llllllllll G.o.D. Jewels - "GREATNESS OPENS DOORS" ANTICIPATION THREAD llllllllll

Everything i see through this Lens Biased, Ball to the Death
My favorite line....

"And that is like cocaine for eons, my Air Max look neon, got ice cubes like O'Shea, I'm Prime Time like Deion, you pee on's get peed on like R. Kelly's theme song."

If two rappers have a battle, and no one gives a $*$$ does it happen?

I'm not a huge fan of either of these two guys but I just don't see how Jewels really acting like he got some sort of buzz or something.  Dudes in the same place Qualmes in his career.  This whole $+@% is lame.
AMP this isn't beef and this %%%+ has nothing to do with a buzz... this is about allowing someone to assassinate your character... Allowing someone to assassinate your character is cool with you?
Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

AMP this isn't beef and this %%%+ has nothing to do with a buzz... this is about allowing someone to assassinate your character... Allowing someone to assassinate your character is cool with you?
but check the last 2 pages... know one konws whats going on anyway
Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

AMP this isn't beef and this %%%+ has nothing to do with a buzz... this is about allowing someone to assassinate your character... Allowing someone to assassinate your character is cool with you?
Maybe I'm just out of it cause I don't really follow this NT Rap @%$! but what did Qualmes do could be considered assassination of character???
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

AMP this isn't beef and this %%%+ has nothing to do with a buzz... this is about allowing someone to assassinate your character... Allowing someone to assassinate your character is cool with you?
Maybe I'm just out of it cause I don't really follow this NT Rap @%$! but what did Qualmes do could be considered assassination of character???
That's all I really wanna know at this point, I'm lost.

Song is tough though.

And this.
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

AMP this isn't beef and this %%%+ has nothing to do with a buzz... this is about allowing someone to assassinate your character... Allowing someone to assassinate your character is cool with you?
Maybe I'm just out of it cause I don't really follow this NT Rap @%$! but what did Qualmes do could be considered assassination of character???
Jewels might have been offended by one of Qualmes jokes
Originally Posted by true 3 blue

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

AMP this isn't beef and this %%%+ has nothing to do with a buzz... this is about allowing someone to assassinate your character... Allowing someone to assassinate your character is cool with you?
Maybe I'm just out of it cause I don't really follow this NT Rap @%$! but what did Qualmes do could be considered assassination of character???
That's all I really wanna know at this point, I'm lost.
Originally Posted by true 3 blue

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

AMP this isn't beef and this %%%+ has nothing to do with a buzz... this is about allowing someone to assassinate your character... Allowing someone to assassinate your character is cool with you?
Maybe I'm just out of it cause I don't really follow this NT Rap @%$! but what did Qualmes do could be considered assassination of character???
That's all I really wanna know at this point, I'm lost.

Song is tough though.
And this.

It'll be posted soon enough.
look at the man tweets..it aint that hard to figure out (unless u aint on twitter)
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