NRA unveils it's awesome plan to stop shootings. More guns!

The NRA and their republican minions all over every Sunday news show spouting off some of the worst propaganda I've ever heard

Blaming everything possible except guns.

Driving is a privilege and guns are a right so you shouldn't need to have the same standards in regulation.

Refuse to have a database of gun owners. Only want a database of mental health people. Refuse to discuss clips. Refuse to make one sing,e change besides more guns. Dispicble. Deflect deflect deflect
If only there was someone armed at Fort Hood to stop that shooting!

The Army made a rule that banned military personnel from carrying concealed weapons on military bases. Nice try, though.

Driving is a privilege and guns are a right so you shouldn't need to have the same standards in regulation.

Refuse to have a database of gun owners. Only want a database of mental health people. Refuse to discuss clips. Refuse to make one sing,e change besides more guns. Dispicble. Deflect deflect deflect

The other side does what they do best. Blame all the extrinsic factors except the person who actually does the crime.
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Yeah, but how many of those will it take before it's worth doing something about?
There was a bad elementary school shooting in the UK in 1996 (the school Andy Murray was at incidentally) where a nutcase got in and shot a bunch of kids - very similar to this.
After that they changed the law and there have been zero similar incidents since. Sure, the odd nutjob has shot someone (mostly shotguns as they're easier to get for bird/sport shooting) but that's still an improvement.

How wide spread was gun ownership in th UK prior to the ban?

What are the stabbing statistics in a city like London or Glasgow?

What are your thoughts on Kenny Shiels?
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View media item 187085
The school, Sidwell Friends School in Washington, DC, has 11 security officers and is seeking to hire a new police officer as we speak.
If you dismiss this by saying, "Of course they have armed guards -- they get Secret Service protection," then you've missed the larger point.
The larger point is that this is standard operating procedure for the school, period. And this is the reason people like NBC's David Gregory send their kids to Sidwell, they know their kids will be protected from the carnage that befell kids at a school where armed guards weren't used (and weren't even allowed).

Look at their school's website under security personnel

Cough cough cough




Funny how the rich and powerful including Congressmen, CEOs, Governors, you know the Donald Trumps of this country are OK with armed guards at the schools their kids go to but for us peasants it's UNBELIEVABLE we would even consider it for our own kids.
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Isnt David Gregory being investigated because he brought a magazine of an AR15 on set? :rofl:
Isnt David Gregory being investigated because he brought a magazine of an AR15 on set?
Ummm... That's a petition...

And I don't think people have a problem with armed guards. They have a problem that it was the only solution put forward.
sunDOOBIE, does having armed gaurds at schools mean all schools will get le creme de le creme of gaurds as they (the elites) do?........

thats one job u dont want people to go thru the motions for.....know what i mean?.....passing the bill is one thing......but if that is the only solution they can think of to protect the children, all that is needed is one day, a few minutes of giving into fatigue or any other human nature replay the terror of Sandy, Columbine..etc.

i feel like there is a better solution out there.....this one was thought of in the heat of the moment (not that it could ever be thought of calmly)
The deeper issue here is what has become of our society? We live in a culture of death and Godlessness. I think we also need to take a serious look into the medications being prescribed to our young people and the effects they may have. All these murderers look like empty soulless zombies.
The deeper issue here is what has become of our society? We live in a culture of death and Godlessness. I think we also need to take a serious look into the medications being prescribed to our young people and the effects they may have. All these murderers look like empty soulless zombies.
i agree.  I went clubbing in Canada when I was 19 because the drinking age over there is 19.   I lived in Michigan at the time so it was only a couple hours away but anyway there was no fights in any of there clubs and  everyone is all laid back.  In every club I have been to all over the country in the US there is always at least 1 fight before the night is over.  smh In the US we need to change our violent culture.  
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