NFL Discussion Thread - Hall of Fame Game: August 3rd

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Yeah...I tend to agree with the Cowboys faithful on this one. I don't think it would be a problem if Rob Ryan was fired along with Garrett, but what this looks like is Jerry Jones using Rob as a scapegoat, but the problem is that people can see through the BS. No way only Rob should've been fired. No way.
The RG3urrection is underway...
Hell yeah :pimp: and 6-8 months is a somewhat reasonable timetable for an athlete of RGIII's caliber, and if he isn't ready by then so be it. But if there's one player I believe will come back stronger than ever it's Bob Griffin.
6-8 months? I guess they've officially moved up the expected timetable for these type of injuries in correlation with today's methods.

I would say 8-12 with how they were making this sound. Either way though -- RGIII will need to keep his *** in the pocket most of next year.
Hell yeah
and 6-8 months is a somewhat reasonable timetable for an athlete of RGIII's caliber, and if he isn't ready by then so be it. But if there's one player I believe will come back stronger than ever it's Bob Griffin.
not saying your wrong...

but in my opinion the recovery will take longer because he is in fact an athlete of such high caliber.... to return to that same form should in theory take in my eyes(not pretending to be a dr AT ALL) if him and brady both have the same knee injury on the same day..itll take rg3 longer to return since he does SO MUCH more, he will need to be that much more healed...and close to his norm..

lol..idk man..

im hearing everything from 6 months to missing the whole season...obviously no one knows...just my .02
not saying your wrong...

but in my opinion the recovery will take longer because he is in fact an athlete of such high caliber.... to return to that same form should in theory take in my eyes(not pretending to be a dr AT ALL) if him and brady both have the same knee injury on the same day..itll take rg3 longer to return since he does SO MUCH more, he will need to be that much more healed...and close to his norm..

lol..idk man..

im hearing everything from 6 months to missing the whole season...obviously no one knows...just my .02
From what I've been reading his ACL wasn't torn to the level of Adrian Peterson's. Andrews said that he could live a healthy life without operating on it however considering his profession it needed to be repaired. They're saying that his recovery will be 6 months without any setbacks and 8 with a couple of setbacks. Now, after how they handled him this season maybe I'm being naive by believing ******** personnel on this but I'm just a hopeful fan. Bottom line is they should not rush him back under any circumstances, I'd rather lose Griff for the year than have him come back to early and never be able to play again.
This is GREAT....


Someone dropped this nugget in the comments section on a skins blog:

Background on 'spurned' comment

Obviously, you may know this already, but RG3 was recruited by Jim Harbaugh at Stanford to run a 2-QB system with Andrew Luck (holy **** can you imagine?) but RG3 wasn’t down with that action.

It’s come out recently (I can’t find the article) that Richard Sherman persuaded/or at least influenced RG3 to not choose Stanford because, and I’m paraphrasing, ‘Harbaugh is a ****.’ Sherman fell down the depth chart there after getting injured despite leading the Cardinal in receiving his fresh year (Freshman All-American at WR). In order to get past this little hurdle, Sherman switched to cornerback (some say because he’d have to deal with Harbaugh less too). Doug Baldwin, another former Stanford player that is now a Seahawk, also detests Harbaugh, so it’s not just a Richard Sherman thing.

So, the comment “I’ve been proud of you since you spurned(?) us. I didn’t want to tell nobody what I told you. (laughing). But I didn’t want you to go down that path.” is Sherman talking about Harbaugh (I’m pretty sure), and how he told RG3 not to ‘go down that path’ and play for Harbaugh.

:lol: :pimp:

Sheman = THAT dude.
Face mush was definitely harder than it looked in that gif.

Wonder what Trent was so mad about.

I like that fire though Trent.
Sherman is a funny dude.:lol: :pimp:

I wouldn't be surprised if Browner used to play offense to, dude is built like a TE.

I'm hoping RG3 has a AP like return.
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Would love to have a Sherman type guy on my team (pause) but damn he's annoying

Also happy Trent mushed him :lol:

Found the vid somewhere else

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6-8 months seems quick... If he's able to come back in that time frame that's great news, but they need to be cautious with this.
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