NT Caucasians....How Do You Feel About Slavery?

eNPHAN, you just seem like you suck and are full of hate. You shall be mentally enslaved forever thinking the way you do.
I love how you chose to ignore my last 5 posts


so you admit to a "slave mentality"?

so NOT having that mentality implanted into your race through slavery...would be....an...automatic...priviledge?


Originally Posted by Kneesh

AntonLaVey wrote:

I said white privilege does exist but there are white people in this country that have accomplished everything without a handout.
There handout is being born with White skin .

I can find you 100 white athletes who feel different
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Ok dude.
.....Continue living in Uncle Toms Cabin, while I continue living in reality. I find it humorous that you took my initial statement of receivingprivilege, made a joke of it then complain when people don't take you seriously. Then get defensive about being called an Uncle Tom, then embrace it withpiff emoticons. Whatever dude, go ahead and "benefit black people more than so called true black men".....you been brainwashed word to clockworkorange.
Not going to read the entire thread because it's most likely pointless and a waste of time.

That being said. Slavery is nothing unique to Black Americans. Discrimination is nothing to unique to Black Americans. Being treated as second class citizensis not unique to Black Americans.
That doesn't mean that all these things are not problems or issues that don't have valid grievances. On the other hand, it also means that there'snothing special about the Black experience in America when it comes to slavery or discrimination.

The world has never been a nice place and contrary to what many people say, most people are not genuinely "good" people.
They're good/nice when they need to be
Originally Posted by FrankReynolds420

eNPHAN, you just seem like you suck and are full of hate. You shall be mentally enslaved forever thinking the way you do.
Co-sign. Some of these dudes sound really angry with their lives.
Originally Posted by FrankReynolds420

eNPHAN, you just seem like you suck and are full of hate. You shall be mentally enslaved forever thinking the way you do.

this coming from this guy?

Like why talk about it? Is there anything I can do about it?
yeah ok

i do agree enphan and haze go a lil hard but for the most part it seems like its coming from the right place and i can't say i ever disagree w/ what theyhave to say on these topics...minus the name calling...
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Not going to read the entire thread because it's most likely pointless and a waste of time.

That being said. Slavery is nothing unique to Black Americans. Discrimination is nothing to unique to Black Americans. Being treated as second class citizens is not unique to Black Americans.
That doesn't mean that all these things are not problems or issues that don't have valid grievances. On the other hand, it also means that there's nothing special about the Black experience in America when it comes to slavery or discrimination.
The biggest BS comment in this entire thread.
btw, frank reynolds, you been on my @%*%.

aint nothing wrong with the way I think....

you think I'm "mentally enslaved" from what I've typed in this post?


I seem like I suck....lol

full of hate? for who? white people who can't even acknowledge they are born with priviledge?

lol, okay, buddy...full of hate...lol.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

I love how you chose to ignore my last 5 posts


so you admit to a "slave mentality"?

so NOT having that mentality implanted into your race through slavery...would be....an...automatic...priviledge?


I also wasnt arguing with u, hence me ignoring your post. I didn't say anything is automatic...in fact that's the very jist of whatI'm trying to say. Slave mentality has something to do with it, as is poverty, lack of education, BET....I could go on forever.

Not really sure what you're asking me here
Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

Originally Posted by FrankReynolds420

eNPHAN, you just seem like you suck and are full of hate. You shall be mentally enslaved forever thinking the way you do.
Co-sign. Some of these dudes sound really angry with their lives.
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Not going to read the entire thread because it's most likely pointless and a waste of time.

That being said. Slavery is nothing unique to Black Americans. Discrimination is nothing to unique to Black Americans. Being treated as second class citizens is not unique to Black Americans.
That doesn't mean that all these things are not problems or issues that don't have valid grievances. On the other hand, it also means that there's nothing special about the Black experience in America when it comes to slavery or discrimination.
The biggest BS comment in this entire thread.
Oh really?

You want to go read up on some history of Jews in Europe, oh say, starting in the 13th century.
You think Jews are all over the place because they like to travel?
According to witness and book that i read: Majority of slaves were slaves who were treated really bad by most white folks but there were slaves that weretreated just like family members . There were countless of good white folks who took in slaves and and gave them shelters, foods, education but because thepressure from authority and politic, these good white folk were forced to keep the black people they know as slave on paper but behind close door, they weretreated just like family member. The trend become more popular and these good white folks began to unite and stood up against slavery during the mid 1800

Slavery was wrong but not only black people endure slavery. Chinese, Jews, Whites, Indeginous american, indians, etc all endured slavery. We just need to leaveit behind and move on.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

btw, frank reynolds, you been on my @%*%.

aint nothing wrong with the way I think....

you think I'm "mentally enslaved" from what I've typed in this post?


I seem like I suck....lol

full of hate? for who? white people who can't even acknowledge they are born with priviledge?

lol, okay, buddy...full of hate...lol.
To me it seems you hate your life
how is this even an argument? White folk today obviously feel bad about what happened 400 years ago, but theres nothing we can really do about it. And as faras white priveledge, I do admit that there are some benefits to being white, but there are also many negatives to being white.
Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Anton > eNPHAN + HeuyP

Thank you.....fools.
It's either people don't know how to read or theyjust want me to say this exact sentence

"Black people have to struggle, the white man gets whatever he wants whenever he wants without having to work for it"

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Not going to read the entire thread because it's most likely pointless and a waste of time.

That being said. Slavery is nothing unique to Black Americans. Discrimination is nothing to unique to Black Americans. Being treated as second class citizens is not unique to Black Americans.
That doesn't mean that all these things are not problems or issues that don't have valid grievances. On the other hand, it also means that there's nothing special about the Black experience in America when it comes to slavery or discrimination.
The biggest BS comment in this entire thread.
Oh really?

You want to go read up on some history of Jews in Europe, oh say, starting in the 13th century.
You think Jews are all over the place because they like to travel?
Oh God...

Don't do it.
Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by push kicks


All of us were born in the same time era, the 21st century, so none of us have any control of past events. What we do have control of is the present and the future. Every human being should frown upon the idea of slavery, and any instances of slavery throughout the history of man. So what more is there to say? Funny how the article that Dirty posted saying that there are more slaves CURRENTLY, than ever in history gets ignored, while this ridiculous argument gets pushed on.

There's also currently more people than ever on the planet of Earth, genius.

Originally Posted by Im Not You

Go tell a modern day person of Jewish decent to "forget about the Holocaust" or that it happened a long time ago and to move on from it...and see what kind of response you get
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Not going to read the entire thread because it's most likely pointless and a waste of time.

That being said. Slavery is nothing unique to Black Americans. Discrimination is nothing to unique to Black Americans. Being treated as second class citizens is not unique to Black Americans.
That doesn't mean that all these things are not problems or issues that don't have valid grievances. On the other hand, it also means that there's nothing special about the Black experience in America when it comes to slavery or discrimination.

The world has never been a nice place and contrary to what many people say, most people are not genuinely "good" people.
They're good/nice when they need to be
If I said this......as true as it is I would've been called an Uncle Tom.
11 pages later and it's still not locked. Mods/Admins suck for this.

Has anything been accomplished yet? or are the same ppl trying with new ignorant ppl stepping up to admit form of racisim they believe in?
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