NT Caucasians....How Do You Feel About Slavery?

i honestly think its something everyone should get over, yet be mindful of. until mankind can see eachother as no more as a fellow man than their will alwaysbe some sort of segregation. just imagine NT had to put pix of our real faces for our avvys. there would prolly be alot of hating going on.
People dont get how slavery effects blacks to this day subconsciously

- Nobody has their original last name

- Some people's family tree just stops

- and dont let me get started on the Willie Lynch laws

If you ask me blacks have done pretty well in the 150 years or so we've had freedom and the only 45 years we've been treated equally
we've made brilliant progress.

Alot of whites need to humble themselves and realize why alot of the black race is messed up. And appreciate or fear (your choice) of how the inferior race isalmost come full circle in less time as the whites.

Remember we got to this country around the same time. Their's nothing a white man can do that black man can't. Everything is not all the way balanceyet but its surprisingly clost and just remeber the whites kinda had a 400 years head start and look how much progress black folks have made.
Originally Posted by SoFreakinWavy

and some of these scumbags have the audacity to tell us to go back to africa as if this is their homeland.

the nerve
son mad as hell

anyway chill bredrin!! lets all get along...........here's a german bear and a black man.

^^ I don't have my original last name either, it got changed when my family immigrated here.
Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

Originally Posted by SoFreakinWavy

and some of these scumbags have the audacity to tell us to go back to africa as if this is their homeland.

the nerve
You've already shown your lack of education and ignorance in this thread. Why compound it further?

How have i done that?
Originally Posted by Nawth21

^^ I don't have my original last name either, it got changed when my family immigrated here.
What? You can actually go ask your family what your last name was originally. Its far from the same. You know what country your fam came from. Notto mention they came here voluntarily. Everytime I meet a white person with my same last name my fist clinches a lil.
Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by Nawth21

^^ I don't have my original last name either, it got changed when my family immigrated here.
What? You can actually go ask your family what your last name was originally. Its far from the same. You know what country your fam came from. Not to mention they came here voluntarily. Everytime I meet a white person with my same last name my fist clinches a lil.

Never said it was the same, but it's not an issue exclusive to slavery. They were forced to change their name. And "voluntary" is up for debate,many people were and still are fleeing from worn torn countries, persecution, etc. But no, they weren't forced to come here against there will. I'mnot trying to start a one uppman thing, just and aside that America has a bad rap when it comes to minorities/foreigners even after slavery ended.
Originally Posted by NYelectric

Originally Posted by wildcard

Also, not meaning to be sarcastic in anyway, dead serious, in what ways are white people still benefiting from the slave trade? honestly curious- cuz it damn sure aint doing nothing for me :/
I knew a few people in high school that were rich from plantation money. These are those top 1% kids you hear about. Kids that jet to Europe to shop for prom dresses. Gossip Girl girls. Where do you think politicians got their money and power? Who do you think goes to Yale?

hmm i'm hearing you. appreciate the info, that had never even crossed my mind. but i gotta say i'm skeptical, not saying completely it's not true,i'm just skeptical... sounds too much like a conspiracy theory, i mean idk. mabe
I had a black college professor in an African American studies class and he himself even said that how slavery is portrayed in (recent) books and movies isexaggerated. Yes slavery was horrible and no race should ever have to succumb to such treatment for any reason. However, when the US was first forming ororganizing no one in this country except for a VERY SELECT FEW had money to have those large plantations like the type they make movies about or showcase theremaining ones that have been preserved through our country's history. He went on to add that most slave owners worked right along side their 3 or 4 slavesin the cotton field and plantation all day. Unlike how in movies or books where the plantations have up to or over 100 slaves at any given moment and overseerswatching their every move.

Honestly, however we (black/white/etc) feel about slavery is not going to change that it happened. All we can do is strive to unite and learn from the mistakesof our country's past and never repeat them again.
Originally Posted by SoFreakinWavy

Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

Originally Posted by SoFreakinWavy

and some of these scumbags have the audacity to tell us to go back to africa as if this is their homeland.

the nerve
You've already shown your lack of education and ignorance in this thread. Why compound it further?

How have i done that?

and of course the spineless coward doesn't respond

dont throw around the word ignorant if you dont have anything to back it up

The only people who should be mad about slavery are the slaves who went throough (and of course the generations after who fought for equal rights)

Its sickening to see young black youth today squander their education, humanity, and class for things such as drugs, 'street' money, rap music (itsentertainment not life - put down that gun and pink bandana camron fans), and of course education (I say this twice my friends for a reason)

All of that - talking black, acting black, ghetto black, hoodrat, +@!%%*%*, - thats not something to be proud of.
Yet all i hear are excuses -

Crime - "its reported crime - the whitesonly report black people crime' - so because the crime is REPORTED that means that you have an excuse tocommit crimes? My ethnic friend - regardless of it being reported - you still have committed a crime. You still have once again brought the "black mandown" by strengthening the image of Blacks benig "ghetto criminals". You are ******ed to use reported crime as an excuse. Black people stealmore from themselves then they do white people. This youth is incredibly dumb.

Education - Board only gives money to white people schools - and thats why Im not going to school - because there's no point. - wow? So because the boardgives money to schools that are filled with black people - it's not your fault? Board's will give money to schools that perform well. If the youthtoday truly strove to complete the difficulties lay ahead of them instead of thinking about "booty" "kicks" and "thuggin" - theboards would realize the profit lye in ethnic minorities. I see young children who are black walkng the streets at the of 9 or below - not on their own - butfollowing their older adolescent counterparts - thus stregthening the cycle. Black youth today - completely oblivious to the fact that they are wasting theirbloody lives being nothing the but the crap white people feel them to be. Go ahead young fella'. Cut class today to smoke up. You're doing exactly whateveryone expects you to do.

Numbers - Today there are more minorties than their are white americans - yet most black people feel white americans dominate everything. Shame on you for notrealizing your true potential.

I am neither black nor white. I have to go through the racial stereotypes that black's have inflicted upon themselves, along with most other minorities,while dealing with the streotypes that white individuals have put on us.

Its sad to say this but I am so dissapointed that the inspirations of past black achievers have not continued on today. Young fella' just because you votedObama - doesn't mean your life will get easier - it means you just put a black man in the white house - When will YOU do something worthwhile? o i c -I'm oppressing you right now. right.

and white folks - I have no beef with you. I treat you like I do my own race - competition - I want to better than you as I would want to be better than black,brown, red, blue, or whoever. I want to be the best but it's alot harder for me than it is for you. I accept it.

I just feel sad for those black individuals who don't work hard knowing that they could be so much better than they are now but won't put the effortin. Most don't care.
how slavery is portrayed in (recent) books and movies is exaggerated
I stopped reading after this....but went back and read the rest just to be fair...and I have to conclude that your professor in an idiot.

Working on the fields right next to em eh?

Did they get raped like them?
Forced to reproduce with their own family?
Beat and tortured to death like them?
Chain themselves on boats and sit for weeks in their own excrement?


European wealth is practically built on the African Slave Trade.

Like I said earlier...the whole thing is deep beneath the surface. Your professor is right...slavery wasn't how it was portrayed to be in mass mediathrough movies and television. The !%#$ was WORSE. No motion picture or television series will ever fully capture a hell that existedover multiple centuries and still effects a mass group of people today.
Originally Posted by bkzkurse

The only people who should be mad about slavery are the slaves who went throough (and of course the generations after who fought for equal rights)

Its sickening to see young black youth today squander their education, humanity, and class for things such as drugs, 'street' money, rap music (its entertainment not life - put down that gun and pink bandana camron fans), and of course education (I say this twice my friends for a reason)

All of that - talking black, acting black, ghetto black, hoodrat, +@!%%*%*, - thats not something to be proud of.
Yet all i hear are excuses -

Crime - "its reported crime - the whitesonly report black people crime' - so because the crime is REPORTED that means that you have an excuse to commit crimes? My ethnic friend - regardless of it being reported - you still have committed a crime. You still have once again brought the "black man down" by strengthening the image of Blacks benig "ghetto criminals". You are ******ed to use reported crime as an excuse. Black people steal more from themselves then they do white people. This youth is incredibly dumb.

Education - Board only gives money to white people schools - and thats why Im not going to school - because there's no point. - wow? So because the board gives money to schools that are filled with black people - it's not your fault? Board's will give money to schools that perform well. If the youth today truly strove to complete the difficulties lay ahead of them instead of thinking about "booty" "kicks" and "thuggin" - the boards would realize the profit lye in ethnic minorities. I see young children who are black walkng the streets at the of 9 or below - not on their own - but following their older adolescent counterparts - thus stregthening the cycle. Black youth today - completely oblivious to the fact that they are wasting their bloody lives being nothing the but the crap white people feel them to be. Go ahead young fella'. Cut class today to smoke up. You're doing exactly what everyone expects you to do.

Numbers - Today there are more minorties than their are white americans - yet most black people feel white americans dominate everything. Shame on you for not realizing your true potential.

I am neither black nor white. I have to go through the racial stereotypes that black's have inflicted upon themselves, along with most other minorities, while dealing with the streotypes that white individuals have put on us.

Its sad to say this but I am so dissapointed that the inspirations of past black achievers have not continued on today. Young fella' just because you voted Obama - doesn't mean your life will get easier - it means you just put a black man in the white house - When will YOU do something worthwhile? o i c - I'm oppressing you right now. right.

and white folks - I have no beef with you. I treat you like I do my own race - competition - I want to better than you as I would want to be better than black, brown, red, blue, or whoever. I want to be the best but it's alot harder for me than it is for you. I accept it.

I just feel sad for those black individuals who don't work hard knowing that they could be so much better than they are now but won't put the effort in. Most don't care.
You just went off on a tangent that literally had absolutely nothing to do with slavery past your first few sentences.
Originally Posted by Im Not You

how slavery is portrayed in (recent) books and movies is exaggerated
I stopped reading after this....but went back and read the rest just to be fair...and I have to conclude that your professor in an idiot.

Working on the fields right next to em eh?

Did they get raped like them?
Forced to reproduce with their own family?
Beat and tortured to death like them?
Chain themselves on boats and sit for weeks in their own excrement?


European wealth is practically built on the African Slave Trade.

Like I said earlier...the whole thing is deep beneath the surface. Your professor is right...slavery wasn't how it was portrayed to be in mass media through movies and television. The !%#$ was WORSE. No motion picture or television series will ever fully capture a hell that existed over multiple centuries and still effects a mass group of people today.

hey I'm just the messenger. I was just as surprised as you to hear him say this too. Especially since he and (myself and most of the class) is black.Everything you listed, is what I have always thought about slavery too.
Originally Posted by xDetr0itJaTTx

slavery gets %**$ done
I didn't want to, but


dunks87 wrote:
I had a black college professor in an African American studies class and he himself even said that how slavery is portrayed in (recent) books and movies is exaggerated. Yes slavery was horrible and no race should ever have to succumb to such treatment for any reason. However, when the US was first forming or organizing no one in this country except for a VERY SELECT FEW had money to have those large plantations like the type they make movies about or showcase the remaining ones that have been preserved through our country's history. He went on to add that most slave owners worked right along side their 3 or 4 slaves in the cotton field and plantation all day. Unlike how in movies or books where the plantations have up to or over 100 slaves at any given moment and overseers watching their every move.

Honestly, however we (black/white/etc) feel about slavery is not going to change that it happened. All we can do is strive to unite and learn from the mistakes of our country's past and never repeat them again.

Tell that %**$ to Nat Turner.

Your professor can get the hell outta here.
Originally Posted by bkzkurse

The only people who should be mad about slavery are the slaves who went throough (and of course the generations after who fought for equal rights)

Its sickening to see young black youth today squander their education, humanity, and class for things such as drugs, 'street' money, rap music (its entertainment not life - put down that gun and pink bandana camron fans), and of course education (I say this twice my friends for a reason)

All of that - talking black, acting black, ghetto black, hoodrat, +@!%%*%*, - thats not something to be proud of.
Yet all i hear are excuses -

Crime - "its reported crime - the whitesonly report black people crime' - so because the crime is REPORTED that means that you have an excuse to commit crimes? My ethnic friend - regardless of it being reported - you still have committed a crime. You still have once again brought the "black man down" by strengthening the image of Blacks benig "ghetto criminals". You are ******ed to use reported crime as an excuse. Black people steal more from themselves then they do white people. This youth is incredibly dumb.

Education - Board only gives money to white people schools - and thats why Im not going to school - because there's no point. - wow? So because the board gives money to schools that are filled with black people - it's not your fault? Board's will give money to schools that perform well. If the youth today truly strove to complete the difficulties lay ahead of them instead of thinking about "booty" "kicks" and "thuggin" - the boards would realize the profit lye in ethnic minorities. I see young children who are black walkng the streets at the of 9 or below - not on their own - but following their older adolescent counterparts - thus stregthening the cycle. Black youth today - completely oblivious to the fact that they are wasting their bloody lives being nothing the but the crap white people feel them to be. Go ahead young fella'. Cut class today to smoke up. You're doing exactly what everyone expects you to do.
bruh u have no idea what 3 centuries of opression can do to a generaton of people. When Italians first came to this country the crime rate forItalians was the highest in the country. WHY????? Because of poverty the same thing with the Irish, the only freakin diffeence is those people kept theirheritage and progress while black had to stablish a new identity.

Where this fear of the black race come from because if memory seves me right before crack took over in the 80s. White folks were rsponsible of the majority ofcrimes in America from the turn of the century to the

Poverty = Crime thats how it always has been. White people dominated crime in the early 1900s they've had every right a human could have in this countrysince the 1600s. Blacks only been free technically 45 years of course poverty in a generation will occur meaning crime will follow. Slavery had something to dowith that.

Its people like you that say o yea slavery in america was terrible but you're free now go play. Thats not how it works 400 years thats at least 20genreations of people who were trained to be inferrior if you believ in evolution you can understand how that can effct a species.

Now thats not to say that whites should have pity or blacks should use it as an ecuse. But both sides should understand where this competent mindset comesfrom.
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