My girls lease is up on July 31st, she got arrested last night and could spend 2-3 months in jail

DamOp I would jump ship..this might be the chance you needed.. I no u prolly have feelings but.. There's some truth to what everyone is saying.. I've been there..and I think I low key al
oat went back smh let her family take care of her
DamOp I would jump ship..this might be the chance you needed.. I no u prolly have feelings but.. There's some truth to what everyone is saying.. I've been there..and I think I low key al
oat went back smh let her family take care of her
Originally Posted by thekryptonite

Originally Posted by IheartDrums

Yeah, i'd leave her........





Originally Posted by thekryptonite

Originally Posted by IheartDrums

Yeah, i'd leave her........





Surprised she received such poor reviews, on looks independent of her personality issues, on NT given the typical preference. Not one "I'd wife," smokey face, not even an "I'd smash.

I'd smash though
Surprised she received such poor reviews, on looks independent of her personality issues, on NT given the typical preference. Not one "I'd wife," smokey face, not even an "I'd smash.

I'd smash though
Originally Posted by Nothin4ever

Originally Posted by thekryptonite

Originally Posted by IheartDrums

Yeah, i'd leave her........






[h1]Proofreading[/h1][h3]From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/h3]
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This article is about the detection and correction of errors in written work. For proofreading in DNA replication, see Proofreading (biology).

[/td][td]This article needs additional citations for verification. (
Please help improve this article by adding reliable references. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (February 2009)[/td][/tr][/table][table][tr][td]

[/td][td]This article may need to be wikified to meet Wikipedia's quality standards
Please help by adding relevant internal links, or by improving the article's layout. (September 2008)[/td][/tr][/table]
Proofreading (also proof-reading) traditionally is the reading of a galley proof of text or art to detect and correct production errors. Computerization has required proofreaders to increasingly adopt skill-sets general to desktop publishing.
[h2]Contents[/h2] [hide]
[/td][/tr][/table][h2][edit] Proofreading in printing and publishing[/h2]
A proof copy is a version of a manuscript that has been typeset after copy editing. Proof typescripts often contain typographical errors introduced by mistyping (hence the word typoto refer to misplaced, missing or incorrect characters). Traditionally,a proofreader checks the typeset copy and marks any errors usingstandard proofreaders' marks showing what is to be corrected (such as those specified in style manuals, by house style, or, more broadly, by the international standard ISO 5776, or, for English, the British Standard BS-5261:2). This process may be known as a line edit.The proof is then returned to the typesetter for correction. It iscommon practice for all corrections, no matter how slight, to be givento a proofreader to be checked and initialed. Such correction-cycleproofs will typically have one descriptive term, such as bounce, bump, or revise unique to the department or organization and used for clarity to the strict exclusion of any other.

Proofreading is considered a specific skill that must be learnedbecause it is in the nature of the mind to correct errorsautomatically. Someone not trained in proofreading may not see errorssuch as missing words or improper usage because their mind is showingthem what it is trained to recognize as correct.

The term proofreading is sometimes used incorrectly to refer to copy editing.This is a separate activity, although there is some overlap between thetwo. Proofreading consists of reviewing any text, either hard copy on paper or electronic copy on a computer,and checking for typos and formatting errors. This may be done eitheragainst an original document or "blind" (without checking against anyother source). Many modern proofreaders are also required to take onsome light copy-editing duties, such as checking for grammar and consistency issues.
[h2][edit] Methods of proofreading[/h2]
There are principally three traditional ways to proofread. The first is described above. The second method is called copy holding or copy readingand employs two readers per proof. The first reads the text aloudliterally as it appears, usually at a comparatively fast but uniformrate of speed. The second reader follows along and marks any pertinentdifferences between what is read and what was typeset. This method isappropriate for large quantities of boilerplate text where it is assumed that the number of errors will be comparatively small.

Experienced copy holders employ various codes and verbal short-cuts that accompany their reading. The spoken word digits for example means that the numbers about to be read aren't words spelled out; and in a hole can mean that the upcoming segment of text is within parenthesis. Bang means an exclamation point. A thumpmade with a finger on the table represents the initial cap, comma,period, or similar obvious attribute being read simultaneously. Thusthe line of text (He said the address was 1234 Central Blvd., and to hurry!) would be read aloud as: in a hole [thump] he said the address was digits 1 2 3 4 [thump] central [thump] buluhvuhd [thump] comma and to hurry bang.Mutual understanding is the only guiding principal, so codes evolve asopportunity permits. In the above example, two thumps after buluhvuhd might be acceptable to proofreaders familiar with the text.

The third method is often termed double reading. A singleproofreader checks a proof in the traditional manner, but then passesit on to a second reader who repeats the process. Both initial theproof. Since copy holding and double-reading are based on pairs ofreaders, responsibility is necessarily divided.

A fourth method, in which a proof is visually scanned but not readword for word, has become common with computerization of typesettingand the popularization of word processing. Many publishers have their own proprietary typesetting systems,[sup][1][/sup] while their customers use commercial programs such as Word.Before the data in a Word file can be published, it must be convertedinto a format used by the publisher. The end product is usually calleda conversion. If a customer has already proofread the contentsof a file before giving it to their publisher, there will be no reasonfor another proofreader to re-read it from copy (although thisadditional service may be requested and paid for). Instead, thepublisher is held responsible only for formatting errors, such astypeface, page width, and alignment of columns in tables; andproduction errors such as text inadvertently deleted. To simplifymatters further, a given conversion will usually be assigned a specifictemplate.Given typesetters of sufficient skill, experienced proofreaders canscan such pages with accuracy without reading the text for errors thatneither they nor their typesetters are responsible for.
[h2][edit] In fiction[/h2]
Examples of proofreaders in fiction include The History of the Siege of Lisbon (Historia do Cerco de Lisboa), a novel of 1989 by Nobel laureate Jose Saramago and the short story Proofs in George Steiner's Proofs and Three Parables (1992).
[h2][edit] See also[/h2][h2][edit] References[/h2]
  1. ^ See 1983,
[h2][edit] [/h2]

Originally Posted by Nothin4ever

Originally Posted by thekryptonite

Originally Posted by IheartDrums

Yeah, i'd leave her........






[h1]Proofreading[/h1][h3]From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/h3]
Jump to: navigation,search

This article is about the detection and correction of errors in written work. For proofreading in DNA replication, see Proofreading (biology).

[/td][td]This article needs additional citations for verification. (
Please help improve this article by adding reliable references. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (February 2009)[/td][/tr][/table][table][tr][td]

[/td][td]This article may need to be wikified to meet Wikipedia's quality standards
Please help by adding relevant internal links, or by improving the article's layout. (September 2008)[/td][/tr][/table]
Proofreading (also proof-reading) traditionally is the reading of a galley proof of text or art to detect and correct production errors. Computerization has required proofreaders to increasingly adopt skill-sets general to desktop publishing.
[h2]Contents[/h2] [hide]
[/td][/tr][/table][h2][edit] Proofreading in printing and publishing[/h2]
A proof copy is a version of a manuscript that has been typeset after copy editing. Proof typescripts often contain typographical errors introduced by mistyping (hence the word typoto refer to misplaced, missing or incorrect characters). Traditionally,a proofreader checks the typeset copy and marks any errors usingstandard proofreaders' marks showing what is to be corrected (such as those specified in style manuals, by house style, or, more broadly, by the international standard ISO 5776, or, for English, the British Standard BS-5261:2). This process may be known as a line edit.The proof is then returned to the typesetter for correction. It iscommon practice for all corrections, no matter how slight, to be givento a proofreader to be checked and initialed. Such correction-cycleproofs will typically have one descriptive term, such as bounce, bump, or revise unique to the department or organization and used for clarity to the strict exclusion of any other.

Proofreading is considered a specific skill that must be learnedbecause it is in the nature of the mind to correct errorsautomatically. Someone not trained in proofreading may not see errorssuch as missing words or improper usage because their mind is showingthem what it is trained to recognize as correct.

The term proofreading is sometimes used incorrectly to refer to copy editing.This is a separate activity, although there is some overlap between thetwo. Proofreading consists of reviewing any text, either hard copy on paper or electronic copy on a computer,and checking for typos and formatting errors. This may be done eitheragainst an original document or "blind" (without checking against anyother source). Many modern proofreaders are also required to take onsome light copy-editing duties, such as checking for grammar and consistency issues.
[h2][edit] Methods of proofreading[/h2]
There are principally three traditional ways to proofread. The first is described above. The second method is called copy holding or copy readingand employs two readers per proof. The first reads the text aloudliterally as it appears, usually at a comparatively fast but uniformrate of speed. The second reader follows along and marks any pertinentdifferences between what is read and what was typeset. This method isappropriate for large quantities of boilerplate text where it is assumed that the number of errors will be comparatively small.

Experienced copy holders employ various codes and verbal short-cuts that accompany their reading. The spoken word digits for example means that the numbers about to be read aren't words spelled out; and in a hole can mean that the upcoming segment of text is within parenthesis. Bang means an exclamation point. A thumpmade with a finger on the table represents the initial cap, comma,period, or similar obvious attribute being read simultaneously. Thusthe line of text (He said the address was 1234 Central Blvd., and to hurry!) would be read aloud as: in a hole [thump] he said the address was digits 1 2 3 4 [thump] central [thump] buluhvuhd [thump] comma and to hurry bang.Mutual understanding is the only guiding principal, so codes evolve asopportunity permits. In the above example, two thumps after buluhvuhd might be acceptable to proofreaders familiar with the text.

The third method is often termed double reading. A singleproofreader checks a proof in the traditional manner, but then passesit on to a second reader who repeats the process. Both initial theproof. Since copy holding and double-reading are based on pairs ofreaders, responsibility is necessarily divided.

A fourth method, in which a proof is visually scanned but not readword for word, has become common with computerization of typesettingand the popularization of word processing. Many publishers have their own proprietary typesetting systems,[sup][1][/sup] while their customers use commercial programs such as Word.Before the data in a Word file can be published, it must be convertedinto a format used by the publisher. The end product is usually calleda conversion. If a customer has already proofread the contentsof a file before giving it to their publisher, there will be no reasonfor another proofreader to re-read it from copy (although thisadditional service may be requested and paid for). Instead, thepublisher is held responsible only for formatting errors, such astypeface, page width, and alignment of columns in tables; andproduction errors such as text inadvertently deleted. To simplifymatters further, a given conversion will usually be assigned a specifictemplate.Given typesetters of sufficient skill, experienced proofreaders canscan such pages with accuracy without reading the text for errors thatneither they nor their typesetters are responsible for.
[h2][edit] In fiction[/h2]
Examples of proofreaders in fiction include The History of the Siege of Lisbon (Historia do Cerco de Lisboa), a novel of 1989 by Nobel laureate Jose Saramago and the short story Proofs in George Steiner's Proofs and Three Parables (1992).
[h2][edit] See also[/h2][h2][edit] References[/h2]
  1. ^ See 1983,
[h2][edit] [/h2]

Does not seem like the type of girl you should be messing with fam. You do you but imjustsayin
Does not seem like the type of girl you should be messing with fam. You do you but imjustsayin
forget the girl, get the car! or better yet where do u live so I can buy it when they auction it off
forget the girl, get the car! or better yet where do u live so I can buy it when they auction it off
Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by tmay407

Those of y'all talking about "sell her stuff and leave" are some shady %@+#*%%!#***@

Personally, I'd leave her...but I'm not selling any of her %%@@ on the way out.
They shared a car, so why should he be rideless because of her immaturity, lack of responsibilty, and thoughtlessness. He should at least sell the stuff to get the ride out of impound or get himself a ride.
They share her car, which she most likely pays for. I don't know his situation, so I'm just going off assumptions based on it being her car...but if dude's been riding around in her car for free and can't front the $200 to get it out of the impound, then he probably shouldn't be needing the car anyways. If he sells the stuff to get the car out of impound, next thing you know he'll be needing to sell stuff to put gas in it, then he'll be needing to sell some more stuff to get the oil changed...
Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by tmay407

Those of y'all talking about "sell her stuff and leave" are some shady %@+#*%%!#***@

Personally, I'd leave her...but I'm not selling any of her %%@@ on the way out.
They shared a car, so why should he be rideless because of her immaturity, lack of responsibilty, and thoughtlessness. He should at least sell the stuff to get the ride out of impound or get himself a ride.
They share her car, which she most likely pays for. I don't know his situation, so I'm just going off assumptions based on it being her car...but if dude's been riding around in her car for free and can't front the $200 to get it out of the impound, then he probably shouldn't be needing the car anyways. If he sells the stuff to get the car out of impound, next thing you know he'll be needing to sell stuff to put gas in it, then he'll be needing to sell some more stuff to get the oil changed...
Originally Posted by tmay407

Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by tmay407

Those of y'all talking about "sell her stuff and leave" are some shady %@+#*%%!#***@

Personally, I'd leave her...but I'm not selling any of her %%@@ on the way out.
They shared a car, so why should he be rideless because of her immaturity, lack of responsibilty, and thoughtlessness. He should at least sell the stuff to get the ride out of impound or get himself a ride.
They share her car, which she most likely pays for. I don't know his situation, so I'm just going off assumptions based on it being her car...but if dude's been riding around in her car for free and can't front the $200 to get it out of the impound, then he probably shouldn't be needing the car anyways. If he sells the stuff to get the car out of impound, next thing you know he'll be needing to sell stuff to put gas in it, then he'll be needing to sell some more stuff to get the oil changed...

Ok if its her car then isnt it HER responsibility to pay for the impound car note etc? I could see if it was his action that caused this but it was HERS. So are you saying ifyou borrowed someone car and it was your actions that got it impounded or damaged you shouldnt be liable? I understand they shared the car but why should he pay for her foolishness and irresponsible mistakes? And who knows if he helped paid car notes, im pretty sure he put gas in it as well. Sounds like they both use the car, its just its in her name.

So since the apt is in her name if she occured damages to the property why would he need to pay on her behalf for what she did. The whole issue is accountability and being responsible for your actions. Seein why she is in jail shows she doesnt practice this behavior. So how is making her skip out her responsibilities going to make her accountable for her actions?
Originally Posted by tmay407

Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by tmay407

Those of y'all talking about "sell her stuff and leave" are some shady %@+#*%%!#***@

Personally, I'd leave her...but I'm not selling any of her %%@@ on the way out.
They shared a car, so why should he be rideless because of her immaturity, lack of responsibilty, and thoughtlessness. He should at least sell the stuff to get the ride out of impound or get himself a ride.
They share her car, which she most likely pays for. I don't know his situation, so I'm just going off assumptions based on it being her car...but if dude's been riding around in her car for free and can't front the $200 to get it out of the impound, then he probably shouldn't be needing the car anyways. If he sells the stuff to get the car out of impound, next thing you know he'll be needing to sell stuff to put gas in it, then he'll be needing to sell some more stuff to get the oil changed...

Ok if its her car then isnt it HER responsibility to pay for the impound car note etc? I could see if it was his action that caused this but it was HERS. So are you saying ifyou borrowed someone car and it was your actions that got it impounded or damaged you shouldnt be liable? I understand they shared the car but why should he pay for her foolishness and irresponsible mistakes? And who knows if he helped paid car notes, im pretty sure he put gas in it as well. Sounds like they both use the car, its just its in her name.

So since the apt is in her name if she occured damages to the property why would he need to pay on her behalf for what she did. The whole issue is accountability and being responsible for your actions. Seein why she is in jail shows she doesnt practice this behavior. So how is making her skip out her responsibilities going to make her accountable for her actions?
Because he wants to use it LDJ, both the car and the apartment. He really has no other option, other than to go out there and get his own car and his own place
Because he wants to use it LDJ, both the car and the apartment. He really has no other option, other than to go out there and get his own car and his own place
Originally Posted by newmoanyuh

Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by newmoanyuh

Originally Posted by DatZNasty

Originally Posted by IheartDrums

Originally Posted by Put em up

Your girls in jail?

But yet your posting and asking NT what to do?

Where are your parents or friends, not the internet.
I dont have parents. What would my parents have to do with this anyway? Her dog is here at the house so im gonna take care of him as long as i can. I cant just leave him all alone.
It's a wild animal. He has a better chance and ability to survive on his own than you do.

You might as well keep/take all of her possessions that have any use to you or value to resell. Talk to the apartment manager and explain the situation, they might just let you pay the rent on her behalf, which leads to the next, get off NT and get a job. How you living with your girl and not providing anything?
If he is,what a bum

Ask the owner if you can pay for her,I'm pretty sure they're going to want their money.
If you don't want to get a job or can't find one start selling some of her stuff. She won't be needing it in jail.

Wow if he was working and she wasnt it be cool and status qou, but the shoe on the other foot he is a bum.
.... Yea i would deff get my ebay,craigslist,pawn shop,we buy gold and silver on. I mean you should pay the rent if you aint got a place to stay, if not just move somewhere else and start fresh with a lil change in your pocket.

As far as what he is providing dude provided the vitamin d, his time, and companionship.
How about no.
Get off your high horse,
if anyone lives with somebody
I expect them to contribute to the
household in some way. A bum is a bum
regardless. If one person has a job
and the other doesn't either they have a great
excuse,or they are doing SOMETHING.
(and not that time and companionship bs)

But this thread isn't about me,or you trying to tell
me what I think. It's about the OP's situation.

What if they laid off or as crazy as it may sound we are in a recession and jobs are scarce. You saying you would be like ok we in a commited relationship but the second you aint getting know doe its +!* to grass. But in his situation i agree seeing this aint even a real relationship, just a guy who fell for mass with a jump off and they playing house/shacking up. Dude said he is working, but even if he wasnt it would be her a fault for allowing someone who aint working and plan on not working move in your place, knowing they had no means or intentions of paying.
Originally Posted by newmoanyuh

Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by newmoanyuh

Originally Posted by DatZNasty

Originally Posted by IheartDrums

Originally Posted by Put em up

Your girls in jail?

But yet your posting and asking NT what to do?

Where are your parents or friends, not the internet.
I dont have parents. What would my parents have to do with this anyway? Her dog is here at the house so im gonna take care of him as long as i can. I cant just leave him all alone.
It's a wild animal. He has a better chance and ability to survive on his own than you do.

You might as well keep/take all of her possessions that have any use to you or value to resell. Talk to the apartment manager and explain the situation, they might just let you pay the rent on her behalf, which leads to the next, get off NT and get a job. How you living with your girl and not providing anything?
If he is,what a bum

Ask the owner if you can pay for her,I'm pretty sure they're going to want their money.
If you don't want to get a job or can't find one start selling some of her stuff. She won't be needing it in jail.

Wow if he was working and she wasnt it be cool and status qou, but the shoe on the other foot he is a bum.
.... Yea i would deff get my ebay,craigslist,pawn shop,we buy gold and silver on. I mean you should pay the rent if you aint got a place to stay, if not just move somewhere else and start fresh with a lil change in your pocket.

As far as what he is providing dude provided the vitamin d, his time, and companionship.
How about no.
Get off your high horse,
if anyone lives with somebody
I expect them to contribute to the
household in some way. A bum is a bum
regardless. If one person has a job
and the other doesn't either they have a great
excuse,or they are doing SOMETHING.
(and not that time and companionship bs)

But this thread isn't about me,or you trying to tell
me what I think. It's about the OP's situation.

What if they laid off or as crazy as it may sound we are in a recession and jobs are scarce. You saying you would be like ok we in a commited relationship but the second you aint getting know doe its +!* to grass. But in his situation i agree seeing this aint even a real relationship, just a guy who fell for mass with a jump off and they playing house/shacking up. Dude said he is working, but even if he wasnt it would be her a fault for allowing someone who aint working and plan on not working move in your place, knowing they had no means or intentions of paying.
You're acting like she's been exiled to Malta and there's no way possible to talk to her to figure it out. It's not very hard to call the jail and she if/when he can visit and talk to her about getting her car out of the impound and see what she wants to do about the apartment. That could also be a good time to let her know that you're leaving.

If the car is her responsibility, leave it impounded for the three months that she's in jail. Let her accrue the daily storage fees and such. If it's her responsibility, why should you have to go through the trouble of selling her stuff and going down to impound and spending two hours getting her car out?

Y'all keep saying that this girl is crazy, so why would you go into her apartment (when your name isn't on the lease) and sell her stuff? That's just asking for her to go crazy when she gets out and hit you with some burglary charges.

I also find it pretty funny that you're now preaching "accountability and being responsible," yet a few pages ago you were endorsing taking her stuff, selling it, then leaving her
You're acting like she's been exiled to Malta and there's no way possible to talk to her to figure it out. It's not very hard to call the jail and she if/when he can visit and talk to her about getting her car out of the impound and see what she wants to do about the apartment. That could also be a good time to let her know that you're leaving.

If the car is her responsibility, leave it impounded for the three months that she's in jail. Let her accrue the daily storage fees and such. If it's her responsibility, why should you have to go through the trouble of selling her stuff and going down to impound and spending two hours getting her car out?

Y'all keep saying that this girl is crazy, so why would you go into her apartment (when your name isn't on the lease) and sell her stuff? That's just asking for her to go crazy when she gets out and hit you with some burglary charges.

I also find it pretty funny that you're now preaching "accountability and being responsible," yet a few pages ago you were endorsing taking her stuff, selling it, then leaving her
Originally Posted by DatZNasty

Because he wants to use it LDJ, both the car and the apartment. He really has no other option, other than to go out there and get his own car and his own place

I can see rent. but to pay for someone impound fees etc because they racked up tickets, evaded court, and didnt pay fees nah i dont think so. I agree he should pay the notes while she is in jail. And uses his money to gas it up. But she should be responsible for the impound because it was her actions that cause it to be in the impound.

Ok let me ask you this if someone told you to housesit for them and they owed rent,utilities etc you would pay them up current in order to do them a favor by housesitting? Yes he benefits with the usage of the car, but she also benefits from not accuring impound fees, reposession, and potential ruined credit. Seems like considering its her fault and she seems to gain the most out of him getting it out the impound, and legally it was her fault she should have to pay for her mistakes.
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