My girls lease is up on July 31st, she got arrested last night and could spend 2-3 months in jail

This why I can't @%#$ with irresponsible people. @$%* never ends well
if she cant even remember to pay speeding tickets then she clearly has a lack of responsibility. Why would surround yourself of someone of such low caliber. You can do better, move on
if she cant even remember to pay speeding tickets then she clearly has a lack of responsibility. Why would surround yourself of someone of such low caliber. You can do better, move on
print out the arrest record off the county jail website... go to the leasing office..... say ur family (a brother or something..... if u got a pic of ya together it will be better... also tell'em u been stayin there for less then a month.....they could look if u got stuff inside)......... explain the situation...... tell them theres a living animal in the house.... and u should be in........................


go to the place where shes locked up and tell them ur there to pic up her personal belongings...... she confirm with her....... and u got keys
print out the arrest record off the county jail website... go to the leasing office..... say ur family (a brother or something..... if u got a pic of ya together it will be better... also tell'em u been stayin there for less then a month.....they could look if u got stuff inside)......... explain the situation...... tell them theres a living animal in the house.... and u should be in........................


go to the place where shes locked up and tell them ur there to pic up her personal belongings...... they confirm with her....... and u got keys
print out the arrest record off the county jail website... go to the leasing office..... say ur family (a brother or something..... if u got a pic of ya together it will be better... also tell'em u been stayin there for less then a month.....they could look if u got stuff inside)......... explain the situation...... tell them theres a living animal in the house.... and u should be in........................


go to the place where shes locked up and tell them ur there to pic up her personal belongings...... she confirm with her....... and u got keys
print out the arrest record off the county jail website... go to the leasing office..... say ur family (a brother or something..... if u got a pic of ya together it will be better... also tell'em u been stayin there for less then a month.....they could look if u got stuff inside)......... explain the situation...... tell them theres a living animal in the house.... and u should be in........................


go to the place where shes locked up and tell them ur there to pic up her personal belongings...... they confirm with her....... and u got keys
Those of y'all talking about "sell her stuff and leave" are some shady %@+#*%%!#***@

Personally, I'd leave her...but I'm not selling any of her %%@@ on the way out.
Those of y'all talking about "sell her stuff and leave" are some shady %@+#*%%!#***@

Personally, I'd leave her...but I'm not selling any of her %%@@ on the way out.
Originally Posted by tmay407

Those of y'all talking about "sell her stuff and leave" are some shady %@+#*%%!#***@

Personally, I'd leave her...but I'm not selling any of her %%@@ on the way out.

They shared a car, so why should he be rideless because of her immaturity, lack of responsibilty, and thoughtlessness. He should at least sell the stuff to get the ride out of impound or get himself a ride.
Originally Posted by tmay407

Those of y'all talking about "sell her stuff and leave" are some shady %@+#*%%!#***@

Personally, I'd leave her...but I'm not selling any of her %%@@ on the way out.

They shared a car, so why should he be rideless because of her immaturity, lack of responsibilty, and thoughtlessness. He should at least sell the stuff to get the ride out of impound or get himself a ride.
A picture is worth 1000 words....

Double fisting drinks means she probably will double up on the sausage. White girl with loud nails...but they're broken and she's out at the club? She's living beyond her means and can't manage the up keep. She got 5 speeding tickets in 4 months and then forgot about court? She has a rebel attitude and probably shows OP the same lack of respect she shows the law.  She probably cheated on OP several times and it was with a black dude or more tuff looking white guy than OP.  She probably told OP that she had a wild past but she changed.  She drives that Mustang with a sense of self-entitlement to speed because for some reason she thinks she is better than others....WHY? Who knows? She probably has several low-level friends who also have had petty criminal lifting, DUI, public intoxication, domestic violence, etc...For real this I just made all that up but it can't be far from the truth. 
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