no one should have a billion dollars. no, not him either.

Question, how does one explain to children that MANY of those that have piss-poor character traits are in fact some of those that are of the highest earning individuals in this world?
thats tough...
maybe need to explain that money is a tool and has no correlation of being a good person. also, maybe the success and happiness isn't determined by money either
- we are wired to cape for billionaires
- billionaires do not give a **** about regular folk
- I strongly believe billionaires got their billies by doing real foul ****
- billionaires are hoarders who'd bend any/every rule to pay the least amount of taxes
- there is no such thing as "good" billionaire

the end.
- we are wired to cape for billionaires
- billionaires do not give a **** about regular folk
- I strongly believe billionaires got their billies by doing real foul ****
- billionaires are hoarders who'd bend any/every rule to pay the least amount of taxes
- there is no such thing as "good" billionaire

the end.
Anyone that has that much wealth and doesn't share it while a huge portion of the world is living in poverty is morally bankrupt. I could never live with myself having so much while others have so little.
Right, an individual being wrong on an issue discredits their entire library of criticism and analysis....
depends on the issue they're wrong about. How you think about human beings tends to color how you assess other issues. I mean that's not the only reason you shouldn't bother with this dude but as a baseline it tells me what to expect going forward. Any ideas he has about pay disparity are informed by his sociological opinions. He's an incel mascot
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depends on the issue they're wrong about. How you think about human beings tends to color how you assess other issues. I mean that's not the only reason you shouldn't bother with this dude but as a baseline it tells me what to expect going forward. Any ideas he has about pay disparity are informed by his sociological opinions. He's an incel mascot
WEB Du Bois was a supporter of Eugenics as well. He also is one of the greatest minds in history and wrote the best book on reconstruction ever written......
The idea that people's pay is proportional to the amount of work they put in is laughable.

and yet, da biggest joke that's killed untold millions and has stifled innovation is da ideology that determines a fixed income/result for every human, regardless of talent, determination, drive, work ethic and ingenuity.
and yet, da biggest joke that's killed untold millions and has stifled innovation is da ideology that determines a fixed income/result for every human, regardless of talent, determination, drive, work ethic and ingenuity.
You should try working at a large tech company some day so that you can actually know what you’re talking about instead of just regurgitating talking points you read somewhere.

Also, I don’t think there’s a huge movement advocating that everyone gets a fixed income.
You should try working at a large tech company some day so that you can actually know what you’re talking about instead of just regurgitating talking points you read somewhere.

can't challenge da message, so question da source >D

guess ill take it as a compliment since you think my genuine thought was lifted from somewhere :lol:

news flash b, i learned about da virtues of human determination, da reward incentive of individual achievement and da pitfalls of socialized outcome IN 6TH GRADE (Shout outs to Ms. Peterson.)

its called do your own homework, no one like doing da work and someone else getting credit for it.
can't challenge da message, so question da source >D

guess ill take it as a compliment since you think my genuine thought was lifted from somewhere :lol:

news flash b, i learned about da virtues of human determination, da reward incentive of individual achievement and da pitfalls of socialized outcome IN 6TH GRADE (Shout outs to Ms. Peterson.)

its called do your own homework, no one like doing da work and someone else getting credit for it.
Your “genuine thought” is literally one of the main critiques against communism :lol:. It’s ironic that you’re talking about the virtues of hard work and also plagiarizing at the same time.

If you actually worked at one of the companies run by the billionaires you cape for, you’d quickly understand that pay is not proportional to the work you put in.

You don’t and it’s obvious.
Your “genuine thought” is literally one of the main critiques against communism :lol:. It’s ironic that you’re talking about the virtues of hard work and also plagiarizing at the same time

Its not plagiarism when da formula of a fail social economy ideology has been already been solved, and proof read.

People know da ending to this story..da Berlin wall and da Fall of USSR happened when i was alive and cognizant and was covered INDEPTH
in my middle school days.

only idiots think you can socially engineer people's outcome in life. you can only guarantee opportunity, not outcomes.
Also, I don’t think there’s a huge movement advocating that everyone gets a fixed income

oh really? what you think medicare for all think those reimbursement rates aren't gonna be fixed and capped?
Its not plagiarism when da formula of a fail social economy ideology has been already been solved, and proof read.

People know da ending to this story..da Berlin wall and da Fall of USSR happened when i was alive and cognizant and was covered INDEPTH
in my middle school days.

only idiots think you can socially engineer people's outcome in life. you can only guarantee opportunity, not outcomes.
You did not come up with the idea that everyone earning the same income stifles innovation. This wasn’t your “genuine thought”.

You are confusing yourself at this point because you’re literally just spewing talking points you heard from someone else. I never said anything about people making the same income. Go back and read. I told you to get experience on issues you pretend to know about.
oh really? what you think medicare for all think those reimbursement rates aren't gonna be fixed and capped?
Medicare for all != everyone earning the same income. Calm down on the right wing propaganda, b.
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