New York State Lawmakers Reject Gay Marriage Bill

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Originally Posted by ninjahood

black dominican =
both my parents are Santo dominigo, im 100% dominican

fabolous is a black & dominican, AZ is a black & dominican
nah i dissagree

black is a skin color and black is a culture.'

my skin maybe dark, but blacks and hispanics are not da same culturally.

and besides what are you gonna say about Alex Rodriguez, that he's a "white dominican"? way to divide us even more

besides hispanics go more by features then skin color.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Ninjahood might be one of the most stubborn, brick headed, uncompromising people i've ever encountered online or real life[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Tellme about it[/color]
Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

While where you live being a homosexual may be viewed as fine,
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]This is true[/color]

there is still a large portion of Americans who do in fact view homosexual as "sub-human" and view homosexuality as a type of birth defect.
Lies, they believe it is a choice , don't they? Maybe I am just using a broad brush.
These uneducated, hateful human
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)](Opinion, I believe many genuinely are only anti-gay marriage due to religious belief and not personal hate)[/color]
beings paint homosexuals as sexual deviants who are more likely to be child molesters, and act on their sexual urges more often that a heterosexual person would. This is just a small portion of a wide array of false information that is still spread about homosexuals to this day in certain regions of this country.
Agreed, these type of comments are extremely disgusting.

They are painted as "the other" and inhuman so their rights can be violated, much in the way that was done to African Americans, albeit not in the same exact ways, but it is still happening, and it is still a struggle for civil rights.
Devil's advocate is all.
By the way, Vallejo mayor's 'gay sin' remarks ignite protest

Right, but while some believe that it is a choice, the rising thought that homosexuality is indeed biological is now bringing up instances of people exclaimingthat if it is biological, than it is nothing more than a birth defect. This is frightening, because this can open a whole different type of discussion.

Also, religious belief in many instances fuels that personal hate for homosexuals. Certain evangelical groups feed on this and feel the need to"heal" homosexuals, which is just insulting.

I wish I lived in California, it seems to be the only part of this nation that hasn't forgotten the importance of public activism and protest.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

f gay marriage...i wann know what black culture is...

You can't reject the idea of a black culture. Like being "black" is def recognized by not only the American Government but the world body aswell.
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

I wish I lived in California, it seems to be the only part of this nation that hasn't forgotten the importance of public activism and protest.
You could say too much protesting lowers it's effect. Let's fight.
Originally Posted by GoinHam

BLACK is not a culture

African Americans are BLACK
Africans are BLACK
West Indians are BLACK

none of those 3 have the same culture, so how exactly can BLACK be a culture.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by frostythepoptart

Originally Posted by Nako XL

Ididn't name the white conservative senators, because the general consensus is white conservatives are against gay marriage.

when i stated conservative senate ministers, i was referring to diaz and other personalities (who i was mistaken in believing were senators but are actually just community leaders.) that is why after later posts, focused on that one name so as not to mislead or confuse. that however does not discredit anything i said or change the point i made with the initial post.

it disgusts me that a black latino-american is leading the charge in this (and yes he is bible-thumping), and it disgusts me that conservatives (and to be fair democrats as well, so politicians in general) take advantage of minority demographics for their own political gain.

if you misinterpreted my motive for bringing up a black minister/senator and thought i was leading some sort of anti-black riot here then i'll man up and apologize. but you yourself admit to seeing my point.

Originally Posted by frostythepoptart

civil rights movement is nothing like the gay rights movement jesus christ.

you can't hide being black. there aren't stickers people wear on their forehead that say gay.

a right to marriage and adopt compares to the black struggle during civil rights...

people trying to take 2000 years of tradition and throw it out and can't understand why its having trouble being pushed.

you're missing the point. the constitution says no one should HAVE TO or feel the need to hide their sex/race/gender. EVER.
and no one has to. majority of people dont go around hating gays they just don't support their lifestyle either.

ninja hood didn't you just have a big **+ topic claiming you never deny being black
wrong, da topic was if i was black, which i ain't. im hispanic. we have some african in our DNA but its not our culture.

black culture is not a culture?

i live on da border of black & hispanic culture every day, its not da same.

going by skin color to think who's black and who's white is ignorant, skin color merely means how close your ancestors are to da equator. i don't

hear Egyptians gettin called black and they in da african continent

culture & context >>>skin color.
There's no such thing as black culture b.....what exactly is black culture?

imma hispanic, we got our own just lump me in as "black" is essentially throwin my culture under da bus and callin it irrelevant.


how come black people don't go up and arms when they DON'T represent derek jeter as a african american? yet i gotta discard my

culture cuz my skin is darker than his? pssh
No one's discarding of your culture, broham. Just because a person is black, doesn't mean they can't be hispanic. The two are not mutuallyexclusive.
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Originally Posted by GoinHam

BLACK is not a culture

African Americans are BLACK
Africans are BLACK
West Indians are BLACK

none of those 3 have the same culture, so how exactly can BLACK be a culture.
Originally Posted by GoinHam

Ninjahood might be one of the most stubborn, brick headed, uncompromising people i've ever encountered online or real life

BLACK is not a culture

African Americans are BLACK
Africans are BLACK
West Indians are BLACK

none of those 3 have the same culture, so how exactly can BLACK be a culture.

i dont even know why i bothered typing all that, his ole pigheaded self wont be able to comprehend something that is contrary to what he believes

oh really?


see this cute map i found online when i googled da west indies and its got cute lil glow gifs on all da "west Indian" i wonder

why all da spanish speaking countries aren't glowin or even bolded in......oh thats right, they don't include us cuz we don't share da culture.

why don't u ask all da people from da glowin spot why don't dominicans attend west indies parades
or vice versa.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Originally Posted by ninjahood

black dominican =
both my parents are Santo dominigo, im 100% dominican

fabolous is a black & dominican, AZ is a black & dominican

I used to think like this too, but being black has absolutely nothing to do with culture. Do you only consider people from Africa black?

You can be 100% Dominican and be black. In fact, a lot of Dominicans, Cubans, Puerto Ricans are.

Son said AZ was Black Dominican. I don't know why this is such a hard concept to grasp.

Black=Race, people with African blood

I remember being frustrated in that thread. It's like tryna teach a 6 year old calculus.


African-American/Dominican/Nigerian is = ethnicity/nationality

Groups of African-Americans, Dominicans and Nigerians may have different or similar cultures within their larger ethnic group.

Culture has more to do with your customs and the way a group acts. The culture of a group on the West Coast of a Nation may be different from the culture ofmembers of that same group on the East Coast.
Ethnicity deals with a real or perceived common heritage. Race is a larger sub-division that attempts to break down the entire global human population in 5 orso racial groups.

For example...Nigerians share the same nationality but that nationality is made up of different ethnicities (Igbo, Yoruba, Fulani, etc.) all of thoseethnicities falling into the larger Black race.

Ninjahood is Black racially and Dominican/Dominican-American) ethnically and culturally. The groupings share intersecting qualities but also have their ownunique characteristics.
Originally Posted by GoinHam

Ninjahood might be one of the most stubborn, brick headed, uncompromising people i've ever encountered online or real life

BLACK is not a culture

African Americans are BLACK
Africans are BLACK
West Indians are BLACK

none of those 3 have the same culture, so how exactly can BLACK be a culture.

i dont even know why i bothered typing all that, his ole pigheaded self wont be able to comprehend something that is contrary to what he believes

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Originally Posted by ninjahood

black dominican =
both my parents are Santo dominigo, im 100% dominican

fabolous is a black & dominican, AZ is a black & dominican

I used to think like this too, but being black has absolutely nothing to do with culture. Do you only consider people from Africa black?

You can be 100% Dominican and be black. In fact, a lot of Dominicans, Cubans, Puerto Ricans are.

Son said AZ was Black Dominican. I don't know why this is such a hard concept to grasp.

Black=Race, people with African blood

I remember being frustrated in that thread. It's like tryna teach a 6 year old calculus.


African-American/Dominican/Nigerian is = ethnicity/nationality

Groups of African-Americans, Dominicans and Nigerians may have different or similar cultures within their larger ethnic group.

Culture has more to do with your customs and the way a group acts. The culture of a group on the West Coast of a Nation may be different from the culture of members of that same group on the East Coast.
Ethnicity deals with a real or perceived common heritage. Race is a larger sub-division that attempts to break down the entire global human population in 5 or so racial groups.

For example...Nigerians share the same nationality but that nationality is made up of different ethnicities (Igbo, Yoruba, Fulani, etc.) all of those ethnicities falling into the larger Black race.

Ninjahood is Black racially and Dominican/Dominican-American) ethnically and culturally. The groupings share intersecting qualities but also have their own unique characteristics.

You're absolutely correct, i thought about putting all the subdivisions in the greater Nigerian nationality (I'm Ibo)...but I didn't wanna confuseNinjahood even more than he already is.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by GoinHam

Ninjahood might be one of the most stubborn, brick headed, uncompromising people i've ever encountered online or real life

BLACK is not a culture

African Americans are BLACK
Africans are BLACK
West Indians are BLACK

none of those 3 have the same culture, so how exactly can BLACK be a culture.

i dont even know why i bothered typing all that, his ole pigheaded self wont be able to comprehend something that is contrary to what he believes

oh really?


see this cute map i found online when i googled da west indies and its got cute lil glow gifs on all da "west Indian" i wonder
why all da spanish speaking countries aren't glowin or even bolded in......oh thats right, they don't include us cuz we don't share da culture.
why don't u ask all da people from da glowin spot why don't dominicans attend west indies parades
or vice versa.
now im glad you found that cute lil map. but what does that have to do with what i said.


why is that so hard for you to comprehend?
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey



It's not a super easy thing to completely grasp though, so I kinda understand. Took me a little while to really get it. It doesn't help when you'restubborn either, like I was.

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Ninjahood is Black racially and Dominican/Dominican-American) ethnically and culturally. The groupings share intersecting qualities but also have their own unique characteristics.

i would LOVE for someone to QUOTE where i ain't anything different than this.

my skin is dark, but ethnically and culturally there's nuffin black about me other then da fact that imma avid rap fan which is part of black culture.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

other then da fact that imma avid rap fan which is part of black culture
"Black" is not a culture, dude.

You can be 100% Hispanic and eat arroz con gondules y platanos every night, and still be black.
Originally Posted by GoinHam

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by GoinHam

Ninjahood might be one of the most stubborn, brick headed, uncompromising people i've ever encountered online or real life

BLACK is not a culture

African Americans are BLACK
Africans are BLACK
West Indians are BLACK

none of those 3 have the same culture, so how exactly can BLACK be a culture.

i dont even know why i bothered typing all that, his ole pigheaded self wont be able to comprehend something that is contrary to what he believes

oh really?


see this cute map i found online when i googled da west indies and its got cute lil glow gifs on all da "west Indian" i wonder
why all da spanish speaking countries aren't glowin or even bolded in......oh thats right, they don't include us cuz we don't share da culture.
why don't u ask all da people from da glowin spot why don't dominicans attend west indies parades
or vice versa.
now im glad you found that cute lil map. but what does that have to do with what i said.


why is that so hard for you to comprehend?


Barack Obama, the first Black President of the United States, was, throughout his campaign, criticized as being either "too black" or "not black enough".[sup][52][/sup][sup][53][/sup][sup][54][/sup]

The concept of blackness in the United States has been described as the degree to which one associates themselves withmainstream African American culture and values. To acertain extent, this concept is not so much about skin color or tone but more about culture and behavior.
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