New Season Thread Made, Move on Over :)

Originally Posted by nycknicks105

If you guys do get Andre Iguodala, where does that leave MWP? I actually think a team with Andre and Josh Smith paired with Bynum makes ya'll a tough match up.


That' a nice lineup.

how do we get iggy and josh smith?
Originally Posted by Essential1

#TeamDownWithBrown. #TeamAntiAntiMikeBrown

My man. 
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Ska, I said no Jerry Sloan
Someone else mentioned Sloan, too.
Scott Kidd went to back to back NBA Finals
Fixed... and you know it. Kidd ran that team.
Monty Will had Paul for 1 season
And? MB has had Kobe for one season. *please say what I want you to say* "He had Lebron for years, though!" AND THAT TEAM WAS CRAP!! THAT'S WHY EVERYONE & THEIR MOM KNEW BRON WAS GONE!
MB was given Lebron and some dudes WORSE than the guys a few quotes down! He had to start... DANIEL... GIBSON.
The Cavs effort to keep Bron was hinged on guys like a shell of a Shaq, busted %#$ Jamison, and Mo effing Williams. You really wanna hold it against him that he failed w/ the failure of a hand he was dealt?
Adelman coaches the Wolves, not the Rockets.
My bust. I've fixed my reply on that part now.
I mentioned Lebron and Kobe, you gave me AK47, Yao, BRoy, and some other dudes.  Ummmmmmmmmm 

I see you left out the HOFers I mentioned. Good call, slick.
My question to YOU would be, your money, your team, do what you wish, you have Adelman, Scott, Monty, Van Gundy, McMillan, Shaw, and Brown.  Put them in order, and don't you dare lie, give me the coaching wish list YOU would go with in order.  As an example from me. 

Van Gundy

What order would you go.  So help me if you put Brown #1.......

So disrespectful, I swear.

Van Gundy

I left out the Stock, Malone guys cuz I said no Sloan, I added AK cuz, what the hell good is he? 
  Roy and Yao are out of the league injured already

You are right, Cleveland roster was garbage, that's why they had the best record in the NBA back to back years. 
  And blew HC both years.  Cuz that roster was garbage.  Our roster wasn't strong, and we didn't win the West.  We got 3rd, a game ahead of 5th place.  IE, more about where we would belong due to our roster not being solid.  Bad roster, that was #1 two straight years? 

You are LYING tellin me right here that you would select a man 2nd, that can't run a rotation, really, 8 man rotations in the regular season, with a bunch of 30 year olds? 

Can't figure out match ups in game for @!#+.  Steve Blake guarding OJ Mayo, bucket, after bucket, after bucket, etc. 
CONSTANTLY guessing and switching lineups.  Ebanks starts, no, Barnes starts, ok now Ron starts, no more Ebanks, ok Ron is out, so now we get Ebanks, Ron back, no more Ebanks, last game of the year, no Barnes, Ebanks in.  That's a man drawing names out a hat.  Come the !!%% on.  5 months on the job, he STILL was messing around with his lineup.  That's a guy that doesn't have a clue plan. 

You can say what you want fit wise, Nate, Monty, Shaw, Adelman, etc.  They KNOW how to run a rotation of players.  Sort of important.  They can see matchups and either exploit (if it's in our favor) or avoid, (if it's not in our favor)  The man purposely matched up Steve Blake on OJ Mayo.  I will go to my grave wondering what in the blue !!%% a coach would do that for, on purpose. 
  I would have fired that man ON THE COURT.   I am dead serious right now.  He would have been gone during a TV timeout.  One of the most disgusting coaching moments I have ever witnessed.

Bottom line, he can do some things.  Sure.  But a coach HAS to be able to run a set rotation, or know how to use minutes.  He played 33 year old, 16th NBA season Kobe Bryant the third most minutes in the NBA.  This was his plan.  Kobe looked outta gas there at the end, don'tcha think?  Lil tired.  Not much spring in his step?  Surely playing 38 minutes a night from Christmas to May, 4-5 nights a week didn't have anything to do with it, right? 

Scott, Adelman, Shaw, Monty, Van Gundy, Nate do that?  Do they screw up a rotation like that?  Wear down their best player like that?  (ok, Nate probably would do that one 
  notice I listed him 5th tho 
Originally Posted by westcoastsfinest

Originally Posted by Essential1

#TeamDownWithBrown. #TeamAntiAntiMikeBrown

My man. 

I don't know if you get what I was saying.. Effectively the more I see the argument of "Pro" MB vs. Anti MB. The more I actually like Mike Brown
I haven't been keeping up with this thread since I've been busy with work. But where did all this Iggy to LA come from? 
Says alot that you like Mike more based off the fans that hate him and give a ton of examples of his mistakes, moreso than actually showing what Mike has done well and all, in his coaching tenure as a reason to like him.  

Reppa, Iggy to LA started last year before the draft, remember we were hearin LO for Iggy talk?  It's merely being re-hashed, but without LO of course. 
No because your arguments have been effectively useless..... I really would love to type a Rexanglorum length post on all the stuff from Day 1 TFMB has said (some valid), but a majority has been

Let it go man.. Just let it go..

My reason for actually beginning to like Mike Brown is because (my arguments excluded to be objective.. Going off LTB, Ska & AG) the Anti- Anti Mike Brown crowd has a better argument..

And I would give you another Rex length post on what he has done well as our coach.. But it will be lost on you... (Especially the difference between 2011 2nd Round and 2012 2nd Round. 1 coach made adjustments, and the other didn't... But that's for another day)

Let's go agree to disagree
CP: I gotta ask you, do you not notice that GOOD NBA coaches don't run things the exact same way during the season as they do during the season? During the season, it's all about seeding, and you play a team one time then bounce. Coaches like PJax, Popp, they run things a little different during the postseason. Not completely, but yeah, definitely a difference.

Reason I'm bringing this up? Skip to #2.
#1- Alright, first off, that CLE team, best record back-to-back years... yaaaay... but do you HONESTLY think that was ALLLL Lebron? That kid SINGLEHANDEDLY made the Cavs better (record wise) than the Lakers, Heat, Celtics, Spurs, Mavs... EVERYONE? All by himself?! Ok, if you answered "Of course not", then... who helped? Please say Andy Varajao. Or Boobie. No, no... it was Larry Hughes.

#2- They lost HCA because in the playoffs, you don't cosch against other terrible coaches. You're coaching against coaches who have a postseason game plan, and if you don't, that pretty little best record is worthless.

And yes, w/ those options, I have MB w/ Monty as #2. JVG is a class above the rest of those options. But the dudes below MB/Monty? An unproven (Shaw, which is why he's at the bottom), a guy who has had opportunities and just isn't cutting it (Scott), and a couple 'safe' picks that offer nothing more than providing you a safe pick (Adelman & Nate). Yeah, I'd absolutely take Mike over those options.
Agreed, game is diff regular to post season.  Absolutely. 

And uh, Mike just went against two terrible coaches.  George Karl and Scott Brooks.  2 dudes that suck,  And they both outcoached Mike.  This concerns you, not at all. 

Lose to other solid coaches, ok cool.  He faced 2 other bum coaches, and was outclassed in each. 

But hey, the regular season plan that he didn't have, running our players into the ground so they would be burnt the hell out come playoff time, that worked out ok. 

Regardless, our front office is stupid and will keep him another year.  Another wasted year with an aging core.  I PRAY we get off to a slow start so they fire him before the All Star break.  Then we may have a shot at one more title with this core (whatever is left of it after this offseason.) 
^ And... then what? Bring in... who?

Bid hard for JVG.

Alright. Makes sense.

Then who, if that doesn't work?

You honestly think that the answer you're about to give is going to be a guy that gets a dismal season on championship track?

NONE of the dudes mentioned (aside from JVG) have the ability to make us more of a championship team than MB, bro.
If the Lakers wanted to fire a coach after one season, Brian Shaw would have been perfect.
With the lockout, the team would have benefited keeping the triangle because most of them were comfortable with it. But alas...

I have my issues with Mike Brown, but I recognize he was dealt with issues out of his control (the lockout, top heavy team, etc).
Originally Posted by Essential1

Am I the only one who actually grew tired of the triangle
Would have actually been beneficial since the didn't know what the hell to run on offense at the end of games. Since Kobe was the offensive coordinator this season, and Brown not having a clue on offense. Running something familiar and that they were comfortable in would have helped out tremendously, but hey, that would be an in game adjustment on MB's part which is asking too much.
Sigh... Lowry is trying to ruin other deals.. %@@% him.. I don't care.

He'll be in Houston next year..  1. He'll be cheaper than Dragic..   2. So what he hates McHale.

Also Morey indicated he is trying to keep Lowry & Dragic next year... And really doesn't care much about McHale/Lowry

Dragic wants starter minutes.. Will probably command a couple mil more than Lowry's 5 mil.. And produce exactly as well as Lowry... No way the Rockets bother if Dragic's market is what every person says it is..
HP tweeted a trade that went thru on trade machine, we would get Lowry, Scola, Josh Smith, Houston gets Pau/Horford, Hawks get Martin/Artest/Patterson picks and one other contract.
Stern would FLIP OUT.
Why would the Lakers need Josh Smith and Scola?

Switch Scola and Martin and maybe we have a deal...

BTW no way the Hawks are trading Al Horford.
You could talk me into a package of Lowry, Dalembert, Budinger (or Patterson) and a draft pick for Pau.
Possible that Steve Nash would consider taking a smaller contract to play with us for his last couple of seasons, give it one last real shot at a ring? 

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