no one should have a billion dollars. no, not him either.

wow, not only nakedly fishing for that #secondhandsympathy but you got millions on millions and can't get your friend repaired.

seems like all the worst people have the most resources, almost like there's something fundamentally wrong with the system.
Can't say I'm ever with the idea of telling me how to spend my money, especially pre-covid as you don't really know what my real life and situation is like. That changed a bit during covid though, as I realized if that sort of money relative to my salary isn't available to help out a friend or family member, that's a failing on my end. Looked up the gofundme and it's $120k, that should be a pittance to her, that ain't really your friend.
Bend_The_Knee Bend_The_Knee thoughts on the U.S. reverting back into a producer economy opposed to a consumer economy? Blue collar workers are undervalued & even looked down on, yet the average person here literally works for their service. Please consider this the next time you flick bbq sauce at a BBQ waiter b/c they said "sir" instead of "mister".
[Uber is] essentially just the middle man. They sold an app and stickers. No other supplies needed. Crazy that it caught on like it did

you ever think about how crazy it is that a significant portion of the richest people on the planet are middlemen?

hard work, indeed.
Digital dollars is becoming the most dangerous form of currency. The ******* government is gonna use it more and more to **** over the "little" ppl. Physical & cyrpto is the way to go as the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. The online sales tax talked louder than anything else.

Life is meaningless if we live to pay taxes.
well, well, would you look at that...too much money in the same pocket ******* **** up for everybody once again:

One America News, the far-right network whose fortunes and viewership rose amid the triumph and tumult of the Trump administration, has flourished with support from a surprising source: AT&T Inc, the world's largest communications company.

A Reuters review of court records shows the role AT&T played in creating and funding OAN, a network that continues to spread conspiracy theories about the 2020 election and the COVID-19 pandemic.

OAN founder and chief executive Robert Herring Sr has testified that the inspiration to launch OAN in 2013 came from AT&T executives.

“They told us they wanted a conservative network,” Herring said during a 2019 deposition seen by Reuters. “They only had one, which was Fox News, and they had seven others on the other [leftwing] side. When they said that, I jumped to it and built one.”
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