NRA unveils it's awesome plan to stop shootings. More guns!

You one of the main ones always crying and acting like a victim. You must live a miserable existence always thinking someone is out to get you.

Please explain how I'm acting like a victim.

Your little schtick was tired back when you were a snot nosed little teen, you still haven't grown up yet?
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I didn't like meth before because he would always put me on time out, but I've grown quite fond of the guy :lol:
Let me say that BLACK and Hispanic schools already had ARMED LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS in the schools, again the targeted demographic were the enemy of the state, now the powers have shifted and they feel its needed to put A OFFICER in EVERY SCHOOL. no not EVERY SCHOOL just the ones that house perdominitley white kids becuase the afore mentioned enemy of the state had them already. Thats all im saying.
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saw this on the news during my lunch break....someone pointed out that Columbine High school had guards with guns, but that didnt stop 13 or so people from dying..

honestly.....guns in schools sounds a little scary.

just tighten security without the gun part.maybe doors locked during the school day........i dunno.....the idea of guns around kids (legally?) is mind boggling ......
It wont work.  The A** Hole that killled all those kids shot out the windows to unlock the door.  
What kills me about the NRA is that they're acting like now schools are the only place that can get shot up. What about malls, movie theaters, parks, etc. So you think we can put a cop in every school but cut back on police in other areas?

I swear they have to be the biggest collective group of idiots on the planet. Despite how much of a tragedy this may be the last thing we need to do is have even less cops on the street. Especially cities that already Dont have enough.
What kills me about the NRA is that they're acting like now schools are the only place that can get shot up. What about malls, movie theaters, parks, etc. So you think we can put a cop in every school but cut back on police in other areas?
I swear they have to be the biggest collective group of idiots on the planet. Despite how much of a tragedy this may be the last thing we need to do is have even less cops on the street. Especially cities that already Dont have enough.

The problem is the NRA isn't stupid.

let's say they got their wish. Guns in schools. That would mean more guns sold. So they win.

And then they WOULD move to getting armed guards in malls, theaters, and parks... Which equals higher sales

This is more about $ than the sanctity of the 2nd amendment
What kills me about the NRA is that they're acting like now schools are the only place that can get shot up. What about malls, movie theaters, parks, etc. So you think we can put a cop in every school but cut back on police in other areas?
I swear they have to be the biggest collective group of idiots on the planet. Despite how much of a tragedy this may be the last thing we need to do is have even less cops on the street. Especially cities that already Dont have enough.

The problem is the NRA isn't stupid.

let's say they got their wish. Guns in schools. That would mean more guns sold. So they win.

And then they WOULD move to getting armed guards in malls, theaters, and parks... Which equals higher sales

This is more about $ than the sanctity of the 2nd amendment

Truth be told, they didn't really care about solutions to the problem...that was just a glorified free advertisement for the NRA and gun nuts who probably loaded up on AR's that day to "defend themselves"...funny though the NRA used to work to control gun regulation, here's a long but good read on some history on guns and regulation:

In the 1920s and ’30s, the NRA was at the forefront of legislative efforts to enact gun control. The organization’s president at the time was Karl T. Frederick, a Princeton- and Harvard-educated lawyer known as “the best shot in America”—a title he earned by winning three gold medals in pistol-shooting at the 1920 Summer Olympic Games. As a special consultant to the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws, Frederick helped draft the Uniform Firearms Act, a model of state-level gun-control legislation. (Since the turn of the century, lawyers and public officials had increasingly sought to standardize the patchwork of state laws. The new measure imposed more order—and, in most cases, far more restrictions.)

Frederick’s model law had three basic elements. The first required that no one carry a concealed handgun in public without a permit from the local police. A permit would be granted only to a “suitable” person with a “proper reason for carrying” a firearm. Second, the law required gun dealers to report to law enforcement every sale of a handgun, in essence creating a registry of small arms. Finally, the law imposed a two-day waiting period on handgun sales.

How we gradually went from that to the joke of a system we have now regarding gun ownership and any semblance of regulation is mind-boggling
I read that Lanza didn't want to wait the 14 day period in order to purchase a rifle so here's my question is there some sort of way to report people that do this and is it even constitutional?

Also read that Lanza left the rifle in his Mothers car? Excuse me if I'm misinformed as I haven't been following the intricacies of this incident.
saw this on the news during my lunch break....someone pointed out that Columbine High school had guards with guns, but that didnt stop 13 or so people from dying..
There was a SINGLE armed guard. He was eating lunch in his car when they came. He exchanged fire with one of them, but he was 50+ yards away, shooting with his service handgun and up against a killer armed with a rifle. Even if he was in the school at the time, I don't think he would have made a difference. So yes, you're right.

These mass shooters aren't stupid. They're coming well prepared to get into a gun fight. It's foolish to think one guy armed with a handgun is going to be able to take out a killer with a rifle and full body armor.
sounds like what we need is a police state, where there's someone at every public place posted with assault weapons ready for this sor t of thing to go down. the only way i'd feel safe is if i see a storm trooper on every block.
Was thinking about the same thing some of you were saying. What would happen if the armed volunteer would go on a shooting rampage.
I don't think many on the anti-gun side even want to take away every single gun. That's just not rational in this country.
Maybe in their dreams or private thoughts they do. But they seem more realistic with their public statements.
Close gushow loopholes
Limit number of guns per house and/or ammo
Stop those banana clips
No semi automatic weapons
Things like that
I don't see many in public talking about taking away hand guns or some hunters rifle
All handguns are semi-automatic in nature.  And the Second Amendment wasn't written just for hunting rifles or muskets.  The gunshow "loophole" simply refers to that I can sell one of my firearms to another individual.  No different than meeting someone off of Craigslist for some Jordans.

Limiting ammo, magazines, and number of guns won't work.  Columbine happened during the last ban and one of the shooter still had large-capacity magazines... shouldn't the assault weapons ban have stopped that from happening.  Virginia Tech was with a handgun.  The worst school killing was done with a bomb (look up Bath School Disaster).  And whats wrong with me having 100 guns when I can only carry one or two at a time?
No one is going apesh**. 

A school shooting or any type of mass shooting is still an outlier event.We're a nation of 300MM+ people.

I live in a neighborhood which was built in the 50's/60's. The neighborhood never experienced  flooding (not even mild sewer back ups from heavy rain) up until Hurricane Sandy where virtually the entire neighborhood experienced extensive flooding . What should we extrapolate from this? That the neighborhood should be condemned and everyone forced to move out? Of course it will happen again but if it's an outlier event (as in once every 70-80 years) then that's just a part of living in the neighborhood. 

Mass shootings are outlier events and outlier events should not dictate day to day policies. 

Using your definition, "outlier events" are things that happen every 70-80 years. Please explain why, as a 25 year old, I can name 5 separate mass shootings in the past 15 years. I'm sure your response will have something to do with you changing your definition on what an "outlier event" is.
All handguns are semi-automatic in nature.  And the Second Amendment wasn't written just for hunting rifles or muskets.  The gunshow "loophole" simply refers to that I can sell one of my firearms to another individual.  No different than meeting someone off of Craigslist for some Jordans.

Limiting ammo, magazines, and number of guns won't work.  Columbine happened during the last ban and one of the shooter still had large-capacity magazines... shouldn't the assault weapons ban have stopped that from happening.  Virginia Tech was with a handgun.  The worst school killing was done with a bomb (look up Bath School Disaster).  And whats wrong with me having 100 guns when I can only carry one or two at a time?
Never heard a single media outlet even bring this up. Just goes to show what the agenda is and that at the end of the day , this is all politics.
The Bath School disaster  is the name given to a murder and three associated bombings  by Andrew Kehoe  in Bath Township, Michigan, on May 18, 1927, which killed 38 elementary school  children, two teachers, and four other adults; at least 58 people were injured. Kehoe first killed his wife, set off two major explosions, and committed suicide  with his last (and third) explosion. Most of the victims were children in the second to sixth grades  (7–14 years of age[sup][1][/sup]) attending the Bath Consolidated School. Their deaths constitute the deadliest mass murder  in a school in United States history.[sup][2][/sup]

The 55 year old school board  treasurerAndrew Kehoe, was angry after being defeated in the spring 1926 election for township clerk. He was thought to have planned his "murderous revenge" after that public defeat; he had a reputation for difficulty on the school board and in personal dealings. In addition, in June 1926 he was notified that his mortgage was going to be foreclosed. For much of the next year, a neighbor noticed Kehoe had stopped working on his farm and thought he might be planning suicide. During that period, Kehoe carried out steps in his plan to destroy the school and his farm by purchasing and hiding explosives.
 The gunshow "loophole" simply refers to that I can sell one of my firearms to another individual.  No different than meeting someone off of Craigslist for some Jordans.
if you can't see the differance between selling a random stranger sneakers or a random person a gun then nothing I say can convince you otherwise. you have your mind made up

not even gonna bother with the rest of your post. go sit on 100 guns. have fun

lol at putting quotations under loophole as if it isn't one

It's much harder to get massive amounts of pyrotol and dynamite than it was over 80 years ago. ever thought of that being a reason it isn't brought up?  He used hundreds of pounds of incendiary pyrotol 

when you can easily get hundreds of pounds of pyrotol get back to me. Because you can easily buy a dozen guns by the end of today
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Yeah, but how many of those will it take before it's worth doing something about?

There was a bad elementary school shooting in the UK in 1996 (the school Andy Murray was at incidentally) where a nutcase got in and shot a bunch of kids - very similar to this.

After that they changed the law and there have been zero similar incidents since. Sure, the odd nutjob has shot someone (mostly shotguns as they're easier to get for bird/sport shooting) but that's still an improvement.
Tightening gun laws will hurt those citizens who truly use guns for self defense more than it'll hurt a killer that's going to get a gun regardless. I'm not trying to be callous or mocking in any way, but this train of thought that "It takes situations like this or this to make serious changes in gun policies" is completely ignorant and intentionally omits certain sectors of this society that have hardest hit by gun violence. Again, it is not the guns but rather the people and if this incident isn't the truest example of it then idk what is. Wake the hell up America.
Tightening gun laws will hurt those citizens who truly use guns for self defense more than it'll hurt a killer that's going to get a gun regardless. I'm not trying to be callous or mocking in any way, but this train of thought that "It takes situations like this or this to make serious changes in gun policies" is completely ignorant and intentionally omits certain sectors of this society that have hardest hit by gun violence. Again, it is not the guns but rather the people and if this incident isn't the truest example of it then idk what is. Wake the hell up America.
I agree with you some what.   Our country needs to change its culture.  We are too violent.   Its not just a suburbs problem.  Theres innocent kids being killed by stray bullets everyday in our inner cities.   Now we my not agree on making it tougher to buy guns but Im sure we both agree that theres too many illegal guns on the streets and that the government can make laws more harsh for people getting caught carrying  illegal guns.  Its messed up how people selling small amounts of weed can get send to prison for 10 to 15 years yet someone getting caught with an illegal gun won't even get prison time and just a few months in jail if that.    I have a friend who sold small amounts of weed to an undercover cop back when we were in high school.  He sold him a dub sack and two 40 dollar sacks and he got 55 years in prison!  smh wtf yet people carrying and using guns illegally dont even go to prison unless its their 3rd or 4th time getting caught with an illegal gun.     Thats not right at all.  
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reminds me of that old lady from The Boondocks from the neighborhood watch episode!
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