Mitchell Report Press conference at 2; Clemens to be named

Originally Posted by RyGuy45

^ And that lady was Keith Olberman's mom. Im pretty sure of it.

I believe so, if my memory strikes me right.
Well, at least so far the big ones are still safe, Griffey, Pujols, Fielder, Howard, Utley, Ramirez, Reyes. As more and more leaks out, I'm curious to seethe pitchers. With HGH, you know there had to be many more pitchers on this list. Curious if guys like Mulder(all his injuries), Bedard, Rogers, pitchers thatalways go down with these arm and elbow ailments.
Originally Posted by gmoney771981

I was kinda pissed that Minaya let LoDuca go and didn't upgrade. Now I understand. What was Houston thinking taking Tejada the same week the Mitchell report was due to come out? Makes them look kinda stupid now.

Houston knew what they were getting into, and Baltimore knew what it was getting rid of. Sure Houson gave up a lot of players, but there sure wasn'tany big names going back to Balitmore. That trade was for Houston to take a chance at getting a former MVP, who might have something to prove and for theOrioles to clear him and as his salary off the books.
It sucks that Pettitte and some other Yankees got named but before you start saying our championships are tainted you should know the Justice Knoblauch andPettitte all suposedly took they after 2000. Its also reall suspicious that no Red Sox were named. Im sure that if Rudy Giulianni did this investigation andOrtiz Nixon Varitek and Wakefield were in the report and no current Yankees were every one would be sayin its bull. HOw could a Red Sox board memberinvestigate his own team honestly? How come Ortizs personal trainer who is banned from MLB clubhouses because he was caught with large amounts of steroidswasnt investigated?
Originally Posted by JoE TwEnTy1

It sucks that Pettitte and some other Yankees got named but before you start saying our championships are tainted you should know the Justice Knoblauch and Pettitte all suposedly took they after 2000. Its also reall suspicious that no Red Sox were named. Im sure that if Rudy Giulianni did this investigation and Ortiz Nixon Varitek and Wakefield were in the report and no current Yankees were every one would be sayin its bull. HOw could a Red Sox board member investigate his own team honestly? How come Ortizs personal trainer who is banned from MLB clubhouses because he was caught with large amounts of steroids wasnt investigated?

Does anyone know the story on this? Maybe Ortiz's trainer wouldn't talk.
Originally Posted by holdupstop23

Mets = 2000 World Series Champions
Right because only Clemens and Stanton where doing steriods and maybe not Ventura Piazza or Alfonzo right? Just because they werent caught doesntmean they were innocent
How come Ortizs personal trainer who is banned from MLB clubhouses because he was caught with large amounts of steroids wasnt investigated?
I never heard this, that's true?

And Manny never took any. He knows how to do one thing, hit.

Man it's a shame that Clemens Hall Of Fame career just went down the drain, I use to look up to him growing up
Originally Posted by JoE TwEnTy1

Originally Posted by holdupstop23

Mets = 2000 World Series Champions
Right because only Clemens and Stanton where doing steriods and maybe not Ventura Piazza or Alfonzo right? Just because they werent caught doesnt mean they were innocent

You forgot your boy Pettite and Danny Neagle. With Clemens, those 3 won all 4 games.

And the dude that gave away most of these names was a damn Mets clubhouse attendant. If anything, the list should have been full of Mets.
Give BIG HURT the 2000 MVP...he has ALWAYS been vocal against steroids and has done things the right way...

Makes his numbers even more impressive while most everyone else was juicing and he should now definitely be a 1st-ballot HOFer, IMHO.
I wonder why there's so many Yankees/Former Yankees on that list.

Oh wait, doesn't someone work in the Sox front office?

That's got to be all coincidence....right? image

i saw quite a few people with ties to the red sox on that list. and if mitchell interviews a guy that worked for the yankees and another guy that worked in newyork, do you expect anything different? dont worry, there are plenty of other probes going on throughout congress, and more people will be outed (maybe evensome of the red sox that youre obviously thinking should be...). and according to collin cowherd, there are more names from the mitchell report that werentreleased, and are due to release at a later time...?
A team's world series winning pitchers being caught - Priceless.

Nothing like seeing a world series champion have half their entire starting staff possibly on the juice and win multiple world series games for that team.

at Bonds being told advance warning of his tests, what a surprise.

Next agent or lawyer who expects us to take him seriously when he utters "My client never failed a test" should be thrown off a balcony.
Originally Posted by VIIheaven

I was glad to see Vladimir Guerrero not make that list. So I continue to believe is the best all-around player in the league.
I was glad to see he wasnt there too.....but he is NOT the best all around player in the league. Period.
Clemens was real quick on the draw with his lawyers. I'm sure he was tipped off ahead of time that he would be named, but that's suspicious on its ownterms, Doesn't anyone agree? And yes, there absolutely is a conflict of interest that the man administering and leading this investigation also works for amajor league baseball team. How the hell does no one see anything wrong with that? I know some of us do, but the people that set this whole thing up? It'sabsolutely corrupt and meant to give the power right back to the MLB and player's unions and not the people who would like to genuinely see things fixed.It's such a scam. The farcial investigation is a just as much of a scam as the steroid issue itself.
who would have thought 5-6 years ago this fool would be on target..
I did... I definitely bought what Canseco was selling. He knows better than anyone what was going on and this fool had nothing to lose. Surepeople can say hes just trying to make money, but man that guy used way too many 'facts' for me not to believe him.
at this....

In the 1992 season there were 3,038 HRs hit in the entire MLB (2,106 games)

By the 1996 season there were 4,962 HRs hit in the entire MLB (2,267 games)

It topped out in the 2000 season, with 5,693 HRs hit in the entire MLB (2,429 games)

[h1]Peeved Canseco calls Mitchell report 'laughable'[/h1] news services

NEW YORK -- When Jose Canseco tried to get into the Mitchell report news conference Thursday, the man mentioned most often in those 409 pages wasn't welcome.

Major League Baseball officials refused to let him in, saying it was a "media only" event.

The former Oakland Athletics slugger didn't force the issue and was unimpressed with what he heard of the report.

"It's a slap on the hand," he told Fox Business Network. "The report proved nothing. It just proved what we already knew."

Canseco's name appears 105 times in the Mitchell report, more than that of Barry Bonds (103) or Roger Clemens (82). In all, the 409-page report identified 86 names to differing degrees, but Clemens clearly was the symbol.

"I saw the list of players, and there are definitely a lot of players missing," he told Fox Business Network. "I don't know what they accomplished or what they are trying to prove."

Prodded further about players not included, Canseco said this of Alex Rodriguez: "All I can say is the Mitchell Report is incomplete. I could not believe that his name was not in the report."
Canseco is pissed because he wanted a book deal, but they said the Mitchell report was going to name names and they didnt want to pay him for what was going tocome out for free. However, Canseco is still trying to tell people Arod was on the juice, so who knows...

This Mitchell Report is so incomplete. They should have done a thorough investigation before naming players.
Prodded further about players not included, Canseco said this of Alex Rodriguez: "All I can say is the Mitchell Report is incomplete. I could not believe that his name was not in the report."


boy's trying to take everyone down:rofl:
Originally Posted by GORDON GARTRELLE

Clemens was real quick on the draw with his lawyers. I'm sure he was tipped off ahead of time that he would be named, but that's suspicious on its own terms, Doesn't anyone agree? And yes, there absolutely is a conflict of interest that the man administering and leading this investigation also works for a major league baseball team. How the hell does no one see anything wrong with that? I know some of us do, but the people that set this whole thing up? It's absolutely corrupt and meant to give the power right back to the MLB and player's unions and not the people who would like to genuinely see things fixed. It's such a scam. The farcial investigation is a just as much of a scam as the steroid issue itself.

Clemens knew because every player was contacted for an interview if their name came up. Clemens knew what had been said a long time ago.
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