NRA unveils it's awesome plan to stop shootings. More guns!

arming guards at schools?

View media item 180577
why do people keep saying the ban of all semi automatic weapons?

aren't handguns semi automatic?

unless you mean to ban all weapons other than a musket?
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This latest shooting has the gun advocates panties in a bunch. I used to be pro gun but that is changing. I'm not giving up mine though
I don't think many on the anti-gun side even want to take away every single gun. That's just not rational in this country.

Maybe in their dreams or private thoughts they do. But they seem more realistic with their public statements.

Close gushow loopholes
Limit number of guns per house and/or ammo
Stop those banana clips
No semi automatic weapons

Things like that

I don't see many in public talking about taking away hand guns or some hunters rifle

I like the idea of an armed guard at the schools more than anything else that's been proposed. We have guards at banks, airports, and major sporting events. Just because they're armed, doesn't mean they have to be uniformed. Air Marshalls are armed, yet nobody on the plane knows who they are. The people who have shot up schools up until this point haven't cased out the school to find defensive loopholes. They were just crazy and pissed off at the world.

And "Gun Show Loopholes"? How would someone propose that we make a black market illegal? This was the same government who was intentionally running guns to the cartels and has been hiding the evidence of its involvement.

Here's some stats to throw into this conversation:
So we put armed guards in schools, then shooters move to other densely populated areas where there are no armed guards, then we put armed guards in all places where large numbers of people congregate.  Yay for police states!
Son said we need to have them at every school like sporting events and banks...

understand this famb... That money is still numero uno in society...

they can't afford to have a cop at every school... Maybe the upper class schools, but where I'm from? Naw... Can't fit that in the districts' budget...

I'm anti gun, doe... I say make them all illegal, goddamn...

never shot one, never had a want to shoot one, don't see a reason to shoot one... Unless I'm getting shot at...

and I'm typically not getting shot at.
Idk about other states but here in South Fl we have School police officers. Aka cops who strictly work for school department. They have one usually in most hs and middle schools. Its just down here?
The schools that I know have school police sure, but they don't carry guns while in the school
inb4 someone says the government made that guy in PA shoot up 3 people in order to 1up the NRA announcements...
Great, let's further stigmatize mental illness... That's the solution!

"Oh, you're feeling a little depressed today, buddy? Let me enter you in our National Database of Psychos. You can't buy a gun now. This will also go on your credit report. Good luck finding a job! You're only 12 though. Guess you'll have to use rope if you want to kill yourself. Next?"
You know I never realized this until my homeboy pointed this out on Facebook but there were always police officers with guns at every school i went to
Great, let's further stigmatize mental illness... That's the solution!
"Oh, you're feeling a little depressed today, buddy? Let me enter you in our National Database of Psychos. You can't buy a gun now. This will also go on your credit report. Good luck finding a job! You're only 12 though. Guess you'll have to use rope if you want to kill yourself. Next?"

Damn, I didn't even think of that. Not much to prevent a company from checking that database when hiring.

With the way the NRA always blames videogames, music, and movies... I honestly think that they would prefer the government taking away first amendment rights if it meant they could keep their guns

Their statement, it implies that the public shouldn't be able to watch violent movies or games. Or listen to rap music. That's what I get out of it.

Btw the NRA had a videogame! NRA Gun Club for PS2.

And "NRA High Power Competition" and "NRA Xtreme Accuracy Shooting" And there's "NRA Varmint Hunter." 

They claim it isn't the guns. That it's videogames, porn, movies, music..... Soooo? Censorship is the answer?
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He blamed video games, movies and music videos for exposing children to a violent culture day in and day out.

"In a race to the bottom, many conglomerates compete with one another to shock, violate, and offend every standard of civilized society, by bringing an even more toxic mix of reckless behavior and criminal cruelty right into our homes."

Right, so how does he explain why this happens way more in the US? Because violent media is consumed worldwide and yet no one touches our mass murder numbers.
Great, let's further stigmatize mental illness... That's the solution!

"Oh, you're feeling a little depressed today, buddy? Let me enter you in our National Database of Psychos. You can't buy a gun now. This will also go on your credit report. Good luck finding a job! You're only 12 though. Guess you'll have to use rope if you want to kill yourself. Next?"

Smh right? NRA was quick to call out violent video games and movies and have a national database for people with mental illness....MEANWHILE this same organization tried to allow people who suffered for mental illness to have rights to purchase guns in the past.

The part that blows me is in my city they're about to close 40 public schools. We don't have money in the budget for books, hiring competent teachers, and tey wanna spend money on armed security???

So what happens when there's a school fight and some over zealous officer decides to take it in his hands? Or when a kid is acting out...they gonna pull out the glock on them? As many incidental shootings by cops that occur in society, I can't imagine the heat that will come if that occurred at a school smh

Columbine had an armed security single officer is doing **** with multiple assailants with rifles, bulletproof vests, and explosives. Va Tech has its own police force and Ft. Hood had army officials all over the place, this is not a solution at's gonna cause more panic, fear, and higher rates of incidents at these schools. How bout we worry about our fledgling education system and put some real effort into reforming that, instead of turning it into a police state?? These instances are rare, and a bored cop is only gonna bring trouble. But they don't care about that though.

"Arm good guys with guns to fight the bad guys" yeah cuz it's reallllllly easy to differentiate in certain scenarios :rollseyes
Aren't the violent video games the NRA blaming filled with people shooting.........guns?

I mean, they aren't pissed off at Karate video games are they?

**** man, I rather have angry kids blastin away in the streets of Vice City than in the real streets. Take those guns off the street, and it's hard to do serious damage with just hand guns or hunting rifles. This is the bottom line. We can have guns, but no need for 50 cal Rambo guns and ****.
Of course not! People will still die, but that armed guard can at least slow em down correct? The extra minutes if not seconds may mean lives saved.

correct but come on man, i doubt the 'volunteer' will be carrying such heat. plus if someone were to shoot up a place, now they will just plan it out more carefully
i've stayed away from the NT Sandy Hook thread cuz i already know there's wild ignorance and pro gun nuts on here talking reckless. This isn't the worst idea i've heard (the worst is giving teachers guns :smh: ) but im not sure an cop at every school is going to make a diff. 1 cop for a whole school. this dude came with handguns, bushmaster all in juggernaut. someone is getting shot.

violent video games are to blame? i guess by that logic NBA Live should be producing professionals left and right...

there's only one solution, but im sure its been mentioned already...
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This is just an excuse for the NRA to try and sell more guns.   What about the malls, movie theatres, recreational sports complexes, churches, populated areas acrossed the country like the strip in Las Vegas or Time Square in New York?  lol we would have to have armed guards every where and it would be like  living in Iraq.  Every where we go police would be walking around with AR 15's in swat gear lol    Hasn't anybody realized since the assault weapons ban was lifted about 9 years ago that we have been having a huge increase across the country in mass shootings with assault weapons?   Less guns on the streets means less gun violence.  More guns on the streets means more gun violence.   Its not rocket science its proven facts.   The NRA is just a bunch of greedy *ss holes who want to make more money even if it means innocent children  being slaughtered.  smh Just think for a minute for what the NRA is proposing lol Our  school system is already going broke and running out of money.  How would we be able to pay to put armed guards in every school across America.  lol Even to train teachers is gonna cost a bunch of money that we dont have and f**k raising taxes to pay for it.   Its already hard enough for a lot of people to make it these days.   Plus next thing you know some psycho teacher would open fire on his class and kill all of his own students.   We already have teachers doing drugs on the job and raping kids so I wouldn't doubt if we put guns in all their hands that one of them would open fire on their own class.   

I'd like to add what the NRA is proposing makes no sense.  What do we do about gun violence acrossed all of our inner cities?   We have innocent kids getting killed everyday by stray bullets.    The NRA isn't even addressing that issue.   Instead they want to ignore the fact that we have a huge gun problem acrossed our county and their answer is to get more people carrying guns.  smh    They don't even want tougher laws for people carrying illegal guns.    F**k the NRA those greedy bastards.
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This is the bottom line. We can have guns, but no need for 50 cal Rambo guns and ****.

This is what I dont get. I understand why certain weapons serve a purpose. But obviously no one is going out in the woods and hunting with a fully auto weapon.
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