NT Caucasians....How Do You Feel About Slavery?

Originally Posted by dunks87

I had a black college professor in an African American studies class and he himself even said that how slavery is portrayed in (recent) books and movies is exaggerated. Yes slavery was horrible and no race should ever have to succumb to such treatment for any reason. However, when the US was first forming or organizing no one in this country except for a VERY SELECT FEW had money to have those large plantations like the type they make movies about or showcase the remaining ones that have been preserved through our country's history. He went on to add that most slave owners worked right along side their 3 or 4 slaves in the cotton field and plantation all day. Unlike how in movies or books where the plantations have up to or over 100 slaves at any given moment and overseers watching their every move.

Honestly, however we (black/white/etc) feel about slavery is not going to change that it happened. All we can do is strive to unite and learn from the mistakes of our country's past and never repeat them again.


South Carolina had more slaves than freemen and reasoned that slaves were the only valuable thing in their entire territory, hence the 3/5th compromise. Thewhole reason that there was an ban on the importation of slaves was because the percentage of Africans in the South was almost greater than the percentage ofEuropeans and rebellions were becoming more frequent. Its true that there were a select few with huge plantations but the entire economy of the south wasagriculture, and almost 70% of planters were slave owners.


Originally Posted by dunks87

Originally Posted by Im Not You

how slavery is portrayed in (recent) books and movies is exaggerated
I stopped reading after this....but went back and read the rest just to be fair...and I have to conclude that your professor in an idiot.

Working on the fields right next to em eh?

Did they get raped like them?
Forced to reproduce with their own family?
Beat and tortured to death like them?
Chain themselves on boats and sit for weeks in their own excrement?


European wealth is practically built on the African Slave Trade.

Like I said earlier...the whole thing is deep beneath the surface. Your professor is right...slavery wasn't how it was portrayed to be in mass media through movies and television. The !%#$ was WORSE. No motion picture or television series will ever fully capture a hell that existed over multiple centuries and still effects a mass group of people today.

hey I'm just the messenger. I was just as surprised as you to hear him say this too. Especially since he and (myself and most of the class) is black. Everything you listed, is what I have always thought about slavery too.

Oh I hear you...believe me. I know first hand how some professors and researchers (even Black) will try to spin slavery however they can in alight that makes it seem like it wasn't "that bad". That's part of the plan. The one that gets me the most is whenever the African Slavetrade is bought up...alot of people go "well...Africans had slaves too". There are alot of people who will refuse to believe this particular periodof slavery is by far the worst, most horrific injustice done that this world has ever seen. They'll downplay it however they can.
Originally Posted by bkzkurse


well if black people are so ignorant maybe you should get out there and start teaching us how to be like you instead of soapboxing on the internet.
this should be interesting

If I were Caucasian I would have no idea how I'd feel about it, other than it being a bad mark in American history in race relations.
SoFreakinWavy wrote:
they don't care nor feel responsible for it

as far as they are concerned they think blacks should get over it

but if we tell them get over the holocaust all hell will freeze over
Do you ever say anything that isn't completely ignorant?
Yeah Buddy! Rollin like a big shot,
Chevy tuned up like a Nascar pit stop
Fresh paint job(Check), fresh inside (Check)
Is the outside frame and the trunk wide? (Yeah)

man...some of these comments
and then others

i don't see how you can ask whether or not white people today feel ashamed...they have nothing to do with it and no control over it. it would be like megoing up to a muslim person and asking them if they're ashamed for 9/11. it'd be absolutely ignorant.

obviously it was a horrible thing. i don't think anyone on here is going to say anything different.
Honestly its 2009, I dont know no slave owners, This stuff happened a long time ago, Yeah it was terrible but the world is a messed up place, just look atAfrica and some parts of Asia today. Generations have passed, its not like there are former slaves walking around the streets anymore. Lets just be happy welive in a part of the world where that stuff doesn't fly anymore.
If I were Caucasian I would have no idea how I'd feel about it

As a white male, I certainly feel as though it's a very important part of world history and something that should never be forgotten, but not something Ifeel guilty about.
Everyone does realize that slavery still exists in Africa, right? Africans putting Africans into slavery has been going on for a long time, even before theAmerican problem. Sierra Leon anybody? Thank god that the US has learned from past mistakes and it doesn't fly anymore....
Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Yeah Buddy! Rollin like a big shot,
Chevy tuned up like a Nascar pit stop
Fresh paint job(Check), fresh inside (Check)
Is the outside frame and the trunk wide? (Yeah)

Go tell a modern day person of Jewish decent to "forget about the Holocaust" or that it happened a long time ago and to move on from it...and seewhat kind of response you get
Every great civilization was built on the backs of slaves. Im tired of people thinking because it was so recent it makes it worse than the other. Slaverywas terrible, but another century and it will be a speck on the timeline.
Originally Posted by Im Not You

Go tell a modern day person of Jewish decent to "forget about the Holocaust" or that it happened a long time ago and to move on from it...and see what kind of response you get
who is telling black people to forget about slavery tho?
Originally Posted by chris boshs neck

Honestly its 2009, I dont know no slave owners, This stuff happened a long time ago, Yeah it was terrible but the world is a messed up place, just look at Africa and some parts of Asia today. Generations have passed, its not like there are former slaves walking around the streets anymore. Lets just be happy we live in a part of the world where that stuff doesn't fly out in the open anymore.
I agree, why dwell in a negative past. I don't expect my white friends to apologize to me or treat them *@+! because of what their ancestorsdid. All I ask from them is to respect me like they respect other human beings.
I want my reparations DAMMIT!!!! but nah why should you feel guilty bout somethin that they had nothing to do with in all seriousness I want myreparations(Obama)
Originally Posted by Im Not You

how slavery is portrayed in (recent) books and movies is exaggerated
I stopped reading after this....but went back and read the rest just to be fair...and I have to conclude that your professor in an idiot.

Working on the fields right next to em eh?

Did they get raped like them?
Forced to reproduce with their own family?
Beat and tortured to death like them?
Chain themselves on boats and sit for weeks in their own excrement?


European wealth is practically built on the African Slave Trade.

Like I said earlier...the whole thing is deep beneath the surface. Your professor is right...slavery wasn't how it was portrayed to be in mass media through movies and television. The !%#$ was WORSE. No motion picture or television series will ever fully capture a hell that existed over multiple centuries and still effects a mass group of people today.

preach......but i care about civil rights more.....alot of ##+!*#%% in the late 1800s - mid 1900's and hell even today...
How do you think Obama feels about it? Half of him feels guilty, the other half feels victimized?
Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

man...some of these comments
and then others

i don't see how you can ask whether or not white people today feel ashamed...they have nothing to do with it and no control over it. it would be like me going up to a muslim person and asking them if they're ashamed for 9/11. it'd be absolutely ignorant.

obviously it was a horrible thing. i don't think anyone on here is going to say anything different.

Thats not even close to being the same thing and you know it
Originally Posted by LifeLessons

Originally Posted by Im Not You

how slavery is portrayed in (recent) books and movies is exaggerated
I stopped reading after this....but went back and read the rest just to be fair...and I have to conclude that your professor in an idiot.

Working on the fields right next to em eh?

Did they get raped like them?
Forced to reproduce with their own family?
Beat and tortured to death like them?
Chain themselves on boats and sit for weeks in their own excrement?


European wealth is practically built on the African Slave Trade.

Like I said earlier...the whole thing is deep beneath the surface. Your professor is right...slavery wasn't how it was portrayed to be in mass media through movies and television. The !%#$ was WORSE. No motion picture or television series will ever fully capture a hell that existed over multiple centuries and still effects a mass group of people today.

preach......but i care about civil rights more.....alot of ##+!*#%% in the late 1800s - mid 1900's and hell even today...
True, no form of entertainment can justify or act as a placement of slavery. If it's not first hand knowledge than it should be acceptable.Movies, plays, literature or any form of entertainment is not original. Do not let anybody dumb down the fact of slavery.
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