New York State Lawmakers Reject Gay Marriage Bill

new age, attention seeking gay or not, the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment applies to all. so why, since its inception, has it been used discriminately?

The 14th Amendment doesn't apply to marriage because the US Constitution is a federal constitution, not a national constitution. The clause you arereferring to does not prohibit states from altering, regulating, or restricting privileges related to state citizenship.

I'd like to think us Californians live up to the ideal of a socially equitable state, but the fact is the only group active enough to change our constitution are those who mounted enough political support to strip same-sex couples of their natural and legal right to marry the person of their choice.

Marriage is not a natural right. Natural Law is against any law that is man made like marriage which whether referring to hetero or homosexual marriage.Natural Law or Rights refer to 3 things, Life, Liberty, and Property.
Originally Posted by frostythepoptart

Originally Posted by Los Yankees

Just because the state (which thy have every right to do per 10th Amendment) votes not to recognize the marriage thy want to compare this to civil rights?
The right to marriage is a civil right. The struggles of African Americans are not the ONLY civil rights issues...
Originally Posted by LamarOwnsem

Originally Posted by Los Yankees

Just because the state (which thy have every right to do per 10th Amendment) votes not to recognize the marriage thy want to compare this to civil rights?
The right to marriage is a civil right. The struggles of African Americans are not the ONLY civil rights issues...

That's a misconception. Blacks in this country were denied access to participate in a civil society by being segregated, our individual freedoms (which areguaranteed by the US Constitution) were denied. Not being able to be married doesn't disrupt you from living in society.
Originally Posted by Los Yankees

Originally Posted by LamarOwnsem

Originally Posted by Los Yankees

Just because the state (which thy have every right to do per 10th Amendment) votes not to recognize the marriage thy want to compare this to civil rights?
The right to marriage is a civil right. The struggles of African Americans are not the ONLY civil rights issues...

That's a misconception. Blacks in this country were denied access to participate in a civil society by being segregated, our individual freedoms (which are guaranteed by the US Constitution) were denied. Not being able to be married doesn't disrupt you from living in society.
Thank you.

Oh and since you guys are comparing Gay Rights to Black Rights, can I compare Homosexuality to Pedophilia? I mean its only fair if I have the equal right toargue a point right? Its only fair right?

Especially seeing as both of our ancestors were forced to work for nothing, beat like animals and killed for READING.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by Los Yankees

Originally Posted by LamarOwnsem

Originally Posted by Los Yankees

Just because the state (which thy have every right to do per 10th Amendment) votes not to recognize the marriage thy want to compare this to civil rights?
The right to marriage is a civil right. The struggles of African Americans are not the ONLY civil rights issues...

That's a misconception. Blacks in this country were denied access to participate in a civil society by being segregated, our individual freedoms (which are guaranteed by the US Constitution) were denied. Not being able to be married doesn't disrupt you from living in society.
Thank you.

Oh and since you guys are comparing Gay Rights to Black Rights, can I compare Homosexuality to Pedophilia? I mean its only fair if I have the equal right to argue a point right? Its only fair right?

Especially seeing as both of our ancestors were forced to work for nothing, beat like animals and killed for READING.
This is where you lose every time. You compare consenting adults to rapists. Brilliant. Compare the rights of someone wanting to be recognizedas an equal to that of someone wanting to impose their will on the young.

Regardless, discrimination won today. Sad to say the least. I'd like to know for all of the religious zealots that shout about "protecting thesanctity of marriage," when are the protests to end divorce happening?
RKO2004: you speak out more on nt alone AGAINST gay marriage than i do FOR it on/off the internet, and i'm gay and actually affectedby these laws. EV-ER-Y single thread i've seen that has had anything to do with homosexuality, you've had something to say against it. don't youhave something else to be passionate about? get off the computer, go outside,travel, meet people, talk to them, get to know them without being judgmental just because people are different than you, or maybe because people have moresimilarities with you than you may be willing to accept... a lot of closeted gays come across as some of the most homophobic, you know...
Originally Posted by GoinHam

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen
just a question. did you read all 9 pages of this thread before you posted that response.

i dont think his main point was that the 70% of black people that voted for Prop 8 was the deciding factor

he was trying to say that minorties dont have any sympathy for gays, which is reinforced by the whole 70% of blacks voted to ban gay marriage...
Thank you. Is that guy serious? Writing his dissertation on a fact that I just threw out there for reference. I wasn't blaming AfricanAmericans for hugely influencing the vote, I was just pointing out what a large percentage voted yes on the ban.
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Thank you.

Oh and since you guys are comparing Gay Rights to Black Rights, can I compare Homosexuality to Pedophilia? I mean its only fair if I have the equal right to argue a point right? Its only fair right?

Especially seeing as both of our ancestors were forced to work for nothing, beat like animals and killed for READING.
This is where you lose every time. You compare consenting adults to rapists. Brilliant. Compare the rights of someone wanting to be recognized as an equal to that of someone wanting to impose their will on the young.

Regardless, discrimination won today. Sad to say the least. I'd like to know for all of the religious zealots that shout about "protecting the sanctity of marriage," when are the protests to end divorce happening?
Originally Posted by imaballerballer

RKO2004: you speak out more on nt alone AGAINST gay marriage than i do FOR it on/off the internet, and i'm gay and actually affected by these laws. EV-ER-Y single thread i've seen that has had anything to do with homosexuality, you've had something to say against it. don't you have something else to be passionate about? get off the computer, go outside, travel, meet people, talk to them, get to know them without being judgmental just because people are different than you, or maybe because people have more similarities with you than you may be willing to accept... a lot of closeted gays come across as some of the most homophobic, you know...

As much as I think RKO is wrong, I never think he is malicious in his views. I think his views are genuinely religion based. Saying it is based on hatred orsolely on discrimination would suggest that these were actually real opinions, not just idiotic sentiments per scripture. To me he is NT's Kenneth Parcell(from 30 Rock). He has this baby bird, knock-kneed view of the world. He is still trying to get the egg juice out of his eyes and construct real opinions andviews. For now, old doctrines and antiquated sorcery will have to do.
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by Los Yankees

Originally Posted by LamarOwnsem

Originally Posted by Los Yankees

Just because the state (which thy have every right to do per 10th Amendment) votes not to recognize the marriage thy want to compare this to civil rights?
The right to marriage is a civil right. The struggles of African Americans are not the ONLY civil rights issues...

That's a misconception. Blacks in this country were denied access to participate in a civil society by being segregated, our individual freedoms (which are guaranteed by the US Constitution) were denied. Not being able to be married doesn't disrupt you from living in society.
Thank you.

Oh and since you guys are comparing Gay Rights to Black Rights, can I compare Homosexuality to Pedophilia? I mean its only fair if I have the equal right to argue a point right? Its only fair right?

Especially seeing as both of our ancestors were forced to work for nothing, beat like animals and killed for READING.
This is where you lose every time. You compare consenting adults to rapists. Brilliant. Compare the rights of someone wanting to be recognized as an equal to that of someone wanting to impose their will on the young.

Regardless, discrimination won today. Sad to say the least. I'd like to know for all of the religious zealots that shout about "protecting the sanctity of marriage," when are the protests to end divorce happening?
Lob I didn't compare a thing. I was trying to rid of that argument just like gay rights supporters asked others to do away with homosexuality= Pedophilia. Its been a long time since you seen that right? I wasn't going to get into that.

I don't even believe in Divorce to be honest with you unless someone is violating your all around well being. Violence, infidelity or other things of thatnature. But honestly I wish someone would put forth the effort for fight divorce too.

RKO2004: you speak out more on nt alone AGAINST gay marriage than i do FOR it on/off the internet, and i'm gay and actually affected by these laws. EV-ER-Y single thread i've seen that has had anything to do with homosexuality, you've had something to say against it. don't you have something else to be passionate about? get off the computer, go outside, travel, meet people, talk to them, get to know them without being judgmental just because people are different than you, or maybe because people have more similarities with you than you may be willing to accept... a lot of closeted gays come across as some of the most homophobic, you know...

I see the same names just like you see mine. Lobo is in a good portion of topics concerning this or religion. I don't have a problem with him doingso because He can speak his mind just like I can. At times He does get under my skin but overall He's cool. So someone speaking their mind isn'taccepted here? I speak my mind on a lot of subjects a lot. When dudes are considering breaking up with their girl or cheating on them, I try to speak to themand try to get them to really think about it before they go and do something they will regret. Whose judging? That's the most overused word in the historyof mankind I swear. How am I judging because I have an opposing opinion against someone else' opinion? Oh and how does me being in a topic apply that Idon't do what you mention? I've been cool with gay people before. They know/knew my stance but we were still cool. There were no problems. NT and thenet is for people to debate and hear opposing sides. That's what I do, that's what EVERYONE does. Homophobic means scared of homosexuals. I am not.What reason would I have to be afraid of a homosexual unless I'm in jail and its 5 of them cornering me?
No reason at all. I just have a different view point on the matter.

Oh no, I have a different opinion. That must mean I'm homophobic. Or it must mean I secretly like men in shortshorts
. Ooooo someone start a Men in boy shorts appreciation asap because I have a different opinion

And once and for all, I DON'T HATE GAY PEOPLE. Damn what sense would that make to hate them, but love a God I've never seen, touched or spoken tophysically? Seriously though. I just have a different view point.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Homophobic means scared of homosexuals. I am not. What reason would I have to be afraid of a homosexual unless I'm in jail and its 5 of them cornering me?
No reason at all. I just have a different view point on the matter.

Oh no, I have a different opinion. That must mean I'm homophobic. Or it must mean I secretly like men in short shorts
. Ooooo someone start a Men in boy shorts appreciation asap because I have a different opinion

[table][tr][td][/td] [/tr][tr][td]
Originally Posted by Crumbs

not surprised but i think its due time they get there equal rights

Let them get married and go thru all the BS hetero couples go thru...
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Homophobic means scared of homosexuals. I am not. What reason would I have to be afraid of a homosexual unless I'm in jail and its 5 of them cornering me?
No reason at all. I just have a different view point on the matter.

Oh no, I have a different opinion. That must mean I'm homophobic. Or it must mean I secretly like men in short shorts
. Ooooo someone start a Men in boy shorts appreciation asap because I have a different opinion

[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by Los Yankees

Originally Posted by LamarOwnsem

Originally Posted by Los Yankees

Just because the state (which thy have every right to do per 10th Amendment) votes not to recognize the marriage thy want to compare this to civil rights?
The right to marriage is a civil right. The struggles of African Americans are not the ONLY civil rights issues...

That's a misconception. Blacks in this country were denied access to participate in a civil society by being segregated, our individual freedoms (which are guaranteed by the US Constitution) were denied. Not being able to be married doesn't disrupt you from living in society.
Thank you.

Oh and since you guys are comparing Gay Rights to Black Rights, can I compare Homosexuality to Pedophilia? I mean its only fair if I have the equal right to argue a point right? Its only fair right?

Especially seeing as both of our ancestors were forced to work for nothing, beat like animals and killed for READING.
This is where you lose every time. You compare consenting adults to rapists. Brilliant. Compare the rights of someone wanting to be recognized as an equal to that of someone wanting to impose their will on the young.

Regardless, discrimination won today. Sad to say the least. I'd like to know for all of the religious zealots that shout about "protecting the sanctity of marriage," when are the protests to end divorce happening?
Lob I didn't compare a thing. I was trying to rid of that argument just like gay rights supporters asked others to do away with homosexuality = Pedophilia. Its been a long time since you seen that right? I wasn't going to get into that.
I didn't know there was ever the misconception that homosexuality = pedophilia. There is nothing wrong with comparing the struggles of blackrights to that of gay rights in my opinion. Who said they had to be exactly the same to be uttered in the same sentence? Ignorance bred intolerance.
There is nothing wrong with comparing the struggles of black rights to that of gay rights in my opinion. Who said they had to be exactly the same to be uttered in the same sentence? Ignorance bred intolerance.

Are you Black? Just curious.
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by ninjahood

hiphop has grown so big that people don't associate it as a black culture anymore but you know what, thats what it is.

same way as if bachata blue up world wide it wouldn't be just dominican culture anymore...same point though.



Originally Posted by Los Yankees

There is nothing wrong with comparing the struggles of black rights to that of gay rights in my opinion. Who said they had to be exactly the same to be uttered in the same sentence? Ignorance bred intolerance.

Are you Black? Just curious.

Nope. I'm not gay either.

some people don't like blacks because of the color of their skin

gays are a much different issue
some people don't like gays because of their actions, less to do with appearance

humans are different than any other animal because we can deliberate
Originally Posted by Los Yankees

There is nothing wrong with comparing the struggles of black rights to that of gay rights in my opinion. Who said they had to be exactly the same to be uttered in the same sentence? Ignorance bred intolerance.
Are you Black? Just curious.

Why are you so butthurt about comparing it to the civil rights struggle? Were you getting hosed and bitten by dogs? Nope you weren't evenalive yet so your just as big of a ignorant as the people your arguing with.
Originally Posted by spsfinest212

Originally Posted by Los Yankees

There is nothing wrong with comparing the struggles of black rights to that of gay rights in my opinion. Who said they had to be exactly the same to be uttered in the same sentence? Ignorance bred intolerance.
Are you Black? Just curious.
Why are you so butthurt about comparing it to the civil rights struggle? Were you getting hosed and bitten by dogs? Nope you weren't even alive yet so your just as big of a ignorant as the people your arguing with.

I can't speak for him, but it seems like some want their suffering to be exclusive to only them instead of showing some empathy.
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