New Season Thread Made, Move on Over :)

Well since I finally gave in and made a new sn even somehow my old one is forgotten & "already used" at the same time 
. My old sn 

being KingJaffeJo....So now I'm Formerly known as Jaffe Jo 

So I refused to make a post until this D12 bafoonery was over. Now that our roster is pretty much filled I can speak about our newly

formed Voltron Lakers
. I love everything that we've done, like everyone else, but this is kind of scary because, if you really 

think about it, yea we have all star caliber players but they all are high quality professionals, with great work ethic, and all are hungry. And not

only that, you can tell everyone on this team really wants this to work and mesh well that selfishness I think, will be the least of the

problem. Like, (knock on wood)....NO hoping for no serious injuries, cuz thats about the only thing stopping chemistry & comradery on this team,

with the talent obviously being there already.

I see everyone in hear wants KMART but I dont think he is really needed hear with D12/Pau/Jamison/Clark/Hill

We are pretty solid in the frontcourt department.

What I think we are still lacking a little bit is another athletic guard that can hit the 3PT. 

I still thinking our outside shooting is pretty weak, having one more athletic guard that can hit the 3PT will complete us.

We would have too many outside weapons to deal with on a given night, you can rest assure SOMEBODY on the squad is going off that game.
Well since I finally gave in and made a new sn even somehow my old one is forgotten & "already used" at the same time >D . My old sn 
being KingJaffeJo....So now I'm Formerly known as Jaffe Jo :lol: :smh:

So I refused to make a post until this D12 bafoonery was over. Now that our roster is pretty much filled I can speak about our newly
formed Voltron Lakers:nthat: :lol: . I love everything that we've done, like everyone else, but this is kind of scary because, if you really 
think about it, yea we have all star caliber players but they all are high quality professionals, with great work ethic, and all are hungry. And not
only that, you can tell everyone on this team really wants this to work and mesh well that selfishness I think, will be the least of the
problem. Like, (knock on wood)....NO hoping for no serious injuries, cuz thats about the only thing stopping chemistry & comradery on this team,
with the talent obviously being there already.

I see everyone in hear wants KMART but I dont think he is really needed hear with D12/Pau/Jamison/Clark/Hill
We are pretty solid in the frontcourt department.
What I think we are still lacking a little bit is another athletic guard that can hit the 3PT. 
I still thinking our outside shooting is pretty weak, having one more athletic guard that can hit the 3PT will complete us.
We would have too many outside weapons to deal with on a given night, you can rest assure SOMEBODY on the squad is going off that game.

if u read through the forum, they recommend u PM with some information and they will give ur old account back with a new password.
Stop taking em stupid 3s n get in the post might be...highly doubt tho

Not to be rude but...

I mean teams would be focusing on dwight-pau-kobe-nash, if metta plays smart and do the little things (crash for offensive boards, hit open shots etc) this lakers team would be much more dangerous

@flyerthandelta metta would have no choice but to hit 3s/ open shots knowing that the paint would be clogged by either pau/dwight/kobe.
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yep all metta needs to do now on O is to get acquainted REAAAAAAAAAAAAAAL well with those corner 3s
Just got back from my week ban! We thick out here :pimp:. I knew D-12 would turn over when the dude is already in LA rehabing. Cant wait for the season to start. Now if only I can make it to LAL @ OKC in December.
Just got back from my week ban! We thick out here :pimp:. I knew D-12 would turn over when the dude is already in LA rehabing. Cant wait for the season to start. Now if only I can make it to LAL @ OKC in December.

you knew? sure you did.. especially since it was not up to dwight to decide if he wanted to be in LA.. the magic just made the dumbest moves to get rid of howard...that is the only reason why the magic walked away with the worst part of the deal.. and cause mitch got the jedi mindtrick down pat!
Can someone explain to me what Earl Clark brings to the team? And what exactly would his role be?

I don't no much about him. Is he a 4??? Athletic??? Finesse or bruiser??
Can someone explain to me what Earl Clark brings to the team? And what exactly would his role be?

I don't no much about him. Is he a 4??? Athletic??? Finesse or bruiser??

Don't know much about him either, but basing on some of his vids on youtube he looks more of a finesse player.

Don't know much about him either, but basing on some of his vids on youtube he looks more of a finesse player.[if IE]><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="640" height="390" /><![endif]

Seems like he can hit the open 15-17 footer. He might flourish with Nash out there with the little time that he gets out on the floor.

do you remember the lakers last championship? dude was out there playing with one leg on game 7 for us. I know he showed immaturity last season but let's not forget his contributions for our past championship runs

Oh please. He went out to blocked a few shots, grab a few rebounds in game 7 and now he's a hero?

It was mainly Kobe and Pau in 09 and 10. I give him his credit but his role was minimal in the past two championships. But let's talk about the last year YOLO Bynum. Mike Brown gave Bynum too much freedom. When he had that little run, I've heard people called in ESPN 710 saying Bynum was better than Kobe and the Lakers offense should go through Bynum lol. Yea right lol. You ever wonder why Phil Jackson always put Bynum in check all those years? Because Phil know how immature Bynum was and Phil wasn't having none of that bs. As soon as Phil left, that dude was all happy now he get to pull a diva act under Mike Brown. Dude certainly was playing like a chump last year. If he's uninterested he won't give you 100%. Funny thing is that he's not even that good in my opinion. People said he didn't get enough touches. Kobe shoot too much etc. Blah blah. Please. These Bynum fans are so simple minded. Kobe passed him the ball many time during a game. Bynum get the ball. Defender come to double. He struggle with it for 10 seconds and pass it back to Kobe with 6 second left on shot clock and expect Kobe to make a tough shot. He's not a bad player but he's overrated. He certainly can't guard pick and roll. He can't check smaller perimeter players. He can't pass when he's double. Put an athletic big man up against him in the post and he would get exposed through out the game. Just look at last year Denver and OKC series.

Like i said. I can't wait to see what he'll bring when LA play Philly. There will be some interesting exchange and yolo moments to be watch lol. He will definitely try to prove something. If he show up every night and make Philly better next season. Great. If he fail. Shame on him. His career might take a hit as we all know what happened to ex Lakers who went on to play for a different market. Usually things don't turn out well for them.

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Don't know much about him either, but basing on some of his vids on youtube he looks more of a finesse player.

I remember some people were very high on his potential when Phoenix drafted him in the lottery. I think he has the potential to turn into one of those "trade afterthought turned solid contributors" that Mitch consistently finds a la Trevor Ariza, Shannon Brown, and Jordan Hill
Oh please. He went out to blocked a few shots, grab a few rebounds in game 7 and now he's a hero?
It was mainly Kobe and Pau in 09 and 10. I give him his credit but his role was minimal in the past two championships. But let's talk about the last year YOLO Bynum. Mike Brown gave Bynum too much freedom. When he had that little run, I've heard people called in ESPN 710 saying Bynum was better than Kobe and the Lakers offense should go through Bynum lol. Yea right lol. You ever wonder why Phil Jackson always put Bynum in check all those years? Because Phil know how immature Bynum was and Phil wasn't having none of that bs. As soon as Phil left, that dude was all happy now he get to pull a diva act under Mike Brown. Dude certainly was playing like a chump last year. If he's uninterested he won't give you 100%. Funny thing is that he's not even that good in my opinion. People said he didn't get enough touches. Kobe shoot too much etc. Blah blah. Please. These Bynum fans are so simple minded. Kobe passed him the ball many time during a game. Bynum get the ball. Defender come to double. He struggle with it for 10 seconds and pass it back to Kobe with 6 second left on shot clock and expect Kobe to make a tough shot. He's not a bad player but he's overrated. He certainly can't guard pick and roll. He can't check smaller perimeter players. He can't pass when he's double. Put an athletic big man up against him in the post and he would get exposed through out the game. Just look at last year Denver and OKC series.
Like i said. I can't wait to see what he'll bring when LA play Philly. There will be some interesting exchange and yolo moments to be watch lol. He will definitely try to prove something. If he show up every night and make Philly better next season. Great. If he fail. Shame on him. His career might take a hit as we all know what happened to ex Lakers who went on to play for a different market. Usually things don't turn out well for them.


My only point is that let's not forget his contributions during his stay. Remember the '08 finals against the celtics w/out bynum? For sure he made a difference when he played in the '10 finals. But if you really hate bynum that much and can't see what he did for us . I can't do anything about it :rolleyes

anyway, really excited to see how the other lakers players not named: kobe/dwight pau, play around nash :smokin
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