NRA unveils it's awesome plan to stop shootings. More guns!

but that armed guard can at least slow em down correct?

If he/she is in the effected section of the school, at the perfect time. How long do you think it took the Newtown shooter to kill all of his victims? I'm guessing minutes. What if the guard was on the second floor of a school and this was happening on the first floor, in an audotorium?

There are also dozens of ways in and out of a school, so sticking the armed guard at the entrance wouldn't really be efficient.
i dont think armed guards are the solution...but i agree with what he said about keeping a database of people with mental disabilities, and making the process more strict as far as acquiring guns.

im going to get my license asap...

The dude that shot up the school, did not have any mental issue, so how would this help?

So far i have only heard of one mass shooting done by someone who is known to have a mental disability. What needs to change is Americas gun law or what chris rock once said, 'make bullets cost 5,000 each'.

America is messed up. 131k license gun dealers compared to 15k MCD, WTF. Im glad i live in Canada because when it comes to guns america is a mess.

but thats just my two cents.
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This is what I dont get. I understand why certain weapons serve a purpose. But obviously no one is going out in the woods and hunting with a fully auto weapon.

What are you talking about? Do you know the current gun laws in effect?
Where are you all getting full auto weapons from now? Also mental health is the largest issue at hand here, that is unless you guns to be banned altogether & risk being unprotected against "bad guys" who are gonna find a way to obtain them anyway.
This is just an excuse for the NRA to try and sell more guns.   What about the malls, movie theatres, recreational sports complexes, churches, populated areas acrossed the country like the strip in Las Vegas or Time Square in New York?  lol we would have to have armed guards every where and it would be like  living in Iraq.  Every where we go police would be walking around with AR 15's in swat gear lol    Hasn't anybody realized since the assault weapons ban was lifted about 9 years ago that we have been having a huge increase across the country in mass shootings with assault weapons?   Less guns on the streets means less gun violence.  More guns on the streets means more gun violence.   Its not rocket science its proven facts.   The NRA is just a bunch of greedy *ss holes who want to make more money even if it means innocent children  being slaughtered.  smh Just think for a minute for what the NRA is proposing lol Our  school system is already going broke and running out of money.  How would we be able to pay to put armed guards in every school across America.  lol Even to train teachers is gonna cost a bunch of money that we dont have and f**k raising taxes to pay for it.   Its already hard enough for a lot of people to make it these days.   Plus next thing you know some psycho teacher would open fire on his class and kill all of his own students.   We already have teachers doing drugs on the job and raping kids so I wouldn't doubt if we put guns in all their hands that one of them would open fire on their own class.   

Feinstein and Blumenthal said they don't necessarily oppose increasing school security, and are open to considering serious proposals across the board. Feinstein pointed out, though, that many shootings occur outside of schools, from movie theaters to businesses, and questioned whether the only solution should be arming people everywhere.

"Is this the answer, that America should become an armed camp?" she said.

many people would be happy with what you're saying unfortunately. Guns everywhere. Arms everywhere

Dudes taking pics of Israel and saying we should follow suit lol.

The notion that we should live the same way as a country that is in perpetual war :smh:

Yes let's be like tthe country surrounded by enemies on all sides and in eternal warfare. AWESOME

I think some of these ultra tea party type of conservatives need to move to Somalia for a hot second. I mean they hate the gov't. hate regulation. And love guns. Seems like a perfect match to me

The bottom line is $$$$$$$. Not some rights. I highly doubt that NRA lobbyist cares about inherent rights or the constitution. they make massive amounts of money whenever a mass shooting occurs
i've stayed away from the NT Sandy Hook thread cuz i already know there's wild ignorance and pro gun nuts on here talking reckless. This isn't the worst idea i've heard (the worst is giving teachers guns
) but im not sure an cop at every school is going to make a diff. 1 cop for a whole school. this dude came with handguns, bushmaster all in juggernaut. someone is getting shot.
violent video games are to blame? i guess by that logic NBA Live should be producing professionals left and right...
there's only one solution, but im sure its been mentioned already...
I agree its not.  They would have to have a guard at every enterance with an AR 15 to truely stop some psycho from running up into a big school and killing a bunch of kids.   Think about it theres about 100,000 public schools acrossed our country not counting the private and charter schools.  Plus add all the colleges across our country too smh How and the hell would we be able to pay for all of them armed guards when our school system is going broke?  Plus we would also have to have armed guards at every preschool too.    Its not reasonable.  Colleges would be able to afford it but our public schools wouldn't be able to.
I just looked at that Bred XI thread where the guy got jumped

Now imagine of everyone lining up for a super hyped product had a gun

I'm sure it would end reeeeeal well :x
one armed guarded is not going to stop a maniac with an ar-15 :lol:

Of course not! People will still die, but that armed guard can at least slow em down correct? The extra minutes if not seconds may mean lives saved.

So it's not reasonable to have to stricter gun laws because it won't stop every gun related crime, but it's reasonable to put armed guards in every school even though that won't stop every school shooting.
The NRA leadership is a bunch of fools, truth be told the President has done nothing to "take away your guns", he's gotten nothing but F's on the Brady Report's analysis...These dudes will do anything to incite fear of the left and ignite feelings of hysteria in society even when its not needed. :smh: I wish he were stricter on weapons and hopefully it'll happen now. That press conference was handled in the dumbest way possible, not taking questions and not addressing anything that will help.....then having Asa Hutchinson (same guy who voted to REDUCE the length of time to obtain a weapon to just 24 hours) in charge of a program :lol: are you kidding me?

Y'all know damn well you'll have underpaid, upset, and on edge people outside these schools trying to "protect the kids"....where are these stories of people with concealed carry permits stopping any of these tragedies in malls, schools, etc? George Zimmerman was a neighborhood watchmen, we gonna have people like him in the schools too?

Kids can't even get books and solid education but we're gonna waste money on something like this....turning us into a George Orwell novel, next they'll start mass dosing people to keep them "tame".
Where are you all getting full auto weapons from now? Also mental health is the largest issue at hand here, that is unless you guns to be banned altogether & risk being unprotected against "bad guys" who are gonna find a way to obtain them anyway.
No full auto weapons but you can get an AR 15 or AK with 100 rd drums that shoot over 100 bullets easy within a minute.  I mean mental health is a big problem too.   We will never be able to get all the illegal guns off the streets but we will be able to make stricter laws for people carrying illegal guns.  How come people can get caught with an oz of dope and go to prison for 15 to 20 years yet people can get caught with an illegal gun and not even go to prison but get maybe a month or 2 in jail.    It doesn't add up.   Plus I still want people to have a right to bear arms but theres no reason for people to have extended clips or assault weapons.     All the government has to do is make harsher illegal gun laws and close loop holes for criminals and people with mental issues who still find ways to buy a gun.  Plus ban the sale of extended clips and assault weapons.  If we do those 3 simple thinks gun violence will start to decrease rapidly after 3 to 5 years.   Its no over night fix but if we put these laws in place over the long run we will see a big drop in gun violence acrossed our country.
The problem with our politics is that it is better to be on the offensive rather than having to defend anything, no matter how defensible that thing may be. The left has decided that they want to get back to dismantling our second amendment rights. The NRA sees that there is no point in defending gun rights and they can get more out of attacking first amendment rights and proposing a solution to school shootings that the left finds abhorant.

It is curious that people of the left only seek to violate second amendment rights when it is true that mass shootings could theorectically be reduced by violating first, fourth and eighth amendment rights, among others.

We could perhaps stop a disturbed individual if we just had "sensible" regulations (or bans for those who dislike euphemisms) against violent music and video games. If those "privacy nuts" would just let police randomly check everyone's home, they might be able to stop someone from committing murder with a gun and if the anti-torture "lobby" just relented we could torture friends and family of disturbed individuals into telling us when and where the mass shooter may strike. Do not forget how "out dated" those amendments related to due process are as well.

In a country of over 300,000,000 people, 100 to 200 people dead per year, from any cause, is very small and in most cases getting that number down to 0, would take huge investments of time and money and vast rollbacks of our rights and liberties as Americans.
Preventing people with mental health probelms from obtaining guns would be tough

But republicans and democrats would have a hard time selling that

On the dems side the ACLU would undoubtably not sit back and let citizens with mental health probelms be "persecuted"

And the republicans wouldn't want a household that happens to have a child who had mental health probelms, to be restricted from getting guns.
So what's the difference between a bushmaster and a handgun? There has to be one right?
A handgun doesnt fire as fast and it has a smaller clip.  Plus a hand gun does less damage then an assault rifle.   Assault rifles is what our military uses in war because they can hold more bullets, fire more rapidly and they do a lot more damage.
The handguns this kid was carrying were semiautomatic.

Also, Glocks come stock with max 12rounds. It takes less than 1 second to press the release and reload. You can probably fire 60rounds with a Glock in 30seconds if you rapid fire. Depending on the caliber of the bullet you can get extended mags of 30+ for like $40.

Politicians wanting to control AR-15's in this country have no problem giving to other countries in "foreign aid".
Preventing people with mental health probelms from obtaining guns would be tough
But republicans and democrats would have a hard time selling that
On the dems side the ACLU would undoubtably not sit back and let citizens with mental health probelms be "persecuted"
And the republicans wouldn't want a household that happens to have a child who had mental health probelms, to be restricted from getting guns.
It wouldn't be that hard. Give the person applying for a gun a mental health evaluation similar to what cops have to go through and an FBI background check.  Both together would cost $100 to $150 extra.  As of now I can go into a gun store and buy an AR 15 with an extended clip as long as i'm over 18.   smh all they ask is to see your id to make sure your of age.  No background check or nothing.   Its harder to buy a hand gun then it is for an assault rifle.   smh
IMO adding more guns has just as many intangible consequences as reducing/abolishing/stiffening gun laws.

Either way its a long slippery slope
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Preventing people with mental health probelms from obtaining guns would be tough
But republicans and democrats would have a hard time selling that
On the dems side the ACLU would undoubtably not sit back and let citizens with mental health probelms be "persecuted"
And the republicans wouldn't want a household that happens to have a child who had mental health probelms, to be restricted from getting guns.

You do know this kid went to buy a gun and was denied, right?
The handguns this kid was carrying were semiautomatic.
Also, Glocks come stock with max 12rounds. It takes less than 1 second to press the release and reload. You can probably fire 60rounds with a Glock in 30seconds if you rapid fire. Depending on the caliber of the bullet you can get extended mags of 30+ for like $40.
Politicians wanting to control AR-15's in this country have no problem giving to other countries in "foreign aid".
Thats the thing extended clips should be banned too.  Theres no need for anyone to have an extended clip.   12 to 17 rds is enough bullets to protect yourself if someone is attacking you or your family.    
You do know this kid went to buy a gun and was denied, right?

There are people saying that households that occupy someone with mental issues shouldn't be able to get a gun.

He couldn't get a gun so he just took one that was purchased by a household member.
Preventing people with mental health probelms from obtaining guns would be tough
But republicans and democrats would have a hard time selling that
On the dems side the ACLU would undoubtably not sit back and let citizens with mental health probelms be "persecuted"
And the republicans wouldn't want a household that happens to have a child who had mental health probelms, to be restricted from getting guns.

In this political environment, having a mental health "test" to buy a gun is a form of prohibition by another name. This test would be so politicized it would be akin to literacy tests for black voters in the post bellum South.
A handgun doesnt fire as fast and it has a smaller clip.  Plus a hand gun does less damage then an assault rifle.   Assault rifles is what our military uses in war because they can hold more bullets, fire more rapidly and they do a lot more damage.
^ that is simply untrue.
lol it is true! i've owned hand guns and ive fired both hand guns and assault weapons at gun ranges.   An AR 15 gets off a lot more rds a lot faster then a hand gun.  I've heard of people being shot by hand guns 5 times at once and live even getting shot in the chest and head.  When have you ever heard of a victim getting shot by an AR 15 five times in the head and chest and live?
It wouldn't be that hard. Give the person applying for a gun a mental health evaluation similar to what cops have to go through and an FBI background check.  Both together would cost $100 to $150 extra.  As of now I can go into a gun store and buy an AR 15 with an extended clip as long as i'm over 18.   smh all they ask is to see your id to make sure your of age.  No background check or nothing.   Its harder to buy a hand gun then it is for an assault rifle.   smh

I'm saying the are big liberal groups such as the ACLU may not accept that.

The local affiliate of the American Civil Liberties Union is suing the Cranston Police Department for a resident whose weapons collection was seized while the man was being evaluated because a friend thought he might be suicidal.

It's not simple
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