NT Caucasians....How Do You Feel About Slavery?

And truth be told, I guess I'll get called an Uncle Tom for this, I don't even like the term "white privilege". I truly believe it cheapensthe accomplishments of many hardworking people. Not every white person was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, some actually had to work for theiraccomplishments.

That being said, white people DO have some advantages in this country.
that indian slave #@+! is socioeconomic...

much like migrant workers are here in the usa..

they aren't owned and forced, they just can't get any other work....

they could all physically quit tomorrow.....and wouldn't be beaten to death...so please

(ps....I didn't even read the article dirty posted, but if it did indeed claim there are more slaves now, they're obviously talking aboutindia/illegals here/child sex slavery...whereas the children are the only ones being physically forced)

lol@a black dude not understanding white priviledge..

check it.

you're at a college party...its you and a white dude on the sidewalk, someone throws a beer bottle from the porch and it hits a cop car...the cops hop outand approach you and your white friend...

who do you think is about to get questioned?

sounds far fetched?

me and my peoples walked to cvs to get some refreshments when we had a show a couple of years ago...

across the st, at a gas station, three white/mexican type looking dudes are jumping a black dude....granted, the black cat looks very bummy and homeless, buthe runs inside the gas station cause one of the white dudes picked up a giant metal sharp edged metal thing and tried to hit him....right before dude duckedinto the gas station, one of the white dudes actually cocked a gun and was trynna run up on dude...

were watching this #@+! from across the street, mind you the three white dudes are shirtless....in feb......

the cops pull up and arrest someone....one of the three shirtless gun toting psychos? nurp. the black dude....they don't even question the shirtles strio....my dude reg thinks that #@+! is foul, so he crosses the street....mistake. he's manhandled, thrown up on a car, arm all twisted (just put the#@$*$+# cuffs on, you don't need to bend my #$!+%* #@+! trynna break it with your weak +*@, he wasn't even resisting, you're just abitch) so wereacross the st. screaming like "he wasn't even involved yo, he's with us" one of the cops says some little slick #@+!, so I start mouthing offcursing him out, etc. my dude beau was mass drunk...didn't say #@+! the entire time...stumbled off the curb, got damn near tackled and cuffed...for?jaywalking...he stumbled into the gutter, my $#@+@ wasn't even on the blacktop....smh.

of course we were all let go...and rocked the show...and sounded like gees for getting arrested 20 mins prior to being onstage...

but still.....the shirtless trio in feb doesn't even get so much as questioned? they just showed up and snatched my dude OUT of the gas station...lol

so no, not "mailings of white coupons" just the benefit of doubt in any and every situation and a subconscious superiority to everyone else, thateven you, anton lavey, are guilty of perpetuating...seeing how you seem to laugh at the idea of white priviledge...which doesn't even make sense comingfrom a large black man...
(hence uncle tom comments)

(I aint know you was mixed kix...me too)
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by kix4kix

I am only half white, and I have prospered from white privilege, so I fail to see how a white man that looks white doesn't.

LOL how exactly have you prospered from white privilege? Are you on a white mailing list that sends out hook-ups strictly for white people? Did white people put you on said mailing list for being half-white. Some white people are "privileged" but I fail to see how a half-black guy could be. I know a lot of half-black people who are struggling, mostly because they don't exactly come from affluent families.

Educate me.

White privilege is a result of affluent white families amassing wealth for years at the expense of others.....but also from racism (in getting a job, promotions etc)....not that some black people don't also benefit from race-based hiring, and promotions (affirmative action).

My white side is quite wealthy......aside from that you would be surprised how teachers/bosses react when I tell them I am half white I get
all the time.
Well there you go, there are countless interracial families living in ghettos and trailer parks around America that don't have this luxury. Idescribed "white privilege" as you put it as being a result of years of amassed wealth at the expense of others and to some extent benefits ofblatant racism. If your family was poor and you grew up in a less than ideal environment, "white privilege" could only get you so far. This is wherehard-work and personal accomplishment comes in. This why I said I don't like the word, because it completely attributes wealth to people being fed goldnuggets on a silver plate all their lives. Some people actually accomplished things in this country through hard work (look at the model minoritygroups-Asians/Indians).

That being said some minority groups haven't had to face the environmental and psychological racism that blacks have had to face in this country butAfrican Americans can learn a lot from them.
man, #%#+ all that noise you typing...

if is you and a white dude and the cops approach you, like I said, aint nobody even questioning the white dude..

that %%@+ has happend to me so often, and I'm a light dude...I don't even look black, I look more hispanic...

I've actually told cops and autority figures "why the #%#+ you even looking at me yo?" when questioning me about some dumb %%@+ the group of****faced white kids just did....
Originally Posted by baseballer10p

I'm not ashamed. What they did back then had nothing to do with me; obviously I wasn't alive. Hell, my family hadn't even left Poland and Russia yet. And not every white person was a slave owner. Many were against it. It doesn't affect me, or anybody today. What happened back then happened to people who were alive at that point in time. No one in America today has ever been enslaved.
Wow. You're ignorant as hell, aren't you? I'm sure you dont mean that slavery doesnt affect anyone alive today. I mean, not knowingfamily history isn't a big deal or anything.

Also, slavery is in full effect these days. Especially in America. Read up on it.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by kix4kix

I am only half white, and I have prospered from white privilege, so I fail to see how a white man that looks white doesn't.

LOL how exactly have you prospered from white privilege? Are you on a white mailing list that sends out hook-ups strictly for white people? Did white people put you on said mailing list for being half-white. Some white people are "privileged" but I fail to see how a half-black guy could be. I know a lot of half-black people who are struggling, mostly because they don't exactly come from affluent families.

Educate me.

White privilege is a result of affluent white families amassing wealth for years at the expense of others.....but also from racism (in getting a job, promotions etc)....not that some black people don't also benefit from race-based hiring, and promotions (affirmative action).

My white side is quite wealthy......aside from that you would be surprised how teachers/bosses react when I tell them I am half white I get
all the time.
Well there you go, there are countless interracial families living in ghettos and trailer parks around America that don't have this luxury. I described "white privilege" as you put it as being a result of years of amassed wealth at the expense of others and to some extent benefits of blatant racism. If your family was poor and you grew up in a less than ideal environment, "white privilege" could only get you so far. This is were hard-work and personal accomplishment comes in.

Although I see your point, I gave an example of MYSELF, not everyone mixed in America. Although I feel class is a dilemma as well you are obviously ignoringthe fact that poor whites have it better than poor blacks.

White people I can understand being oblivious after all...Would you ask an able-bodied person how well a buildings handi-capped facilities are? Of course not.SO asking a white person to acknowledge white privilege is a stretch. However, you being a black man should be ashamed for downplaying white privilege, andmixing it in with the class struggle....

Not only that you had the nerve to type that we could learn something from minorities who have had it easier?
I can keep going...

how about the *#!! dave chappelle brought up?

white girl gets kidnapped less than 10 miles from home.....gone for months....100s of national news reports about her...

black girl, many years younger, kidnapped and held in a crackhouse...frees herself and walks home.....

I never even saw that *#!! on the news.

mike vick gets 2 years for dogfighting......offensive lineman for the patriots is caught selling illegal perscription drugs, snitches on the entire drug ring,not even mentioned on espn....

lets get real here...

*#!!, justin zwick started over troy smith...

do I even need to continue?
Originally Posted by baseballer10p

I'm not ashamed. What they did back then had nothing to do with me; obviously I wasn't alive. Hell, my family hadn't even left Poland and Russia yet. And not every white person was a slave owner. Many were against it. It doesn't affect me, or anybody today. What happened back then happened to people who were alive at that point in time. No one in America today has ever been enslaved.
Here we have it: White Privilege at work folks. Itdoesn't affect you in your daily life so you don't have to know anything about anybody's else culture orhistory and you can make an off the wall statement like that.

http://video.google.com/googleplayer.swf?docid=3812249801848706206&hl=en&fs=truehttp://video.google.com/googleplayer.swf?docid=3812249801848706206&hl=en&fs=true http://video.google.com/googleplayer.swf?docid=3812249801848706206&hl=en&fs=truehttp://video.google.com/googleplayer.swf?docid=3812249801848706206&hl=en&fs=true
basically cap, the same exact %%+% I'm talking about...

ask my dude br3d if slavery affects people today...

ask military ivs if slavery affects people today...
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

I can keep going...

how about the *#!! dave chappelle brought up?

white girl gets kidnapped less than 10 miles from home.....gone for months....100s of national news reports about her...

black girl, many years younger, kidnapped and held in a crackhouse...frees herself and walks home.....

I never even saw that *#!! on the news.

mike vick gets 2 years for dogfighting......offensive lineman for the patriots is caught selling illegal perscription drugs, snitches on the entire drug ring, not even mentioned on espn....

lets get real here...

*#!!, justin zwick started over troy smith...

do I even need to continue?
LOL....why do people find it so difficult to look at things from another person's perspective. I said white privilege does exist but there are white peoplein this country that have accomplished everything without a handout. I'm an Uncle Tom because I think and refuse to make generalizations.

Lemme put it this way, I would hate to see someone say I got where I am today as a result of "affirmative action" downplaying the blood and sweat Ihave put in.

People need to get out of their comfort zones and stop looking at life in black and white.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

I can keep going...

how about the *#!! dave chappelle brought up?

white girl gets kidnapped less than 10 miles from home.....gone for months....100s of national news reports about her...

black girl, many years younger, kidnapped and held in a crackhouse...frees herself and walks home.....
that happened right here where i go to school...white college girl went missing my mom at home found out about it at school before i did...a lil10 year old black girl went missing around the same time and to this day i still don't know what happened to her...
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

LOL....why do people find it so difficult to look at things from another person's perspective. I said white privilege does exist but there are white people in this country that have accomplished everything without a handout. I'm an Uncle Tom because I think and refuse to make generalizations.

Lemme put it this way, I would hate to see someone say I got where I am today as a result of "affirmative action" downplaying the blood and sweat I have put in.

People need to get out of their comfort zones and stop looking at life in black and white.

What I am saying is that White privilege is not a handout. Much more complex, and dynamic than that.
AntonLaVey wrote:

I said white privilege does exist but there are white people in this country that have accomplished everything without a handout.

There handout is being born with White skin .
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

LOL....why do people find it so difficult to look at things from another person's perspective. I said white privilege does exist but there are white people in this country that have accomplished everything without a handout. I'm an Uncle Tom because I think and refuse to make generalizations.

Lemme put it this way, I would hate to see someone say I got where I am today as a result of "affirmative action" downplaying the blood and sweat I have put in.

People need to get out of their comfort zones and stop looking at life in black and white.
You are saying things that are widely accepted as fact and basic knowledge.

Of course people of all ethnicities and backgrounds have to work hard, that does not negate the concept of White Privilege.

Blacks in America can learn something from "model minorities"?...sad fam.

All that education and you are dumb as hell about the things that really matter.
I honestly can I say I do not feel obligated to think about it. I know it happened, I know it was wrong, and I know it's over. I don't even really likethe subject because it just brings up even more stupid %%!#. Like why talk about it? Is there anything I can do about it? No. Is it my fault? No. I like blackpeople, and I believe black people are way closer knit then whites, it's respectful. But there are people who F it up.
anton, what world do you live in bruh? the very kids denying the idea of white priviledge would tell you in a second that everything you've everaccomplished is due to AA.

accepting the idea of white priviledge doesn't downplay anyones achievements or accomplishments...

its just, straight up, how our society has operated from jump...

why in the %+%@ do you think AA was put in place by our government anyway? because they wanted to punish white people? lol

even government white people acknowledged slavery's impact on white priviledge and wanted to offset that, if even by a tiny amount....

I'm not even arguing with you about that basic fact of american culture (and even western, as a whole)

I just think yous a funny dude..

large black man who beasts on white women arguing with white priviledge?

making noooooo senseeee

cops and racists prolly don't even bother you cause you wear tight !%* trenchcoats and dress shoes and **%% in the summertime...they don't know quitewhat to make of the situation...
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

LOL....why do people find it so difficult to look at things from another person's perspective. I said white privilege does exist but there are white people in this country that have accomplished everything without a handout. I'm an Uncle Tom because I think and refuse to make generalizations.

Lemme put it this way, I would hate to see someone say I got where I am today as a result of "affirmative action" downplaying the blood and sweat I have put in.

People need to get out of their comfort zones and stop looking at life in black and white.

What I am saying is that White privilege is not a handout. Much more complex, and dynamic than that.
I understand that, I love how you chose to ignore the part where I said years of the environmental and psychological effects of racism is whattruly plagues black people....aka the slave mentality. I'm not downplaying anything. Don't call me an Uncle Tom for not being so one-sided abouteverything. I am an individual first and a black man second, I think for my own damn self not how people expect me to feel as a black man.

If that makes me an Uncle Tom....

That being said I have and probably will do more to benefit black people through my actions than most so-called "True black men" will in theirlifetimes.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

If that makes me an Uncle Tom....

That being said I have and probably will do more to benefit black people through my actions than most so-called "True black men" will in their lifetimes.


At least you embrace it.
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