Who Will Win it All?

  • Warriors

    Votes: 86 53.4%
  • Bucks

    Votes: 27 16.8%
  • Raptors

    Votes: 9 5.6%
  • Nuggets

    Votes: 2 1.2%
  • Rockets

    Votes: 13 8.1%
  • Sixers

    Votes: 5 3.1%
  • Celtics

    Votes: 6 3.7%
  • Clippers

    Votes: 5 3.1%
  • Other West Team

    Votes: 6 3.7%
  • Other East Team

    Votes: 2 1.2%

  • Total voters
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How is a white man violating the rules of conduct and then turning around and telling his employer how and where he will be punished at his convenience NOT an example of white privilege? You on some other **** bruh :lol:. Good day to you
... employer? i didnt know adam silver was cutting their checks. and i said if *I* was the guy. he may just roll over and move onto the next investment. me? nah. refusing to accept someones rules is white privilege? interesting notion. plenty of historical black context where people refused to abide by the rules or punishments that were handed down... guess it was white privilege then as well. like i said, yall some fake woke hoteps. bring the convo back to basketball and try to refrain from turning shoves into examples of disenfranchisement, systematic oppression and racism, and the ever present white privilege.
thats like someone telling me theyre evicting me from my house but before i go i need to pay for an industrial cleaning and some general maintenance. nah homie. if im off the team, im not subscribing to the teams rules. period.

Nah it's more like if you trash the place and don't pay your rent then get evicted and you saying you want your deposit back. Like..nah
Nah it's more like if you trash the place and don't pay your rent then get evicted and you saying you want your deposit back. Like..nah
no... no its not. hes not asking for a deposit back or anything back. the landlord (silver) is telling him we're evicting you, but before you go do this and this and this and pay this fine before you leave. lol.... nah u got it silver. im not gonna do the time for my crime and then get exiled AFTER doing my time. cut it out.
You really picked the worst situation to state your case on anything tekthemaestro tekthemaestro

Really what it comes down to
i never had a case. i simply said it makes no sense to see a white fan on the sideline push a player and AUTOMATICALLY say its cuz of racism and white privilege that he did it. dudes in here ran off with it and shouted out whatever they felt about racism for the past 5 years from the barbershop convos they've been having. bottom line is, it was a push. he aint say nothing crazy and the push was wrong. but attaching hidden racist motives and all the other bs was just stupid. then i said, if I were the guy, i wouldnt accept all of that punishment cuz its od harsh. now dudes somehow right back on white privilege... for a black man to say he wouldnt just take the punishment he was handed down if he thought it was too much? the irony of that last part being that refusing to accept rules and OD harsh punishments (like the ones which landed SO many of us in the very same prison cycle someone mentioned above) that get slapped on us is an extremely pro-black thing to do. but what do i know. i could be white.
i never had a case. i simply said it makes no sense to see a white fan on the sideline push a player and AUTOMATICALLY say its cuz of racism and white privilege that he did it. dudes in here ran off with it and shouted out whatever they felt about racism for the past 5 years from the barbershop convos they've been having. bottom line is, it was a push. he aint say nothing crazy and the push was wrong. but attaching hidden racist motives and all the other bs was just stupid. then i said, if I were the guy, i wouldnt accept all of that punishment cuz its od harsh. now dudes somehow right back on white privilege... for a black man to say he wouldnt just take the punishment he was handed down if he thought it was too much? the irony of that last part being that refusing to accept rules and OD harsh punishments (like the ones which landed SO many of us in the very same prison cycle someone mentioned above) that get slapped on us is an extremely pro-black thing to do. but what do i know. i could be white.

Well Kyle said he was talking crazy to him as well.

Bottom line is the optics are bad and far worse than if it was your regular Joe schmo. We've seen the Jazz ban fans lifetime for saying things to players and not getting into a physical altercation. So a person who clearly should be held to a higher standard by owning a stake in the team shouldn't get at minimum what he got? Nah, I thought the punishment was spot on. The team handled it fine and the NBA came in with their own punishment which was appropriate as well. We'll see if he's actually forced to sell his stakes, I doubt it'll happen. You can't touch the athlete and talk to him crazy for whatever reason (can't get inside his head I agree, but there's a power dynamic at minimum that's at play for him to even think that behavior would be appropriate in his position).
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Warriors “fans” already conceding defeat? :lol:

Y’all sound like some sad boys

“We’ll be alright” :lol:

What happened to all that “DuBz In Fo!” Confidence?

Bistephsuals have taken on the ***** made traits of their front running god

Series is far from over, not in the bag for Toronto at all
Well Kyle said he was talking crazy to him as well.

Bottom line is the optics are bad and far worse than if it was your regular Joe schmo. We've seen the Jazz ban fans lifetime for saying things to players and not getting into a physical altercation. So a person who clearly should be held to a higher standard by owning a stake in the team shouldn't get at minimum what he got? Nah, I thought the punishment was spot on. The team handled it fine and the NBA came in with their own punishment which was appropriate as well. We'll see if he's actually forced to sell his stakes, I doubt it'll happen.
optics definitely bad, which is why i think theyre being heavy handed. and theyre saying theyre gonna make him sell it which is where i said its too much. i think theyll really make him do it. and those jazz fans said racist stuff. multiple times. they deserve a lifetime ban. and more.
then i said, if I were the guy, i wouldnt accept all of that punishment cuz its od harsh. now dudes somehow right back on white privilege... for a black man to say he wouldnt just take the punishment he was handed down if he thought it was too much? the irony of that last part being that refusing to accept rules and OD harsh punishments (like the ones which landed SO many of us in the very same prison cycle someone mentioned above) that get slapped on us is an extremely pro-black thing to do. but what do i know. i could be white.

Didn't know the offender in question was black. Also never heard of black privilege in the US. Is that a thing? We're speaking on the double standard bruh, that's the whole point. A black man saying this punishment is too harsh and I choose to opt out is not white privilege. A white man doing so..is..and happens frequently. Not that hard to understand
i never had a case. i simply said it makes no sense to see a white fan on the sideline push a player and AUTOMATICALLY say its cuz of racism and white privilege that he did it. dudes in here ran off with it and shouted out whatever they felt about racism for the past 5 years from the barbershop convos they've been having. bottom line is, it was a push. he aint say nothing crazy and the push was wrong. but attaching hidden racist motives and all the other bs was just stupid. then i said, if I were the guy, i wouldnt accept all of that punishment cuz its od harsh. now dudes somehow right back on white privilege... for a black man to say he wouldnt just take the punishment he was handed down if he thought it was too much? the irony of that last part being that refusing to accept rules and OD harsh punishments (like the ones which landed SO many of us in the very same prison cycle someone mentioned above) that get slapped on us is an extremely pro-black thing to do. but what do i know. i could be white.
“I have no case” then states case. Again, the worst situation to put your foot down on racial matters or any other matter to begin with. Old man was drinking, cussing at him all game according to those around him and then physically assaulted him. Why you want to side with that is your busniess
Won’t be all that difficult to make him pay the fine. Just take $500k off the top when you force him to sell his shares or fine the Warriors. NBA gonna get their money one way or another.
optics definitely bad, which is why i think theyre being heavy handed. and theyre saying theyre gonna make him sell it which is where i said its too much. i think theyll really make him do it. and those jazz fans said racist stuff. multiple times. they deserve a lifetime ban. and more.

Kyle said the owner told him to "go **** yourself" multiple times. Do you still feel the punishment is too harsh and if he does end up having to be forced to sell his stakes that it wouldn't be justified?

Kyle I think is pretty articulate and reasonable in his explanation as to why maybe he does deserve it.
Didn't know the offender in question was black. Also never heard of black privilege in the US. Is that a thing? We're speaking on the double standard bruh, that's the whole point. A black man saying this punishment is too harsh and I choose to opt out is not white privilege. A white man doing so..is..and happens frequently. Not that hard to understand
im black tho. so. im the one who said i wouldnt take all that punishment. so for yall to say thats white privilege on the way i would act.... is weird. its not like hes the one who said he wont do it all. yall been coming at me for the second day now about all this race foolishness. one dude even questioning if im really black like he cant read my signature and look it up in 2 seconds if he wanted lol.

and no, nobody is speaking on the double standard cuz that hasnt been mentioned once. not once. the closest anyone has gotten to that was saying if it was a black fan/partial owner they wouldnt have seen it as motivated by racism. and also that if the player was white, then maybe he wouldnt have gotten shoved. thats the only time anything close to doublestandard has been discussed. dont do that.
Kyle said the owner told him to "go **** yourself" multiple times. Do you still feel the punishment is too harsh and if he does end up having to be forced to sell his stakes that it wouldn't be justified?

Kyle I think is pretty articulate and reasonable in his explanation as to why maybe he does deserve it.

im supposed to feel bad cuz he got told to "go **** himself?" does that imply some sort of racism? cursing someone out in the heat of a moment is worth losing your stake in a 50 million dollar investment now? stop it. i said it yesterday, if he said something wild then beat his *** center court. slap him out of his chair and drag him to the logo and make an example. but he didnt. so all this crying about a light shove and he said the word **** is overboard.
im supposed to feel bad cuz he got told to "go **** himself?" does that imply some sort of racism? cursing someone out in the heat of a moment is worth losing your stake in a 50 million dollar investment now? stop it. i said it yesterday, if he said something wild then beat his *** center court. slap him out of his chair and drag him to the logo and make an example. but he didnt. so all this crying about a light shove and he said the word **** is overboard.
Why do you get to be the sole chooser of what “something wild” is? Dude it’s tine to take your L on this
He doesn't have to take all that punishment sure, I'm sure he can appeal the fine and the suspension, but as far as we know he's not. He knows he was in the wrong. We can't get into the motivations in the mans head. All we know on the surface is a man who is in a position of power behaved inappropriately and deserved at minimum what he got. Whatever additional punishments come in the future are up to other parties, it's not a right to own an NBA team it's a...wait for it...'privilege'. And you have an elevated responsibility to act appropriately. You don't get to choose what is deemed 'offensive' or how somebody reacts or takes whatever he said

He'll only be banned for life if the rest of the owners in the league vote for him to do that (ala Sterling). He'll only be forced to sell his stakes if the other shareholders in the Warriors group feel the optics are too bad and feel he's done harm to their brand going forward.
“I have no case” then states case. Again, the worst situation to put your foot down on racial matters or any other matter to begin with. Old man was drinking, cussing at him all game according to those around him and then physically assaulted him. Why you want to side with that is your busniess
i didnt state a case i reiterated what has happened in the past 24 hrs. thats not my case. as im not siding with him, evidenced by me saying if he did anything racist then handle him front and center. im not putting my foot down on it, im saying he has to be treated fairly cuz everyone needs to be treated fairly. what if this was steve kerr who did it? what if he pushed a player off of him on the sidelines the exact same way? suddenly steve kerr did it cuz of white privilege and the slave owner mentality? this is wrong. so i said that its wrong. yall upset at me like im the one who did it

Why do you get to be the sole chooser of what “something wild” is? Dude it’s tine to take your L on this
if u think "go **** youself" is wild then ur just soft flat out. it is what it is. i said what i said.
i didnt state a case i reiterated what has happened in the past 24 hrs. thats not my case. as im not siding with him, evidenced by me saying if he did anything racist then handle him front and center. im not putting my foot down on it, im saying he has to be treated fairly cuz everyone needs to be treated fairly. what if this was steve kerr who did it? what if he pushed a player off of him on the sidelines the exact same way? suddenly steve kerr did it cuz of white privilege and the slave owner mentality? this is wrong. so i said that its wrong. yall upset at me like im the one who did it
The man is in the wrong for multiple reasons and broke the law. You’re claiming you’re basically saying “nothing” but also admit you think the punishment is too much and that what he did wasn’t “that bad”. You’ve chosen a side. Don’t half *** it now
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