Now that Manny got, got....who is the GREATEST hitter of our generation...with no *

Originally Posted by pacmagic2002

Originally Posted by JaFlash

Vlad shares the MLB record with Lou Gehrig for consecutive seasons with at least 25 HR and at least .300 Batting Average.

He has done it for 11 consecutive seasons.

It's pretty amazing how he can maintain that avg while swinging oustide the strike zone more than any other player in baseball.

Also some other notes are a 31 game hit streak as an expo and winning the home run derby as an Angel.

Furthermore, he doesn't even wear batting gloves which is gangster.

Too bad he is on a decline with all his injuries.

As a fan of the Angels, it would suck to find out if he wasn't clean.
Albert Pujols hasnt hit under .300.......under 30 home runs and under 100 RBI in a season EVER....................Wanna re-think your choice?? (9 years BTW)

Anybody without this man on their roster has never seen what he can do..........or are just plain biased or blind

First of all, I mentioned I'm an Angels fan so there is obvious bias.

Second, not many people were mentioning Vlad so I wanted to throw some
stats out there.

Third, many people would say Pujols juiced before saying Vlad.

Lastly, Vlad is impressive to me beyond stats because of his ability to hit anything in his vicinity.
Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

Originally Posted by dland24

Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Sad part is this guy doesn't even NEED to violate the drug policies, he is a great player/hitter regardless.
I heard people say this about Arod, and am hearing it today about Manny. Few people other than us Giants fans have ever made that statement about Barry. Thats just funny to me. Most fans are such hypocrites.
Really, many baseball fans I talk to about Bonds, say that about him.

Barry Bonds was having a HOF career before 1998, the year he allegedly started taking Steroids/HGH. Before he grew twice his size, Bonds was a great OF'er and a solid hitter. Whoever say's otherwise, is an idiot and doesn't know what they are talking about.

Couldnt agree with you more bro. Mostly bitter A's fans who say otherwise, but a few of your buddies do as well.
Originally Posted by finnns2003

Originally Posted by FRANCHISE 55

Pujols > Griffey

Griffey has only hit .300 8 times in his 19 year career and only once in the last 12 years. I'm sorry, but a career .287 hitter cannot be considered the greatest hitter of our generation.

This is coming from somebody that has been borderline obsessed with Griffey since I was a little kid. The best PLAYER of this generation has to be Jr though.

i've followed baseball since i was a tot and you can NOT compare the two. griffey's swing is so pure and fundamental, and he never juiced up. you KNOW albert is on something.

griffey's stats are hurt by injuries and dude remained steroid free his entire career. no QUESTION, it's junior.

p.s. better defender by far, 5-tool player. not so for big al.
Until Pujols tests positive for something, he is clean. The same for Griffey. At this point anybody could have used so we don't KNOW anything.I'm the biggest Junior fan there is, but I'm tired of other Griffey fans justifying his greatness because he has the "sweetest swing of alltime." Look at the facts. Pujols has batted over .300 every year of his career. If you include this season, Pujols will have batted .300 nine times innine seasons compared to Griffey's eight in NINETEEN edit: TWENTY-ONE seasons. You can't basethings off what-ifs. Get passed the swing, and the kicks, and look at the facts.

About your P.S., I obviously mentioned that I think Griffey is the best PLAYER of our generation so I don't know what you're getting at when you'rearguing something that I've already said.
Bigmike23 wrote:
Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Bigmike23 wrote:
y do people look at pictures from 5 years ago and post them with current ones like that proves they taken steriods?
Why can't you adress me since I was the one who posted it? I swear it irks the $@%# out of me when people do $@%# like that. I posted that picture of Albert from 05 because he hasn't changed a bit since then. Like I said earlier, I am not sure if Albert took anything or not, however his size was never "really jacked", like claimed by another poster.

u %*%!$*$ clown i agree with what you are saying dumb $@#

Hey no need for the language, don't take it out on me because your boy got suspended
. Clearly I misinterpreted what you meant.
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