NT Caucasians....How Do You Feel About Slavery?

Originally Posted by kix4kix


A nice book by Dalton Conley...About a white kid growing up in a ghetto in NYC. It is about white privilege, anyone who doesn't believe in white privilege read this book, then talk to me.
you are ignorant, white privileges dont apply to every white person. when I came to the U.S. my dad had 2 jobs, one was pizza delivery and Seattletimes. He had no sleep just to pay bills and have food. Shut the #*^% when you dont know +!@* about other races not every white person is a paris hilton youdumb ***
Learned helplessness as a technical term in animal psychology and related human psychology means a condition of a human beingor an animal in which it has learned to behave helplessly, even when the opportunity is restored for it to help itself by avoiding an unpleasant or harmfulcircumstance to which it has been subjected. Learned helplessness theory is the view that clinical depression and related mental illnesses result from a perceived absence of control overthe outcome of a situation (Seligman, 1975).

Slavery was started at the earliest of mankind not just the 1700-1800's. And yes it's still going on today. Anyone know the title of that book aboutthe modern day slave trade? Kind of what the movie "Taken" was about.
no, slavery and discrimination IS unique to blacks IN america...

what other group in american history has even endured SIMILAR....native americans? see my previous post on that topic.

lol@live your life, don't talk about how much worse you have it than everyone else

no, bro, there are millions, even billions of people in the world that have it much much worse than I do...

I'm college educated, I eat food when I'm hungry, I have more than one pair of shoes, etc.

you telling me I'm whining and complaining doesn't change the fact that white priviledge exists...period.


"there is nothing unique to the black experience in america as it relates to oppression and discrimination...to support this claim I will mentioninternational incidents...because, in america, their experience is unique...I.e. no other group in america experienced the systematic oppression anddiscrimination without any reprocrussions so I have to mention ANCIENT international incidents....of races of people that haven't existed for 1000s ofyears"

yeah, that makes PERFECT sense waawaaweewa...lol

perfect sense...

ancient international examples prove that the black experience IN AMERICA isn't unique to them....you right...the gypsies in america had it rough...

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Ok dude.
.....Continue living in Uncle Toms Cabin, while I continue living in reality. I find it humorous that you took my initial statement of receiving privilege, made a joke of it then complain when people don't take you seriously. Then get defensive about being called an Uncle Tom, then embrace it with piff emoticons. Whatever dude, go ahead and "benefit black people more than so called true black men".....you been brainwashed word to clockwork orange.

LOL you don't even know what i meant by that....yet you take that as a reason why I've been brainwashed.
Let's see who sounds more brainwashed

-Black guy thinking the white man is the cause of all his problems, and that white people are born with a silver spoon in their mouths.

-Black guy who questions everything, offers the facts...refuses to be so one-sided. Acknowledges the struggles black people have had to go through and the benefits that whites have gained from exploitation, yet sheds light on many exceptions to this one-sided view of racial relations. You're half white, you should be more unbiased about this than anyone else.

I am unbiased about this, which is why you should chill and actually READ what i'm saying.

What facts have you offered? Aside from things EVERYONE knows, There are poor white people
NO WAY..... There are white people who work hard for theirmoney
Get out of town.....I stated an example of how I benefited from white privilege ....you came back with mailing list sarcasm, and I shut you up withmy example. Then you went on to state OBVIOUS facts that have NOTHING to do with white privilege. You think I am saying that My Uncle didn't work throughLaw school?

Far from, you saying that I think my Grandfather got his money from a package labled "white privaledge" delivered at his door step? If you aren'tgoing to be serious, but just highlight how correct you are, and how wrong others are just stop now. Atleast Wawaweewa offers compelling, and intellectualargument. You just as bad as whites who deem any black man who is in favor of AA as a lazy section 8 inhabiter......
Originally Posted by sam206

Originally Posted by kix4kix


A nice book by Dalton Conley...About a white kid growing up in a ghetto in NYC. It is about white privilege, anyone who doesn't believe in white privilege read this book, then talk to me.
you are ignorant, white privileges dont apply to every white person. when I came to the U.S. my dad had 2 jobs, one was pizza delivery and Seattle times. He had no sleep just to pay bills and have food. Shut the #*^% when you dont know +!@* about other races not every white person is a paris hilton you dumb ***
Someone please post that gif of the hand logging out of NT please.
FrankReynolds420 wrote:
Why argue like this though? Are you feeling for your ancestors? It sucked to be THEM. They went through alot! You? Nothing but making excuses and whining.

Honor them by stop being such an A-hole and being respectful. Slavery was an awful thing, one of the worst ever. So stop continuing the process.
i don't even know what you're talking about...so because it was our ancestors we shouldn't worry about it?

the fact that they were my ancestors gives me all the right to be even more upset...im sure they wouldn't like if i was to just keep it movin...you saywe're making excuses and whining but as far as i know everyone in this thread arguing against your ideas are in college or college graduates...so we'renot just sitting around complaining...we're out getting ours but that still doens't mean we shouldn't acknowledge the power structure and how itsset up against black people...
this cat talking about races and civilizations that don't even exist any more...lol

to prove the black experience in america isn't unique to black people


I should have never checked this %@!$ again after my first post
What are these privileges? I never said I didn't agree, in certain aspects white are more privileged, but so are blacks in certain aspects. And the wholeissues with law enforcement bit, you know as well as I , if the police are hassling you and you are black, it's because a good majority of the crimescommitted in your area are done by blacks, right? I've lived in an area in florida where it's mostly dumb southern people, and all the white kids that,who i'm sure you can make your own interpretation of a stupid white kid, look the part, get hassled. I'm not saying it's the right thing to do. Buthow else could it be done?
Shut the #*^% when you dont know +!@* about other races not every white person is a paris hilton you dumb ***

some of you seem to have the definition of white privilege confused...it doesn't mean you're born rich or handed huge amounts of money cuz you'rewhite...
Originally Posted by smoke ya later

Slavery was started at the earliest of mankind not just the 1700-1800's. And yes it's still going on today. Anyone know the title of that book about the modern day slave trade? Kind of what the movie "Taken" was about.
We all can agree on that. But what happened to black people was beyond slavery.
I also fall under the college/college graduate category, and I can say, just because you went to college doesn't mean !!%%. So that is irrelevant. You as ablack person right now, what struggles are you facing? I bet we share the same ones. Shoot.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Kurds and gypsies are still fighting for equality and humanity...why don't people tell them to get over it and everyone has it rough?

Its idiotic. Just another way of evading truth and accepting reality.

The funny thing is Kurds are killed and violated while because they are labeled as "Blacks", eventhough they are Caucasian peoples.

Which spits in the face of your ridiculous assertion as shows how deep Black prejudice is ingrained around the globe.
what are you talking about?

Where did I mention to "get over it"?
First, it's not my place to make that statement and secondly I can care less since that is a personal decision.

I'm merely pointing out that there's nothing special about any of these circumstances.
Can't say it's not the truth.

Its not the truth.

No other group in human history have been stripped of their humanity, taken so far from their land, culture and thought while being systematically tortured andmanipulated as have African people.

Jews were so oppressed that they found a way to finance the African slave trade during the 14th century on, huh?

While America was chastising the Nazi's for biological experiments on Jews during World War 2 and being working in the Nuremberg trials...they wereexperimenting on STDs on Black Americans inTuskegee, grafting black prisoners skins, sponsoring American terrorism against "Blacks" and kidnappingfree blacks to be auctioned off for slave labor.

I don't see the congruence at all.
What are you doing to better the black community. Fighting and pissing people off is not clothing people. Helping would though.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

this cat talking about races and civilizations that don't even exist any more...lol

to prove the black experience in america isn't unique to black people


I should have never checked this %@!$ again after my first post

Who said the Black Experience IN America isn't unique to Black Americans? Of course Black experience IN Americais unique to Black Americans.
On the other hand, it's not unique in world history which is a lot older and more far reaching than American history.

Go and do something about it.
Go and become a billionaire so you can help your community out. The onus is on you and you're not going to help other Black Americans by asking things ofthe same people that oppressed you.

No ones going to help you and your community but you and your community. That's how the world we live in works. It sucks but that's how it is.
Originally Posted by FrankReynolds420

I also fall under the college/college graduate category, and I can say, just because you went to college doesn't mean !!%%. So that is irrelevant. You as a black person right now, what struggles are you facing? I bet we share the same ones. Shoot.

You serious?
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Ok dude.
.....Continue living in Uncle Toms Cabin, while I continue living in reality. I find it humorous that you took my initial statement of receiving privilege, made a joke of it then complain when people don't take you seriously. Then get defensive about being called an Uncle Tom, then embrace it with piff emoticons. Whatever dude, go ahead and "benefit black people more than so called true black men".....you been brainwashed word to clockwork orange.

LOL you don't even know what i meant by that....yet you take that as a reason why I've been brainwashed.
Let's see who sounds more brainwashed

-Black guy thinking the white man is the cause of all his problems, and that white people are born with a silver spoon in their mouths.

-Black guy who questions everything, offers the facts...refuses to be so one-sided. Acknowledges the struggles black people have had to go through and the benefits that whites have gained from exploitation, yet sheds light on many exceptions to this one-sided view of racial relations. You're half white, you should be more unbiased about this than anyone else.

I am unbiased about this, which is why you should chill and actually READ what i'm saying.

What facts have you offered? Aside from things EVERYONE knows, There are poor white people
NO WAY..... There are white people who work hard for their money
Get out of town.....I stated an example of how I benefited from white privilege ....you came back with mailing list sarcasm, and I shut you up with my example. Then you went on to state OBVIOUS facts that have NOTHING to do with white privilege. You think I am saying that My Uncle didn't work through Law school?

Far from, you saying that I think my Grandfather got his money from a package labled "white privaledge" delivered at his door step? If you aren't going to be serious, but just highlight how correct you are, and how wrong others are just stop now. Atleast Wawaweewa offers compelling, and intellectual argument. You just as bad as whites who deem any black man who is in favor of AA as a lazy section 8 inhabiter......
I don't know what you're stance on this is, cause you keep calling me an uncle Tom and being brainwashed without explanation

And with this statement, clearly you're no UNBIASED. I don't even know what you mean by this statement
. Aite i have a headache, I'm a leave you alone.
Originally Posted by FrankReynolds420

What are you doing to better the black community. Fighting and pissing people off is not clothing people. Helping would though.

This is what losing an argument looks like.....
Originally Posted by shortydoowopp

Shut the #*^% when you dont know +!@* about other races not every white person is a paris hilton you dumb ***

some of you seem to have the definition of white privilege confused...it doesn't mean you're born rich or handed huge amounts of money cuz you're white...

please explain to me what it is

your daddy?

why you harping on your daddy's struggles?

why don't you go out and do something?

your daddy suffered, not you...

get over it

(all sarcasm)

ps, my father was a 1st generation greek in the 1920s...yes, his childhood was the great depression in chicago...in a polish ghetto...mind you, he and hissister and the other 9 people who lived in a 1br apt were the only greeks in the neighborhood

and he still benefitted from his white skin.....

he went to ill tech, was the only chem engineer in his entire class...

you think they even let black people into the school at all?

so while your daddy was delivering pizza

my pops was 8 shining shoes in garbage lined streets for 80 cents a day, which was more than his father made as a migrant construction worker who had to workhis voyage to america off, much like a slave.

so again, can that cute $#$+.

up until about 50 to 60 years ago, black people weren't even legally allowed to attend certain schools....and you wanna ask me how that still affects blackpeople today?


yall really need to get out of the burbs more often...
Originally Posted by Kneesh

Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by Kneesh

AntonLaVey wrote:

I said white privilege does exist but there are white people in this country that have accomplished everything without a handout.
There handout is being born with White skin .
I can find you 100 white athletes who feel different
What ?

I played football and basketball with white kids who swore me being black was an advantage.
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