My girls lease is up on July 31st, she got arrested last night and could spend 2-3 months in jail

Originally Posted by tmay407

Originally Posted by LDJ

He might as well get a lil something something for his trouble. Again he is doing her a favor. And they relationship isnt a relationship at all. So if he is leaving her why be committed for 3 months and not date smash chics. Its pretty much established he just playing house with a j/o, so why not hook up with some more and this time not have a make believe relationship? He doesnt have a place of his own so where is he gonna go to a hotel waste money when theres a perfectly vacant apt he could use? As far as ebay etc well we dont know what she has to sell. And those are just outlets means of selling her stuff.
If he's leaving her, why wait for 3 months until she gets out of jail to do so? Why smash random girls while you're still attached to the girl in jail? There's a simple alternative. Leave the girl that's in jail right now, and smash random girls while having no attachment to the girl that's in jail. If you want to use her apartment to do so until July 31st, cool. But don't go telling the girl in jail that you need rent money because you wanted to stay and smash random girls in her apartment while she was in jail...

Certainly he has friends he can stay with. If not, he has a job...he can get his own place. Or there's always outlets like Craigslist to find roommates. Having to get a hotel is pretty extreme. You're not being rational.

And why does he have to sell her stuff? What happened to your "being accountable and being responsible" routine that you were spewing earlier? Is that out the window again? What happened to morals and ethics? It's pretty easy to see that some of y'all weren't raised right.

If he's gonna leave her and spends any of his money helping her on the way out, there's always small claims court. You don't have to resort to those childish tactics of stealing her stuff and selling it.

If he's leaving her, why wait for 3 months until she gets out of jail to do so? Why smash random girls while you're still attached to the girl in jail?

Thats what i said, i also said it isnt even a relationship its just a dude shacking up with a j/o.

But don't go telling the girl in jail that you need rent money because you wanted to stay and smash random girls in her apartment while she was in jail...

When did i say that, i said he should get permission or a sublet for him to be authorized to stay. He stated he has no family etc no other place to stay so... I also said in those three months he should stack up and save so he can be able to move on and out by himself. As far as the craigslist thing him being/living with a stranger someone he hardly knows is the same position he is in now. So why jumpout the frying pan into the skillet.

And why does he have to sell her stuff? What happened to your "being accountable and being responsible" routine that you were spewing earlier?

He has no car, she wants her car out of impound and not collect fees repo etc. So in a sense he is doing her a favor by getting it out. And in return he is allowed to drive it/use it. That is a pretty fair exchange. Dude said he aint got alot of money so how you just expect him out the blue get a new apt, things associated with a new place and a car when he is broke?

And again i stand by he shouldnt pay her repo charge or jail fees etc. She should pay for it. I say he should pay if he decides to stay (and thats only half,cause legally thats all he would be responsible for). Jail or being on vacation isnt an excuse for not owing rent. And pay for the usage of her car until he gets on his feet and gets his own.

You don't have to resort to those childish tactics of stealing her stuff and selling it.

Thats why i said go to the jail and say look you aint got the money for the impound your rent watever, and i aint/cant afford to pull your weight so um unless u can come up with you half etc im going to sell/pawn whatever your itsh.

Again you saying he pays then sues her in court, hello the dude said he aint really got no money. How is he gonna pay for/spend what he doesnt have?
Originally Posted by tmay407

Originally Posted by LDJ

He might as well get a lil something something for his trouble. Again he is doing her a favor. And they relationship isnt a relationship at all. So if he is leaving her why be committed for 3 months and not date smash chics. Its pretty much established he just playing house with a j/o, so why not hook up with some more and this time not have a make believe relationship? He doesnt have a place of his own so where is he gonna go to a hotel waste money when theres a perfectly vacant apt he could use? As far as ebay etc well we dont know what she has to sell. And those are just outlets means of selling her stuff.
If he's leaving her, why wait for 3 months until she gets out of jail to do so? Why smash random girls while you're still attached to the girl in jail? There's a simple alternative. Leave the girl that's in jail right now, and smash random girls while having no attachment to the girl that's in jail. If you want to use her apartment to do so until July 31st, cool. But don't go telling the girl in jail that you need rent money because you wanted to stay and smash random girls in her apartment while she was in jail...

Certainly he has friends he can stay with. If not, he has a job...he can get his own place. Or there's always outlets like Craigslist to find roommates. Having to get a hotel is pretty extreme. You're not being rational.

And why does he have to sell her stuff? What happened to your "being accountable and being responsible" routine that you were spewing earlier? Is that out the window again? What happened to morals and ethics? It's pretty easy to see that some of y'all weren't raised right.

If he's gonna leave her and spends any of his money helping her on the way out, there's always small claims court. You don't have to resort to those childish tactics of stealing her stuff and selling it.

If he's leaving her, why wait for 3 months until she gets out of jail to do so? Why smash random girls while you're still attached to the girl in jail?

Thats what i said, i also said it isnt even a relationship its just a dude shacking up with a j/o.

But don't go telling the girl in jail that you need rent money because you wanted to stay and smash random girls in her apartment while she was in jail...

When did i say that, i said he should get permission or a sublet for him to be authorized to stay. He stated he has no family etc no other place to stay so... I also said in those three months he should stack up and save so he can be able to move on and out by himself. As far as the craigslist thing him being/living with a stranger someone he hardly knows is the same position he is in now. So why jumpout the frying pan into the skillet.

And why does he have to sell her stuff? What happened to your "being accountable and being responsible" routine that you were spewing earlier?

He has no car, she wants her car out of impound and not collect fees repo etc. So in a sense he is doing her a favor by getting it out. And in return he is allowed to drive it/use it. That is a pretty fair exchange. Dude said he aint got alot of money so how you just expect him out the blue get a new apt, things associated with a new place and a car when he is broke?

And again i stand by he shouldnt pay her repo charge or jail fees etc. She should pay for it. I say he should pay if he decides to stay (and thats only half,cause legally thats all he would be responsible for). Jail or being on vacation isnt an excuse for not owing rent. And pay for the usage of her car until he gets on his feet and gets his own.

You don't have to resort to those childish tactics of stealing her stuff and selling it.

Thats why i said go to the jail and say look you aint got the money for the impound your rent watever, and i aint/cant afford to pull your weight so um unless u can come up with you half etc im going to sell/pawn whatever your itsh.

Again you saying he pays then sues her in court, hello the dude said he aint really got no money. How is he gonna pay for/spend what he doesnt have?
Originally Posted by LDJ

He stated he has no family etc no other place to stay so... I also said in those three months he should stack up and save so he can be able to move on and out by himself. As far as the craigslist thing him being/living with a stranger someone he hardly knows is the same position he is in now. So why jumpout the frying pan into the skillet.

He has no car, she wants her car out of impound and not collect fees repo etc. So in a sense he is doing her a favor by getting it out. And in return he is allowed to drive it/use it. That is a pretty fair exchange. Dude said he aint got alot of money so how you just expect him out the blue get a new apt, things associated with a new place and a car when he is broke?

And again i stand by he shouldnt pay her repo charge or jail fees etc. She should pay for it. I say he should pay if he decides to stay (and thats only half,cause legally thats all he would be responsible for). Jail or being on vacation isnt an excuse for not owing rent. And pay for the usage of her car until he gets on his feet and gets his own.

Thats why i said go to the jail and say look you aint got the money for the impound your rent watever, and i aint/cant afford to pull your weight so um unless u can come up with you half etc im going to sell/pawn whatever your itsh.

Again you saying he pays then sues her in court, hello the dude said he aint really got no money. How is he gonna pay for/spend what he doesnt have?
You do realize that July 31st is in less than a month, right? So how is he gonna stay in this apartment for three months when the lease is finished in one month? At some point he's gonna have to get out on his own and quit living off of this chick if he plans on leaving her. Might as well do it as soon as possible instead of being associated with her for any longer than is necessary.

Legally, he's not responsible to pay for any of the rent. He's not on the lease. So again, he might as well separate himself from the situation as soon as it's feasible possible.

And you're singing a much, much different tune than you were earlier with the whole consent thing. Earlier you were saying to hit her with the "straight vacant house status," and now you're saying to go down to the jail and get her permission to sell stuff (which is what I've been saying to do the whole time). Which one do you want?

And Small Claims Court was designed for people to be able to file suits without the assistance of an attorney. You can make claims of up to $5,000, including court costs and fees. So he could realistically get all of his money back, including court fees, so long as he can prove his case and show that he was acting in her best interests.
Originally Posted by LDJ

He stated he has no family etc no other place to stay so... I also said in those three months he should stack up and save so he can be able to move on and out by himself. As far as the craigslist thing him being/living with a stranger someone he hardly knows is the same position he is in now. So why jumpout the frying pan into the skillet.

He has no car, she wants her car out of impound and not collect fees repo etc. So in a sense he is doing her a favor by getting it out. And in return he is allowed to drive it/use it. That is a pretty fair exchange. Dude said he aint got alot of money so how you just expect him out the blue get a new apt, things associated with a new place and a car when he is broke?

And again i stand by he shouldnt pay her repo charge or jail fees etc. She should pay for it. I say he should pay if he decides to stay (and thats only half,cause legally thats all he would be responsible for). Jail or being on vacation isnt an excuse for not owing rent. And pay for the usage of her car until he gets on his feet and gets his own.

Thats why i said go to the jail and say look you aint got the money for the impound your rent watever, and i aint/cant afford to pull your weight so um unless u can come up with you half etc im going to sell/pawn whatever your itsh.

Again you saying he pays then sues her in court, hello the dude said he aint really got no money. How is he gonna pay for/spend what he doesnt have?
You do realize that July 31st is in less than a month, right? So how is he gonna stay in this apartment for three months when the lease is finished in one month? At some point he's gonna have to get out on his own and quit living off of this chick if he plans on leaving her. Might as well do it as soon as possible instead of being associated with her for any longer than is necessary.

Legally, he's not responsible to pay for any of the rent. He's not on the lease. So again, he might as well separate himself from the situation as soon as it's feasible possible.

And you're singing a much, much different tune than you were earlier with the whole consent thing. Earlier you were saying to hit her with the "straight vacant house status," and now you're saying to go down to the jail and get her permission to sell stuff (which is what I've been saying to do the whole time). Which one do you want?

And Small Claims Court was designed for people to be able to file suits without the assistance of an attorney. You can make claims of up to $5,000, including court costs and fees. So he could realistically get all of his money back, including court fees, so long as he can prove his case and show that he was acting in her best interests.
Originally Posted by tmay407

Originally Posted by LDJ

He stated he has no family etc no other place to stay so... I also said in those three months he should stack up and save so he can be able to move on and out by himself. As far as the craigslist thing him being/living with a stranger someone he hardly knows is the same position he is in now. So why jumpout the frying pan into the skillet.

He has no car, she wants her car out of impound and not collect fees repo etc. So in a sense he is doing her a favor by getting it out. And in return he is allowed to drive it/use it. That is a pretty fair exchange. Dude said he aint got alot of money so how you just expect him out the blue get a new apt, things associated with a new place and a car when he is broke?

And again i stand by he shouldnt pay her repo charge or jail fees etc. She should pay for it. I say he should pay if he decides to stay (and thats only half,cause legally thats all he would be responsible for). Jail or being on vacation isnt an excuse for not owing rent. And pay for the usage of her car until he gets on his feet and gets his own.

Thats why i said go to the jail and say look you aint got the money for the impound your rent watever, and i aint/cant afford to pull your weight so um unless u can come up with you half etc im going to sell/pawn whatever your itsh.

Again you saying he pays then sues her in court, hello the dude said he aint really got no money. How is he gonna pay for/spend what he doesnt have?
You do realize that July 31st is in less than a month, right? So how is he gonna stay in this apartment for three months when the lease is finished in one month? At some point he's gonna have to get out on his own and quit living off of this chick if he plans on leaving her. Might as well do it as soon as possible instead of being associated with her for any longer than is necessary.

Legally, he's not responsible to pay for any of the rent. He's not on the lease. So again, he might as well separate himself from the situation as soon as it's feasible possible.

And you're singing a much, much different tune than you were earlier with the whole consent thing. Earlier you were saying to hit her with the "straight vacant house status," and now you're saying to go down to the jail and get her permission to sell stuff (which is what I've been saying to do the whole time). Which one do you want?

And Small Claims Court was designed for people to be able to file suits without the assistance of an attorney. You can make claims of up to $5,000, including court costs and fees. So he could realistically get all of his money back, including court fees, so long as he can prove his case and show that he was acting in her best interests.

Dude said he has no money, and it is apparent she doesnt either since she went to jail because she couldnt pay the tickets the fees etc. So how do you propose he pays for getting her car out of impound, move to a new place etc...? Yes i know small claims court is free but even with that said how is he gonna sue someone for payment when he has no money for any payments? And i didnt know if the apt was a month to month etc 1yr lease etc.

Ok even if he has just a month that still gives him time to stack some money up and put him in a better position then just up and leaving now broke with no car. It will hurt him more if he pays out of his pocket for the impound etc, so if you already broke it wouldnt be feasible to spend more money, money you dont have to pay for someone else mistake esp when you bout to leave them. And plus im sure he needs the car to get to work, get to etc. And the cost to gas up a old mustang is gotta be cheaper then it is to get it out of impound.

Lets suppose he did have the money, he needs his money now to move. You do realize they aint gonna let her out of jail early just to go to small claims court and he would have to wait 3 months until she is out of jail? And with her broke and not working aint like he is going to get his money right away. More then likely missing 3 months of work she is gonna get fired. So then he would have to wait until she gets a job and get money to pay him which who knows how long that will take.

Basically he is strapped for cash, got access to stuff worth money, he needs money. Simple math. Sell the stuff. He needs a ride she will let him use her ride, get the car out of impound.

I dont see how he is living off the chick if he was paying to stay there. So if your parents get an apt in their name and you paying to stay there then your living off your parents? I dont get that logic. My old has insurance and car under my name but she pays. I dont feel she is living off of me cause she is paying the bill. I guess we just view that diff.
Originally Posted by tmay407

Originally Posted by LDJ

He stated he has no family etc no other place to stay so... I also said in those three months he should stack up and save so he can be able to move on and out by himself. As far as the craigslist thing him being/living with a stranger someone he hardly knows is the same position he is in now. So why jumpout the frying pan into the skillet.

He has no car, she wants her car out of impound and not collect fees repo etc. So in a sense he is doing her a favor by getting it out. And in return he is allowed to drive it/use it. That is a pretty fair exchange. Dude said he aint got alot of money so how you just expect him out the blue get a new apt, things associated with a new place and a car when he is broke?

And again i stand by he shouldnt pay her repo charge or jail fees etc. She should pay for it. I say he should pay if he decides to stay (and thats only half,cause legally thats all he would be responsible for). Jail or being on vacation isnt an excuse for not owing rent. And pay for the usage of her car until he gets on his feet and gets his own.

Thats why i said go to the jail and say look you aint got the money for the impound your rent watever, and i aint/cant afford to pull your weight so um unless u can come up with you half etc im going to sell/pawn whatever your itsh.

Again you saying he pays then sues her in court, hello the dude said he aint really got no money. How is he gonna pay for/spend what he doesnt have?
You do realize that July 31st is in less than a month, right? So how is he gonna stay in this apartment for three months when the lease is finished in one month? At some point he's gonna have to get out on his own and quit living off of this chick if he plans on leaving her. Might as well do it as soon as possible instead of being associated with her for any longer than is necessary.

Legally, he's not responsible to pay for any of the rent. He's not on the lease. So again, he might as well separate himself from the situation as soon as it's feasible possible.

And you're singing a much, much different tune than you were earlier with the whole consent thing. Earlier you were saying to hit her with the "straight vacant house status," and now you're saying to go down to the jail and get her permission to sell stuff (which is what I've been saying to do the whole time). Which one do you want?

And Small Claims Court was designed for people to be able to file suits without the assistance of an attorney. You can make claims of up to $5,000, including court costs and fees. So he could realistically get all of his money back, including court fees, so long as he can prove his case and show that he was acting in her best interests.

Dude said he has no money, and it is apparent she doesnt either since she went to jail because she couldnt pay the tickets the fees etc. So how do you propose he pays for getting her car out of impound, move to a new place etc...? Yes i know small claims court is free but even with that said how is he gonna sue someone for payment when he has no money for any payments? And i didnt know if the apt was a month to month etc 1yr lease etc.

Ok even if he has just a month that still gives him time to stack some money up and put him in a better position then just up and leaving now broke with no car. It will hurt him more if he pays out of his pocket for the impound etc, so if you already broke it wouldnt be feasible to spend more money, money you dont have to pay for someone else mistake esp when you bout to leave them. And plus im sure he needs the car to get to work, get to etc. And the cost to gas up a old mustang is gotta be cheaper then it is to get it out of impound.

Lets suppose he did have the money, he needs his money now to move. You do realize they aint gonna let her out of jail early just to go to small claims court and he would have to wait 3 months until she is out of jail? And with her broke and not working aint like he is going to get his money right away. More then likely missing 3 months of work she is gonna get fired. So then he would have to wait until she gets a job and get money to pay him which who knows how long that will take.

Basically he is strapped for cash, got access to stuff worth money, he needs money. Simple math. Sell the stuff. He needs a ride she will let him use her ride, get the car out of impound.

I dont see how he is living off the chick if he was paying to stay there. So if your parents get an apt in their name and you paying to stay there then your living off your parents? I dont get that logic. My old has insurance and car under my name but she pays. I dont feel she is living off of me cause she is paying the bill. I guess we just view that diff.
Originally Posted by tmay407

Originally Posted by LDJ

He stated he has no family etc no other place to stay so... I also said in those three months he should stack up and save so he can be able to move on and out by himself. As far as the craigslist thing him being/living with a stranger someone he hardly knows is the same position he is in now. So why jumpout the frying pan into the skillet.

He has no car, she wants her car out of impound and not collect fees repo etc. So in a sense he is doing her a favor by getting it out. And in return he is allowed to drive it/use it. That is a pretty fair exchange. Dude said he aint got alot of money so how you just expect him out the blue get a new apt, things associated with a new place and a car when he is broke?

And again i stand by he shouldnt pay her repo charge or jail fees etc. She should pay for it. I say he should pay if he decides to stay (and thats only half,cause legally thats all he would be responsible for). Jail or being on vacation isnt an excuse for not owing rent. And pay for the usage of her car until he gets on his feet and gets his own.

Thats why i said go to the jail and say look you aint got the money for the impound your rent watever, and i aint/cant afford to pull your weight so um unless u can come up with you half etc im going to sell/pawn whatever your itsh.

Again you saying he pays then sues her in court, hello the dude said he aint really got no money. How is he gonna pay for/spend what he doesnt have?
You do realize that July 31st is in less than a month, right? So how is he gonna stay in this apartment for three months when the lease is finished in one month? At some point he's gonna have to get out on his own and quit living off of this chick if he plans on leaving her. Might as well do it as soon as possible instead of being associated with her for any longer than is necessary.

Legally, he's not responsible to pay for any of the rent. He's not on the lease. So again, he might as well separate himself from the situation as soon as it's feasible possible.

And you're singing a much, much different tune than you were earlier with the whole consent thing. Earlier you were saying to hit her with the "straight vacant house status," and now you're saying to go down to the jail and get her permission to sell stuff (which is what I've been saying to do the whole time). Which one do you want?

And Small Claims Court was designed for people to be able to file suits without the assistance of an attorney. You can make claims of up to $5,000, including court costs and fees. So he could realistically get all of his money back, including court fees, so long as he can prove his case and show that he was acting in her best interests.

Dude said he has no money, and it is apparent she doesnt either since she went to jail because she couldnt pay the tickets the fees etc. So how do you propose he pays for getting her car out of impound, move to a new place etc...? Yes i know small claims court is free but even with that said how is he gonna sue someone for payment when he has no money for any payments? And i didnt know if the apt was a month to month etc 1yr lease etc.

Ok even if he has just a month that still gives him time to stack some money up and put him in a better position then just up and leaving now broke with no car. It will hurt him more if he pays out of his pocket for the impound etc, so if you already broke it wouldnt be feasible to spend more money, money you dont have to pay for someone else mistake esp when you bout to leave them. And plus im sure he needs the car to get to work, get to etc. And the cost to gas up a old mustang is gotta be cheaper then it is to get it out of impound.

Lets suppose he did have the money, he needs his money now to move. You do realize they aint gonna let her out of jail early just to go to small claims court and he would have to wait 3 months until she is out of jail? And with her broke and not working aint like he is going to get his money right away. More then likely missing 3 months of work she is gonna get fired. So then he would have to wait until she gets a job and get money to pay him which who knows how long that will take.

Basically he is strapped for cash, got access to stuff worth money, he needs money. Simple math. Sell the stuff. He needs a ride she will let him use her ride, get the car out of impound.

I dont see how he is living off the chick if he was paying to stay there. So if your parents get an apt in their name and you paying to stay there then your living off your parents? I dont get that logic. My old has insurance and car under my name but she pays. I dont feel she is living off of me cause she is paying the bill. I guess we just view that diff.
Originally Posted by tmay407

Originally Posted by LDJ

He stated he has no family etc no other place to stay so... I also said in those three months he should stack up and save so he can be able to move on and out by himself. As far as the craigslist thing him being/living with a stranger someone he hardly knows is the same position he is in now. So why jumpout the frying pan into the skillet.

He has no car, she wants her car out of impound and not collect fees repo etc. So in a sense he is doing her a favor by getting it out. And in return he is allowed to drive it/use it. That is a pretty fair exchange. Dude said he aint got alot of money so how you just expect him out the blue get a new apt, things associated with a new place and a car when he is broke?

And again i stand by he shouldnt pay her repo charge or jail fees etc. She should pay for it. I say he should pay if he decides to stay (and thats only half,cause legally thats all he would be responsible for). Jail or being on vacation isnt an excuse for not owing rent. And pay for the usage of her car until he gets on his feet and gets his own.

Thats why i said go to the jail and say look you aint got the money for the impound your rent watever, and i aint/cant afford to pull your weight so um unless u can come up with you half etc im going to sell/pawn whatever your itsh.

Again you saying he pays then sues her in court, hello the dude said he aint really got no money. How is he gonna pay for/spend what he doesnt have?
You do realize that July 31st is in less than a month, right? So how is he gonna stay in this apartment for three months when the lease is finished in one month? At some point he's gonna have to get out on his own and quit living off of this chick if he plans on leaving her. Might as well do it as soon as possible instead of being associated with her for any longer than is necessary.

Legally, he's not responsible to pay for any of the rent. He's not on the lease. So again, he might as well separate himself from the situation as soon as it's feasible possible.

And you're singing a much, much different tune than you were earlier with the whole consent thing. Earlier you were saying to hit her with the "straight vacant house status," and now you're saying to go down to the jail and get her permission to sell stuff (which is what I've been saying to do the whole time). Which one do you want?

And Small Claims Court was designed for people to be able to file suits without the assistance of an attorney. You can make claims of up to $5,000, including court costs and fees. So he could realistically get all of his money back, including court fees, so long as he can prove his case and show that he was acting in her best interests.

Dude said he has no money, and it is apparent she doesnt either since she went to jail because she couldnt pay the tickets the fees etc. So how do you propose he pays for getting her car out of impound, move to a new place etc...? Yes i know small claims court is free but even with that said how is he gonna sue someone for payment when he has no money for any payments? And i didnt know if the apt was a month to month etc 1yr lease etc.

Ok even if he has just a month that still gives him time to stack some money up and put him in a better position then just up and leaving now broke with no car. It will hurt him more if he pays out of his pocket for the impound etc, so if you already broke it wouldnt be feasible to spend more money, money you dont have to pay for someone else mistake esp when you bout to leave them. And plus im sure he needs the car to get to work, get to etc. And the cost to gas up a old mustang is gotta be cheaper then it is to get it out of impound.

Lets suppose he did have the money, he needs his money now to move. You do realize they aint gonna let her out of jail early just to go to small claims court and he would have to wait 3 months until she is out of jail? And with her broke and not working aint like he is going to get his money right away. More then likely missing 3 months of work she is gonna get fired. So then he would have to wait until she gets a job and get money to pay him which who knows how long that will take.

Basically he is strapped for cash, got access to stuff worth money, he needs money. Simple math. Sell the stuff. He needs a ride she will let him use her ride, get the car out of impound.

I dont see how he is living off the chick if he was paying to stay there. So if your parents get an apt in their name and you paying to stay there then your living off your parents? I dont get that logic. My old has insurance and car under my name but she pays. I dont feel she is living off of me cause she is paying the bill. I guess we just view that diff.
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

A picture is worth 1000 words....

Double fisting drinks means she probably will double up on the sausage. White girl with loud nails...but they're broken and she's out at the club? She's living beyond her means and can't manage the up keep. She got 5 speeding tickets in 4 months and then forgot about court? She has a rebel attitude and probably shows OP the same lack of respect she shows the law.  She probably cheated on OP several times and it was with a black dude or more tuff looking white guy than OP.  She probably told OP that she had a wild past but she changed.  She drives that Mustang with a sense of self-entitlement to speed because for some reason she thinks she is better than others....WHY? Who knows? She probably has several low-level friends who also have had petty criminal lifting, DUI, public intoxication, domestic violence, etc...For real this I just made all that up but it can't be far from the truth. 
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

A picture is worth 1000 words....

Double fisting drinks means she probably will double up on the sausage. White girl with loud nails...but they're broken and she's out at the club? She's living beyond her means and can't manage the up keep. She got 5 speeding tickets in 4 months and then forgot about court? She has a rebel attitude and probably shows OP the same lack of respect she shows the law.  She probably cheated on OP several times and it was with a black dude or more tuff looking white guy than OP.  She probably told OP that she had a wild past but she changed.  She drives that Mustang with a sense of self-entitlement to speed because for some reason she thinks she is better than others....WHY? Who knows? She probably has several low-level friends who also have had petty criminal lifting, DUI, public intoxication, domestic violence, etc...For real this I just made all that up but it can't be far from the truth. 
Originally Posted by CincoSeisDos

Originally Posted by 703 Hwy

Now she probably gonna turn gay in the joint so just roll out.


no lie, i was watchin locked up, and this O literally was dykin in like 5 days. B!!! had 2 tattoos or a girl's name she just met. it was wild.
Originally Posted by CincoSeisDos

Originally Posted by 703 Hwy

Now she probably gonna turn gay in the joint so just roll out.


no lie, i was watchin locked up, and this O literally was dykin in like 5 days. B!!! had 2 tattoos or a girl's name she just met. it was wild.
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