax credit) RECIEVE (means you are getting something) aUNIVERSAL and fully refundable tax credit (universal would means that it applies to any college. And if you are receiving (check the previousparenthesis) a tax credit refundable for $4k, that would mean a check from the government to you) ensuring that the first$4,000 of their college education is completely free."

Now unless I can't read, where does it say that Obama is forcing me to do community service or that he is making me a US slave?
Originally Posted by iBlink

reigndrop wrote:
Ok, so our money will be worth less when we exchange. But it will also be worth less if we print more of it. Could clarify though on how tax payers dollars are going to fund the president's plans? Taxing the upper class is going to only bring about $35 billion of revenue. We're also raising the corporate tax and capital gains for more revenue, but without a doubt, with this financial disaster, there will be more regulation leading to smaller taxable profits. How does the president expect to pay for his government program's and all these tax rebates?
I'm not advocating the government printing more dummy money, I was simply pointing out that if they do take this route, it won't be something new, so your argument against the president wouldn't stand up.

Tax dollars fund different government projects, so all I'm saying is that more money will be funneled into a program such as this one.

I agree with you about the government not printing more money but my concern is where this money is coming from.
Originally Posted by Kobe BACK

lol this dude keeps comparing community service to slavery. Log off and go to sleep
No, FORCED, MANDATORY COMMUNITY SERVICE is slavery. Regular, VOLUNTARY, community service is not what we are talking about. Nice try though, tryreading next time.

OH..and by the way, since it is being brought up so much, that portion about the tax credit was NOT there yesterday. And they have also removed the portionstating that it is 100 hours a year for college students.
Originally Posted by Skitz O

Originally Posted by Kobe BACK

lol this dude keeps comparing community service to slavery. Log off and go to sleep
No, FORCED, MANDATORY COMMUNITY SERVICE is slavery. Regular, VOLUNTARY, community service is not what we are talking about. Nice try though, try reading next time.
PLEASE show me where it says mandatory or forced.
Originally Posted by Skitz O

Originally Posted by Kobe BACK

lol this dude keeps comparing community service to slavery. Log off and go to sleep
No, FORCED, MANDATORY COMMUNITY SERVICE is slavery. Regular, VOLUNTARY, community service is not what we are talking about. Nice try though, try reading next time.

OH..and by the way, since it is being brought up so much, that portion about the tax credit was NOT there yesterday. And they have also removed the portion stating that it is 100 hours a year for college students.

Go back to bed. Do it.
The funny thing is that it will NOT be forced. So all these people in an uproar are doing so for no reason.

Realistically, there is no way they can enforce this across the board. It just won't happen. He is just giving an incentive to those who want to takeadvantage of it.

Get your panties out of your %*+, relax, and let the man get into office first before you start bashing his presidency.
Originally Posted by jonny1200

And also since he can't read I will also volunteer to help him.

(PAY CLOSE ATTENTION TO THE BOLD WORDS, the parentheses will explain them)

"Obama will CALL ON (that just another way of saying ask) citizens of all ages to serve America, by setting a goal that all middle school and high school students do 50 hours of community service a year and by developing a plan so that all college students WHO conduct 100 hours of community service (that would mean the students who choose to do 100 hours, so if you don't choose to do 100 hours you won't get a tax credit) RECIEVE (means you are getting something) a UNIVERSAL and fully refundable tax credit (universal would means that it applies to any college. And if you are receiving (check the previous parenthesis) a tax credit refundable for $4k, that would mean a check from the government to you) ensuring that the first $4,000 of their college education is completely free."

Now unless I can't read, where does it say that Obama is forcing me to do community service or that he is making me a US slave?
Don't you know? CALLING ON is just a disguise for FORCING. Who WANTS to do community service for our +!+#$% communities just to get money forcollege? I don't want MY KIDS to be "CALLED ON" to do 50 hours of community service a YEAR. That's just a modern form of SLAVERY!
i read about this a while ago... its just an initiative to help students who don't have the financial ability to pay for college even after scholarshipsand financial aid... it offers them 4k for 100 hrs of community service that works towards the first 4k of their tuition bill... equivalent to working a $40/hrjob. Furthermore, it's never stated as being mandatory or forced onto anyone... which seems to be the basis of your argument. You first said havingstudents work was a form of slavery, b/c the money isn't directly given to them. Next you stated it was slavery b/c students were "forced" towork. Its fine if u want to voice your political opinion on a new govt initiative, i'm all for that, but don't be and idiot and run your mouth beforeyou get your facts straight.
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