llllllllll G.o.D. Jewels - "GREATNESS OPENS DOORS" ANTICIPATION THREAD llllllllll

When Jewels emailed me the story i was like
.......................then i heard the song and i was Like ULTRA   
Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

AMP this isn't beef and this %%%+ has nothing to do with a buzz... this is about allowing someone to assassinate your character... Allowing someone to assassinate your character is cool with you?
There's no such thing as a character on the internet, at the end of the day, this isn't reality, I mean if you're a sensitive individual it might be, but in reality, no one in your neighborhood or city for that nature who's going to actually PURCHASE your music really cares about what's going on or between these two guys.

If there was a such thing as character assassination, I'd be 12 feet deep. A dude can drop a mixtape about me, chances are no one on my radar will hear it. Just have to sit down and make the decision, what's more important, making great music or making mediocre tracks to protect my character?
Basically there's a female on Twitter who is crushing hard on Jewels. This female is friends with Qualmes..good friends at that. She would bring up Jewels to Qualmes, talking about how she had a crush on Jewels, How Jewels was this, Jewels was that etc.
Over time that built jealousy and resentment towards Jewels on his part. Because he wanted her, But was in a friendzone.

So one day, He tells her he has something to tell her that will "mess her mind up". He goes on to say that this girl from Chicago he knows on Twitter who lives around Jewels told him that she saw Jewels in a bar drunk, Kissing on dudes.

The girl didnt believe it, and actually defended Jewels. This was months ago, And he's STILL going with it...STILL making comments. I guess to try and diminish dude's worth in her eyes, or to make her not like dude anymore. 

It backfired. I was told she still likes him and she caps all the stuff Qualmes says and sends it to Jewels. Son felt disrespected and decided to speak on it cuz spreading false gay rumors about another man is one of the worst things you can do...that joint has potential to stick with you forever. Over a female at that.

@H Town Hustler: You wrong. There aint nothing wrong with great tracks that'll protect his character. Also why you assume this @!@% was just over the internet?

Just read the tweets
Originally Posted by TheGrimm

Basically there's a female on Twitter who is crushing hard on Jewels. This female is friends with Qualmes..good friends at that. She would bring up Jewels to Qualmes, talking about how she had a crush on Jewels, How Jewels was this, Jewels was that etc.
Over time that built jealousy and resentment towards Jewels on his part. Because he wanted her, But was in a friendzone.

So one day, He tells her he has something to tell her that will "mess her mind up". He goes on to say that this girl from Chicago he knows on Twitter who lives around Jewels told him that she saw Jewels in a bar drunk, Kissing on dudes.

The girl didnt believe it, and actually defended Jewels. This was months ago, And he's STILL going with it...STILL making comments. I guess to try and diminish dude's worth in her eyes, or to make her not like dude anymore. 

It backfired. I was told she still likes him and she caps all the stuff Qualmes says and sends it to Jewels. Son felt disrespected and decided to speak on it cuz spreading false gay rumors about another man is one of the worst things you can do...that joint has potential to stick with you forever. Over a female at that.


Originally Posted by TheGrimm

Basically there's a female on Twitter who is crushing hard on Jewels. This female is friends with Qualmes..good friends at that. She would bring up Jewels to Qualmes, talking about how she had a crush on Jewels, How Jewels was this, Jewels was that etc.
Over time that built jealousy and resentment towards Jewels on his part. Because he wanted her, But was in a friendzone.

So one day, He tells her he has something to tell her that will "mess her mind up". He goes on to say that this girl from Chicago he knows on Twitter who lives around Jewels told him that she saw Jewels in a bar drunk, Kissing on dudes.

The girl didnt believe it, and actually defended Jewels. This was months ago, And he's STILL going with it...STILL making comments. I guess to try and diminish dude's worth in her eyes, or to make her not like dude anymore. 

It backfired. I was told she still likes him and she caps all the stuff Qualmes says and sends it to Jewels. Son felt disrespected and decided to speak on it cuz spreading false gay rumors about another man is one of the worst things you can do...that joint has potential to stick with you forever. Over a female at that.




This dude prolly hates my guts but some words of advice....

"Cancel that $%@$+..."
Originally Posted by TheGrimm

Basically there's a female on Twitter who is crushing hard on Jewels. This female is friends with Qualmes..good friends at that. She would bring up Jewels to Qualmes, talking about how she had a crush on Jewels, How Jewels was this, Jewels was that etc.
Over time that built jealousy and resentment towards Jewels on his part. Because he wanted her, But was in a friendzone.

So one day, He tells her he has something to tell her that will "mess her mind up". He goes on to say that this girl from Chicago he knows on Twitter who lives around Jewels told him that she saw Jewels in a bar drunk, Kissing on dudes.

The girl didnt believe it, and actually defended Jewels. This was months ago, And he's STILL going with it...STILL making comments. I guess to try and diminish dude's worth in her eyes, or to make her not like dude anymore. 

It backfired. I was told she still likes him and she caps all the stuff Qualmes says and sends it to Jewels. Son felt disrespected and decided to speak on it cuz spreading false gay rumors about another man is one of the worst things you can do...that joint has potential to stick with you forever. Over a female at that.

Post the screen caps then if that's the case, if not. Quack Booty.
Now that I know who it is and what wild accusations were being made:
Originally Posted by Master Zik

"Damn son dude's is hustling gaming @+%+*%! backwards, got the game twisted playa hating. I never liked that scumbag anyway."
damn, that's cold. the extent that cats will stoop to for some trim is ridiculous. if the back story is true, qualmes assassinated his own character with that one.
exactly dirty mackin..and all jewels want is an apology..no more disses no nothing no gimmicks or buzz..u just dont come at a mans pride,reputation and sexuality like that and expect nothing..and not just one time but mulitple times over many months..come on..u a pusssy if u let that ride..internet or not
IMO that +!%@ wasnt even worth a reply tho. if a %%%%% mad u bout to smash the chick he likes, he hates and YOU still end up smashington... why even go there.

the %%%%% know he lame and so do the broad

a corny %%%%% is gonna step try and on your name to try and bring them up wit $!+!, dirty mackin been part of the game since forever, aint even worth reply, argument, debate or fightin

aint nothin stupider than Fightin over females or over what she said he said about u...
but gunna what if that shtit became forreal and a rumor really goes out that jewels on some other +$#$..that could mess that man career up forever..u gotta nip that issh in the bud asap..and as a rapper..why not give him a jab..remember it was only 2 bars..not a whole diss song
Im sayin, %$@$%$ been spreadin rumors bout Red, Meth, Busta, Erick Sermon bein gay for as long as I been listenin to hip hop, u know how u give that rumor like that legs, by respondin to 'em...

Keep baggin broads and them broads will let %$@$%$ know u aint no kinda gay

I hear you tho
Originally Posted by Im Not You

Damn. Tried to say my man was playing for the other team tho...come on.

..you funny as $#*$ moe..
But yeah, if the story is true, that's one thing you NEVER do as a man.
I had this bamma who was on the same sh_ at my last job, mad cuz a few broads was feeling me>him at work and he wanted to get at them..
Wholetime, he smiling in my face, not knowing I'm not interested in neither of the females..

song is

I'm a fan of Qualmes and honestly can't believe he would do something like this.
Hopefully I'm right, explanation maybe?
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