Mcdonalds Hamburger looks the same as it did 12 years ago

Originally Posted by jDOTgDOT

No nutritional value? Then why are people getting so fat off of eating this stuff. There are probably a lot of chemicals and preservatives in the burger but it's not like its made out of bits and pieces of cardboard. And for the most part your body digests this stuff. There's never any scientific data to this stuff. Why don't they have a chemist do an analysis on one of these burgers? Now I'm not for people living off McD's but making strong claims like that with no scientific evidence or reasoning just doesn't do it for me.
I think they probably mean no positive nutritional value. Obviously it has calories, carbs, protein, unsaturated fats, etc... which are allconsidered "nutritious". It just has an unhealthy ratio of them. Plus when I was bulking dirty on a steady diet of McDs and Popeye's (alongwith vegetables, chicken breasts, brown rice of course) I put on about 15 pounds of muscle in about 3 months, about 1.5" around my arms, 3" around mychest.
I also put on 15 pounds of fat and 3" on my waistline butstill...

Also: For the poster who suggested we do this ourselves... anyone interested? I highly doubt that is a twelve year old burger, preservatives or not. I'lltake it back if I'm wrong of course but I just don't see McDs spending money putting insane preservatives in the bread when regular buns would workjust fine. I mean, c'mon. White bread goes bad after a week if left out in the open.
...personally I stopped eating McDonalds and any other fast food about 3 years ago

...once in like (2) blues I will maybe get chicken strips or chicken nuggets and fries for me and my son, if i am in a hurry (and we have to be for that matter, my son will eat in his little car seat, and sometimes days goes by or even weeks, and i will find a french fry or two hidden in theseat....LOOKS THE SAME AS THE DAY IT WAS PURCHASED....that's why i don't eff with fast food, its not REAL food (if i make a burger and FFs it willspoil in a matter of hrs or days if i leave it out) eat it like a couple times a year, it probably won't do much to you...but looking back at all the times i ate it on a consistent basis, i'mscared to think what that stuff does to you in the long run...
Does anybody remember 1 of the McDonalds characters name Hamburglar??? lol

What was Grimace??
whats so disgusting about that? it looks the same. My body has finally gotten tired of mcd's and i'm glad.
LOL at OP Billions served cause it tastes good son
Get that health speech outta here!!
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