NT Caucasians....How Do You Feel About Slavery?

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

my point is poor innercity children (99 percent black) are more worried about being shot and are only taught to standardized HIGH SCHOOL level tests than going to college.... whereas middle to upper class suburban children (80 percent white? lol)
are more concerned with designer jeans and getting a car at 16 while being taught to get into college than getting shot/robbed on their way to/from school....

generalization? sure....

inaccurate? hardly......
How people can disagree with this type of argument is beyond me. Sure he may be generalizing, but for the majority of people it's true.
I could care less about that %*%%...I'm not telling any one to forgive or forget about it but there's no white people alive who were responsible tocomplain to or be angry towards..
real talk, 18 key, I stopped reading when you said "not to the scale of black people" because that's the argument, he said it's not unique toblack people....and it is. native americans and asian americans got %$*%*++ on, agreed, but the black experience IS unique to black americans...period.

and randyoss, I didn't say ebonics was the same as anything, I simply said not all black children speak english.

albeit the same language, its a dialect of english and many children cant/don't make that distinction.....

and randy, 2.) disproved my notion that white people are generally expected to attend college, whereas black people who attend college are generally theexception by telling me your MEXICAN girlfriend is the first in her MEXICAN family to attend college?

by golly, you got me!

and the lazy black kids comment, dude I'm arguing with like 6 people at once lol

btw, I'm watching a "history of black baseball" all these hall of fame baseball players are all telling their stories of constantly being called%@%%!*......and how they couldn't eat in the same resturaunts or drink out of the same water fountains as their teammates

but frankreynold's struggles are the same as theirs....bwhahahah

we can't complain or be angry? lol. check, no more anger or complaining....you got it, sir...

that's just you feeling guilty...

or whatever the #+#$ you wanna call the **%$...since guilt seems to offend you cats...

I aint directing my complaints or anger towards anybody....

I'm just complaining and being angry...lol

why do white dudes always say that? why are you blaming me?

aint nobody blaming you bruh...

you got a problem with hearing the **%$ or something? are you annoyed that black people are still angry and still complain about something that affects theirlife everyday?

like I said, aint nobody blaming none of you dudes....however, I am gonna clown and belittle white people who don't acknowledge **%$ that's staringthem dead in the face....

I am going to attempt to educate them about reality outside of their suburban white mindset...

just cause we mad and complaining don't mean were pointing a finger at YOU...

ignoring the benefit of your white skin due to hundreds of years of systematic oppression WILL get a finger pointed at you tho....

make sense?
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

lol@i don't see how nclb affects kids getting into college except them not graduating high school or something


and you graduated college?

please, what college gave this man a degree?

and in what?


yeah, I said my pop's childhood was the great depression, and that he was 8 shining shoes and making more than anyone else in his family....no idea how or why you pictured him as an adult....

and he was still legally allowed to attend ill tech....were black people? no.

yall dudes are madd funny...nothing but circular arguments here.

randyoss, I didn't touch on the money aspect because black school districts, by far, are the poorest in the country.

lol, why do you think there are so many scholarships, grants and assistance for black people?


are you dudes seriously this ******ed? like, forreal?

there were less than 400 black males on tOSU's campus when I went there...mind you, the campus is about 80 percent white...

like I said, for whites, college is the expectation, whereas for blacks, its the exception..

how many times do I have to type that +*%!, bruh?

is it coincidence that 80 percent of the population on most college campuses is white? (minus hbcu's and those that boarder mexico) nah, its not coincidence, its cause black and hispanic people are stupid...and lazy, right? lol

one sentence its "but EYE never had act training" and in the next its "your example is so narrow minded"

my point is poor innercity children (99 percent black) are more worried about being shot and are only taught to standardized HIGH SCHOOL level tests than going to college.... whereas middle to upper class suburban children (80 percent white? lol)
are more concerned with designer jeans and getting a car at 16 while being taught to get into college than getting shot/robbed on their way to/from school....

generalization? sure....

inaccurate? hardly......

check it, I went to a private school, we were doing physics as freshmen...and guess what, we weren't being prepared for state standardized tests, we were being prepared for the act/sat/college. (I was one of 12 black kids..and I'm mixed..)

at every public school I've ever gone to, we were being prepared for state standardized tests...(basically schools with 4 to 8 percent white kids, if that)

you think that's unique to keenan in columbus ohio? BWHAHAHAHAHAHAAH

what percentage of the private school population is black? +*%!, what percentage of fully funded school districts are black?

what percentage is white?

(waits for some halfhearted argument of one sentence quoted in bold, while ignoring every other point)

AA, reverse racism, grants, government assistance...and we still only 6 and 7 percent of a college's population


our struggles are sooooooooooooo the same dude...

(wawaweewa, he's the one who brought up his struggles...prior to clowning that moron, I didn't say anything about how bad I personally have it. any personal examples were purely to give examples of the CULTURE's experience, its not unique to me...at all. like I said, I'm light skinned and I have stories like this..I couldn't imagine being of a darker complexion...)
1. Yes, I graduated college. I'm older than you, so I didn't have to deal with NCLB. You'll have to forgive me if I don't fullyunderstand NCLB and all the consequences it holds. And maybe you can try explaining in more detail so I can understand since you seem to know more about it.

2. I'm not sure I understand what you're saying about the money aspect. All I said is that there is financial help available for those who need it (allraces). I don't understand what your point is...

3. As far as the expectations for college, if your numbers are correct than I stand corrected. I remain hopeful that this will change b/cblacks/mexicans/whatever race will want to better themselves. Again, I NEVER said anything about blacks andMexicans being lazy. So I hope you're not directing that at me. Saw your post too late!

4. As I said, in my experience in public schools, we weren't prepared directly for SAT/ACT. I don't care what your experience is b/c it doesn'tchange mine. Obviously, it exists both ways out there (or maybe my experience is a relic of the pre-NCLB days).

5. You conveniently didn't address my point about Farsi and Ebonics. Care to address that? You didaddress it (just in a post I didn't see), but again, don't say that b/c you speak Ebonics you have some huge language barrier. I just don't buy itwhen I know there are people who speak other languages wholly unrelated to English and are still able to learn and adapt. If that's not what you'resaying, then ignore my comment.

6. I NEVER said our struggles are the same. (Saw your post too late again.) I'm just trying to make thepoint that if you want to better yourself, you can. It may be one of the hardest things you do, but this is America, and in this day and age, it'scertainly possible.

7. As far as my g/f, she's actually mixed Mexican-American. Mostly white, to be honest. If we're going off of personal experience here and you'renot saying that all whites or all blacks are expected or not expected, than I can generally agree with you. I was mistaken and thought you were saying itapplied to all.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

real talk, 18 key, I stopped reading when you said "not to the scale of black people" because that's the argument, he said it's not unique to black people....and it is. native americans and asian americans got %$*%*++ on, agreed, but the black experience IS unique to black americans...period.

and randyoss, I didn't say ebonics was the same as anything, I simply said not all black children speak english.

albeit the same language, its a dialect of english and many children cant/don't make that distinction.....

and randy, 2.) disproved my notion that white people are generally expected to attend college, whereas black people who attend college are generally the exception by telling me your MEXICAN girlfriend is the first in her MEXICAN family to attend college?

by golly, you got me!

and the lazy black kids comment, dude I'm arguing with like 6 people at once lol

btw, I'm watching a "history of black baseball" all these hall of fame baseball players are all telling their stories of constantly being called %@%%!*......and how they couldn't eat in the same resturaunts or drink out of the same water fountains as their teammates

but frankreynold's struggles are the same as theirs....bwhahahah

Native Americans were almost wiped out.
How are you complaining about people downplaying the Black American experience and then go on to downplay the Native American experience.

Just because they got patches of desert and some paper money, all of a sudden, they're better off than Black Americans?

Native American communities aren't exactly prospering. They are rife with lots of social ills.

All you can do is yell and talk gibberish.

"Let's not talk about Native Americans!".
Why, because it;s inconvenient to your argument?
Originally Posted by Kneesh

Blacks never got an apology though .
You want an insincere apology?

It's akin to "equality" on paper. Do Black communities today have less problems than before the Civil Rights Act? Are things really better justbecause a piece of paper said it would be?
Was Jim Crow any better than Slavery? IDK but I'd venture to say that some who experienced both would prob. say that they were diff. but one was not betterthan the other.

Don't look for help from those that don't want to help you or have no invested interest in helping you.
Originally Posted by Kneesh

Blacks never got an apology though .

Would an apology really matter? I think african americans are deserved one. However the ones that did it, and the ones that were oppressed will never say/hearit.

My parents came here way after slavery, I never feel like I should be shamed into thinking a I had a part in it. American slavery is a tragedy on par with someof the other ones the world has seen. I will not say the holocaust, because that was an extermination. I am not jewish btw.

My feeling is that while african americans are deserving of an apology, I am not the one who should give it to them. As a matter of fact I'm not sure youwill ever find the people you want the apology from. I'm pretty sure they died a long time ago and you hearing the apology will never change what yourancestors went through.

I feel bad not only for what happened, but what goes on today. It seems that some african americans dwell on the american period of slavery and make it theirown imprisonment.

Living in the past dooms you to a form of slavery even worse than what your forefathers endured, because you have the choice to be free and not shackled byideas, notions or past events...
Originally Posted by hayabusax

Originally Posted by Kneesh

Blacks never got an apology though .

Would an apology really matter? I think african americans are deserved one. However the ones that did it, and the ones that were oppressed will never say/hear it.
Doesn't matter .

It's about the principle .
Ehh I could care less about an apology, and how sincere could one be anyway. That doesn't negate the need for one though.

The only hang up I have with reparations is policy, not merit. I see no way they could logically be distributed. I think there was some congressman whoproposed a tax break for a certain number of years, that is the most logical method I found.
Originally Posted by Kneesh

Originally Posted by hayabusax

Originally Posted by Kneesh

Blacks never got an apology though .

Would an apology really matter? I think african americans are deserved one. However the ones that did it, and the ones that were oppressed will never say/hear it.
Doesn't matter .

It's about the principle .
So you just want more pieces of meaningless paper?
Originally Posted by Kneesh

Originally Posted by hayabusax

Originally Posted by Kneesh

Blacks never got an apology though .

Would an apology really matter? I think african americans are deserved one. However the ones that did it, and the ones that were oppressed will never say/hear it.
Doesn't matter .

It's about the principle .
No offense. This is a genuine question here. From who? Please be specific.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Ehh I could care less about an apology, and how sincere could one be anyway. That doesn't negate the need for one though.

The only hang up I have with reparations is policy, not merit. I see no way they could logically be distributed. I think there was some congressman who proposed a tax break for a certain number of years, that is the most logical method I found.

What would be the parameters for qualifying?
All 8 or 16 or whatever great, great grandparents slaves or just 1 or 2 or 4 and how would people go about proving that?

It's just not feasible without creating even more problems as to who qualifies and who doesn't.
native americans were never legislated as less than human...

they received reparations...

they own land that will never be taken from them, desert or not...

they live tax free

and they are paid a monthly check.....

native americans were mostly wiped out, no disputing that...the ones that survived had great measures made to try to give a sincere apology...

would you tell an angry complaining native american "I didn't wipe out your culture...why are you complaining and whining...why don't you workhard and better yourself like my daddy who worked a whopping two jobs, one being at a newspaper?"

no, you wouldn't.

aint nobody downplaying the native american's struggle.....but at the end of the day, america admits that one and they are being "repayed" evenif its insincere and not making up for it....

2009 native americans are exactly the same as 2009 african americans as in the struggles of our ancestors still impact us daily...

why are you more willing to agree with the native american struggle?

and like I said, they didn't endure 400 years of systematic oppression and legislation deeming them less than human....

while they were displaced, they weren't shipped to a different side of the planet, either...

but you right, they basically got "paid off" and swept under the rug

I just don't see madd white people telling them to stop whining and better theirselves...
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Ehh I could care less about an apology, and how sincere could one be anyway. That doesn't negate the need for one though.

The only hang up I have with reparations is policy, not merit. I see no way they could logically be distributed. I think there was some congressman who proposed a tax break for a certain number of years, that is the most logical method I found.

What would be the parameters for qualifying?
All 8 or 16 or whatever great, great grandparents slaves or just 1 or 2 or 4 and how would people go about proving that?

It's just not feasible without creating even more problems as to who qualifies and who doesn't.

Exactly. I agree my hang up is with policy who in the world would qualify. If I could remember the legislation, I believe the proposal had a logical answer forthis. I saw Rex post it on here as well.
Originally Posted by Im Not You

Why is everyone so scared of race topics on here?

This is one of the few topics of discussion on here where you can actually talk about some worthwhile %!!! on here...yet dudes is so "afraid" to talk about and go "oh not another race thread again". I don't get it. Yet...if this post is about what color nail polish Kim Kardashian is wearing this week or a thread asking the 250,000 dudes on here to take off their shirts for the 7 girls on here..._'s is ALL for it?


"black" people were not the only slaves. Any race who was seen as a "lower" kind were slaves.
This is true...however...no other practice of slavery and oppression rivals that of the African Slave Trade...which is why the term slavery is often synonymous with Black people.

nah, i think its not that people are afraid of race topics, its just that people don't always see a point in getting into some debate centeredaround race relations. racism is sadly an issue in this lifetime, and it won't die anytime soon,smh. but %@*+@@# topics like the one thats currentlygetting posts: what makes a "real" black man...i mean cmon, seriously? theres no point to that. im all for informative debates that everyone on NTcan learn from, share knowledge, and gain perspective, but topics like the one i just mentioned, well...smh, dude who started that thread set me back 100s ofyears...

as for this topic, im not sure i see the point in it either. no one here will say some #+@ like "well you know, i think it was a positive thing for blackpeople" or w.e. only uncle ruckus would say that. every1 is gonna SAY they think its bad so its kind of a dumb question. however if this thread wasstarted to discuss the history of it, then nm go for it.



good god.

how the %#!@ did you all get through college?
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

native americans were never legislated as less than human...

they received reparations...

they own land that will never be taken from them, desert or not...

they live tax free

and they are paid a monthly check.....

native americans were mostly wiped out, no disputing that...the ones that survived had great measures made to try to give a sincere apology...

would you tell an angry complaining native american "I didn't wipe out your culture...why are you complaining and whining...why don't you work hard and better yourself like my daddy who worked a whopping two jobs, one being at a newspaper?"

no, you wouldn't.

aint nobody downplaying the native american's struggle.....but at the end of the day, america admits that one and they are being "repayed" even if its insincere and not making up for it....

2009 native americans are exactly the same as 2009 african americans as in the struggles of our ancestors still impact us daily...

why are you more willing to agree with the native american struggle?

and like I said, they didn't endure 400 years of systematic oppression and legislation deeming them less than human....

while they were displaced, they weren't shipped to a different side of the planet, either...

but you right, they basically got "paid off" and swept under the rug

I just don't see madd white people telling them to stop whining and better theirselves...

Native Americans didn't have to be legislate against because 90% of them were killed and the rest driven from their lands and subjugated.
They were literally not a problem in terms of numbers.

Who says their land now cannot be taken from them? The wielders of power do what they want.
If the Feds want that land back they'll get it back current legislation notwithstanding.

This is the problem with asking for rights from those that oppress you. They can take them away anytime they please.
Laws come and go by the stroke of a pen.
Originally Posted by SoFreakinWavy

they don't care nor feel responsible for it

as far as they are concerned they think blacks should get over it

but if we tell them get over the holocaust all hell will freeze over
I don't mean to bring about a flame war.

But you're making an irrational accusation over a whole race, that in its self is a little racist. I'm white (if it matters), and to say that Idon't care about slavery is absolutely absurd.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Ehh I could care less about an apology, and how sincere could one be anyway. That doesn't negate the need for one though.

The only hang up I have with reparations is policy, not merit. I see no way they could logically be distributed. I think there was some congressman who proposed a tax break for a certain number of years, that is the most logical method I found.

What would be the parameters for qualifying?
All 8 or 16 or whatever great, great grandparents slaves or just 1 or 2 or 4 and how would people go about proving that?

It's just not feasible without creating even more problems as to who qualifies and who doesn't.

Exactly. I agree my hang up is with policy who in the world would qualify. If I could remember the legislation, I believe the proposal had a logical answer for this. I saw Rex post it on here as well.

You know that Black Americans who would be excluded would be mad as hell and they'd likely have a Supreme Court case on their hands.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

native americans were never legislated as less than human...

they received reparations...

they own land that will never be taken from them, desert or not...

they live tax free

and they are paid a monthly check.....

native americans were mostly wiped out, no disputing that...the ones that survived had great measures made to try to give a sincere apology...

would you tell an angry complaining native american "I didn't wipe out your culture...why are you complaining and whining...why don't you work hard and better yourself like my daddy who worked a whopping two jobs, one being at a newspaper?"

no, you wouldn't.

aint nobody downplaying the native american's struggle.....but at the end of the day, america admits that one and they are being "repayed" even if its insincere and not making up for it....

2009 native americans are exactly the same as 2009 african americans as in the struggles of our ancestors still impact us daily...

why are you more willing to agree with the native american struggle?

and like I said, they didn't endure 400 years of systematic oppression and legislation deeming them less than human....

while they were displaced, they weren't shipped to a different side of the planet, either...

but you right, they basically got "paid off" and swept under the rug

I just don't see madd white people telling them to stop whining and better theirselves...
Could be b/c there aren't many Native Americans left compared to blacks? Just a guess, but wouldn't be at all surprised if blacks faroutpaced total Native Americans.

Also, in reference to racism, I'm sure it's much harder to tell if a person is Native American versus if they are black. So, if you agree with that,then blacks experience more racism b/c of the virtue that it's easier to tell if someone is black as opposed to Native American.

Combine the two and you have a very potent and unfortunate situation.

But it's still hard (and I think not fair) to compare the Native American situation with the black situation. What happened to both was wrong and horrible.I don't think it's right to go down the path of "one is worse than the other" b/c it automatically belittles the "lesser" one. Justleave it as they are both wrong and horrible. At least IMHO.
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