Leaked audio of Donald Sterling telling his girlfriend "Don't bring black people to my games"

Bruh, THANK YOU. Can we possibly make a separate thread about this?

Me and my older brother has been talking about this since the audio was released. Dude was saying some deeper next level stuff that got overshadowed by the racist comments.

"There are white Jews and black Jews, do you understand?"

"They are my enemy."

"This is the way it's always been."

I bet that there is more to that audio that was cut out, they can't afford to let the population hear what he was saying. Old dude was telling that jump off some ish.

Alonzo gif
My co worker said he will fight back because they are taking away his right to the first amendment.

Magic should take over.
Dodgers and the clippers.
In contrast to him lauding Silver for his actions today,

she basically stated that there is nothing to be applauded today; as what he did was his job and that alone.

She continues to point out that the NBA stood by with the knowledge of Sterling's character all these years,

today's actions are nothing but hypocritical.

Stephen A. Smith retorted with pointing out the hypocrisy of the local chapter of the NAACP.

Julius F. Wrek

I've said similar things, but people won't agree with here, so whatever. Why all of a sudden, DOC playing the victim card? Why CP3 play and sign contracts w/ someone sketchy like Sterling?

Stephen A. Smith is correct in his POV too, just many won't see it that way. It's easier for them to just peg the situation further.

And yes, SILVER HAD TO BAN STERLING. It was A NO BRAINER. It was a very obvious punishment as HE KNEW anything less of that would not sit easy with anyone. It has ALSO BEEN CONFIRMED that the AUDIO was STERLING.

Pretty much done w/ this, just don't let me see MAGIC BUYING or HAVING a STAKE in the CLIPPERS.
In contrast to him lauding Silver for his actions today,

she basically stated that there is nothing to be applauded today; as what he did was his job and that alone.

She continues to point out that the NBA stood by with the knowledge of Sterling's character all these years,

today's actions are nothing but hypocritical.

Stephen A. Smith retorted with pointing out the hypocrisy of the local chapter of the NAACP.

Julius F. Wrek

I've said similar things, but people won't agree with here, so whatever. Why all of a sudden, DOC playing the victim card? Why CP3 play and sign contracts w/ someone sketchy like Sterling?

Stephen A. Smith is correct in his POV too, just many won't see it that way. It's easier for them to just peg the situation further.

And yes, SILVER HAD TO BAN STERLING. It was A NO BRAINER. It was a very obvious punishment as HE KNEW anything less of that would not sit easy with anyone. It has ALSO BEEN CONFIRMED that the AUDIO was STERLING.

Pretty much done w/ this, just don't let me see MAGIC BUYING or HAVING a STAKE in the CLIPPERS.
A lot of this was answered in Silver's PC though. They didn't punish him back and he remained an owner because Sterling wasn't' proven guilty in any of the cases against him (Baylor case or the case with the Justice Department. He settled with the Justice department and he won the case against Baylor. Silver didn't have to ban him for life + max fine him, but he did.  They could've let him remain an owner and just gave him a slap on the wrist. Zero tolerance in dealing with something like this is something to applaud.
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Bruh they can't shoot him and kill him
I wish they could. Sometimes eradication is the only option to rid the world from evil
My co worker said he will fight back because they are taking away his right to the first amendment.


He exercised his right to free speech. Nobody infringed upon his government-granted right to that. But if you are a part of a private organization, you agree to abide by the laws and codes of conduct of that organization and agree to the ADDITIONAL governance of that organization.

As a NBA team owner, you are not to do things that are detrimental to the profitability and marketability of the league.
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Dudes in here typing about starting a movement and how this could've changed America like theyre Malcolm X or MLK. Well then get off your *** and march down L.A Live then...

First there was internet gangstas.

Now we got internet Malcolm X's 
My co worker said he will fight back because they are taking away his right to the first amendment.

Magic should take over.
Dodgers and the clippers
His first amendment was indeed taken away. I'm not condoning what Sterling did but he was and should be able to say whatever the hell he wants. Just sucks that he was caught on tape. Banned for life? lol you kidding me? he's already 80yrs old. If the roles were reveresed, this wouldn't be news worthy 
A lot of this was answered in Silver's PC though. They didn't punish him back and he remained an owner because Sterling wasn't' proven guilty in any of the cases against him (Baylor case or the case with the Justice Department. He settled with the Justice department and he won the case against Baylor. Silver didn't have to ban him for life + max fine him, but he did.  They could've let him remain an owner and just gave him a slap on the wrist. Zero tolerance in dealing with something like this is something to applaud.

No, Silver HAD TO. Anything less would not have sit well. What SILVER DID made most sense. But guys here are talking about putting Sterling to sleep for good.
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Bruh... I just read on twitter "Donald Sterling will be back before Derrick Rose..."  

That shouldn't be funny, but damb..

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My co worker said he will fight back because they are taking away his right to the first amendment.

Magic should take over.

Dodgers and the clippers

His first amendment was indeed taken away. I'm not condoning what Sterling did but he was and should be able to say whatever the hell he wants. Just sucks that he was caught on tape. Banned for life? lol you kidding me? he's already 80yrs old. If the roles were reveresed, this wouldn't be news worthy 

how was his first amendment taken away? The government didn't do anything to him?
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A lot of this was answered in Silver's PC though. They didn't punish him back and he remained an owner because Sterling wasn't' proven guilty in any of the cases against him (Baylor case or the case with the Justice Department. He settled with the Justice department and he won the case against Baylor. Silver didn't have to ban him for life + max fine him, but he did.  They could've let him remain an owner and just gave him a slap on the wrist. Zero tolerance in dealing with something like this is something to applaud.

No, Silver HAD TO. Anything less would not have sit well.
Obviously, but that's beside the point I made to the previous poster. Theoretically he DIDN'T HAVE TO, but obviously anything less would've been really bad look on the NBA.
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I'm not slandering, I was just restating what I read on twitter.  I'll always support DRose.
Does sterling own the clippers still or they tring to make him give up the team ? 2.5 mill to a weathly man is like giving up 100 bucks
Does sterling own the clippers still or they tring to make him give up the team ? 2.5 mill to a weathly man is like giving up 100 bucks
Currently still owns team, but a vote will happen to remove him of ownership and they need 75% of owners okaying this move. This vote is expected to pass with 100%. They fined him 2.5mil because that is the maximum fine they can levy against him per NBA bylaws. They pretty much did everything they could do to remove him from the NBA and gave the maximum penalty possible.
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