NT Caucasians....How Do You Feel About Slavery?

Originally Posted by Im Not You

Why is everyone so scared of race topics on here?

This is one of the few topics of discussion on here where you can actually talk about some worthwhile %!!! on here...yet dudes is so "afraid" to talk about and go "oh not another race thread again". I don't get it. Yet...if this post is about what color nail polish Kim Kardashian is wearing this week or a thread asking the 250,000 dudes on here to take off their shirts for the 7 girls on here..._'s is ALL for it?


"black" people were not the only slaves. Any race who was seen as a "lower" kind were slaves.
This is true...however...no other practice of slavery and oppression rivals that of the African Slave Trade...which is why the term slavery is often synonymous with Black people.

If i'm not mistaken... wasnt it called the triangular slave trade
(I see you do acknowledge it, I thought in questioning my syntax you were denying it)

it aint nothing you can do, but #!$@, at least acknowledge that the #!$@ is real and being white gives you priviledge in this country.....

I can't stand white people who argue against it, like "no, we aren't...we work just as hard as everyone else and they just get by on AA"

.....when you aint never been followed around a grocery store, or laid down on the ground by police at gunpoint or told you aint gonna be #!$@, or told youonly got into college to fullfill a federal requirement....

COMPLETELY based off your skin color or how you talk....
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

if you asking how you acknowledge white priviledge......you're in the percentage of the white population that doesn't acknowledge it.
White privilege FTW!
I acknowledge it and it's the best.
I am only half white, and I have prospered from white privilege, so I fail to see how a white man that looks white doesn't.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

I am only half white, and I have prospered from white privilege, so I fail to see how a white man that looks white doesn't.

LOL how exactly have you prospered from white privilege? Are you on a white mailing list that sends out hook-ups strictly for white people? Did white peopleput you on said mailing list for being half-white. Some white people are "privileged" but I fail to see how a half-black guy could be. I know a lotof half-black people who are struggling, mostly because they don't exactly come from affluent families.

Educate me.

White privilege is a result of affluent white families amassing wealth for years at the expense of others.....but also from racism (in getting a job,promotions etc)....not that some black people don't also benefit from race-based hiring, and promotions (affirmative action).
Personally I dont even think about slavery and people that say white people benefited from slavery is true and not true because some black people wont exceptthem and it is funny to me how colored people in the U.S. think that it is so bad to live in the U.S. and be black or middle eastern. I think you guys are@#$%!@* ******ed because there are places in Europe that black people still get killed for not being the same race. And in some parts of Europe black meansthat you are just not from there country. If it matters I am half Russian and half Armenian (white/middle eastern)
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

(I see you do acknowledge it, I thought in questioning my syntax you were denying it)

it aint nothing you can do, but #!$@, at least acknowledge that the #!$@ is real and being white gives you priviledge in this country.....

I can't stand white people who argue against it, like "no, we aren't...we work just as hard as everyone else and they just get by on AA"

.....when you aint never been followed around a grocery store, or laid down on the ground by police at gunpoint or told you aint gonna be #!$@, or told you only got into college to fullfill a federal requirement....

COMPLETELY based off your skin color or how you talk....
The only problem I have with that belief is that it sounds as if you're saying that if you're white, you're somehow leading a lifethat is above and beyond the life led by black people. If that's true, then how come there are plenty of black people who lead more "privileged"lives than me (and I'm not "white" per se)??

Now, that's not to say that it doesn't exist, b/c it does. I'm sure it's worse in some parts of the country than others.

The other problem I have with the phrase lies with the fact that it sounds like it's something "white/caucasian" people actively apply/ask forand receive. I sure as h@#! didn't ask for it, nor will I ever.

For me, it doesn't play an active role in how I lead my life b/c I treat people based on their attitudes/beliefs/actions/etc. and NOT their skin color.That's the way it should be.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by kix4kix

I am only half white, and I have prospered from white privilege, so I fail to see how a white man that looks white doesn't.

LOL how exactly have you prospered from white privilage? Are you on a white mailing list that sends out hook-ups strictly for white people? Did white people put you on said mailing list for being half-white. Some white people are "privilaged" but I fail to see how a half-black guy could be. I know a lot of half-black people who are struggling, mostly because they don't exactly come from affluent families.

Educate me.

The "Uncle Tom" is strong within this one...
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by kix4kix

I am only half white, and I have prospered from white privilege, so I fail to see how a white man that looks white doesn't.

LOL how exactly have you prospered from white privilage? Are you on a white mailing list that sends out hook-ups strictly for white people? Did white people put you on said mailing list for being half-white. Some white people are "privilaged" but I fail to see how a half-black guy could be. I know a lot of half-black people who are struggling, mostly because they don't exactly come from affluent families.

Educate me.

The "Uncle Tom" is strong within this one...
LOL I don't even understand how someone could even get that out of what I said, I was mistaken for even coming inhere.
What about anything i said even remotely indicates that i hateblack people?
Originally Posted by 18th letter

Originally Posted by shortydoowopp

^ are you being serious?
dude really said colored and everything
Dude also made absolutely zero sense. I legitimately think I'm dumber for reading that.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by kix4kix

I am only half white, and I have prospered from white privilege, so I fail to see how a white man that looks white doesn't.

LOL how exactly have you prospered from white privilage? Are you on a white mailing list that sends out hook-ups strictly for white people? Did white people put you on said mailing list for being half-white. Some white people are "privilaged" but I fail to see how a half-black guy could be. I know a lot of half-black people who are struggling, mostly because they don't exactly come from affluent families.

Educate me.

The "Uncle Tom" is strong within this one...
LOL I don't even understand how someone could even get that out of what I said, I was mistaken for even coming in here.
What about anything i said even remotely indicates that i hate black people.

you def. came off as if you were trying to play him...thats why i asked if you were serious...w/ the mailing list and all...

All of us were born in the same time era, the 21st century, so none of us have any control of past events. What we do have control of is the present and thefuture. Every human being should frown upon the idea of slavery, and any instances of slavery throughout the history of man. So what more is there to say?Funny how the article that Dirty posted saying that there are more slaves CURRENTLY, than ever in history gets ignored, while this ridiculous argument getspushed on.
Originally Posted by shortydoowopp

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by kix4kix

I am only half white, and I have prospered from white privilege, so I fail to see how a white man that looks white doesn't.

LOL how exactly have you prospered from white privilage? Are you on a white mailing list that sends out hook-ups strictly for white people? Did white people put you on said mailing list for being half-white. Some white people are "privilaged" but I fail to see how a half-black guy could be. I know a lot of half-black people who are struggling, mostly because they don't exactly come from affluent families.

Educate me.

The "Uncle Tom" is strong within this one...
LOL I don't even understand how someone could even get that out of what I said, I was mistaken for even coming in here.
What about anything i said even remotely indicates that i hate black people.

you def. came off as if you were trying to play him...thats why i asked if you were serious...w/ the mailing list and all...
I'm not tryna play him, I just don't see how a half-white person gets white privilege? Just something that never crossed my mind. And howexactly does that warrant me being called an uncle tom? I haven't said anything negative about black people in this thread....YET. If he needs something tocall me an uncle tom about I can go on a rant right now.
I know what he's talking about .

It's kind of like the Obama situation ... people say that , if he WASN'T half-white , if he was a dark-skinned Black man , would he have been as wellperceived ?
I'm not ashamed. What they did back then had nothing to do with me; obviously I wasn't alive. Hell, my family hadn't even left Poland and Russiayet. And not every white person was a slave owner. Many were against it. It doesn't affect me, or anybody today. What happened back then happened to peoplewho were alive at that point in time. No one in America today has ever been enslaved.
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Uncle Tom doesn't mean that you hate black people.

Please do explain how I was an uncle Tom then.....apparently i don't even know what an uncle Tom is.

I asked him how he gets white privilege, because from my experience half-black people don't seem to be benefiting from my idea of "whiteprivilege".
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by kix4kix

I am only half white, and I have prospered from white privilege, so I fail to see how a white man that looks white doesn't.

LOL how exactly have you prospered from white privilege? Are you on a white mailing list that sends out hook-ups strictly for white people? Did white people put you on said mailing list for being half-white. Some white people are "privileged" but I fail to see how a half-black guy could be. I know a lot of half-black people who are struggling, mostly because they don't exactly come from affluent families.

Educate me.

White privilege is a result of affluent white families amassing wealth for years at the expense of others.....but also from racism (in getting a job, promotions etc)....not that some black people don't also benefit from race-based hiring, and promotions (affirmative action).

My white side is quite wealthy......aside from that you would be surprised how teachers/bosses react when I tell them I am half white I get
all the time.
Originally Posted by push kicks


All of us were born in the same time era, the 21st century, so none of us have any control of past events. What we do have control of is the present and the future. Every human being should frown upon the idea of slavery, and any instances of slavery throughout the history of man. So what more is there to say? Funny how the article that Dirty posted saying that there are more slaves CURRENTLY, than ever in history gets ignored, while this ridiculous argument gets pushed on.

There's also currently more people than ever on the planet of Earth, genius.
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