NT Caucasians....How Do You Feel About Slavery?

Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by Kneesh

AntonLaVey wrote:

I said white privilege does exist but there are white people in this country that have accomplished everything without a handout.
There handout is being born with White skin .
I can find you 100 white athletes who feel different

Originally Posted by Capricorn1229

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Not going to read the entire thread because it's most likely pointless and a waste of time.

That being said. Slavery is nothing unique to Black Americans. Discrimination is nothing to unique to Black Americans. Being treated as second class citizens is not unique to Black Americans.
That doesn't mean that all these things are not problems or issues that don't have valid grievances. On the other hand, it also means that there's nothing special about the Black experience in America when it comes to slavery or discrimination.
The biggest BS comment in this entire thread.
Oh really?

You want to go read up on some history of Jews in Europe, oh say, starting in the 13th century.
You think Jews are all over the place because they like to travel?
Oh God...

Don't do it.

Go look up the history of Gypsies then. Or Kurds. Or Armenians. Or Chechens. Or any other ethnic group which at one point in time were mistreated by others.

It's been a peachy world for everyone but Black Americans?

For +%$*@ sake.
In the 20th century "White" people killed 50m+ other "white" people.
"whites" fought each other before the 20th century too you know.

yous an even funnier dude..

there's nothing unique about the black experience in america as it pertains to slavery and discrimination?


I.e. name one other enslaved and discriminated race in this country

and if you say native american, I swear to god I'm gonna submit your email to gay dating sites...

(before some genius says anything about a native american, they got an offical apology and every one of their surviving ancestors gets a monthly check whileliving rent and tax free on granted land.....so can that bs, early)

lol@its not unique to black people

yo, what reality do you cats live in? yall really never leave the burbs like that? like, forreal?

no wonder you doctor dudes is whining about how hard you work for your lowly 200k-%$* salary


leave the burbs once in a while my dude...

lol@the corny %*# white athlete comment, probably from an unathletic white basketball player who swears a black dude got the nod over him...

matter of fact, I had to slap a white kid the night osu lost to texas (it was my birthday, actually) because of this very same topic....he told me "I canrun, jump and throw just like them %!%%#!* can"


no more of that talk took place....

and troy won the heisman....while justin zwick does local pizza commercials...

A nice book by Dalton Conley...About a white kid growing up in a ghetto in NYC. It is about white privilege, anyone who doesn't believe in white privilegeread this book, then talk to me.
Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by Kneesh

AntonLaVey wrote:

I said white privilege does exist but there are white people in this country that have accomplished everything without a handout.
There handout is being born with White skin .
I can find you 100 white athletes who feel different

What ?
KanyeWestJayZ4life wrote:
Originally Posted by Im Not You

Go tell a modern day person of Jewish decent to "forget about the Holocaust" or that it happened a long time ago and to move on from it...and see what kind of response you get

and we all saw how that thread went...but when you say it to black people in America we're just whinning right?
oh you're talking baout ancient people all over the world...

how the %@%$ is that making the black experience in america common?

lol, last time I checked gypsies weren't enslaved for 400 years in america...lol

good one though...

the black experience is QUITE unique in american history, boy boy...

so stop with the ancient international conflicts boy boy...

if you not talking about american history, I don't wanna hear it, boy boy
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by Capricorn1229

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Not going to read the entire thread because it's most likely pointless and a waste of time.

That being said. Slavery is nothing unique to Black Americans. Discrimination is nothing to unique to Black Americans. Being treated as second class citizens is not unique to Black Americans.
That doesn't mean that all these things are not problems or issues that don't have valid grievances. On the other hand, it also means that there's nothing special about the Black experience in America when it comes to slavery or discrimination.
The biggest BS comment in this entire thread.
Oh really?

You want to go read up on some history of Jews in Europe, oh say, starting in the 13th century.
You think Jews are all over the place because they like to travel?
Oh God...

Don't do it.

Go look up the history of Gypsies then. Or Kurds. Or Armenians. Or Chechens. Or any other ethnic group which at one point in time were mistreated by others.

It's been a peachy world for everyone but Black Americans?

For +%$*@ sake.
In the 20th century "White" people killed 50m+ other "white" people.
"whites" fought each other before the 20th century too you know.

Caucasian struggles amongst Caucasian people.

In no way do these compare to the African struggle.

And you're acting as if everything is all good in Eastern Europe...like that ugly history hasn't left ugly scars and lingering strife.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN


yous an even funnier dude..

there's nothing unique about the black experience in america as it pertains to slavery and discrimination?


I.e. name one other enslaved and discriminated race in this country

and if you say native american, I swear to god I'm gonna submit your email to gay dating sites...

(before some genius says anything about a native american, they got an offical apology and every one of their surviving ancestors gets a monthly check while living rent and tax free on granted land.....so can that bs, early)

lol@its not unique to black people

yo, what reality do you cats live in? yall really never leave the burbs like that? like, forreal?

no wonder you doctor dudes is whining about how hard you work for your lowly 200k-%$* salary


leave the burbs once in a while my dude...

lol@the corny %*# white athlete comment, probably from an unathletic white basketball player who swears a black dude got the nod over him...

matter of fact, I had to slap a white kid the night osu lost to texas (it was my birthday, actually) because of this very same topic....he told me "I can run, jump and throw just like them %!%%#!* can"


no more of that talk took place....

and troy won the heisman....while justin zwick does local pizza commercials...

Slavery and discrimination are unique to Black Americans? Really?

I guess I elarned today that they came about specifically for Blacks in America.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Ok dude.
.....Continue living in Uncle Toms Cabin, while I continue living in reality. I find it humorous that you took my initial statement of receiving privilege, made a joke of it then complain when people don't take you seriously. Then get defensive about being called an Uncle Tom, then embrace it with piff emoticons. Whatever dude, go ahead and "benefit black people more than so called true black men".....you been brainwashed word to clockwork orange.

LOL you don't even know what i meant by that....yet you take that as a reason why I've been brainwashed.
Let's see who sounds more brainwashed

-Black guy thinking the white man is the cause of all his problems, and that white people are born with a silver spoon in their mouths.

-Black guy who questions everything, offers the facts...refuses to be so one-sided. Acknowledges the struggles black people have had to go through and thebenefits that whites have gained from exploitation, yet sheds light on many exceptions to this one-sided view of racial relations. You're half white, youshould be more unbiased about this than anyone else.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

oh you're talking baout ancient people all over the world...

how the %@%$ is that making the black experience in america common?

lol, last time I checked gypsies weren't enslaved for 400 years in america...lol

good one though...

the black experience is QUITE unique in american history, boy boy...

so stop with the ancient international conflicts boy boy...

if you not talking about american history, I don't wanna hear it, boy boy
damn dude you take this $+$+ so personally, like it happened to you or something dude. Quit !%$%$*# complaining and just do you. Stop worryingabout how much worse you have it than others, just live your life
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by Capricorn1229

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Not going to read the entire thread because it's most likely pointless and a waste of time.

That being said. Slavery is nothing unique to Black Americans. Discrimination is nothing to unique to Black Americans. Being treated as second class citizens is not unique to Black Americans.
That doesn't mean that all these things are not problems or issues that don't have valid grievances. On the other hand, it also means that there's nothing special about the Black experience in America when it comes to slavery or discrimination.
The biggest BS comment in this entire thread.
Oh really?

You want to go read up on some history of Jews in Europe, oh say, starting in the 13th century.
You think Jews are all over the place because they like to travel?
Oh God...

Don't do it.

Go look up the history of Gypsies then. Or Kurds. Or Armenians. Or Chechens. Or any other ethnic group which at one point in time were mistreated by others.

It's been a peachy world for everyone but Black Americans?
I'm not ignorant so don't play me. I also haven't made any false statements in this thread. I was merely giving you a warning not togo down that road. What you tried to do was minimize the strife of Black Americans but what if somebody did that to theJews or Gypsies or Kurds or Armenians or Chechens? Don't do it in here. Don't even try.
so, anywhere in this "whites fought whites too" were the whites systematically hated and oppressed?

not liking a group of people is completely different from legislating them as less than human...moron.

aint you supposed to be smart?

I thought you was talking about american history...now, all you mentioning is international, ANCIENT %#!!...

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

oh you're talking baout ancient people all over the world...

how the %@%$ is that making the black experience in america common?

lol, last time I checked gypsies weren't enslaved for 400 years in america...lol

good one though...

the black experience is QUITE unique in american history, boy boy...

so stop with the ancient international conflicts boy boy...

if you not talking about american history, I don't wanna hear it, boy boy
America is a young nation.
Whether you want to hear about history prior to America is your choice.
It's pretty important though.
Kurds and gypsies are still fighting for equality and humanity today...why don't people tell them to get over it and everyone has it rough?

Its idiotic. Just another way of evading truth and refusing to accept racial reality.

The funny thing is Kurds are killed and violated while because they are labeled as "Blacks", eventhough they are Caucasian peoples.

Which spits in the face of your ridiculous assertion as shows how deep Black prejudice is ingrained around the globe.
Why argue like this though? Are you feeling for your ancestors? It sucked to be THEM. They went through alot! You? Nothing but making excuses and whining.

Honor them by stop being such an A-hole and being respectful. Slavery was an awful thing, one of the worst ever. So stop continuing the process.
This guy talking about the black experience is nothing unique you ever heard of the Willie lynch letters ever heard of men getting raped on slave ships?

@ This guy trying to compare the Jew holocaust to the Black holocaustlike its even remotely close.
Originally Posted by Capricorn1229

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by Capricorn1229

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Not going to read the entire thread because it's most likely pointless and a waste of time.

That being said. Slavery is nothing unique to Black Americans. Discrimination is nothing to unique to Black Americans. Being treated as second class citizens is not unique to Black Americans.
That doesn't mean that all these things are not problems or issues that don't have valid grievances. On the other hand, it also means that there's nothing special about the Black experience in America when it comes to slavery or discrimination.
The biggest BS comment in this entire thread.
Oh really?

You want to go read up on some history of Jews in Europe, oh say, starting in the 13th century.
You think Jews are all over the place because they like to travel?
Oh God...

Don't do it.

Go look up the history of Gypsies then. Or Kurds. Or Armenians. Or Chechens. Or any other ethnic group which at one point in time were mistreated by others.

It's been a peachy world for everyone but Black Americans?
I'm not ignorant so don't play me. I also haven't made any false statements in this thread. I was merely giving you a warning not to go down that road. What you tried to do was minimize the strife of Black Americans but what if somebody did that to the Jews or Gypsies or Kurds or Armenians or Chechens? Don't do it in here. Don't even try.

I'm not minimizing anything.
Maybe you're "maximizing"?

Why not go down that road? Was there no earth before New Amsterdam?
Originally Posted by CherryRed

Slavery still goes on in Africa and other countries, yet still, nobody stops it.
Yerp.....so many people in Africa could have used that "Freedom" that George Bush was pitching out.
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Kurds and gypsies are still fighting for equality and humanity...why don't people tell them to get over it and everyone has it rough?

Its idiotic. Just another way of evading truth and accepting reality.

The funny thing is Kurds are killed and violated while because they are labeled as "Blacks", eventhough they are Caucasian peoples.

Which spits in the face of your ridiculous assertion as shows how deep Black prejudice is ingrained around the globe.
what are you talking about?

Where did I mention to "get over it"?
First, it's not my place to make that statement and secondly I can care less since that is a personal decision.

I'm merely pointing out that there's nothing special about any of these circumstances.
Can't say it's not the truth.
Originally Posted by FrankReynolds420

Why argue like this though? Are you feeling for your ancestors? It sucked to be THEM. They went through alot! You? Nothing but making excuses and whining. Honor them by stop being such an A-hole and being respectful. Slavery was an awful thing, one of the worst ever. So stop continuing the process.

You sound like a fool.
Originally Posted by Tony Goalie

This guy talking about the black experience is nothing unique you ever heard of the Willie lynch letters ever heard of men getting raped on slave ships?

@ This guy trying to compare the Jew holocaust to the Black holocaust like its even remotely close.
There was a world before the holocaust.
Ever hear of the inquisition for one? It was pretty bad for a multitude of groups. It lasted for a pretty long time too.
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