Leaked audio of Donald Sterling telling his girlfriend "Don't bring black people to my games"

Foxcon had suicide nets at their iphone factory, people died so you can send text messages, and vines. I don't remember anyone saying we need to "take a stand" and get rid of these iphones.

The hypocrisy in this thread is tremendous.

Because you weren't paying attention. And Apple is one of the best companies to work for, foxconn not so much that's why they faced scrutiny and were forced to make changes. Also lets ignore the fact that foxconn is halfway across the world, and also in a ton of other devices, probably something you're using now. You're entirely wrong. And I despise people with your viewpoint. At the end of the day, what's your point and purpose? Ask yourself that.
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I want answers from David Stern. Stern hooked up his fellow Zionist Jew w/ cp3 after he vetoed the trade b/t the hornets and Lakers. Chris was basically forced to the Clippers to benefit Stern's Zionist Jewish buddy
I guess he also forced Paul to sign that extension
Has there been anything from Jason Whitlock yet? Really want hear what he has to say about this one...
You're pathetic. Stick to drinking bagged milk and slurping Canadian basketball players. Canadians are so out of touch but it's not your fault cause I'm sure y'all don't deal with the bs that's dealt with here in America. Y'all fled to that cold *** country to avoid it
I want answers from David Stern. Stern hooked up his fellow Zionist Jew w/ cp3 after he vetoed the trade b/t the hornets and Lakers. Chris was basically forced to the Clippers to benefit Stern's Zionist Jewish buddy
The irony of you posting about how terrible Sterling is, yet you come into this thread and generalize all Canadians and all Jews.

Anyways, I think the rest of the owners need to get on board with this and make it so difficult for Sterling that he has no choice but to sell the team.

I firmly believe he will sell, and somebody is going to be getting a nice little discount on the sale.
The irony of you posting about how terrible Sterling is, yet you come into this thread and generalize all Canadians and all Jews.

Anyways, I think the rest of the owners need to get on board with this and make it so difficult for Sterling that he has no choice but to sell the team.

I firmly believe he will sell, and somebody is going to be getting a nice little discount on the sale.

Zionist Jews does mean "all Jews"
Zionist Jews does mean "all Jews"
No it does not.  Secular Judaism and Zionist Judaism are two different forms of Judaism.  If you want all the similarities and difference, I'd be happy to PM them to you.  There are also Hasidic Jews who strongly oppose Zionism as well.
I support taking a stand against Donald Sterling but sitting out games or intentionally losing a game is not the answer. First you play for yourself and your teammates and second you play for your fans. You have to remember off the court endorsements are feuled by how much fan support you have.
I dont feel Sterling should feel obligated to sell to Magic.
Wonder if anyone will want to sign with the Clipps if he doesnt sell though.
How many people will quit their job today or tomorrow because their boss said something inappropriate. You have to look at the whole picture from a players perspective. I Guarantee you over half of the people in here boss has said something inappropriate towards your race, religion, gender or political views.

How many people will quit their job today or tomorrow because their boss said something inappropriate. You have to look at the whole picture from a players perspective. I Guarantee you over half of the people in here boss has said something inappropriate towards your race, religion, gender or political views.

Nah bruh.

If my boss says anything inappropriate about my race to or around me,

a) They'll probably get fired anyway. But this guy is the OWNER so nobody can fire him.

b) I WOULD quit. AND I would sue and win.

And if a recording of my boss came out with him saying the things Sterling said, then I would bring it to HR and tell them that I am no longer comfortable in the workplace with him working here. Maybe I should move to a diff department or office, or maybe he should move or be fired. I would also let my boss know that I heard the recordings and am dissapointed in him, and ANYTHING he says in response trying to defend himself I can use as fuel for any moves I wanna make.

As a man, you have to be prepared to throw everything away to protect your dignity. Cause if you don't then you might as well just start sucking **** taking shots to the face because you gotta feed your family.
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I dont feel Sterling should feel obligated to sell to Magic.
Wonder if anyone will want to sign with the Clipps if he doesnt sell though.


Dude has been a scumbag his whole life. You think this incident is going to give him a change of heart where he sells the team to Magic? Nah.

With revenue sharing, dude probably doesn't give a **** who is on the court for the Clippers. He's making $ regardless of what happens with the team after this season. As an NBA owner for 35 years, he bought the team for peanuts...wanna take a guess as to what the team is worth now?

He's going to get a heavy fine and that's about it. At this point, the best bet is to hope that he dies soon. Even with pressure from other owners, players, fans, etc...you can't just force the man to sell.

Also, there's this:

Under California penal law, it is a crime to intentionally record a confidential conversation without the consent of the person or persons being recorded. This type of eavesdropping also empowers victims of the unlawful recording to sue for money damages. TMZ's own exposure to liability is far less than the person or persons who made the recording. TMZ is a media company with broad First Amendment rights, especially on matters that are newsworthy. Still, media companies can be sued for publication of private facts, and Sterling, an attorney by trade, could consider legal action.

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This isn't just about the Clippers anymore, it's about the NBA as a whole. IMO, Warriors should have joined in on the Clippers silent protest wearing black wristbands to show solidarity across the league.
Nah bruh.

If my boss says anything inappropriate about my race to or around me,

a) They'll probably get fired anyway. But this guy is the OWNER so nobody can fire him.

b) I WOULD quit. AND I would sue and win.

As a man, you have to be prepared to throw everything away to protect your dignity. Cause if you don't then you might as well just start sucking **** taking shots to the face because you gotta feed your family.
I would too but this is a little different like you said because he is an owner not just a boss.
This isn't just about the Clippers anymore, it's about the NBA as a whole. IMO, Warriors should have joined in on the Clippers silent protest wearing black wristbands to show solidarity across the league.
Guys aroun the league did show support wearing black socks and some wore black wristbands. If something major does not happen on Tuesday you will see a league wide stand on the biggest days Saturday and Sunday of this week.

Dude has been a scumbag his whole life. You think this incident is going to give him a change of heart where he sells the team to Magic? Nah.

With revenue sharing, dude probably doesn't give a **** who is on the court for the Clippers. He's making $ regardless of what happens with the team after this season. As an NBA owner for 35 years, he bought the team for peanuts...wanna take a guess as to what the team is worth now?

He's going to get a heavy fine and that's about it. At this point, the best bet is to hope that he dies soon. Even with pressure from other owners, players, fans, etc...you can't just force the man to sell.

Also, there's this:

Can the Clippers file a class-action lawsuit against there owner? They need to hit him where it hurts...a million dollar fine won't hurt him a 200 million dollar fine will.

Sterling has always been a racist business owner, this is the first time that it has come across the NBA and spread like wild fire(due to social media). Before most people never heard of the other racist actions. Thankfully, everyone will recognize him and shame him in public in LA and the USA.
If people says he has been like this his whole life why did the NBA let him in a very tight andelite group such as NBA ownership anyway.
Guys aroun the league did show support wearing black socks and some wore black wristbands. If something major does not happen on Tuesday you will see a league wide stand on the biggest days Saturday and Sunday of this week.

Thanks for the information...but you're right if nothing happens by Tuesday the whole league including players, coaches and owners need to get invovled. I hope Clippers fans show up Tuesday to support the team and take a stand against Sterling...chants etc.

I wish CP3 and co. would organize a Staples Center black out for fans to all wear black!
If people says he has been like this his whole life why did the NBA let him in a very tight andelite group such as NBA ownership anyway.
and the NAACP was about to give this ******* an award as well 
I and listening to Mike and Mike and they just brought up another important issue that people forgot about is that Elgin Baylor a past GM for the Clippers sued Sterling for racial discrimination.
If people says he has been like this his whole life why did the NBA let him in a very tight andelite group such as NBA ownership anyway.

He's the longest tenured owner I believe, no one wanted to take on the Clippers (they were the laughing stock of all of sports). The thing is the Clippers are a great investment right now, he could get top dollar for them but an egotistical person like Sterling won't see this and will not sell. Funny thing is he could just hand over the team and still be worth 1.5 billion. It's his ego that is getting in the way.
No it does not.  Secular Judaism and Zionist Judaism are two different forms of Judaism.  If you want all the similarities and difference, I'd be happy to PM them to you.  There are also Hasidic Jews who strongly oppose Zionism as well.

I forgot to add the word "not".

And if you knew all that then why did you call dude out for "generalizing Jews" when he didn't do that?
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