My girls lease is up on July 31st, she got arrested last night and could spend 2-3 months in jail

Originally Posted by DatZNasty

Because he wants to use it LDJ, both the car and the apartment. He really has no other option, other than to go out there and get his own car and his own place

I can see rent. but to pay for someone impound fees etc because they racked up tickets, evaded court, and didnt pay fees nah i dont think so. I agree he should pay the notes while she is in jail. And uses his money to gas it up. But she should be responsible for the impound because it was her actions that cause it to be in the impound.

Ok let me ask you this if someone told you to housesit for them and they owed rent,utilities etc you would pay them up current in order to do them a favor by housesitting? Yes he benefits with the usage of the car, but she also benefits from not accuring impound fees, reposession, and potential ruined credit. Seems like considering its her fault and she seems to gain the most out of him getting it out the impound, and legally it was her fault she should have to pay for her mistakes.
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

A picture is worth 1000 words....

Double fisting drinks means she probably will double up on the sausage. White girl with loud nails...but they're broken and she's out at the club? She's living beyond her means and can't manage the up keep. She got 5 speeding tickets in 4 months and then forgot about court? She has a rebel attitude and probably shows OP the same lack of respect she shows the law.  She probably cheated on OP several times and it was with a black dude or more tuff looking white guy than OP.  She probably told OP that she had a wild past but she changed.  She drives that Mustang with a sense of self-entitlement to speed because for some reason she thinks she is better than others....WHY? Who knows? She probably has several low-level friends who also have had petty criminal lifting, DUI, public intoxication, domestic violence, etc...For real this I just made all that up but it can't be far from the truth. 
Boy this site is brutally honest, but that is kind of close to the truth.
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

A picture is worth 1000 words....

Double fisting drinks means she probably will double up on the sausage. White girl with loud nails...but they're broken and she's out at the club? She's living beyond her means and can't manage the up keep. She got 5 speeding tickets in 4 months and then forgot about court? She has a rebel attitude and probably shows OP the same lack of respect she shows the law.  She probably cheated on OP several times and it was with a black dude or more tuff looking white guy than OP.  She probably told OP that she had a wild past but she changed.  She drives that Mustang with a sense of self-entitlement to speed because for some reason she thinks she is better than others....WHY? Who knows? She probably has several low-level friends who also have had petty criminal lifting, DUI, public intoxication, domestic violence, etc...For real this I just made all that up but it can't be far from the truth. 
Boy this site is brutally honest, but that is kind of close to the truth.
Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

Originally Posted by Nothin4ever

Originally Posted by thekryptonite

Originally Posted by IheartDrums

Yeah, i'd leave her........






[h1]Proofreading[/h1][h3]From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/h3]

All that cutting and pasting and no impact or response in this thread.
Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

Originally Posted by Nothin4ever

Originally Posted by thekryptonite

Originally Posted by IheartDrums

Yeah, i'd leave her........






[h1]Proofreading[/h1][h3]From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/h3]

All that cutting and pasting and no impact or response in this thread.
Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by newmoanyuh

How about no.
Get off your high horse,
if anyone lives with somebody
I expect them to contribute to the
household in some way. A bum is a bum
regardless. If one person has a job
and the other doesn't either they have a great
excuse,or they are doing SOMETHING.
(and not that time and companionship bs)

But this thread isn't about me,or you trying to tell
me what I think. It's about the OP's situation.

What if they laid off or as crazy as it may sound we are in a recession and jobs are scarce. You saying you would be like ok we in a commited relationship but the second you aint getting know doe its +!* to grass. But in his situation i agree seeing this aint even a real relationship, just a guy who fell for mass with a jump off and they playing house/shacking up. Dude said he is working, but even if he wasnt it would be her a fault for allowing someone who aint working and plan on not working move in your place, knowing they had no means or intentions of paying.
There are exceptions of course but contributing to the household doesn't only mean bringing in money.

If someone is working full time paying bills and the other isn't, the least the other person could do is
maybe clean after themselves ? or cook some food and share? Or they could be going to school and
doing something with their lives? (once again regardless of gender)

They can't be playing cod mwf2 all day doing nothing.
Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by newmoanyuh

How about no.
Get off your high horse,
if anyone lives with somebody
I expect them to contribute to the
household in some way. A bum is a bum
regardless. If one person has a job
and the other doesn't either they have a great
excuse,or they are doing SOMETHING.
(and not that time and companionship bs)

But this thread isn't about me,or you trying to tell
me what I think. It's about the OP's situation.

What if they laid off or as crazy as it may sound we are in a recession and jobs are scarce. You saying you would be like ok we in a commited relationship but the second you aint getting know doe its +!* to grass. But in his situation i agree seeing this aint even a real relationship, just a guy who fell for mass with a jump off and they playing house/shacking up. Dude said he is working, but even if he wasnt it would be her a fault for allowing someone who aint working and plan on not working move in your place, knowing they had no means or intentions of paying.
There are exceptions of course but contributing to the household doesn't only mean bringing in money.

If someone is working full time paying bills and the other isn't, the least the other person could do is
maybe clean after themselves ? or cook some food and share? Or they could be going to school and
doing something with their lives? (once again regardless of gender)

They can't be playing cod mwf2 all day doing nothing.
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

A picture is worth 1000 words....

Double fisting drinks means she probably will double up on the sausage. White girl with loud nails...but they're broken and she's out at the club? She's living beyond her means and can't manage the up keep. She got 5 speeding tickets in 4 months and then forgot about court? She has a rebel attitude and probably shows OP the same lack of respect she shows the law.  She probably cheated on OP several times and it was with a black dude or more tuff looking white guy than OP.  She probably told OP that she had a wild past but she changed.  She drives that Mustang with a sense of self-entitlement to speed because for some reason she thinks she is better than others....WHY? Who knows? She probably has several low-level friends who also have had petty criminal lifting, DUI, public intoxication, domestic violence, etc...For real this I just made all that up but it can't be far from the truth. 
going innnnnnn
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

A picture is worth 1000 words....

Double fisting drinks means she probably will double up on the sausage. White girl with loud nails...but they're broken and she's out at the club? She's living beyond her means and can't manage the up keep. She got 5 speeding tickets in 4 months and then forgot about court? She has a rebel attitude and probably shows OP the same lack of respect she shows the law.  She probably cheated on OP several times and it was with a black dude or more tuff looking white guy than OP.  She probably told OP that she had a wild past but she changed.  She drives that Mustang with a sense of self-entitlement to speed because for some reason she thinks she is better than others....WHY? Who knows? She probably has several low-level friends who also have had petty criminal lifting, DUI, public intoxication, domestic violence, etc...For real this I just made all that up but it can't be far from the truth. 
going innnnnnn
Originally Posted by tmay407

You're acting like she's been exiled to Malta and there's no way possible to talk to her to figure it out. It's not very hard to call the jail and she if/when he can visit and talk to her about getting her car out of the impound and see what she wants to do about the apartment. That could also be a good time to let her know that you're leaving.

If the car is her responsibility, leave it impounded for the three months that she's in jail. Let her accrue the daily storage fees and such. If it's her responsibility, why should you have to go through the trouble of selling her stuff and going down to impound and spending two hours getting her car out?

Y'all keep saying that this girl is crazy, so why would you go into her apartment (when your name isn't on the lease) and sell her stuff? That's just asking for her to go crazy when she gets out and hit you with some burglary charges.

I also find it pretty funny that you're now preaching "accountability and being responsible," yet a few pages ago you were endorsing taking her stuff, selling it, then leaving her

Well it is her responsibility from a legal standpoint so regardless of what we may feel the law is the law. If she wants her car out which any person with common sense would do, why should he shell out his money? It was her doing that got it there. If she aint got the doe. Which i doubt she does, what else to pay for it but to sell her stuff. He is in a sense doing her a favor.

How you gonna expect someone to do you a favor and then on top of that come out they pockets to do so? Id go to her in jail say look imma have to get up some money to get your $!% out. Get her to agree to it, also get her to sublet lease. Save up and when she is out the joint tell her things aint gonna work and bounce and move on.
Originally Posted by tmay407

You're acting like she's been exiled to Malta and there's no way possible to talk to her to figure it out. It's not very hard to call the jail and she if/when he can visit and talk to her about getting her car out of the impound and see what she wants to do about the apartment. That could also be a good time to let her know that you're leaving.

If the car is her responsibility, leave it impounded for the three months that she's in jail. Let her accrue the daily storage fees and such. If it's her responsibility, why should you have to go through the trouble of selling her stuff and going down to impound and spending two hours getting her car out?

Y'all keep saying that this girl is crazy, so why would you go into her apartment (when your name isn't on the lease) and sell her stuff? That's just asking for her to go crazy when she gets out and hit you with some burglary charges.

I also find it pretty funny that you're now preaching "accountability and being responsible," yet a few pages ago you were endorsing taking her stuff, selling it, then leaving her

Well it is her responsibility from a legal standpoint so regardless of what we may feel the law is the law. If she wants her car out which any person with common sense would do, why should he shell out his money? It was her doing that got it there. If she aint got the doe. Which i doubt she does, what else to pay for it but to sell her stuff. He is in a sense doing her a favor.

How you gonna expect someone to do you a favor and then on top of that come out they pockets to do so? Id go to her in jail say look imma have to get up some money to get your $!% out. Get her to agree to it, also get her to sublet lease. Save up and when she is out the joint tell her things aint gonna work and bounce and move on.
Originally Posted by LDJ

How you gonna expect someone to do you a favor and then on top of that come out they pockets to do so? Id go to her in jail say look imma have to get up some money to get your $!% out. Get her to agree to it, also get her to sublet lease. Save up and when she is out the joint tell her things aint gonna work and bounce and move on.
That's completely different from that dumb %#$$ you were talking about earlier. You're basically restating what I just said in a little bit different of a way, when earlier you were talking about going to Ebay, pawn shops, We Buy Gold and Silver, etc., and leaving town with some extra change in your pocket.

Her agreeing to you selling some of her stuff is completely different than what I had an issue with, which is what you referred to as "vacant house status."
Originally Posted by LDJ

How you gonna expect someone to do you a favor and then on top of that come out they pockets to do so? Id go to her in jail say look imma have to get up some money to get your $!% out. Get her to agree to it, also get her to sublet lease. Save up and when she is out the joint tell her things aint gonna work and bounce and move on.
That's completely different from that dumb %#$$ you were talking about earlier. You're basically restating what I just said in a little bit different of a way, when earlier you were talking about going to Ebay, pawn shops, We Buy Gold and Silver, etc., and leaving town with some extra change in your pocket.

Her agreeing to you selling some of her stuff is completely different than what I had an issue with, which is what you referred to as "vacant house status."
Originally Posted by tmay407

Originally Posted by LDJ

How you gonna expect someone to do you a favor and then on top of that come out they pockets to do so? Id go to her in jail say look imma have to get up some money to get your $!% out. Get her to agree to it, also get her to sublet lease. Save up and when she is out the joint tell her things aint gonna work and bounce and move on.
That's completely different from that dumb %#$$ you were talking about earlier. You're basically restating what I just said in a little bit different of a way, when earlier you were talking about going to Ebay, pawn shops, We Buy Gold and Silver, etc., and leaving town with some extra change in your pocket.

Her agreeing to you selling some of her stuff is completely different than what I had an issue with, which is what you referred to as "vacant house status."

He might as well get a lil something something for his trouble. Again he is doing her a favor. And they relationship isnt a relationship at all. So if he is leaving her why be committed for 3 months and not date smash chics. Its pretty much established he just playing house with a j/o, so why not hook up with some more and this time not have a make believe relationship? He doesnt have a place of his own so where is he gonna go to a hotel waste money when theres a perfectly vacant apt he could use? As far as ebay etc well we dont know what she has to sell. And those are just outlets means of selling her stuff.
Originally Posted by tmay407

Originally Posted by LDJ

How you gonna expect someone to do you a favor and then on top of that come out they pockets to do so? Id go to her in jail say look imma have to get up some money to get your $!% out. Get her to agree to it, also get her to sublet lease. Save up and when she is out the joint tell her things aint gonna work and bounce and move on.
That's completely different from that dumb %#$$ you were talking about earlier. You're basically restating what I just said in a little bit different of a way, when earlier you were talking about going to Ebay, pawn shops, We Buy Gold and Silver, etc., and leaving town with some extra change in your pocket.

Her agreeing to you selling some of her stuff is completely different than what I had an issue with, which is what you referred to as "vacant house status."

He might as well get a lil something something for his trouble. Again he is doing her a favor. And they relationship isnt a relationship at all. So if he is leaving her why be committed for 3 months and not date smash chics. Its pretty much established he just playing house with a j/o, so why not hook up with some more and this time not have a make believe relationship? He doesnt have a place of his own so where is he gonna go to a hotel waste money when theres a perfectly vacant apt he could use? As far as ebay etc well we dont know what she has to sell. And those are just outlets means of selling her stuff.
Originally Posted by H TOWN HUSTLER

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

A picture is worth 1000 words....

Double fisting drinks means she probably will double up on the sausage. White girl with loud nails...but they're broken and she's out at the club? She's living beyond her means and can't manage the up keep. She got 5 speeding tickets in 4 months and then forgot about court? She has a rebel attitude and probably shows OP the same lack of respect she shows the law.  She probably cheated on OP several times and it was with a black dude or more tuff looking white guy than OP.  She probably told OP that she had a wild past but she changed.  She drives that Mustang with a sense of self-entitlement to speed because for some reason she thinks she is better than others....WHY? Who knows? She probably has several low-level friends who also have had petty criminal lifting, DUI, public intoxication, domestic violence, etc...For real this I just made all that up but it can't be far from the truth. 
Boy this site is brutally honest, but that is kind of close to the truth.
Originally Posted by H TOWN HUSTLER

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

A picture is worth 1000 words....

Double fisting drinks means she probably will double up on the sausage. White girl with loud nails...but they're broken and she's out at the club? She's living beyond her means and can't manage the up keep. She got 5 speeding tickets in 4 months and then forgot about court? She has a rebel attitude and probably shows OP the same lack of respect she shows the law.  She probably cheated on OP several times and it was with a black dude or more tuff looking white guy than OP.  She probably told OP that she had a wild past but she changed.  She drives that Mustang with a sense of self-entitlement to speed because for some reason she thinks she is better than others....WHY? Who knows? She probably has several low-level friends who also have had petty criminal lifting, DUI, public intoxication, domestic violence, etc...For real this I just made all that up but it can't be far from the truth. 
Boy this site is brutally honest, but that is kind of close to the truth.
if youre not on the lease, the only thing you can do to handle her affairs is getting her to make a "power of attorney" giving you permission to do so and have it signed/stamped by whatever council they have in the prison/detention center where shes at...
if youre not on the lease, the only thing you can do to handle her affairs is getting her to make a "power of attorney" giving you permission to do so and have it signed/stamped by whatever council they have in the prison/detention center where shes at...
Originally Posted by LDJ

He might as well get a lil something something for his trouble. Again he is doing her a favor. And they relationship isnt a relationship at all. So if he is leaving her why be committed for 3 months and not date smash chics. Its pretty much established he just playing house with a j/o, so why not hook up with some more and this time not have a make believe relationship? He doesnt have a place of his own so where is he gonna go to a hotel waste money when theres a perfectly vacant apt he could use? As far as ebay etc well we dont know what she has to sell. And those are just outlets means of selling her stuff.
If he's leaving her, why wait for 3 months until she gets out of jail to do so? Why smash random girls while you're still attached to the girl in jail? There's a simple alternative. Leave the girl that's in jail right now, and smash random girls while having no attachment to the girl that's in jail. If you want to use her apartment to do so until July 31st, cool. But don't go telling the girl in jail that you need rent money because you wanted to stay and smash random girls in her apartment while she was in jail...

Certainly he has friends he can stay with. If not, he has a job...he can get his own place. Or there's always outlets like Craigslist to find roommates. Having to get a hotel is pretty extreme. You're not being rational.

And why does he have to sell her stuff? What happened to your "being accountable and being responsible" routine that you were spewing earlier? Is that out the window again? What happened to morals and ethics? It's pretty easy to see that some of y'all weren't raised right.

If he's gonna leave her and spends any of his money helping her on the way out, there's always small claims court. You don't have to resort to those childish tactics of stealing her stuff and selling it.
Originally Posted by LDJ

He might as well get a lil something something for his trouble. Again he is doing her a favor. And they relationship isnt a relationship at all. So if he is leaving her why be committed for 3 months and not date smash chics. Its pretty much established he just playing house with a j/o, so why not hook up with some more and this time not have a make believe relationship? He doesnt have a place of his own so where is he gonna go to a hotel waste money when theres a perfectly vacant apt he could use? As far as ebay etc well we dont know what she has to sell. And those are just outlets means of selling her stuff.
If he's leaving her, why wait for 3 months until she gets out of jail to do so? Why smash random girls while you're still attached to the girl in jail? There's a simple alternative. Leave the girl that's in jail right now, and smash random girls while having no attachment to the girl that's in jail. If you want to use her apartment to do so until July 31st, cool. But don't go telling the girl in jail that you need rent money because you wanted to stay and smash random girls in her apartment while she was in jail...

Certainly he has friends he can stay with. If not, he has a job...he can get his own place. Or there's always outlets like Craigslist to find roommates. Having to get a hotel is pretty extreme. You're not being rational.

And why does he have to sell her stuff? What happened to your "being accountable and being responsible" routine that you were spewing earlier? Is that out the window again? What happened to morals and ethics? It's pretty easy to see that some of y'all weren't raised right.

If he's gonna leave her and spends any of his money helping her on the way out, there's always small claims court. You don't have to resort to those childish tactics of stealing her stuff and selling it.
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