NT Caucasians....How Do You Feel About Slavery?

Originally Posted by smoke ya later

are we strictly talking slavery in the United States?

That was the original topic, but it's kind of strayed from there in a few parts.
Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by smoke ya later

are we strictly talking slavery in the United States?

That was the original topic, but it's kind of strayed from there in a few parts.
ok because it seems like maybe like 1 or 2 people in this thread know any history on the subject. Everyone else is just shouting at the other"I'm right you're wrong" type stuff.
Well u can always act like some dominicans I know, and instead of not caring, you just be completely oblivous

Of your history...
I don't feel like quoting but...majority of african slaves weren't "taken" they were used as bartering chips for powerful African tribes inexchange for guns and european goods. The majority of african slaves were kidnapped or prisoners of war
Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by baseballer10p

I'm not ashamed. What they did back then had nothing to do with me; obviously I wasn't alive. Hell, my family hadn't even left Poland and Russia yet. And not every white person was a slave owner. Many were against it. It doesn't affect me, or anybody today. What happened back then happened to people who were alive at that point in time. No one in America today has ever been enslaved.
Wow. You're ignorant as hell, aren't you? I'm sure you dont mean that slavery doesnt affect anyone alive today. I mean, not knowing family history isn't a big deal or anything.

Also, slavery is in full effect these days. Especially in America. Read up on it.
Please, point me in the right direction. Who is enslaved today in America?
Originally Posted by baseballer10p

Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by baseballer10p

I'm not ashamed. What they did back then had nothing to do with me; obviously I wasn't alive. Hell, my family hadn't even left Poland and Russia yet. And not every white person was a slave owner. Many were against it. It doesn't affect me, or anybody today. What happened back then happened to people who were alive at that point in time. No one in America today has ever been enslaved.
Wow. You're ignorant as hell, aren't you? I'm sure you dont mean that slavery doesnt affect anyone alive today. I mean, not knowing family history isn't a big deal or anything.

Also, slavery is in full effect these days. Especially in America. Read up on it.
Please, point me in the right direction. Who is enslaved today in America?
Remember that you don't have to be enslaved physically .

Mentally , psychologically ...
it sounds like, in trying to argue with me, you two are only further proving my point....


thank you.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN
I have a question for you. What exactly is the point you are trying to make. This post might come off as ignorant because I admit that I onlyskimmed through the last 3 pages and saw that you may have posted the most. So I ask YOU, what is your stance on this?

My thing that gets to me is that whenever one of these topics come up, people always want to argue about who had it worse. Everyone acknowledges that Jews wentthrough the holocaust, Native Americans got raped of their whole lives and pushed off to some crappy land we call a reservation, but yet the argument ALWAYSturns into who had it worse. This is the wrong mentality, it shouldnt be about who had it worse or why does this minority group get more reparations than myminority group. Hell, even with all the priviledges that Native Americans get today (reservations, federal money, tax free), I bet not one black person or ANYother minority group would want to trade places with their living conditions today. So rather than argue about who HAD it worst in the past, we should ALL befocused on how can WE as a people now move forward and progress so that our children will not start off as far behind the white man as we did. This seems a lotmore productive than trying to find a tiny bit of justification for why we decide to shoot each other all over the inner cities, rather than read a damned bookevery once in a while. Im not just saying this for black people, Im saying this for hispanics, Native Americans, Jews, White Trash....anyone that always looksto blame "the system" rather than take full responsibility.

/End rant.
native americans have it bad especially the blackfeet. when I was in the air force I was statioined in montana, they have crow and blackfeet res. up there andin canada. some of the housing they lived in were ridiculous. they would rip all of the copper pipe out of the house to sell for drugs/alcohol. and come wintertime it was -30 some days
Originally Posted by LifeLessons

Originally Posted by Im Not You

how slavery is portrayed in (recent) books and movies is exaggerated
I stopped reading after this....but went back and read the rest just to be fair...and I have to conclude that your professor in an idiot.

Working on the fields right next to em eh?

Did they get raped like them?
Forced to reproduce with their own family?
Beat and tortured to death like them?
Chain themselves on boats and sit for weeks in their own excrement?


European wealth is practically built on the African Slave Trade.

Like I said earlier...the whole thing is deep beneath the surface. Your professor is right...slavery wasn't how it was portrayed to be in mass media through movies and television. The !%#$ was WORSE. No motion picture or television series will ever fully capture a hell that existed over multiple centuries and still effects a mass group of people today.

preach......but i care about civil rights more.....alot of ##+!*#%% in the late 1800s - mid 1900's and hell even today...
same here

the "worst" argument you're seeing is taken out of context. waawaaweewa said that the black experience in america isn't unique to blackpeople...

I asked him who else received similar treatment in america...

in every answer afterwards,( native americans, asian americans, mexican americans) people always started off as "not as widespread as slavery" or"it didn't last as long as slavery" or some other precursor explaining the difference between their example and slavery...

thus, arguing my position FOR me.

blah blah blah blackfeet blah blah blah. I've already explained my stance on the topic....

in their tax free housing on their tax free reservation land eh?

-rolls eyes-

(I'm not downplaying the plight of native americans, but that topic has no place in the discussion of slavery....period. nor does asian american treatment,nor does irish american treatment, etc. you know why? BECAUSE THE BLACK EXPERIENCE IS UNIQUE TO BLACK AMERICANS, THAT'S WHY.)

in the future, don't "skim" through my posts then ask me to explain my stance homie....I'm just bored on lunchbreak waiting for my lasagna tomicrowave up...

what is my point? well, it started off explaining the general white mindset towards slavery and the black experience as a whole as it relates to whitepriviledge....

then, with !++!%+% statement after !++!%+% statement...the discussion has turned into.......something completely different, word to monty python....
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