no one should have a billion dollars. no, not him either.

Failed drug test.......

But as usual, I enjoyed the Original Postings.

I have a question though, can you dig deeper into your reasoning for believing why those greats of the past would probably sttuggle to keep their lights on?
It is wild that so many people still believe the myth that anyone can achieve anything as long as they work hard enough
what about working hard at working smart? staying on your p&q's can be mentally taxing right?
this constant focus on money and they way it control people is why humans will go extinct
Honestly, I can see the world reverting to some horizon zero dawn type of life. I just remember playing it thinking "this is kinda that unrealistic."
Failed drug test.......

But as usual, I enjoyed the Original Postings.

I have a question though, can you dig deeper into your reasoning for believing why those greats of the past would probably struggle to keep their lights on?
Probably b/c their motives were less finance driven and were more so revolved around understanding and advancing has humans.
stop wanting the world to feel sorry for you, you’re indebted to the world. Not the other way around.

You aren’t owed anything bro.
Why do y'all always bring systemic discussions down to the individual?

Look at any company out there. The bosses are apparently worth 10x/100x more than their employees; yet, if 10% of their workforce quit and they had no means to replace them, they will never pick up that load. The company would fail.

Even if Tesla (the man) received $1 for every single kW of electricity traded on the planet since the day he invented the transformer, he would never be able to keep the grid running by himself.
Why do y'all always bring systemic discussions down to the individual?

Look at any company out there. The bosses are apparently worth 10x/100x more than their employees; yet, if 10% of their workforce quit and they had no means to replace them, they will never pick up that load. The company would fail.

Even if Tesla (the man) received $1 for every single kW of electricity traded on the planet since the day he invented the transformer, he would never be able to keep the grid running by himself.

everyone knows the worker dictates EVERYTHING! If every working class citizen went on strike, the country would shut down. But people are to scary out here to put their foot down!!!

what I mean by what I said, is, IDC if someone has a billion dollars and a fleet of Ferrar’s. I will never feel inferior to them. I will never feel below them.

If you strip everyone down, we’re all equal. I have never, and will never care about what the next person has, or value anyone’s opinion but my own.

if you look at everything monetarily and are always concerned about someone else’s possessions, you’ve already lost.
How to get rich: Stack cash, invest in assets, repeat.

Hardest part of this process is stacking enough cash and making the right initial investment.

A pile of cash or gold chain just laying around is a huge waste over time.

You’ve gotta make your money make more money. Easier said than done though. With anything that makes money you also have the potential to lose money.
Failed drug test.......

:lol: my employer has a very flexible Wellness Policy.

But as usual, I enjoyed the Original Postings.

I have a question though, can you dig deeper into your reasoning for believing why those greats of the past would probably sttuggle to keep their lights on?

...but yeah tho, it's the simple fact that no matter who they are, so few human beings physically cannot survive alone...civilization itself takes lots and lots of help.

they would probably be too focused on just staying alive each day to concentrate on any Big Genius Plans.

if we acknowledge that no man is so disproportionately valuable that he is indispensable to the society we share, why should any be allowed to control resources comparable to those possessed by entire nations?

the greatness of mankind is in both inspiration and least, that's my theory.

chef’s kiss for what? Steph Ruhle bae always looking tasty.

Anyway, why are people talking like the billions that these people make would’ve been used for social programs to help people? The government already has money that they’d rather spend on stuff like the military instead of building up poor areas, education, and social programs. I dunno if we can tell people that their salary has to stop at a certain number.
The problem is people equate economic value to human value. Just finished reading "The Divide" by Matt Taibi. Society innately has this weird tendency that judges poor people as being less valuable as human beings. Until we fix that, the rich/poor divide will just continue to deepen

Andrew Yang has been preaching this - a more human centric value system vs. the one we currently have - throughout his campaign. Great train of thought.
man’s WILLINGLY wants to live with his mom!! Shame
I can't hate on that. I'd live with my parents if I could. I would save so much ******* money. But this dude acting like he's some example of working hard is laughable. I know plenty of people that work hard, but they have to pay bills.
This guy really posted a pic of his chain talking about see if you work hard enough dreams do come true

Its really that simple.
In this country with this economy? Sky is da limit.

The chain on that dusty sheet of paper got me dying

As opposed to being behind glass, gawked from a distance from folks
Who think negative like some folks in here? :lol: ill take da dusty paper from my work truck all day.
Its really that simple.
In this country with this economy? Sky is da limit.

As opposed to being behind glass, gawked from a distance from folks
Who think negative like some folks in here? :lol: ill take da dusty paper from my work truck all day.
So what's stopping you then?

You post da Jesus piece as if it's some sort of indicator that you've fulfilled your dreams, when the reality is you're reaching middle-age, you still live with your mom, (maybe) go to community college with no concrete direction, have no real bills to pay, and you've never actually been financially independent in any way, shape, or form.

Dawg...that was me at 19. The milk has gone bad for you. You sit on NT talking about paying phone bills for these younger birds and acting like that's the thing to do, when the reality of the situation is that you do that because woman your age with any level of higher education or established career would NEVER consider messing with someone like you. You pander to these younger girls because they don't know any better.

You sit here and make disparaging comments about people "behind glass", but I just wish your glass was one-way so you could take a look in the ******* mirror for once in your life.
because woman your age with any level of higher education or established career would NEVER consider messing with someone like you

:lol: at you thinkin anythin outside a mouthpiece & some freshness deters women from messing with any kind of men.

Career women get D'ed down by Ex-Felon on monday, college grad Tues, and someone else's mom house fri.

Da saltiness in this thread is palpable :lol:

You work hard/smart enough at da World is your oyster. Da end.

You tag?
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