NFL Discussion Thread - Hall of Fame Game: August 3rd

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Ahh ok I was confused, my bad I wasn't aware the base of the Tampa 2 was ran out of the 4-3, my apologizes.
Ahh ok I was confused, my bad I wasn't aware the base of the Tampa 2 was ran out of the 4-3, my apologizes.

No worries. I took an unnecessary shot at you. Lo siento por favor. Monte Kiffin is not a poor choice at all for defensive coordinator. If you ever wanted to compare resumes between him and the bum Dallas let go...I don't see how Cowboy fans could be disappointed if it materializes. The switch to a 4-3 is certainly interesting, but the Cowboys would have a front 4 who could generate pressure by their lonesome.
Sean Lee and Bruce Carter both play really, really well in space... Should be a good fit for them.
Dallas will never win another chip in my lifetime.

Glad I enjoyed three when I was 6,7, and 9
so will D.Ware now play with his hands down and be a DE?

wished Ron couldve talked Nov into coming to Charlotte.

the person that loses in this is Cam bc if Carolina doesnt win this season the whole coaching staff will be let go. and it will be 3 OC in 4yrs, not a good look just ask Jason Cambell and Alex Smith.
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So basically they are saying Dallas 2 CBs won't work now because they are better at man to man.

In this Tampa 2 scheme you need CBs that can sit and read the QB , along with DBs as well?

Is this why ronde has is still effective at safety after playing CB in Tampa 2 :nerd:
so will D.Ware now play with his hands down and be a DE?

wished Ron couldve talked Nov into coming to Charlotte.

the person that loses in this is Cam bc if Carolina doesnt win this season the whole coaching staff will be let go. and it will be 3 OC in 4yrs, not a good look just ask Jason Cambell and Alex Smith.
Is it official that Norv is in Cleveland?
So then I guess a 61 year old Head Coach wouldn't ever win Back-To-Back National Championships huh? Way too old to coach.

10 years in coaching is like dog years. Not even doubting him as a coach, but the fact that I don't know how this really improves the team anyway. Everyone knows it wasn't Rob that was the problem. Dallas will come to find out that Garrett was the one that should've been fired and who knows when that'll be, exactly? At that point, they will realize they wasted valuable time trying to bring in a veteran D-Coordinator instead of finding maybe a new coaching staff entirely...If only just the HC.

Point being...Supplementing age + wisdom on the wrong side of the ball on a team that needs a new HC and/or offensive coordinator = waste of time.
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does anybody see the irony in Kaep doing interviews with a Brewers fitted while he's playing the Packers?

Thought more people would talk about this, but I guess he's not Lebron. But yeah he's from Milwaukee and said he was a huge Packer fan growing up. I don't think it's a big deal cause obviously he's going to try his bestt to win. Seeing that Rodgers grew up a San Francisco fan I would be slightly bothered if he wore a San Fran hat though given the timing. But he's created a legendary status here so it might be a little different. Kap is really young and might just be paying due to his roots for those who don't know he came from Wisconsin.
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I don't know why but I think the Ravens sneak the Broncos.

I think the Packers will absolutely wash the 9ers. Like 10+ points

I think the Seahawks VS Falcons game is a toss up and I have no idea who will win. I'm take Russ though.

Houson VS Patriots is close until the 4th but the Spygate crew gets it done.
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I don't know why but I think the Ravens sneak the Broncos.

I think the Packers will absolutely wash the 9ers. Like 10+ points

I think the Seahawks VS Falcons game is a toss up and I have no idea who will win. I'm take Russ though.

Houson VS Patriots is close until the 4th but the Spygate crew gets it done.

Agreed. I expect Peyton flub this one at some critical moment. He just doesn't make love to pressure ...

And I don't see the Packers blowing out the Niners, but I could see them winning a close one...but the Niners do have Jim Harbaugh.

Pats also end Houston's season.
I don't know why but I think the Ravens sneak the Broncos.

I think the Packers will absolutely wash the 9ers. Like 10+ points

I think the Seahawks VS Falcons game is a toss up and I have no idea who will win. I'm take Russ though.

Houson VS Patriots is close until the 4th but the Spygate crew gets it done.

Agreed. I expect Peyton flub this one at some critical moment. He just doesn't make love to pressure ...

And I don't see the Packers blowing out the Niners, but I could see them winning a close one...but the Niners do have Jim Harbaugh.

Pats also end Houston's season.

I love Peyton but people act like he hasn't folded numerous times and he has still lost more playoff games than he's won.

And its going to be freaking freezing and possibly snowing in Denver, he ain't about that life.
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