llllllllll G.o.D. Jewels - "GREATNESS OPENS DOORS" ANTICIPATION THREAD llllllllll

Over time that built jealousy and resentment towards Jewels on his part. Because he wanted her, But was in a friendzone.
to this day i still dont know whats wrong with ___'s out here. Its too many broads out there.

if shortie Capped all it for real, Qualmes really cant say nothing. Apologize to him in front of everyone and move on. Thats prolly the worst thing a ___ can say about another man. Over a GIRL?!

IMO that @$%% wasnt even worth a reply tho. if a @*%+$ mad u bout tosmash the chick he likes, he hates and YOU still end up smashington...why even go there.
i thought the same thing at first but then i realized you talkin bout Jewels is playing for the other team
. I'm surprised Jewels aint really gun him in a diss and disrespected him more. he shoulda...
Originally Posted by bittersweet

Why would the girl from Chi lie though?
There was no girl from the Chi. It was completely fabricated. Fallacies upon fallacies.
Originally Posted by TheGrimm

So one day, He tells her he has something to tell her that will "mess her mind up". He goes on to say that this girl from Chicago he knows on Twitter who lives around Jewels told him that she saw Jewels in a bar drunk, Kissing on dudes.

Originally Posted by FinesseSosa

Over time that built jealousy and resentment towards Jewels on his part. Because he wanted her, But was in a friendzone.
to this day i still dont know whats wrong with ___'s out here. Its too many broads out there.

if shortie Capped all it for real, Qualmes really cant say nothing. Apologize to him in front of everyone and move on. Thats prolly the worst thing a ___ can say about another man. Over a GIRL?!

IMO that @$%% wasnt even worth a reply tho. if a @*%+$ mad u bout tosmash the chick he likes, he hates and YOU still end up smashington...why even go there.
i thought the same thing at first but then i realized you talkin bout Jewels is playing for the other team
. I'm surprised Jewels aint really gun him in a diss and disrespected him more. he shoulda...

The fact you thought about it shows that you have a more mature mindset: Reality is though, it's a waste of time for either of them to even make this a situation. Men lie, women lie, like the big homie told me, quit wasting talent. Instead of making music toward another individual, put that energy in to positive progression of your career. At the end of the day, the dude getting dissed wins because they inevitably get the most attention.
I cant Listen to Qualmes anymore, if this is true. My Sonic Preference is heavily based on character.

And My Sax
So I'm catching up on all this bull $%@+ and I hear the kid Qualmes was talking about exposing people soon. I'm guessing he was talking about Jewelz. So if buddy had some $%@+ up his sleeve and Jewelz hit him with the preemptive strike, why the hell would he want to hit him up or talk about it now? Aint $%@+ to talk about.
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