NT Caucasians....How Do You Feel About Slavery?

Originally Posted by Cartier Urkel

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

man...some of these comments
and then others

i don't see how you can ask whether or not white people today feel ashamed...they have nothing to do with it and no control over it. it would be like me going up to a muslim person and asking them if they're ashamed for 9/11. it'd be absolutely ignorant.

obviously it was a horrible thing. i don't think anyone on here is going to say anything different.

Thats not even close to being the same thing and you know it
yes it is. how can you expect someone who is removed from the situation to take blame and to feel guilty?

i mean i assume you're trying to say white people today have directly/indirectly benefited from slavery. because then there's a reason to maybe feelguilty. but the white people i know aren't from the old "plantation families" that nyelectric was talking about.
Originally Posted by daemacho

Every great civilization was built on the backs of slaves. Im tired of people thinking because it was so recent it makes it worse than the other. Slavery was terrible, but another century and it will be a speck on the timeline.

More BS.
Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

Originally Posted by Im Not You

Go tell a modern day person of Jewish decent to "forget about the Holocaust" or that it happened a long time ago and to move on from it...and see what kind of response you get
who is telling black people to forget about slavery tho?
DaNiKeRhiNo wrote:

why dwell in a negative past.
It's comments like this I'm talking about

His is a common viewpoint around the world. It's not hard to spot. Type "why blacks should forget about slavery" and read all of the discussionforums and articles on the topic. It's a common thought that MANY share.

As I said earlier...people FAIL to open their eyes to the systemic damage that the slave trade has on Blacks as whole TODAY...in this current state oftime...and that's where I chose to focus my attention on.

People have this Utopian idea of how the world should be and a small part of it revolves around Blacks not "dwelling" on Slavery...or playing therace card...or whatever else people say when we speak on race relations and the mistreatment of institutionalized racism we go through.

In my eyes...if more of us "dwelled" on it...alot of us would wake the !%%# up and get privy to what's really going on this world.

And another thing I need to clarify...having self awareness and being hip to history and it's effect on modern culture (aka "dwelling" as some ofyou put it) does not mean that you oppose improvements on race relations. It doesn't mean you have to "hate" white people or throw slavery intheir faces. That's a common misconception. People act like the more self aware and the more you speak out on past and present malice towards our entiregroup of people...that you are bordering along the lines of racism. That's just not the case.

There's simply a systemic approach that's been in place for centuries in this World and it's all structured towards us. That's something thatmany people refuse...or just don't want to believe.
Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

Originally Posted by Cartier Urkel

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

man...some of these comments
and then others

i don't see how you can ask whether or not white people today feel ashamed...they have nothing to do with it and no control over it. it would be like me going up to a muslim person and asking them if they're ashamed for 9/11. it'd be absolutely ignorant.

obviously it was a horrible thing. i don't think anyone on here is going to say anything different.

Thats not even close to being the same thing and you know it
yes it is. how can you expect someone who is removed from the situation to take blame and to feel guilty?
If they are descendants of the people in the situation then they are involved. That's like saying the parent's of convicted murderersshouldn't feel compassion for the victim or their families. A large number of whites owned slaves, a very small amount of muslims are terrorists. You actlike I'm asking about how they feel about the Ku Klux Klan and their antics.
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by daemacho

Every great civilization was built on the backs of slaves. Im tired of people thinking because it was so recent it makes it worse than the other. Slavery was terrible, but another century and it will be a speck on the timeline.

More BS.

#%+!!! +$!! that you shouldn't have to dehumanize someone to make a so-called "great civilization". A speck on the timeline? More like a gapbetween what is right and wrong with this Nation.
Originally Posted by Im Not You

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

Originally Posted by Im Not You

Go tell a modern day person of Jewish decent to "forget about the Holocaust" or that it happened a long time ago and to move on from it...and see what kind of response you get
who is telling black people to forget about slavery tho?
DaNiKeRhiNo wrote:

why dwell in a negative past.
It's comments like this I'm talking about

His is a common viewpoint around the world. It's not hard to spot. Type "why blacks should forget about slavery" and read all of the discussion forums and articles on the topic. It's a common thought that MANY share.

As I said earlier...people FAIL to open their eyes to the systemic damage that the slave trade has on Blacks as whole TODAY...in this current state of time...and that's where I chose to focus my attention on.

People have this Utopian idea of how the world should be and a small part of it revolves around Blacks not "dwelling" on Slavery...or playing the race card...or whatever else people say when we speak on race relations and the mistreatment of institutionalized racism we go through.

In my eyes...if more of us "dwelled" on it...alot of us would wake the !%%# up and get privy to what's really going on this world.

And another thing I need to clarify...having self awareness and being hip to history and it's effect on modern culture (aka "dwelling" as some of you put it) does not mean that you oppose improvements on race relations. It doesn't mean you have to "hate" white people or throw slavery in their faces. That's a common misconception. People act like the more self aware and the more you speak out on past and present malice towards our entire group of people...that you are bordering along the lines of racism. That's just not the case.

There's simply a systemic approach that's been in place for centuries in this World and it's all structured towards us. That's something that many people refuse...or just don't want to believe.

Very well said my brother.

This is why we have to keep doing us and not care about other peoples input to a certain extent.
Originally Posted by Cartier Urkel

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

Originally Posted by Cartier Urkel

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

man...some of these comments
and then others

i don't see how you can ask whether or not white people today feel ashamed...they have nothing to do with it and no control over it. it would be like me going up to a muslim person and asking them if they're ashamed for 9/11. it'd be absolutely ignorant.

obviously it was a horrible thing. i don't think anyone on here is going to say anything different.

Thats not even close to being the same thing and you know it
yes it is. how can you expect someone who is removed from the situation to take blame and to feel guilty?
If they are descendants of the people in the situation then they are involved. That's like saying the parent's of convicted murderers shouldn't feel compassion for the victim or their families. A large number of whites owned slaves, a very small amount of muslims are terrorists. You act like I'm asking about how they feel about the Ku Klux Klan and their antics.
parent's of a convicted murderer? bad comparison. children of a convicted murderer? children who had nothing to do with raising or influencingthe actions of their parents? no, they should not feel guilty. compassionate? sure...that's a completely different emotion tho. even non whites should becompassionate when it comes to slavery. but to ask them to feel guilty and shame for it is quite ridiculous i think.

Originally Posted by daemacho

Every great civilization was built on the backs of slaves. Im tired of people thinking because it was so recent it makes it worse than the other. Slavery was terrible, but another century and it will be a speck on the timeline.

There are alot of people who will refuse to believe this particular period of slavery is by far the worst, most horrific injustice done that this world has ever seen. They'll downplay it however they can.
I said this pages ago...see what I'm saying?
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by daemacho

Every great civilization was built on the backs of slaves. Im tired of people thinking because it was so recent it makes it worse than the other. Slavery was terrible, but another century and it will be a speck on the timeline.

More BS.
Tell us what great civilization hasn't been built on slavery than.

oh btw slavery isn't the worst injustice humans have done you forget or don't know that humans basically bred out the entire neaderthal population toextinction
Im Not You - i see your point. but i think theres a difference between asking people to forget about slavery and asking people to stop using it as an excuse.obviously it had an impact on black people, no one is going to dispute that. but to just cite that and then not work to better your situation is ridiculous.and im not saying you're doing that or someone else here is, but i think that's what people mean when they say don't dwell on it. like, ithappened, it messed a lot of $#$@ up, but lets move on and work on getting to where we want to be.

and im not sure what forums you're reading, but if people are saying that you should literally forgot it happen, then i wouldnt even bother reading thatgarbage. it's not something that can be forgot as if it never happened.
I mean do you really want to walk around having people feel sorry for you?

Op just wondering why do you care what they(edit: anyone instead of they...don't want any one to feel offended) think? What if someone tells you somethingthat you don't want to hear?

for example what if someone tells you blacks deserved it or something to that extent? what are you going to do then? you can't really get mad...you askedtheir opinion right?

What if you ask and they express how sorry they are and go on apologizing for their ancestors and what not...what are you going to get out of that? I'mjust wondering, don't take it the wrong way...

basically what I'm saying is do you think its fair to blame the entire race because of what their ancestors did?
Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

Originally Posted by Cartier Urkel

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

Originally Posted by Cartier Urkel

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

man...some of these comments
and then others

i don't see how you can ask whether or not white people today feel ashamed...they have nothing to do with it and no control over it. it would be like me going up to a muslim person and asking them if they're ashamed for 9/11. it'd be absolutely ignorant.

obviously it was a horrible thing. i don't think anyone on here is going to say anything different.

Thats not even close to being the same thing and you know it
yes it is. how can you expect someone who is removed from the situation to take blame and to feel guilty?
If they are descendants of the people in the situation then they are involved. That's like saying the parent's of convicted murderers shouldn't feel compassion for the victim or their families. A large number of whites owned slaves, a very small amount of muslims are terrorists. You act like I'm asking about how they feel about the Ku Klux Klan and their antics.
parent's of a convicted murderer? bad comparison. children of a convicted murderer? children who had nothing to do with raising or influencing the actions of their parents? no, they should not feel guilty. compassionate? sure...that's a completely different emotion tho. even non whites should be compassionate when it comes to slavery. but to ask them to feel guilty and shame for it is quite ridiculous i think.

I'm not asking them to feel guilty G, I'm just asking how they feel on the subject matter.And if they are descendants of slave owners, they are closeto the subject and can drop an opinion or 2.
I skimmed through this thread... but I was wondering if anyone had brought up the bs of

"You should be proud we brought you here, and gave you culture. If we hadn't brought you here, y'all still be out there chasin' lions andchuckin' spears."

maybe not in so many words... but did anyone attempt to bring this up and validate it?
Originally Posted by NeptuneBeats187

I skimmed through this thread... but I was wondering if anyone had brought up the bs of

"You should be proud we brought you here, and gave you culture. If we hadn't brought you here, y'all still be out there chasin' lions and chuckin' spears."

maybe not in so many words... but did anyone attempt to bring this up and validate it?

growing up around ignorant folks FTL......used to hear this all the time from them rednecks
....but i got a smart !+! mouth so i used to always kill 'emw/ the come backs
slavery has occurred throughout the world from the early days of humans on this planet

in asia, europe, the middle east, africa, and the U.S.

the Arab slave trade lasted more than a millenium

but it seems like U.S. slavery gets so much more attention because it is so recent in our history

it's a part of how the world worked, you would conquer a country and enslave their people

but the Americans were unique in that they just captured and enslaved the Africans for no reason

I'm not caucasian, but it's pretty sad when you think about what whites did to Native Americans and Africans
Originally Posted by jordanpheen

I mean do you really want to walk around having people feel sorry for you?

Op just wondering why do you care what they(edit: anyone instead of they...don't want any one to feel offended) think? What if someone tells you something that you don't want to hear?

for example what if someone tells you blacks deserved it or something to that extent? what are you going to do then? you can't really get mad...you asked their opinion right?

What if you ask and they express how sorry they are and go on apologizing for their ancestors and what not...what are you going to get out of that? I'm just wondering, don't take it the wrong way...

basically what I'm saying is do you think its fair to blame the entire race because of what their ancestors did?

Refer to my post with deadsetace, Im just looking for opinions on the matter, I'm not mad about anything thats been said in this thread, I'm never madat people being honest....A good debate is always fun to me..
Fede was banned, and Tbone was ethered off the site, so nobody here is going to say something stupid.
Originally Posted by Derek916

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by daemacho

Every great civilization was built on the backs of slaves. Im tired of people thinking because it was so recent it makes it worse than the other. Slavery was terrible, but another century and it will be a speck on the timeline.

More BS.
Tell us what great civilization hasn't been built on slavery than.
Slavery as defined through the American existence never even existed prior to the Trans-Atlantic slave trade...so to even label servitude prior tothe 14th century "slavery" is a misnomer. The word didn't even exist in certain languages and we now bend our modern understanding of the conceptto retroactively apply to "ancient" civilizations.

There is some controversy whether there was slavery at all in ancient Egypt. The differences of opinion stem mostly from how slavery is defined [size=-2][sup][18][/sup][/size]. Theory and practice of Egyptian slavery were, as far as we can ascertain, quite different from those of Greece, Rome or the southern states of the USA, where slaves were wholly at the mercy of their owners with little protection from society, and more in line with the kind of slavery practiced in the rest of Africa [size=-2][sup][16][/sup][/size].
For many years, it was presumed that in ancient Egypt, the Great Pyramids at Giza were built by many thousands of foreign slaves, toiling under very harsh conditions over a period of decades. Today, many scholars refute this picture of ancient Egypt, believing instead that they were built by the free Egyptians themselves, some perhaps as seasonal conscripts with other artisans consigned permanently to the projects. One must also consider just how the Egyptians would really control so many slaves in one location with the rudimentary weapons of the Old Kingdom.

In ancient Egypt, textual references to slaves are indistinct. From word usage along, it is difficult to ascertain whether one was a slave or a servant. For example, a priest could be read as a god's slave, but by our definition and understanding of slavery he was not
Slavery in many early civilizations is poorly understood. Slavery in ancient Egypt is a poorly understood topic. We have done some work on Egyptian social classes, but destinguishing slaves from other groups with limited freedom is a challenging task that scholars have found very difficult. The same is true for the many civilizations of Mesopotamia. Slavery in both Greece and Rome are much better understood and were major components of the work force.

Africans had no concept of slavery as we know it today prior to Greek and the Eastern Mediterranean.
Originally Posted by Cartier Urkel

Originally Posted by jordanpheen

I mean do you really want to walk around having people feel sorry for you?

Op just wondering why do you care what they(edit: anyone instead of they...don't want any one to feel offended) think? What if someone tells you something that you don't want to hear?

for example what if someone tells you blacks deserved it or something to that extent? what are you going to do then? you can't really get mad...you asked their opinion right?

What if you ask and they express how sorry they are and go on apologizing for their ancestors and what not...what are you going to get out of that? I'm just wondering, don't take it the wrong way...

basically what I'm saying is do you think its fair to blame the entire race because of what their ancestors did?

Refer to my post with deadsetace, Im just looking for opinions on the matter, I'm not mad about anything thats been said in this thread, I'm never mad at people being honest....A good debate is always fun to me..
word i got what you're saying...not sure if i just misread your OP or am confusing you with something someone else said
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Fede was banned, and Tbone was ethered off the site, so nobody here is going to say something stupid.
ehhh you'd be surprised....
Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

Im Not You - i see your point. but i think theres a difference between asking people to forget about slavery and asking people to stop using it as an excuse. obviously it had an impact on black people, no one is going to dispute that. but to just cite that and then not work to better your situation is ridiculous. and im not saying you're doing that or someone else here is, but i think that's what people mean when they say don't dwell on it. like, it happened, it messed a lot of $#$@ up, but lets move on and work on getting to where we want to be.

and im not sure what forums you're reading, but if people are saying that you should literally forgot it happen, then i wouldnt even bother reading that garbage. it's not something that can be forgot as if it never happened.

By all means...I'm not saying that it is an excuse...I'm saying it's one of many reasons for the current state of our people. An excuse impliesthat you're placing guilt on another party. I'm saying many of problems in not only our inner cities, but even in our mid-high class suburbs (highlyaffluent black areas)...stem from slavery. The color complex we have amongst each other (light skin/dark skin)...the violence between each other...theeducational incompetence in our school systems...the absence of the man from the household, etc...all can be traced BACK to slavery. That doesn't mean ifBlack Kid A drops out of school, lives a life of crime and ultimately ends up in a casket that's the result of slavery. But rather the mindset thatgenerated the thought process behind those decisions...stem from a DEEP, DEEP, DEEPLY embedded by-product of slavery...AMONG a plethora of other things...andnot ONLY slavery.
Spoke to soon.....
Originally Posted by dunks87

I had a black college professor in an African American studies class and he himself even said that how slavery is portrayed in (recent) books and movies is exaggerated. Yes slavery was horrible and no race should ever have to succumb to such treatment for any reason. However, when the US was first forming or organizing no one in this country except for a VERY SELECT FEW had money to have those large plantations like the type they make movies about or showcase the remaining ones that have been preserved through our country's history. He went on to add that most slave owners worked right along side their 3 or 4 slaves in the cotton field and plantation all day. Unlike how in movies or books where the plantations have up to or over 100 slaves at any given moment and overseers watching their every move.

Honestly, however we (black/white/etc) feel about slavery is not going to change that it happened. All we can do is strive to unite and learn from the mistakes of our country's past and never repeat them again.

So your one professor changed your whole entire attitude on slavery? WOW.
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