Now that Manny got, got....who is the GREATEST hitter of our generation...with no *

Pujols > Griffey

Griffey has only hit .300 8 times in his 19 year career and only once in the last 12 years. I'm sorry, but a career .287 hitter cannot be considered thegreatest hitter of our generation.

This is coming from somebody that has been borderline obsessed with Griffey since I was a little kid. The best PLAYER of this generation has to be Jr though.
Pujols is a monster, to me the best in the game today bar none....but he is more of an avg hitter than griff since Griff was always more of a power threat inhis prime without all of the PED's. Pujols hit over 40 HR 4 times, Griff hit over 40 hr's 7 times, with 2 seasons hitting 56 hrs.

Pujols is a gold glover, but Griff played Gold Glove in center field and has more speed.....he was the definition of a 5 tool player with sick power.

Griff has a total of 613 homeruns only playing over 100 games 4 times since 2002 with all the injuries, IFFFFFFF he could have been healthy he would be thetrue home run king (and the only legitimate one unlike Bonds).

Pujols is by far a better pure hitter, he can hit above .330 in his sleep........., but Griff is one of a kind special talent offensively and defensively.

Still a good debate to have though.
Pujols is a better hitter than Griff, quite possibly top 3 all-time, but I still don't think Griffey gets enough credit for what he did. It's just thattime has really past since his glory days so people kind of forget just how great the guy was.
Originally Posted by wildKYcat

you can't talk about Pujols and "all-time" just yet...he's only 29...allegedly.

The hell you can't. If he retired today he'd still be one of the best pure hitters ever. You don't need a careers worth of numbers to establishthat.
^ so you're putting Pujols top 3 right now? i can't do that.

yeah, DoubleJ's...i'm cool. Pujols is gonna have a longcareer, and when it's all said and done, he's gonna have some stupid #'s. he'd already have multiple mvp's if not for Bonds*.
It's not really a good debate it's ridiculously one sided.

Ken Griffey in Seattle was a wildly inconsistent defender in the first half of his career, one year good one year mediocre one year just bad, he plays way toodeep. While that can give a lot of highlight reel plays stuff drops in front of you quite a bit.

In Cincinnati he was HORRENDOUS, a giant liability and should not be playing center and the improvement of defensive metrics just made it look worse.

THE ONLY thing Ken Griffey hitting wise has on Puljos, Frank, Olerud, prre roid Bonds, and Manny is power. That's it.
an inconsistent defender...who won 10 consecutive gold gloves. let's play in a little closer Griff, gotta stop letting those little singles dropin...don't worry about robbing the homers and preventing extra bases on those balls deep in the gap and over your head.
Originally Posted by Stringer Bell 32

Big Hurt

was he the rookie in Mr. Baseball that took Tom Selleck's place? i just watched that movie the other night, but it never showed the guysface.
Originally Posted by wildKYcat

an inconsistent defender...who won 10 consecutive gold gloves. let's play in a little closer Griff, gotta stop letting those little singles drop in...don't worry about robbing the homers and preventing extra bases on those balls deep in the gap and over your head.

Gold Gloves mean nothing, how many does Jeter have?

This is like blocks and steals = good defense.

Lets assume I give him the benefit of the doubt and say he was a great defender all the time in Seattle. whatever. This still doesn't change the fact thathe was a poor defender for more than 50% of his career. Meanwhile Albert has been the best defensive 1b since he got in the league.
Originally Posted by Elpablo21

FTFW! and Gwynn too... "THE ONLY thing Ken Griffey hitting wise has on Puljos, Frank, Olerud, prre roid Bonds, and Manny is power. That's it. "^LOL.....
Originally Posted by FRANCHISE 55

Pujols > Griffey

Griffey has only hit .300 8 times in his 19 year career and only once in the last 12 years. I'm sorry, but a career .287 hitter cannot be considered the greatest hitter of our generation.

This is coming from somebody that has been borderline obsessed with Griffey since I was a little kid. The best PLAYER of this generation has to be Jr though.

i've followed baseball since i was a tot and you can NOT compare the two. griffey's swing is so pure and fundamental, and he never juiced up. you KNOWalbert is on something.

griffey's stats are hurt by injuries and dude remained steroid free his entire career. no QUESTION, it's junior.

p.s. better defender by far, 5-tool player. not so for big al.
Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Originally Posted by Bigmike23

y do people look at pictures from 5 years ago and post them with current ones like that proves they taken steriods?
Why can't you adress me since I was the one who posted it? I swear it irks the $@%# out of me when people do $@%# like that. I posted that picture of Albert from 05 because he hasn't changed a bit since then. Like I said earlier, I am not sure if Albert took anything or not, however his size was never "really jacked", like claimed by another poster.

u %*%!$*$ clown i agree with what you are saying dumb $@#
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